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Welch High School Alumni Web Site Map

This page is to assist you in finding information on the Internet related to Welch High School (WHS) Alumni.  Some of the web sites shown below were not created by the WHS Alumni web master but definitely enhance our walk On the Hill.
Home Page:
Welch High School Alumni Web Site
Feature articles:
Background of WHS Alumni Web Site
Newspaper article prepared by Barbara Dawson Cassell (WHS '57) announcing the opening of the WHS Alumni Web Site.

The Barrel
Copied from an article written by Nancy Dawson (WHS '61) and  published in the 11/25/59 edition of the Maroon Wave.

Movie Memories
WHS alumni (and others) share their memories of the Pocahontas, Temple, Starland Drive In, and other theaters.

Ode to Welch High School
Poem composed by Iris Harmon Bentley (WHS '60).

WHS Sweethearts
Pictures and related information of married couples who attended WHS.

Tribute To Coach Callaway
Article composed by Norm Farthing (WHS '46) in memory of Coach/Teacher Vernon Callaway.

WHS Guest Book
Here you can review the entries hundreds of former WHS students have already made. Be sure to sign in yourself.

Maroon Wave Assembly Hall
The WHS Alumni message board.  This is a free-for-all, share-your-feelings web site.  Folks use it to share news about that new grandchild, the fun they had at a recent WHS reunion, etc.

On The Hill Online Group
An online community site offering a variety of options such as posting your own pictures to the web, using a private WHS chat room, etc.

Missing Persons
Haven't been able to find one of your WHS classmates?  Use this page to let folks know who  you are looking for.  Could be, somebody will be able to help you find them.

In Memoriam
A compilation of death notices of former WHS students and faculty.

 Deceased Classmates listed by year of graduation.

 Yearbook Photos of deceased classmates.

A list of web pages providing information on upcoming WHS reunions.  Check this page to see if your class is having a reunion.  

There are pages and pages of WHS related pictures on the Internet now.  Listed here are web pages where you can view class pictures from the original annuals, recent reunion photos,  old and new pictures of On the Hill, downtown Welch then and now, a Veteran's Day parade in Welch, WHS band photos,  and many snapshots of WHS students in their younger (much younger) days.

Music Links  Links to web sites which provide continuous play  music where you can listen to actual recordings by the original artists of the music we grew up with.  You can link to these pages, get the music started, and then listen to it while you continue to browse through all the WHS pages.

WHS Yearbooks on Compact Disk
Information for ordering and viewing the WHS annuals that are now available on CD.

Gift Ideas
A compilation of places on the web where you can obtain information about purchasing  a variety of WHS, Welch, McDowell County and West Virginia-related items.  Includes a link to our own WHS online catalog featuring T-shirts, mugs and mouse pads and information about artwork and books by several former WHS students.

What's New
Reports on recent additions/changes to the WHS Alumni web site.

WHS Alumni Mailing List
You can receive an email notification of major changes to the WHS Alumni Web Site by subscribing to the WHS Alumni Newsletter.  You will be required to provide nothing more than  your email address to subscribe.  Your email address will NOT be shared with anybody else.

Other Links
Listed here are  web links related to WHS, the county and the State in which we think you'd be interested.  Included are links to  the Gary Coaldiggers, the Big Creek Owls, the Iaeger Cubs, Mount View High School, and many other web sites.  This page also provides links to other places on the web which may help you  locate former classmates.


If you have a web site related to Welch High School or one which you think former WHS students would enjoy viewing, we encourage you to allow  us to list it on the Other Links web page.

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