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Search WHS Alumni Web Site:
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if you are searching for a particular message or for a person's name, try
using the Edit function from your browser's tool bar, then select the Find
function and type in the information you are seeking.)
(No subject)
Friday, 30-Jul-1999 19:58:00
Hi, I am very happy to see this web page. I attended Welch High School 1955 - 1958. Lived In Hemphill during this time. I now live in Hickory, NC. I married Ruth Burge from Filbert and we have 5 children, 4 grandchildren. Would like to hear from others who attended during these years. This web page is a great idea for getting to take a trip back down memory lane. Good luck with it! |
Have a nice reunion
Friday, 30-Jul-1999 11:25:40
Hi folks, Have a wonderful reunion! Everyone please thank Donnie and Reggie for the fine work on the scholarship fund. May you will find this to be a great one! You may find that the old escapades have grown in size, and the walk up the hill will seem much longer. Tell Reggie a joke so he won't have humor withdrawal, get him on the net tocheck his email if you can. Would have come, but Len Murray's (Gary '60) son is getting married, and he is almost like a 4th kid to me. You get a break! Reggie tell the Dawson girls (my cousin Jerry married one sigh) and Libby I said hi sigh! Yes, I married a Copley girl, Libby , and she said "Libby is the luckiest Copley girl she has ever heard of, she got away" |
Rod and Charlene Mabe
Thursday, 29-Jul-1999 15:44:34
Hi Rod and Charlene, Please send us your e-mail address. We are at Great to hear from you! Candis and Raymond Thornton |
Going Home!
Wednesday, 28-Jul-1999 22:11:09
WV here we come!!! Carolyn Lane Fitch (sister) rolled into Bluefield late this afternoon at Mom's. Said she put her CD's in order, rolled the windows down like the old days and bebopped all the way from Kentucky to WV. I'll be a headed on down early Friday morning. Welcome signs are going up and we are rolling out the red carpet, all you have to do is get there! I'll be seeing all of you soon! |
reunion of the sixties
Wednesday, 28-Jul-1999 21:08:38
Tomorrow morning early I will leave the cool weather of the San Francisco Bay Area to return to West Virginia. I know it is hot there but I am looking forward to having a really cool weekend with old and new friends from Welch High School. |
Wednesday, 28-Jul-1999 14:52:31
WANTED: Used darkroom equipment. Email me if you have something you want to get rid of. |
October Sky
Wednesday, 28-Jul-1999 09:36:50
The video "october Sky" sold out in Huntington very early on the 27th. Great for McDowell County. |
Tuesday, 27-Jul-1999 21:46:38
Tuesday, 27-Jul-1999 18:52:46
Well guys, I am out of here and on my way home had a 10 disc CD changer installed and have my 50s, 60s, 70s, and misc music all sorted out and ready to pop into the thing! I will be gettin' on down - the road that is. See you in WVA! Every one be safe and drive like its your life! Rhea |
Forties Reunion Weekend of July 9, 10, 11, 1999
Monday, 26-Jul-1999 21:54:25
Recently, I attended the Forties Reunion and wish another reunion would be held next year. I know it is a great deal of work and I wish I could help make this happen. There were only five members of the Class of '42 in attendance but I saw so many others with whom I had a close relationship. Aren't memories great and isn't the WEB site just "out of this world?" Thanks for making it happen. When McDowell Countians are in the Charleston area, please give me a call. I am the only De Felice in the phone book. All of you, take care and God Bless! |
Online Real Time Reunions via IRC Undernet
Saturday, 24-Jul-1999 18:38:13
Today I will close out the Chat Room "WVaReunions" IRC UNDERNET I have held open since June 17, 99. However if anyone does come to the UNDERNET IRC, look me up.. My nick will be Kozubchik or Nektarios.. Mike |
Luther Marshall
Saturday, 24-Jul-1999 14:28:48
Maxine Lester
Saturday, 24-Jul-1999 14:23:30
Hi Maxine, Think of you often and wondered where you were. This site is so teriffic,huh? E-mail me please and send me your address. Love, Candy |
Homer Hickam Web Site
Monday, 19-Jul-1999 23:32:27
I just received notice of the "launching" of the official Homer Hickam Online web site. It is located at |
e-mail address William (Bill) Booth, Jr
Monday, 12-Jul-1999 15:57:37
Tried to send you a message and it was returned. Where is your sister Betty? How about your e-mail address? Elizabeth "Libby" Haynes Lovett '41 |
(No subject)
Monday, 12-Jul-1999 15:52:50
William (Bill) Booth, Jr |
Sunday, 11-Jul-1999 21:58:12
I would like to know if anybody knows where Becky Jones Lunsford (last name I had for her) is. We kept in contact for years but drifted out of touch in the last few years. |
I remeber carbide.
Sunday, 11-Jul-1999 11:37:58
Blake Shrout drop me a line. I have communicated with Barry, John Hurt and Dick Douglas. |
Yahoo Messenger
Friday, 09-Jul-1999 21:23:41
Sorry folks....In the previous posting I forgot to give an address for the yahoo messenger. Enjoy, y'all....
Friday, 09-Jul-1999 21:14:40
Hey fellow hillbillies..... I just wanted to spread to word about yahoo instant messenger. It's a free service which allows you to "talk" and it works great. Conferences can be set up with several people... I have it and it works great. All you need is a mic and speakers. If you don't have a mic and speakers you can still use it to communicate by typing. It's simple to d/l and install and register with yahoo...and even more simple to use.....I hope people take advantage of this .. I know you will enjoy it. IT BEATS PHONE CALLS WHICH COST AN ARM AND A LEG...Everyone take care and enjoy yourselves at the 60's reunion. Sorry I can't make it...... |
Carswell holler children, where are you?
Friday, 09-Jul-1999 15:21:00
Any body out there who grew up at Carswell in the 40s and 50s? Paul Workman, where are u? Bob Wilson |
Message to Jimmy Hubbard
Wednesday, 07-Jul-1999 09:20:07
I tried to answer your e-mail twice, but kept getting it back. Don't know what happened.. please try again. |
famous former resident????
Monday, 05-Jul-1999 10:04:49
The 4th of July celebration from the Washdc Mall featured Maureen McGovern. You might remember her singing "There's got to be a morning after" which was the theme from The Posidein Adventure. Thru the years, I have heard that she was perhaps from Welch, raised in Welch, had family in Welch, visited Welch, etc., etc.. What's the scoop?? |
UPDATE on upcoming 60s Reunion
Monday, 05-Jul-1999 00:42:22
Just a few updates on the activities for our Sensational Sixties Reunion: 1- Ronnie Collins, class of 64, is hosting a pool party for anybody who will be in town early on Friday. Call him at 304-436-4900 for directions to his house. 2- George Jarvis' sketches of WHS will be available for purchase on Saturday night. You can see samples or order online HERE. |
Address, telephone, or E-mail for Ed Collins
Saturday, 03-Jul-1999 20:27:30
Contact me at My mailing address is 1603 Arrowhead Trail, Neptune Beach, Florida. |
Ed Collins, address or telephone number
Friday, 02-Jul-1999 20:14:55
If you have an address or telephone number for Ed Collins, please send
it to me via E-mail or my home address.
Ray Bailey
Thursday, 01-Jul-1999 13:05:21
We have access to all kinds of sports information concerning Welch High and I guess we need for you to respond to get this website off the ground and make it one of your regular sights on the internet. There's alot of you I know who would like to relive some of your special moments in athletics at WHS. So come on now and let's get the old ball rolling and bring back the glory that was old Welch HI!!!!!!! |
Memorial Web Page -- WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Tuesday, 29-Jun-1999 22:49:02
We appreciate the many messages we are receiving to report on the deaths of former WHS students. However, please try to provide specific information when you submit these reports. We have received several incomplete reports suggesting we search county and State records for more information. It would be a tremendous help to this process if you would obtain this information yourself since you often have the additional background information required for such searches. Only with your help and input can we get the In Memoriam page up to date and keep it that way. If anybody can provide some specifics (exact date of death is a must) on the deaths of the following, please contact us at the email address provided in this message: Doris Yost - '65, Carol Mills, '65, Tommy Sorrels, Cookie Byrd, Doren Mabe, and Albert Carriger. Thank you all so much. |
Homer Hickham Book Signing
Tuesday, 29-Jun-1999 18:01:28
I stood in line for almost three hours with about 150 other people last evening for the book signing by Homer at the Barnes & Noble in Webster, Texas (south of Houston). Homer is a really nice fellow. He took lots of time to visit briefly with every person. I talked with him when my turn came and presented him with some pictures I took in Coalwood when I was there in mid April. He was very appreciative. When I mentioned that I had lived in Premier when I was at Welch High, he acknowledged that he got the location for Premier wrong in Rocket Boys. We had a good laugh about it all. Success doesn't seem to have gone to his head. w
October Sky -- now "airborne"
Sunday, 27-Jun-1999 23:08:58
My niece and nephew, ages 12 & 15, are visiting with us in Maryland. When we picked them up at the airport, they told us about the terrific movie they saw on their flight from Denver -- October Sky. I just checked the United Air web site; and apparently the friendly skies are featuring October Sky on selected flights through the month of July. |
Is there someone out there from the class of 46
Sunday, 27-Jun-1999 10:14:35
Like to find someone from the class of 1946 would like to comunicate with them |
WHS Sports Page
NEW - See it NOW!
