This is a compilation of suggestions for special Welch/WV-related gifts. This list is certainly not all inclusive; if you have suggestions for other gift ideas or find any out-of-date links on this page, be sure to email me at
Rememberin' My Raisin' -- A Coal Camp Chronicle written by Trula Vandell Gray, WHS Class of 1969 -- to order contact Trula at
Doctor! Please, I'm Alive -- Written By Jan Miller Edwards, GHS Class of 1958
Gary Hollow -- Written by Alex Schust, GHS Class of 1963
Coalwood -- History of Coalwood, Caretta and Six -- Written by BCHS graduate David Goad (husband of Rhonda Lane Goad, WHS class of '69) and Alex Schust
Video of 1941 Welch Municipal Parking Building Dedication Ceremony
The Golden Horseshoe I & II -- two fictional novels based on West Virginia historical facts by Frances Belhassen Gunter (WHS '61)
McDowell County Project CD -- CD by Alan "Cathead" Johnston (WHS '70), Family and Friends featuring "Rocket Boy" and "Muddy Water." Samples of some of the recordings can be heard at the CD web site.
A Pictorial History of McDowell County -- 1858-1958 -- From Rural Farms to Coal Empire by Jean Battlo, WHS '57
Greed and Other Stories, Tennessee Post Office Murals, & Smoke Rings authored by Howard Hull, WHS Class of 1950
Tales to be Told From the Front Porch Swing written by former WHS student, Phylenia Snow, provides a nostalgic journey to a time when life was so much simpler.
Cookin' In A Coal Camp - WHS graduate and winner of Tamarack's 2002 Author of the Year Award, Glenna (Christian) Pack's collection of family recipes includes high-quality reproductions of early photographs of Welch and other coal mining communities in the area.
by Jeannette Walls, WHS '78:
DISH: How Gossip Became the News and the News Became Just Another Show
The Glass Castle: A Memoir
Included in New York Times Book Review selection of the 10 Best Books of 2009 (You GO GIRL!)
Half Broke Horses
Ranked # 23 - NYT Book Review Best Seller List of 01/08/2010Welcome To Coalwood DVD -- "A story of yesterday, today and tomorrow told by the people who lived there." created by Steve Date of Minnesota with music by Alan Johnston, WHS '73.
The Hallelujah Project CD -- Includes 13 songs written by Alan Johnston, WHS Class of '70, and one written by Stacy Grubb. All instrumentals by Alan Johnston.
(Cover designed by
Jean Battlo)The Mahotep Synod A murder mystery by Jean Battlo, WHS '57. When Jean was in elementary school in Kimball, WV, the janitor was murdered and that first experience with violence remained, and forms the only factual event in this, Jean's latest novel. "It is another example of Jean's masterful storytelling ability. She weaves intricacies throughout the murder mystery to leave you wanting more," says Michelle Mullenax, Vice President of Publishing, McClain Printing Company. Another reader writes, "(the) book is sensational; absolutely superb... Better than any painting could, it details a compelling slice of West Virginia life and culture."
Click HERE to order
Click the book
for ordering
information.Squire's Legacy The life and struggles of Clifford Earl White, The Justice of the Peace, Clear Fork District, Raleigh County, WV. 1948-1966, co-authored by Eleanor T. White, 1956 graduate of Welch High School, with her husband, James E. White.
The Whites own and operate the Nostalgia Inn Bed & Breakfast at Pipestem, WV. (304) 466-0470 or (888) 888-6905
by Homer Hickam, can be ordered from Barnes & Noble or Some of the "Other Voices" stories used for this book were written by former WHS students.
Books autographed by the author, Homer Hickam, & Rocket Boys gift items --T-shirts, caps, etc. can be ordered HERE
These WV-related books are also available at
Jean Battlo, WHS '57:
Appalachian Gothic TalesMcDowell County in West Virginia and American History The Little Theater's Production of 'Hamlet'
Jerry Hatmaker:
Coalwood Misfits
The Kindred Gathering
Shoddy and Ox
William A. Gergely:
A Golf Story--Angels on the Fairway First Nine
Days of Worship: Links to the Past
Denise Giardina:
Saints & VillainsJim Clark:
West Virginia: The Allegheny HighlandsDavid Lee Thompson
River of Memories:
An Appalachian Boyhood
Brad Kessler:
Lick CreekJohn Billheimer:
The Contrary BluesRoger Osborne:
Voices From AppalachiaDale Bailey:
The Fallen![]()
Most of the above items can also be found at Barnes &
Coal Miner's Kid -- A story of growing up in Berwind, WV by John A. Burnett, Jr. Review excerpt: "In his book John has recorded his experiences as a African American youth in the community he loved. As I read John's book I soon realized this was not only the story of John Burnett's youth but the story of every kid from that era who grew up in a Appalachian coal community. "Coal Miner's Kid" is pure of heart and beautiful in its simplicity. It belongs on the bookshelf of every school library.....right next to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. When it comes to race relations and understanding one another John's book has no peer. A warm and welcome addition...IT'S PURE AMERICAN!"