Friday, 25-Jun-1999 18:44:03
Announcing the latest addition to our WHS Alumni Web Site -- the WHS Sports Page. Click HEREto see what all the fuss is about. This is a great web site and you Maroon Wave sports fans are gonna love it. See the photos, see the message board -- hey, leave your own message there. ENJOY! WHS Alumni Web Site Administrator |
(No subject)
Thursday, 24-Jun-1999 23:26:33
This message is from Beuna (Spinella) Parziale, Class of '58. This web site is great. I've heard from a lot of old friends lately. Would love to hear from more. |
Welch High School Teachers
Wednesday, 23-Jun-1999 18:36:27
The Welch High School Class of 1969 would like to invite all former teachers at Welch High School to be our guests at our Friday, Aug. 13 get-together at the McDowell County Public Library from 6-9 pm. Please contact Connie Ellis Williams (436-6656) or me(436-2569)to make your reservation. Our invitation is still open to anyone else who would like to attend our reunion during the weekend of Aug. 13 and 14. Sincerely, Mary Spano Clark |
For dumb blonde with email woes
Wednesday, 23-Jun-1999 08:59:04
The only thing I can think of is lack of disk space. Jim McCoy |
9/17-19/99 Reunion for WHS Class of 1954 Still On!
Tuesday, 22-Jun-1999 22:35:50
My humble apologies to the class of 1954. I inadvertently removed the link to your September reunion from the web page listing all the upcoming reunions. Thanks to Dean Sizemore, I am now aware of this oversight and have taken action to correct it. Please understand that it is very easy to make this kind of mistake when updating web pages and I would never do something like this intentionally. I hope all of the people who view the web site will always feel free to bring errors and omissions to my attention as soon as they are noted. I'll do my best to make the needed corrections as soon as I am aware of them. Donnie Skuja |
Old Friends Gary Burks, George Kell, Dennis Matthews
Tuesday, 22-Jun-1999 03:13:11
Hey, has anyone know what ever happened to Gary Burks, George Kell, Dennis Matthews, Charlote Mullins, Danny Phillips, Jean Fain, Eddie Terry and the list goes on and on? Still looking for you all on the IRC.. Michael Zuchick
Info for Renee Smith re. Veronica Zamberlin
Monday, 21-Jun-1999 17:40:01
My cousin's son just graduated from Scott High School in Madison, WV. He was telling me about one of his teachers who was from McDowell County. It seems to be Veronica Zamberlin unless there was some confusion in our communication. Let me know if you want me to check in on it more and I'll see what I can do. |
Special Dedications
Monday, 21-Jun-1999 11:17:24
If anyone has a special song that they want played at the reunion please let me know and if the DJ doesn't have it Robert said he would sing it for you--you better hope the DJ has it. Ha! |
Update on Stevie Lou Robinson
Sunday, 20-Jun-1999 23:50:56
Was thinking of Stevie Lou and wondered if anyone has an update on her recovery? I saw on the "In Memoriam" Gay Hopson and Pam Money's name posted. About fell out of my chair. Does anyone know how I can reach Sharon Hopson, Gay's sister? Any help would be most appreciated. The last I heard, she lived in the Roanoke, Va area. |
"Summer of '66"
Sunday, 20-Jun-1999 18:15:25
Dear Friends, I have just returned from Myrtle Beach with 12 of my fellow teachers from the county. While there we saw a wonderful play called "Summer of '66." The 60's music was wonderful, even the younger ones (70's and 80's graduates)got into the spirit of the music. If going that way the play is worth seeing. We are also looking forward to our '69 reunion in August. If anyone
would still like to attend,
class of 57
Saturday, 19-Jun-1999 21:32:01
Sure would like to hear from some of the class of 57 or anybody that knew me when. Just like to make some old acquaintenances. |
Live Online Class Reunion via IRC at no cost..
Thursday, 17-Jun-1999 03:46:14 writes: Every consider an IRC Reunion.. For those of you who would like to Chat Live Online and are leery, let me know and I will tell you where you can get the Shareware Software that will get you connected so that we all can meet Old Friends seperated by years of Living and chat about Old Memories, Children, Grand Children and what ever. You can reach me at or if you are already using IRC, come to the Undernet and do a /uwho Nektarios. You will most likely find me on #Orthodox, #Christian or #Bible. I am on daily and would like to hear from you.. Mike |
Live Online Reunions via IRC
Thursday, 17-Jun-1999 13:44:04
Anyone wishing to chat Live Online via IRC, let me know ( If you are already using IRC, look me up on the Undernet I am Nektarios. Mike |
Welch High School Pep Song
Tuesday, 15-Jun-1999 21:05:49
Does anyone remember the middle part of the Pep Song? It begins with "Cheer, Cheer for Welch High will shine tonight, we're for the varsity..." and ends with "Fight, Fight, Fight with all your might, for the glory of old Welch High." Let's think about it and then let Donnie know. Thanks to all. |
What's New on the WHS Web Site?
Tuesday, 15-Jun-1999 00:05:07
Can't remember if this was previously mentioned. There is now yet another web page for you to check called What's New which lists all the new web pages recently added to the WHS Web site as well as alerting you to updates to other WHS Web site pages. The "What's New" site was updated today. Our WHS Web Site has grown into a multitude of pages, thanks to your interest and support. It is YOUR web site and I need you to help me keep it up to date and correct. Please, email me if you note any links that don't work, any typographical errors, or something that just doesn't seem "right" to you. Generally, if it's a problem for you, it's a problem for the other people who see to the web site. I have no way of knowing about any problems you are having with the web site unless you tell me. I need your feedback; please, please don't hesitate to tell me if you are having problems with any of these web pages. I really enjoy doing this for all of us and I want to be sure you are enjoying it too. |
Searching for info on Walter James Bowles
Monday, 14-Jun-1999 19:18:23
Hoping someone will have info on Walter James Bowles born 5/21/1918 in Leckie, WVA son of George Thomas and Emma Alman Radford Bowles. Lived on Peel Chestnut Mountain and may be buried in the Perdue Cemetary. I don't know if he attended WHS but have hopes someone might know him or his family. Thanks, Kelly Bowles |
Monday, 14-Jun-1999 12:57:01
I listened to the entire selection referred to as our school song. This is in no way meant to denigrate the efforts, BUT...........after singing the "Pep Song" and "Alma Mater" for 6 years on the hill, I could, in no way, find the tune to be anywhere near either of them. Please advise the masses! |
Homer Hickam, Jr. booksigning locations for Back to the Moon
Sunday, 13-Jun-1999 13:40:30
June 16, Knoxville - Barnes & Noble - 7:30 pm June 17, Washington, DC / Bailey's Crossroads, VA - Borders Books - 7:30 pm June 18, Atlanta - Chapter 11 - Peachtree Battle - 7:00 pm June 21, Nashville - Davis-Kidd - 7 pm June 22, Memphis - Davis-Kidd - 6:30 pm June 23, Louisville - Hawley-Cooke - 7 pm June 24, Lexington - Joseph-Beth - 7 pm June 25, Cincinnati - PEN event at Ford Motor Co. - 10 AM June 26, Huntsville - Barnes & Noble, 1pm June 28, Houston - Barnes & Noble (Webster) - 7:30 pm June 29, San Francisco - Book Passage - 7:30 pm June 30, San Francisco - Stacey's - 12:30 pm June 30, Capitola CA - Capitola Book Cafe-7:30 pm July 1, Sacramento - Barnes & Noble - 7 pm Read about and order the book online
DSkuja |
Martha Damron Marion - Please Read ASAP!
Sunday, 13-Jun-1999 04:50:11
Martha, tried to email you and address was not complete. Need to cantact David and Bill and Rita. Are you guys coming to the reunion? Give me a yell back please! Thanks |
60's Reunion Golf Tournament
Saturday, 12-Jun-1999 21:27:15
Just a reminder to all you golfers who will be attending the Sensational 60's Reunion - we need more participants. At the present time, there are only 8 signed up. Remember, ladies are welcome, as are your sons and daughters, if they play. Please note that as of June 1st, The Bluefield Elks Club requires soft spikes on their course. Spread the word - it would be great if we had at least 20 in the tournament! If you need further information, feel free to contact me. |
class of 57
Saturday, 12-Jun-1999 16:28:39
I am still waiting to hear from some of my old class mates. |
Joey Verdiglione
Saturday, 12-Jun-1999 12:00:31
Sad to report that Joey died on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 according to a phone call from his mother, Maxine, to my mother. Joey had been sick a long time, and died at home in Longview, TX. I believe he was a 1967 graduate. |
Cookie Byrd Hazelden - Class of 69
Thursday, 10-Jun-1999 11:27:22
To all the friends and classmates of Cookie Byrd. Cookie passed away on June 3, 1999. We are deeply saddened by the loss of Cookie and ask that you all pray for her family and her son, Jeff, that we may find the strength to carry on without her wonderful presence. |
Ruth Ann Cook Urps
Wednesday, 09-Jun-1999 23:47:41 writes: Hi Ruth Ann,
Mount View High School Paper Online
Tuesday, 08-Jun-1999 22:16:26
Was visiting the MVHS Alumni web site and see that Mount View High School's newspaper Uknighted Press is now online. You can read this month's edition HERE. I was a reporter for the WHS paper, the Maroon Wave, "way back when" and am so excited that the students now attending school in Welch are taking advantage of the opportunity to publish their papers electronically. Who'd a ever thunk it? D. Skuja |
Freida Riley Scholarship Fund Contributions
Tuesday, 08-Jun-1999 20:51:58
Raffle tickets for the autographed copy of "Rocket Boys" can now be obtained from T&T Pontiac Buick Jeep Eagle,1015 Bluefield Avenue, Bluefield, WV 24701, Flowers by Reba, 872 Virginia Avenue, Welch, WV 24801 and the Chris Ann Shop, 88 McDowell Street, Welch, WV 24801. Proceeds from this raffle will be contributed to the Freida Riley Scholarship fund being established at Concord College in October 1999. For more information, see the web page at . Information about obtaining the tickets by mail can be found at this same web page. Raffle tickets now available in Welch & Bluefield |
In Memoriam: David Grubb
Monday, 31-May-1999 16:09:57
David was at least a couple of years older, so that would make him a Welch High graduate in 1948 or 1949. He lived down on Summers Street and, even after nearly fifty years, I can remember him as being one of the friendliest guys you would ever want to meet. But, there is one point about David that I can still remember as if it were yesterday. David Grubb had the widest sweeping, sharpest breaking curve ball that you would ever not want to stand in against! David gave his life in the Korean War. To him, and to all of the other Welch High School students and graduates who have fallen, before and since, we remember and we thank you. Blake Shrout
McDowell County Genealogy Site
Sunday, 30-May-1999 13:49:38
George Conner, former BCHS Owl, was kind enough to inform us about this site. See it HERE. |
Helen Snead Sine Friday, 28-May-1999 23:57:57
Helen, I've been trying to locate you home address, but for the moment I have mislaid it. Thanks very much for the info on the Maroon Wave Web page. After receiving your note I noticed that someone there wanted Walter Morris' address. I put notice here on the board that he had died some time ago. I'm not sure that you view this "board" so hope that someone will tell you about it. Hope you have a great reunion this summer. Dick St. Clair |
Friday, 28-May-1999 18:35:56
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND - Couldn't let you get by since I was posted in caps! Ain't old age just great?! Hope you have a wonderful day and many more to follow! |
Friday, 28-May-1999 11:25:46
The Picture Show
Wednesday, 26-May-1999 00:30:11
Quite a few have responded about movies at the Pocahontas, Temple and other flick palaces in our past. I hope to have final response to Donnie within 10 days. I think this is going to be fun. |
where is cookie byrd
Tuesday, 25-May-1999 22:23:05
Message for Scott Blankenship
Monday, 24-May-1999 16:03:45
Your Dad was indeed in the Class of 1951. I don't remember the stone age, but your message was very timely. The letters announcing our next class reunion were mailed out this very morning. Your Dad's went to a new address we have for him in Dana Point, California. Maybe you can join him next year back in Almost Heaven. Regards, Blake, WHS-51 |
Sixties Reunion web site
Friday, 21-May-1999 22:07:15
Some of ou may be having a problem getting the 60s reunion web site to load on your PC. We don't know what the problem is but are looking into it. In the meantime, if you want to read the new student entries, click HERE. If you want to enter your background information, click HERE.
Class of "63"
Thursday, 20-May-1999 21:59:40
Where are you (Gyeanetta Sutliff?) |
Are you ready for a page dedicated to Welch High Athletics?
Thursday, 20-May-1999 20:35:14
My buddy and myself are armed with an array of photos from the 1920's and up are willing to submit them to the webmaster for her approval and a few commentaries. Even pictures of Helen Eichart Hardison when she was an All-State ladies basketball player for the then Welch Kittens. Please give us some Feedback so we can get the ok to pursue the our Maroon Wave athletes |
Steve Bary
Thursday, 20-May-1999 09:34:38
Dear Steve, Received your first e-mail; and unfortunately, I didn't get your address. There was a second e-mail from you, but it was a VIRUS! Any ideas. Waiting to hear from you. Jo Anne Jo Anne (Reed) Dunfee |
More WHS history a.k.a blasts from the past
Wednesday, 19-May-1999 23:01:00
Hi everybody! Here's another quote from my old senior year paper on the history of the school: Construction of a new gymnasium between the grade school and high school was begun during the school year of 1938-1939. Peggy Hylton Jones asked to be recognized during a meeting of the student body and moved "that the colors of Welch High School be changed to Maroon and White." After much discussion the motion finally carried. A contest was held to design a school seal. The student body accepted the seal designed by Hewelett Steller and Betty Williams. Also in this historic year Howard Johnson was judged the best actor in the State Drama Contest, and Vernon Lay was judged the State Champion Drum Major. Evelyn Harris was the valedictorian. The football team becam county champs, and Leo Signaigo became the first Welch player to place on the All-State Basketball Team. Does anyone know what the school colors were before they became maroon and white in 1939? Before the yearbook was titled "On the Hill," back in the pre-Depression era the WHS yearbook was the "Black Diamond." The first name for the school paper was the "Little Mountaineer." Those were the current names when "Pop" Hollandsworth became principal in 1929. He would serve the longest tenure of any WHS principal--24 years. Enough trivia for now. By the way, my wife Stacy and I are expecting baby number two around the due date of Nov. 6! Yes, I'm 48, and pregnant again! Well, Stacy is anyway. See y'all later. Ray |
anyone having trouble with e-mail
Wednesday, 19-May-1999 16:44:21
Is anyone else having trouble sending or receiving e-mail from this website? When I sent several e-mails to friends they did not answer back until one contacted me and stated that when they tried to return an e-mail with the address that was attached to my e-mail (address assigned from this site not my address)that they received a message that the e-mail was not deliverable. Who do we report this to? Does anyone know? |
Hey Dickie Andis
Wednesday, 19-May-1999 10:15:08
Dickie: I've tried to send you three messages and my computer keeps saying I have an "invalid address" for you. My email is Would love to hear from you and Darlene. Diane Turner Clemins
Monday, 17-May-1999 22:39:39
Come clean you hideous vandals. Was it punishment enough for merely scrubbing that fountain with toothbrushes and getting deported to military school. Where are your consciences? Think about all those exotic lives that were lost as a result of a Tide Box. Think back to that dismal day and the laughter erupting from WHS. How are your lives today and think of those aquatic creatures who might have made it on board the CALYPSO!!!!!!!!! |
Class of 1961
Monday, 17-May-1999 20:50:58
Where is every one from the class of 1961? I would love to locate Beverly Vallo & Karen VanFleet. I am living on Hilton Head Island in S. C. Would love to attend the reunion.....any one from the class of 1961 attending? |
Aug. '69 reunion
Monday, 17-May-1999 09:45:51
Hello 69'ers, We have extended the deadline for our Aug. reunion until the end of
this month(May). Please
Sincerely, Mary Spano Clark
Southern WV in National Geographic
Sunday, 16-May-1999 23:23:12
The June 1999 edition of National Geographic has an article on the New River and some great pictures of Fayette and Summers county and the New River Gorge Bridge in Hinton, WV. If you haven't been home for a while, you might enjoy these views of the mountains. The trees are beautiful...majestic and so grand. |
Popular Web Site
Sunday, 16-May-1999 14:34:19
From the company who keeps track of the number of times people visit the WHS Alumni Web Site: Since 1/19/99 the site has been visited 30,645 times. Average number of visits per week is 1400. Visitors are accessing the site using networks from as far away as Australia, Turkey, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Italy and Canada. Popularity of the WHS Alumni Web Site is extremely high when compared to similar type web sites which average, at most, a few hundred visits per week. |
Saturday, 15-May-1999 16:17:21
Think of you often
Saturday, 15-May-1999 21:17:16 writes: Leona, I think about you so often and wonder where you are and how-what you are doing. If you receive this my email address is above (I hope I filled it in correctly) otherwise here it is I am wondering if you would even remember me - Caroline Allen lived in the Libby Bldg - worked in the Flat Iron and the theaters ushering?? Hope to hear from you and talk about those days. I think I am older than anyone on this beautiful connection. |
"Corky" Foster
Saturday, 15-May-1999 09:33:32
Does anyone remember Julian Cartwright"Corky" Foster? He had political ambitions of becoming Governor of West Virginia and U.S. Senator. Instead, he went back into the Marines after graduating from WVU and died in VietNam. He would have made a great and courageous political leader for our state and country. I miss him still. |
Class of 57
Friday, 14-May-1999 15:30:45
Attended WHS during 1954-55 and then left to see the world. Would have graduated with class of 57. I remember lots of hard times, but also the good times. If anyone sees Ronnie Thompson or Dexer Dillon (Class of 57), please tell my friends that Oda Stout from Premier of many years ago said hello. Also, can anyone put me on the mailing list for the WHS class of 57 reunion in 2001. Thanks. |
Marta Kay '67
Thursday, 13-May-1999 09:51:00
Marta I know you are out there. I read your info on the guest book. I mailed a letter to you at the last address I had but it came back. Please send me your address or register on the web page for the reunion July 31 1999 at the Blfd. Holiday Inn. Mary Faulds |
Plane Crash
Wednesday, 12-May-1999 21:50:15
Dante Castrodale, husband of Sherry Compton Castrodale,class of 67, was one of eight returning from a meeting in W. Palm Beach who survived a crash of their Vecellio and Grogan corporate jet on April 17 as it tried to land at the airport in Beckley, WV. All sustained several injuries, three of them critically injured. It looks as if all of them are on the road to recovery. God was looking out for all of them. for all the civtims. |
to all my friends so nice to hear from you!