When I Get Big I'm Leavin' -- Big Creek High School 1935 graduate, Joseph T. Diviak's story of the life of an immigrant coalminer's son. Order by sending $21.95 to the author at 325 Righter St., Philadelphia, PA 19128.
A Courageous Woman: Memoirs of a Tenacious Person -- The memoirs of Ruthie E. Horton Diviak, who grew up in rural Appalachia. Order by sending $21.95 to the author at 325 Righter St., Philadelphia, PA 19128.
Muttering With My Mutt -- Dennis D. Pruett, MD, writes about himself and his dog as they come together and grow up in McDowell County. Dr. Pruett spent the first thirteen years of his life in McDowell County. He attended War Junior High School. The book can be purchased from: Ancient of Days, P.O. Box 30562, Winston-Salem, NC 27130, 336-998-1016 or email: Cost is $12.95 (NC residents add $.78 sales tax) plus $4.20 shipping and handling per copy.
Land of Yesterday and Pilgrimage to An Appalachian Mining Company -- two additional books about Appalachia by Roger Osborne which can be purchased as a set for $13 (plus 6% sales tax for Ohio residents) by contacting Roger at P.O. Box 742, Fairborn, OH 45324.
The Reunion -- A civil war novel of the 12th West Virginia Infantry by West Virginia resident, Tim Nichols.
Mountain State Press -- Literary works of all genres written by West Virginians or about the state including "Mel Street: A Country Legend Gone But Not Forgotten" written by Dennis Schuler, Sr. and Larry J. Delp. Released in October 2002, this biography chronicles the life of the country artist who killed himself in 1978. Mel Street attended school in Welch and got his start at age 16 singing on Cecil Surratt's WELC & WBRW radio shows in the 1950s.
An online book store featuring just about any type of book ever published about West Virginia.
West Virginia Books Online -- Another source for books about West Virginia or by West Virginians.
McDowell County Heritage History Book -- Information about mining towns, famous people who have visited the area and much more. The books are being sold by the McDowell County Historical Society and can be obtained by contacting Geneva Steele at or by mail at H.C. 61, Box 37-B, Paynesville, WV 24873.
WHS Annuals on CD -- The entire Black Diamond set (1922-1932) plus ALL published On the Hill yearbooks are available.
Click Here to Order WHS Shirts, Mugs, & Mouse Pads -- Available to order online: regular and long-sleeved T-shirts, sweatshirts, and Baby Ts printed with the WHS seal, mugs with the maroon wave logo, a mouse pad featuring a picture of WHS, and more. Recently added: a lovely wooden box with our WHS Alma Mater printed in maroon on the tiled top.
More Welch High School T-shirts -- white T-shirts with "On the Hill, Welch High School, Welch, W. Va." and the school seal in the center. (Same as above; different vendor.)
For group orders of T-shirts, hats, jackets, etc., contact Kendra Screen Print. They will customize your logo and can provide items in a variety of colors with various colors of print. Click their logo to send email or contact them by phone at 440-967-8820. They are located at 3817 S. Liberty Avenue, Vermilion, OH 44089. (Kendra provided the T-shirts sold at the Sensational Sixties Reunion.)
Welch High School Reunion Photographs -- ordering information for many of the group photographs taken at recent WHS class reunions.
Framed Drawing of Welch High School -- specialized drawings of Welch High School and other buildings in the southern WV and southwestern VA areas by Robert E. Duff, Sr. Also offers note cards, refrigerator calendars, T-shirts, caps, mugs, etc.
Coal Camp Creations -- Figurines crafted from coal
Other WV Gift Sites -- A list of other gift sites located throughout West Virginia.
Magazine & Newspaper Subscriptions:
Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Welch Daily News
P.O. Box 569
Welch, WV 24801
Send a McDowell County Postcard A WV E Card Site
includes WV desktop wallpaper!