Wednesday, 12-May-1999 21:20:26
I have heard from some friends. It was really exciting, after all these years. Continue the E-mail. |
Getting even with Mr. Richardson (The Principal)
Wednesday, 12-May-1999 18:55:31
My name is Charles (Chuck) Campbell, class of 56. What can I say that hasn’t been said about this web site and the people who put it together. Thanks for a job well done. I attended grades 1 through 6 on the hill then went to Hemphill Caples for grades 7 through 9, then back to Welch for 10th and 11th. It was my senior year and after 3 other boys and myself had a disagreement with the principal, Mr. Richardson (affectionately known as chrome dome or the Beak) we decided we would show him and enlist in the Air Force. I think we must have walked on the grass. I still remember the way he said, “ah right you boys, get off the grass.” I had fantasies about all of us staying together and traveling to far off exotic places. Wrong… Before being accepted we had to go back and talk to Mr. Richardson at which time I remember him telling us “you boys are making a big mistake and will never amount to anything.” I don’t know what happened to the others and I can’t remember their names. One thing for sure, we didn’t stay together. I still haven’t decided if I have amounted to anything, but I have had a very good healthy and happy life. I spent 18 years in the Air Force and flew the world as a Flight Engineer on a C-130 Aircraft. I started a couple of businesses in Fairfax, Virginia and retired at age 54. I’m enjoying life with my sole mate Shirley Vaughan of Roanoke and Fairfax. We live in Fairfax, VA and have a home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where we try to spend as much time as possible. I have 3 children Debbie, Cindy, and Chuck Jr. One of the most memorable and enjoyable events of my life was the 35th
reunion of the class of 56 held at the Holiday Inn in Bluefield on July
19th and 20th 1991.
Wednesday, 12-May-1999 13:17:02
Where are the Band Members?? 70-74 |
looking for veronica zamberlan
Tuesday, 11-May-1999 00:31:45
I am looking for veronica munretta zamberlan who graduated from WHS in the late 60's. please email me with any information. |
1960's RECORD HOP !
Monday, 10-May-1999 18:38:49
Does anyone out there remember what year the Record Hop began at the Pocahantas theater on Saturday mornings and what year it stopped. Our DJ, Russ Cook, any info on him? I think he enjoyed our antics as much as we did. This is where all the new dance steps were practiced. Can you name a few? Who do you think was the best dancer that we all watched with envy? (male and female) |
Going to the Movies in Welch
Monday, 10-May-1999 18:12:30
Remember those wonderful old theaters in Welch? Richard Ramella is asking you to share some of your movie memories with him. Your responses will be be used for an article about Going to the Movies in Welch (and surrounding towns.)to be published on our WHS Alumni Web Site in the near future. |
Golf Tournament for 60s Reunion
Monday, 10-May-1999 17:45:05
All you folks, LADIES and gentlemen, attending the 60s reunion 7/30-31/99 are invited to participate in a golf tournament at the Bluefield Elks Club. It will begin Saturday at 9AM. More information can be obtained at the Sensational Sixties web page. Please contact Sandy Bright if you wish to register or if you have any questions. |
Welch spirit
Monday, 10-May-1999 00:59:37 writes: Great job on this site. Have never, will never forget the good times growing up in McDowell County. Most of the best people I've known come from there. Next to Gary, Welch is #1. Seriously we wouldn't have spent so much time in Welch if you guys weren't such great people. Any coming to or thru Indy call (317)881-4471. |
(No subject)
Sunday, 09-May-1999 05:11:43 writes: where is cookie byrd |
Rush J. Smith
Sunday, 09-May-1999 20:31:32
Rush graduated from Welch High School in 1965 and I am sorry to report that he passed away this past March (1999). We had moved from Welch in the early 80's and didn't think to have his obituary posted in the local newspapers. LaDonna Smith, Class of 1974 LaDonna Smith |
Sunday, 09-May-1999 18:33:43
Hello 69'ers Just a note to say get your registration form and money in to Connie or me as soon as possible. Our deadline is this Sat., May 15. If you need more time e-mail me and let me know. We need to let the Holiday Inn know if we need more space for the dinner and dance. Sincerely, Mary Spano Clark |
Saturday, 08-May-1999 08:50:54
Where is everyone from 1953. I only have a couple of people what have contacted me. Come on guys, lets get it together so we can get togather. |
Friday, 07-May-1999 09:19:46
Hey folks, I am now a new internet user and can recieve e-mail. I hope to hear from any Welch Grads. Ronnie C. |
Re: It's Not "Our" Welch High School
Thursday, 06-May-1999 15:52:51
With regard to the picture post card which I suggested was not circa early 1930's and not the actual Welch High School building where we all attended classes; brother Barry (WHS - '52) has come up with a history book affording some more support. According to that source the new Grade School on the Hill was built in 1923. That is the same year the original High School on the Hill burned to the ground. So, in 1924 they build the new "our" High School to match the just completed and much larger Grade School. Incidentally, the new Junior High and Gym were not built/opened until around 1938/1939 (I was there for that). So, that attractive post card, which appears to be a hand-tinted black and white photograph is probably from around the time of the First World War, or early 1920's at the latest. However, it would still be nice to have a source, with a picture, confirming that the postcard is indeed of the old original school which burned down in 1923. Warm Regards, Blake, WHS-'51, OTH-12
1978 W.H.S.\1979M.V.H.S/
Thursday, 06-May-1999 00:56:51
Hi! Rick Lester,1978 Welch High School, Last Graduating Class. And Kathy (Lane) Lester, First Graduating Class of Mt. View,1979'We would like to commend the persons responsible for this site, It is really cool to see Whats Up with everyone,Without ever leaving the House.(Great Site).....Bravo!!.................(yes)....... , We did Marry on March,15 1980............... (And are still),to all of you skeptics that said ,It will Never last........ We have a Son Ricky Dewayne Lester Jr.(R.W.) He was 18 on March, 17............................. We have lived in North Carolina since 1983,Frequently visiting the Welch area.......... However,We would like to hear from old Friends/Accquaitances...Our E-Mail address is:( can reach Either Kathy or Myself @ this E-Mail address. We are still new to the Computer,only been on-line a few Months, but We know enough to answer Your E-Mail,if You so desire to send one........................................... P.S. Write Soon! We will be checking our E-mail regularly (Write even if You Did'nt like Me Tell Me Why and perhaps I can fix it........... Or, Maybe not..........One never Knows............Until one tries................
WIN specially autographed copy of Rocket Boys
Wednesday, 05-May-1999 18:15:31
WIN A COPY OF ROCKET BOYS personally autographed, as a special favor to the WHS classes of the Sixties, by the author, Homer Hickam, Jr. (all proceeds to go to the Freida Riley scholarship fund.) Click HERE for more information. |
RE: 1974 Annual
Wednesday, 05-May-1999 17:41:39
Found my 1970, 71, 72, 73, 75, and 76 annuals. I have a 74 around here somewhere. When I find it, I will e-mail you and you may have it for the cost of postage. |
Class of '54 Reunion
Wednesday, 05-May-1999 05:35:08
Class of '54 reunion at Holiday Inn, Bluefield on Sept. 17-19. All Welcome. Contact me for details. (304) 525-0673. |
CLASS of's been 25yrs.....where are ya???
Wednesday, 05-May-1999 05:07:31
Eureka!!! Surfing the Bluefield Telegraph Web Site and found this site. Just seeing the picture of the "School on the Hill" brought tears to my eyes. I've lived here in Atlanta, Ga since 1982 but I always brag about WHS and the great times I had there. I was raised in Kimball, WVa but Welch was & always will be ..My "American Graffiti". I remember the Drive-In down the road from the Bowling Alley. Those were some great weekends back in the 70's. I would love to hear from the Class of 74 or anyone that remembers the 70's at WHS. I especially miss Tim Ball. We also attended Vocation School & VICA together. He was State & Local President of VICA & I was his Vice President in 73/74. In 74 we were in a car wreck and missed our last State Convention. His father was in charge of transportation for McDowell County School System. If anyone knows anything about him now please EMail me. He was a good friend & a class act. Plus if anyone has or knows where I can get a 1974 yearbook ( I lost mine & that's another story in I'll pay far above market price for it. I want my wife and son to see what a "real" high school looks like and I want them to see me before I got my bald spot. Sorry about the rambling but this site opened up a flood gate of good memories. Hope some others will write back & we can talk & swim down memory lane.(The older I get..the cornier I get..O "WVa. Mountain Momma. Take Me Home. Country Road" MTFBWYA, Christopher Tyrone Bolden 'aka' Pete |
Class of 1969
Tuesday, 27-Apr-1999 15:46:33
Hey to all from the class of 1969. Look forward to the August reunion and seeing everyone. Great job to all for this much needed web site, it gives a warm and fuzzy feeling. All for now from Greensboro, N.C. |
Tuesday, 27-Apr-1999 03:05:24
As I read the message board, there were lots of chuckles ... people don't change .. joe crockett and sam cooke's still the same .. pranksters ... looked for Peggy Cook, Cheryl Green, Peggy Harless, Suzie Villani (no luck) I could go on ... John Beard (a dentist!) too calm a job for him I'd think. I remember when he had his accident with the train ... he made life hard for all the candystripers ... I'm telling all John at the reunion ... I have to admit I'm with Joe on that regional reunion ...Gary's been doing for years ... always on the 4th of July weekend but in a different location ... (MY FIRST HUSBAND WAS FROM GARY) ... NOT MY SECOND - THIRD - FOURTH - FIFTH (just kidding) ... I have only 1 daughter ... she has 2 daughters ... I've centered my time around antiques and collectibles at the moment ... in 30 years I've done quite a few things ... began teaching in WVA - moved to CA - kids were killing subteachers then in '75 so I changed up (quickly) ... I was a typesetter for 10 years then the PC was introduced ... my company typeset the manual for Apple's first computer ... speaking of has everyone seen October Sky ... it's great MUST SEE ... I remember Mr Lucas' class when we had to write creative stories ... I always thought John Beard would be a writer ... heard Anthony Rossi DID become a doctor ... want everyone to know he's taking very good care of my father ... If anyone is ever in Silicon Valley California, I'll be glad to host you around ... just call (408) 286-9786 or email me at ..... (anytime) ...anita |
Maroon Wave, Don Juan & Husband, Cruise with OWLS!
Monday, 26-Apr-1999 02:19:40
MaroonWave, Don Juan & Husband, Cruise in November with Owls! SMOOTH SAILING for WAVES & OWLS!
Cruise Price (per person): Starts at $402 (includes $98 Port Charges!)
Double Occupancy
Ahoy, Land-Lubbers! It’s a vacation! It’s an ALL Alumni Reunion! Incredibly LOW PRICE! You’re invited to vacation and celebrate the New Millennium with Big Creek High School Alumni and Other Friends/family sailing the Caribbean round-trip from Miami to Key West and Playa del Carmen/Cozumel, Mexico. Five magical days and four nights of exhilarating, relaxing, romantic, fun-filled happenings on Carnival’s "Fun Ship," Ecstasy. Enjoy unlimited shipboard activities, from dazzling Vegas-Style Shows, The Crystal Palace Casino, Lively Lounges, Health Spas, Sparkling Outdoor Swimming Pools, Deck Games, Library, Duty-Free Specialty Shops, Beauty Salon, Continuous Exotic Cuisine to simply catching a few rays by the pool while sipping a tropical drink or strolling along the deck under a starlit sky. At Key West, step ashore to enjoy the gingerbread mansions and its fascinating cultural history. The next day, be dazzled by the sparkling turquoise sea around Cozumel, Mexico; then onto its shores to view the sharp contrast of the island’s sophistication and the Mayan ruins of Tulum. There’s more! This is our Second Alumni Cruise. Last time, class representation stretched across the years from the 40s to the 90s! The care-free mood of everyone and the dream-like setting perpetuated an atmosphere of yesteryear fantasy. What fun! Say, "Bon Voyage" to cares & worries while being pampered by Carnival’s
fabulous staff.
1. Daytime Attire: Casual, e.g., resort wear, shorts, pants, comfortable
shoes, etc.. Dinner Attire: Men - Coat & Tie or equivalent. Ladies,
it’s your choice - long or short dresses, pants, etc. Tip: Keep it simple;
Mix ‘n’ Match outfits.
Reservations: Call Leona La Perriere, Starship-Williamsburg Travel 800-325-6703
For More details: Visit Click on EVENTS, then click on top line "... For information about upcoming Alumni Cruise..." You're in for a treat! Webmaster, Ed Paynter, has included picture of Carnival's Fun Ship, "The Ecstasy" & cruise map. A Click on picture of ship will take you inside ship! Join Don Juan & her husband and cruise with us! |
Mr Bob Jack
Saturday, 24-Apr-1999 09:05:49
Hi Mr Jack, Remember me? I'm the one that ask you each day for a dollar. But you would always say get out of my chair and my office...Sir you are the best of the best.. Robert Nowlin Class of "76" |
Hey, where is everybody?
Saturday, 24-Apr-1999 02:12:37
I really would like to hear from some folk. We are planning on being at the function on Sat. night at the Holiday Inn. Hope we can see a lot of you. Sam and I are at 1331 Larchmont St. in Bluefield, WV. 24701. ,I'm on my son's computer n Youngsille, NC now. Sam and I have not delved into the land of cyberspace as of yet. I catch some time on the ones at school when I can. Ray Doug, where is a message from you? |
Saturday, 24-Apr-1999 02:18:10 writes: I hear you have been found. Can't prove it by
Friday, 23-Apr-1999 11:57:29
We need help from everyone who knows anyone from the 1963 class to inform them to get in touch with the SENSATIONAL SIXTIES REUNION committee. Our summer time party of the decade is getting near and we do not want anyone to miss it! |
Cruisin' with the Owls
Wednesday, 21-Apr-1999 22:00:24
Folks, my husband and I are joining the Owls on this cruise. I'm billing it to research thinking perhaps WHS might want to consider doing something similar in the future. If any of you are interested in crashing this party with me, feel free to contact Shirl (she's got a message or two on here somewhere). The travel agent told me today there's still plenty room for more, so come on board! |
Roller Skating by Martha & Rhea
Tuesday, 20-Apr-1999 22:37:10
Ah! Nostalgia! How well I remember ... gliding around and around the floor, swinging and swaying to our favorite rock 'n' roll tunes. Our hearts skipped a beat each time one of our good-looking guys, clad in their pink shirts and DAs, whizzed by. Often slowing down just long enough to grasp our hand and pull us close for yet another spin. Those were the days. Thanks for the memories! ................. (One of your regular Big Creek Owlette visitors) |
Tuesday, 20-Apr-1999 21:14:30
Street Scene at National Archives in DC
Tuesday, 20-Apr-1999 20:47:14
I live near Washington DC and last weekend went to visit The National Archives. They had an exhibit titled "PICTURING THE CENTURY, One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives" which was presented "as an exhibition at the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington DC, March 12, 1999-July 4, 2001" Much to my amazement a print of the Welch street scene (The picture is located on this site, go to first page click on PICTURES then WELCH and WELCH KIDS) was a part of the exhibit. The actual date of the photograph was August 24, 1946. In this exhibit there were approximately 300 photos. Imagine this! The archives stated that they had 8 Million photographs, the street scene from Welch was one of the few exhibited. The following is text from the exhibit brochure: "Old photographs are time machines. They allow us to look back into history, freeze a moment in time, and imagine ourselves as part of the past...." WE WERE A PART OF THIS PAST! Linda Hurt (Osvalds), class of 65 |
Dreama Hamilton
Tuesday, 20-Apr-1999 10:01:33
Dreama, I need your e-mail address. I sent you a letter and registration form by Kathy Roberts to the hospital but since you are on the internet why don't you go in under the 60's class reunion and type in the registration form for me and I won't have to. I also need Corny's address I don't think I have her new one. Thanks Mary e-mail address |
School Plays at Welch Elementary
Tuesday, 20-Apr-1999 09:50:28
Does anybody remember those school musicals/plays we used to do every spring at Welch Elementary? The best had to be "Scarecrow Dick." Can anybody remember who played the title role? |
Must Be A Coaldigger Record! You Gotta Love This!
Monday, 19-Apr-1999 20:00:26
Just happened to be "surfin" the GHS website and came across this amazing entry from Mamie O. Cooper. This is one of those priceless ones worth sharing. In Mamie's own words: "I graduated from GHS (Gary Adkin District High School) in 1925. I taught school for 45 years and substituted for 8 additional years. I was the Principal at Thorpe Elementary during World War II and taught the other years at Jenkinjones and Anawalt. As far as I know, I am the oldest living alumnus of GHS. I am now 92 years old and still kicking, but not quite as high! Would love to hear from former students." Mamie's Email address is: Don't know about you folks, but I can't imagine "kicking" anything at age 92, much less being computer literate........or, for that matter, being literate at all! GO MAMIE!!!!! |
Re., Address of Walter Morris - Class of 1942
Monday, 19-Apr-1999 18:09:59
Walter Morris' (nickname "Yachtie") sisters earlier reported that he had died many years ago. He had been living in New Orleans, La at the time of death. His brother John (Class of 1945) lives or lived in or around Oak Hill, WVa and he has a sister, Elizabeth Booker, also Welch High School grad who lives in Charlettesville, Va. I have no information about his brother Fred (Class of about 1940 or 1941). |
Memory Lane
Saturday, 17-Apr-1999 10:51:00
What a great site! This is a major trip down memory lane. |
Need Info
Saturday, 17-Apr-1999 10:47:12
If anyone has info where I can reach Mary Helen Bank Harris (Class of '57), please forward to me. I am interested in contacting her younger sister, Linda, who moved to Cleveland OH when we were 14. |
Roller Skating and Rocket Boys
Friday, 16-Apr-1999 17:00:58
Does anybody else remember roller skating in Welch or at the Thomas Joyland in Big Four? I remember going roller skating, falling down and getting back up to find that my hands, knees, clothes, etc. were completely BLACK with coal dust. I think I wore white shorts to the skating rink -once-. Then, do you remember later if you blew your nose, the Kleenex was black too?! (Some things are better left unsaid.) And, remember how dirty your socks used to get walking around the house in "sock feet"? For some reason two songs come to mind when I think of roller skating in Welch: (1) "Beauty's Only Skin Deep" or as Bobby Lewis used to say: "Beauty's Gonna Skin Me," and (2) "Ain't Too Proud To Beg." Those tunes must have had a good roller skate beat. Reading Rocket Boys last weekend brought back those 30+ year old images of roller skating in the coal dust. Those were good times. I really enjoyed the book. It's even better than the movie. |
Hi to class of 57 The Best Ever!
Friday, 16-Apr-1999 01:14:24
All 57 members E-Mail me. Namely Ron Thompson Pat Friel, Mike Callaway, M&B Barker,Nilda |
What a find!!
Thursday, 15-Apr-1999 18:25:41
Came upon this web page by happenstance and am absolutely thrilled. I've spent the last hour or so reading all the messages and getting teary-eyed at many. Would love to hear from old friends (gosh I guess the operative word could be "old," couldn't it?) -- Not a chance! I'm sure none of us have changed a bit - at least in spirit. |
Thursday, 15-Apr-1999 06:07:32
Hello, Waves: I am the webmaster for the Big Creek Owls website and found you by following a link left on our message board by Donnie. Great job: I especially enjoyed reading the history behind "the Barrel" which I had heard about for years, but never knew how it came to be. Thanks for the memories. Roll Waves! ....ed |
want to say lm very sorry
Wednesday, 14-Apr-1999 12:41:05
Traying to locate Alice Nameth Class of 60, want to apologize to her for something l did back in 59, it been bothering me all the years |
Photographer's visit to home of Rocket Boys
Tuesday, 13-Apr-1999 23:10:20
Mark Crabtree, a West Virginia photographer has some nice photos of McDowell County on his website at which features a photo story on Coalwood WV, the home of the Rocket Boys. Thank you, Homer Hickam for telling us about this site. |
Tuesday, 13-Apr-1999 21:35:31
Looking for class of '67
Tuesday, 13-Apr-1999 15:13:26
Anyone know the whereabouts of these classmates let me know: Mary Bailey, Larry Barber, Linda Barnett, Cynthia Barnes, Alex Basham, Carmen Belcher, Geneva Belcher, Jeanette Belcher, Joyce Belcher, Diane Bell, Jeanette Bigelow, Darrell Bishop, Jim Blair, Phyllis Brewster, Roger Campbell, Janie Carnell, Lilly Carter, Jay Chatman, Emily Chatfield, Penny Christian, Kathy Cook, Paul Cooper, Brenda Cox, Mary Critikos, Barbara Dalton, Virginia Diggs, Johnny Earles, Jeff Earnest, Shirley Fago, Debbie Farris, Sue Felts, Doris Glasco, Helen Green, Angeline Hairston, Steve Hanson, Steve Hipsley, Donna Horn,Frankie Hoskey, Aaron Hull, Delores Ingram, Mildred Jackson, David Jenkins, Martha Johnson, Debbie Jones,Tommy Lambert, Susan Laneave, Demetrice Lindsey, Charles Livingston, Sandra Lucion, Marie McBee, John McClure, Nancy McGan, Eslanda McNeal, Connie Mallory, Joe Mays, Betty Mitchem, Gerrie Muncy, James Mustard, Kay Nester, Greg Noe, Uygonda Noe, P.T. Pendleton, Cindy Reece, Dovie Rickman, Ann Robinson, Gilda Rutherford, Beverly Saunders, Dorothy Sexton, Brenda Sizemore, Michael Skeens, Gloria Smith, Sharon SMith, Phyllis Stevenson, Wanda Surface. Donna Taylor, Junior Thomas, Theresa Thompson, Donetta Tramel, Ernie Vargo , Joey Verdiglione, Charlotte Walker, Jackie Walker, Patty White, Don Williams, Claudia Wilson Karen Woodrum, Loretta Woods, Jacqueline Wray. Please send to me at HC71 Box 416 Princeton WV 24740 or e-mail Thanks so much |
Best Band In Welch
Tuesday, 13-Apr-1999 12:04:52
I was in the class of 74 and played drums in the band. One day when we were "down town", a lady made the statement that we were the best band in Welch, we were the only band in town but we were pretty good also. |
Stevie Lou Robinson Terrel
Tuesday, 13-Apr-1999 09:55:25
Just an update on Stevie Lou...she is still very weak and has lost strength in her left side. She has appreciated all the concern and prayers from her WHS friends. Please keep her in your thoughts and send her a card to let her know she is remembered, especially now. 118 Woodlawn Drive
Looking for David Marion ('64) Problem w/email
Tuesday, 13-Apr-1999 09:54:20
Tried to email David Marion, but mail was returned. Please somebody inform David (if he doesn't see this) or give us the correct address ASAP! Thanks |
New Message Board Format
Monday, 12-Apr-1999 23:45:36
Love your new format! It's so much easier to scan the names and topics! Then choose the first message of choice to begin reading! Also it's esthetically pleasing! More messages get seen and read! The ole format, used by so many webpages, is busy and time-consuming for those who want to visit but not spend the night! Great Work! Excellent idea! |
Hey 1978 Class!!!
Monday, 12-Apr-1999 16:25:40
Who all is going to the 2000 reunion? Any 1978 graduates. |
Great Web Site
Sunday, 11-Apr-1999 22:01:02
Great Web Site - enjoyed it very much. Im an alumni of Big Creek '54 and great to see what the McDowell county schools are doing. Good Luck! |
(No subject)
Sunday, 11-Apr-1999 11:37:46
JOHN BEARD DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Spectacular Website!
Saturday, 10-Apr-1999 19:56:19
Don Juan, Nancy & Barbara and all your contributors: ( Bet Rhea had some input too!) Your website reeks with enthusiasm and creativity! Love the Surfin' Maroon Wave graphic on front page! Year Book pics ... great idea! I'm going to invite The Big Creek Owls to take a look! Excellent job! Stop by our website. ---- Looking foward to seeing you on the Big Alumni & Other Friends Cruise Reunion in November. Have a sparkling day! Blessings. Shirl (joy) |
Maroon Waves Rendezvous at Sea with Big Creek Owls!
Saturday, 10-Apr-1999 06:25:05
It's CRUISING TIME For ALL Big Creek High School Alumni and Other Friends (including Maroon WAVES!) Cruise Price (per person): Start at $402 (includes $98 Port Charges!) Double Occupancy Lower rates for 3rd & 4th person sharing room $25 deposit per person due April 28th November 8 - 12, 1999 Ahoy, Land-Lubbers! It’s a vacation! It’s an ALL Alumni Reunion! Incredibly LOW PRICE! You’re invited to vacation and celebrate the New Millennium with Big Creek High School Alumni and Other Friends/family sailing the Caribbean round-trip from Miami to Key West and Playa del Carmen/Cozumel, Mexico. Five magical days and four nights of exhilarating, relaxing, romantic, fun-filled happenings on Carnival’s "Fun Ship," Ecstasy. Enjoy unlimited shipboard activities, from dazzling Vegas-Style Shows, The Crystal Palace Casino, Lively Lounges, Health Spas, Sparkling Outdoor Swimming Pools, Deck Games, Library, Duty-Free Specialty Shops, Beauty Salon, Continuous Exotic Cuisine … to simply catching a few rays by the pool while sipping a tropical drink … or strolling along the deck under a starlit sky. At Key West, step ashore to enjoy the gingerbread mansions and its fascinating cultural history. The next day, be dazzled by the sparkling turquoise sea around Cozumel, Mexico; then onto its shores to view the sharp contrast of the island’s sophistication and the Mayan ruins of Tulum. There’s more! This is our Second Alumni Cruise. Last time, class representation stretched across the years from the 40s to the 90s! The care-free mood of everyone and the dream-like setting perpetuated an atmosphere of yesteryear fantasy. What fun! Say, "Bon Voyage" to cares & worries while being pampered by Carnival’s
fabulous staff.
1. Daytime Attire: Casual, e.g., resort wear, shorts, pants, comfortable
shoes, etc.. Dinner Attire: Men - Coat & Tie or equivalent. Ladies,
it’s your choice - long or short dresses, pants, etc. Tip: Keep it simple;
Mix ‘n’ Match outfits.
Reservations: Call Leona La Perriere Õ Starship-Williamsburg
Travel Õ 800-325-6703 Ext. 223
Love & Blessings, Shirl (Joy) Johnson-Turpin, Big Creek Alumni Special
WHS Class of 52 Reunion Picture on the Web!
Friday, 09-Apr-1999 23:00:41
The June 1997 reunion picture of the WHS Class of 1952 can be viewed at |
Fabulous Fifties Reunion
Friday, 09-Apr-1999 10:22:53
Anyone who needs to update their address for the Fabulous Fifties Reunion roster (classes 55-60) please contact me at: 6 Charles Circle S.W.
Ancil Sparks found
Thursday, 08-Apr-1999 12:48:29
Yesterday, April 7, we received a telephone call from Ancil. What a pleasant and wonderful surprise. Dickie Widener had told us he heard he was with the FBI in Quantico, VA. How do you locate someone in the FBI? Get help. We wrote Bill Kitchen, WHS'41, retired FBI, and ask for suggestions as to how to find Ancil. The Cincinnati office called Ancil and ask if they could let us have his address. He wanted to know who wrote the letter. When he found out who wrote the letter that did it. He apparently could not wait. He called us as well. It was great. Those of you who want his address we will be glad to pass it on. Charles and Elizabeth Lovett |
(No subject)
Thursday, 08-Apr-1999 04:05:19
where is cookie byrd |
Cruise Reunion with Big Creek Owls in November
Wednesday, 07-Apr-1999 02:43:07
Visitor's Name: Shirl (JOY) S. Johnson-Turpin Date April 6, 1999 Year(s)of attendance at WHS Visitor from Big Creek High School - Class of 57 Comments: You're Invited! Join us on our second All Big Creek Alumni and OTHER Friends Cruise Reunion when we cruise western Caribbean November 8 - 12. Ports of Call: Miami/Key West and Playa del Carmen/Cozumel, Mexico. Schedule your vacation so that we can make history ... I can see the headlines now " ... Welch Maroon Waves and Big Creek Owls rendezvous at sea!" Several of your classmates expressed an interest in cruising with us. We are excited about the idea! YOU are invited! The cost is the lowest, but the service and pampering by Carnival's Ecstasy staff is the highest and finest. Make memories that will last a lifetime! Not only will this be one of your best vacations, but it will be one of the most fun! We will just "kick back", relax, and have a Ball! For more details ...visit our Big Creek H.S. Website --- --- or email, fax or call me. FAX & Phone: 919-663-3405. Let's cruise!!! Blessings. Shirl (joy) |
(No subject)
Wednesday, 07-Apr-1999 00:50:09 Message: writes: great website. brother jim told me about it. would like to hear from
old welch high friends.
Pictures from 1950s Veteran's Day Parade
Tuesday, 06-Apr-1999 23:40:58
Judy Hulme Beuchert sent us some simply wonderful pictures her father took at the Veteran's Day Parade in 1950. These are very crisp shots and even though they may take a while to load on your PC, I think you will enjoy them. They can be seen at Judy, thank you so much -- and special thanks to Bill Tolley who scanned them for us. |
Hello Maroon Waves
Tuesday, 06-Apr-1999 23:41:55 writes: Hello Maroon Wave graduates of 1973. This is a great Web Site. Look to hear from more classmates from 1973. I look forward to the year 2000 reunion. Hope to see a lot of my classmates there!! I live in Lawrenceville, GA 30 miles north of Atlanta. If you come this way, say hello. I am operating my own computer training and consulting company and I really enjoy it. I also enjoy coming back home often. Take care and may God bless all the Waves from on the Hill!!! |
Where's the Class of '77??
Tuesday, 06-Apr-1999 13:55:16
Would love to hear from old classmates from the Class of '77? |
Tuesday, 06-Apr-1999 11:34:52
Hey 1954 Alumni, It's only been 45 years, surely you haven't forgotten all those "GREAT TIMES ON THE HILL". I've seen other Alumni notes which invited communication but failed to include the address. If you got some time drop me a note, my Email address is DEAN |
Lois Hurt (class of 1962)
Monday, 05-Apr-1999 16:05:41
Lois Hurt Cloke: DO NOT READ Everyone else, please participate. This is Lois' daughter. I am putting together a memory book for her. Please send all good memories and/or pictures to Martha Elkins |
The Day the Music Died
Friday, 02-Apr-1999 21:22:28 writes: I've removed ALL the music from our web sites. This is a copy of the message I received today from the free web service we have been using most extensively: "Dear Client: Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will no longer be offering Real Audio use to our free web hosting clients. In addition, we cannot allow ANY type of audio files on all the free web hosting servers. **Please promptly remove ANY audio files from your account** It is very important you take immediate action on this as we will be
forced to close any
We apologize for any inconvenience to all those clients that this adversely
affects, but due to
If any of you have access to web hosting through your internet service provider and you would like to share that "paid for" space with us, please let me know. That's the only way I know, at this point in time, we can have music with our web pages. So sorry. I know lots of you really enjoyed the "music." (ok, some of you will be pleased it's gone - - - but quit looking so smug!) |
Brady Eanes E-mail being returned
Friday, 02-Apr-1999 01:22:54 writes: Brady I dont know what has happened but my E-mail
Class of '62!
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 07:01:37 writes: Just checking in! This is a wonderful idea and a great web site. Kudos to the visionaries and the designers! Donnie, I see your brothers at family gatherings often. I see your area code is 410 here in Maryland. I am in White Plains. Great to reach out and touch base with everyone. Enjoy reading all the messages. |
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 00:54:54 writes: Sign on via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER! |
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 00:48:26 writes: Sign on via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER! |
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 00:45:05 writes: Sign on via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER |
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 00:42:33 writes: Sign on via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER! |
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 00:40:13 writes: Sign on via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER! |
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 00:34:45 writes: Sign on via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER! |
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 00:26:25 writes: Sign in via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER! |
Thursday, 01-Apr-1999 00:19:21 writes: Sign in via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER! |
Wednesday, 31-Mar-1999 23:58:19 writes: Sign in via email or snail mail to attend the party of the decade. THE '60'S REUNION THIS SUMMER! |
1957 Senior Class on the Web
Wednesday, 31-Mar-1999 22:25:47 writes: Thanks to Barbara Dawson Cassell, the 1957 Senior Class pictures are now scanned and on the web for all to see. Click here to view the WHS 57 Senior Class online. |
1960-1969 WHS Reunion Web Site
Wednesday, 31-Mar-1999 22:00:32 writes: WHS 60s students, plans for a reunion THIS SUMMER for 1960-1969 WHS students is underway. Click here to check out the NEW 1960-1969 reunion page and to obtain more information about this event. |
creative juices
Wednesday, 31-Mar-1999 15:30:38 writes: Most of you have heard about my basement, the Tic Toc II. Well, I am
designing menus. I need help in coming up with names. Something like: Maroon
Wave Burger with burgandy juice.
(No subject)
Wednesday, 31-Mar-1999 14:55:25 writes: 60's Class Reunion July 3o and 31 Holiday Inn Bluefield. Need names
and addresses if interested--class of '67. Let me know--Mary Larkin Faulds
Rocket Boys/October Sky #1
Wednesday, 31-Mar-1999 07:17:05 writes: Just received this message from Homer:
Who would have ever believed it? Prodigious. H3" Congratulations! to Homer. We're so proud of you. |
Contact "Sonny" Richardson
Tuesday, 30-Mar-1999 09:21:29 writes: To Charlotte Richardson Day, your father, Randolph Burns Richardson, is my nephew and I have gone to visit him in Gary. His mother, was my sister, Edith. Please give him my best regards and tell him I would love to hear from him. I have written to his brother, Donald Richardson, but have had no response. Would love to know how everyone is doing. I live in Cross Lanes and my telephone number is listed in the Charleston directory. Take care and God Bless! |
e-mail address needed for Larry Matney
Monday, 29-Mar-1999 19:55:22 writes: This message is for Larry Matney. Please let me
Great Job on The Web Page!!
Monday, 29-Mar-1999 18:44:10 writes: Greetings from White Plains, Maryland, to class of '63! The web site is wonderful and truly a trip down memory lane. It's great. Donnie, (Don Juan) would love to touch base with you and any one from the class of 62 or 63. |
'69 Welch High School Class Reunion
Sunday, 28-Mar-1999 21:05:36 writes: Dear Friends, We have made class reunion plans for the class of 1969 to be held the
weekend of Aug. 13 and 14.
Thank you,
Looking for an old friend
Saturday, 27-Mar-1999 20:39:03 writes: Trying to find an old friend, Margaret Shaffer.
Earl Patrick Jr. class of 59
Friday, 26-Mar-1999 21:04:46 writes: Would like to hear from some of my old friends. Earl Patrick Jr. |
More on Homer and Rocket Boys
Thursday, 25-Mar-1999 09:06:09 writes: Eveyone needs to go to the Big Creek Owls home page and check out Homer Hickam's comments on how he wrote "Rocket Boys". The story behind the story is as intriguing and touching as the story itself. Simply use the link on the WHS home page under "other links". After the BCHS homepage has fully loaded (it takes a little time, because it's pretty sophisticated), click on the link to Rocket Boys. There are several choices on that page, but the first one is the best: "How I came to write 'Rocket Boys'". By the way, for the class of '69 and other close years, you may remember Marvin Davidson who moved to Coalwood after Junior High. Their class lists has his bio info and e-mail. You'll probably find a lot of other old friends and acquaintences on there, too. |
Blufield Daily Telegraph website
Wednesday, 24-Mar-1999 09:28:24 writes: If anyone wants to keep up w/news as close to Welch as possible, the BDT website is Charles Gazette is |
Cipherin' Fun (That's a Math Problem in Welch)
Tuesday, 23-Mar-1999 12:08:35 writes: This should only take about 30 seconds (maybe longer if you're from Gary). Picture yourself in Welch and "cipher" this out as you read. Don't read the bottom until you've ciphered it out by following these 6 simple steps. I promise, you'll be amazed! STEP 1: PICK THE NUMBER OF DAYS A WEEK THAT YOU'D LIKE TO GO OUT TO DINNER (Sterling Drive-In, WVA Drive-In, Tic-Toc Grill, Franklin's Dairy, Carmen Quatrocci's Hot Dogs, Roderfield Road-Kill, etc.). STEP 2: MULTIPLY THIS NUMBER BY 2. STEP 3: ADD 5. STEP 4: MULTIPLY THIS TOTAL BY 50. STEP 5: IF YOU HAVE ALREADY HAD YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR (1999), ADD 1749. IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD YOUR BIRTHDAY YET THIS YEAR, ADD 1748. LAST STEP: SUBTRACT THE FOUR DIGIT YEAR THAT YOU WERE BORN. RESULTS: YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE A THREE DIGIT NUMBER (Keep Goin'). THE FIRST DIGIT OF THIS THREE DIGIT NUMBER WAS YOUR ORIGINAL NUMBER (i.e. how many times each week you want to go out to eat). THE SECOND TWO DIGITS ARE YOUR AGE!!! Hopefully, if you "ciphered" it right, you'll be as impressed as I was! Bon Appetit! |
Trying to locate
Tuesday, 23-Mar-1999 07:19:08 writes: Does anyone have the address for: Ancil Sparks Class of '62? (football and the highest scoring center in WV one year "61 I think) Stevie Lou Robinson Class of mid '60s (she is the sister of Scotty Robinson) (musician) |
(No subject)
Monday, 22-Mar-1999 20:39:43 writes: I just loved reading all the messages. Glad this was done. Hoping to
hear from members of the class of 1973 or anyone else. E-mail
Monday, 22-Mar-1999 18:32:29 writes: Since we're all getting a little older each year and since it is obvious that we have lost a few of our beloved classmates and teachers; and will continue to do so - is it possible to open a site within our alumni website honoring those who have passed on to their just rewards without it being too much of a burden on our website developers? It could be called "In the Arms of An Angel" or "Gone But Not Forgotten" - or anything you might think appropriate. On an up beat note - does anyone know where Stevie Lou and Scott Robinson
are these days? Scott was here in Houston but we lost touch a few years
ago so if anyone can give a hint - there are several who have asked me
about Stevie and Scott and would really like to get in touch with them.
October Sky
Monday, 22-Mar-1999 11:58:35 writes: I graduated in 1965. Went to see October Sky and it was great. I also read the book. It is great that Homer Hickens grew up in McDowell County. Does anyone know were Dreama and Betty Premo are now? |
Where's all the 63 team now?
Sunday, 21-Mar-1999 21:50:12 writes: Steve Bary and I were talking about a reunion of the 1963 Welch football
team and the feasibility of getting back together for one more hurrah.
If you are interested please respond. I know it's dejavu, but the football
reunion held in my Dad's
Now, I'm almost certain it's the computer, and not me, making these
typos below for your amusement
Friday, 19-Mar-1999 01:36:46 writes: It must be some kind of perfectionistic thing that won't allow me to
leave my typos uncorrected.(see next two messages or massages)
Ok so I already caught a typo below; it's late you guys.
Friday, 19-Mar-1999 01:28:31 writes: Should be:
(an alternative way I remember singing it was
Alma Mater and Pep Song: the latest
Friday, 19-Mar-1999 01:18:25 writes: Got a note from my mother today, reminding me that I did a major paper
on the history of Welch High School in my senior year. Terry Lucas kept
the original. After we lost him not long ago, one of his aunts, a Mrs.
Bell, sent the paper back to my mother. Here's what the paper reports,
based on issues of the MAROON WAVE.
Iaeger High Alumni on the web
Thursday, 18-Mar-1999 21:02:28 writes: Just received word that the Iaeger Cubs now have a web site. It is located at |
More Memories
Thursday, 18-Mar-1999 08:49:45 writes: As I've read all these messages with memories, they've brought back images and thoughts I haven't had in years. I'm sitting in Slick's Chemistry class honing my dictation-taking skills when the PA system begins to hum and the microphone gets banged on the desk. "Now listen to these announcements!!!" it bleats. "There will be a pep rally in the auditorium at lunch time and I don't want anything thrown from the balcony." Slick says, "Why doesn't he just say 'Now hear this'". I don't know what happened to those chemistry notes, but they were probably a good reference for those who had to take chem in college. The two most useful classes I took at WHS have served me well over the years. I'm using one of them right now, thanks to Mrs. Lovett. I did learn to type (unlike John Stafford, I use both caps and lowercase), despite John Parker constantly filling my typewriter with wadded-up balls of paper during timed writings. Because of her class, I never paid anyone to type a paper in college and when I entered the computer age, I only had to learn what a computer was, not keyboarding skills. Thanks, Mrs. Lovett - and thanks for letting me date your daughter for a while. Nina and I always remained good friends. The other skill was developed by Mr. Lassak. Like Ray Kiser, I started my music career with Mr. Peraldo at Welch Elementary in violin class. Unlike Ray, I never mastered that instrument, though I do still play occassionally. Mr. Lassak taught me the trumpet that became my life-long love. How many of you learned skills in high school that actually made money for you in college? (Let's keep this clean, it's a family show, you know). While at Concord, I played for 4 years with the Concord Commanders and made some good spending money on the weekends playing at dances. Boy, doing something you love and getting paid for it, too - regardless of what Michelob says, it doesn't get any better than that. I still play for my own enjoyment and have played at a couple of weddings. Since this web site, I've found out that I still know the Alma Mater AND the pep song. I'll always be able to play "Mr. Touchdown". I think we played that more than the pep song. Are any of you from the Class of '69 still "Dizzy" from "The Monkey's Paw"? While the earlier production of "Our Town" may have been the most outstanding class play WHS ever produced, ours was probably one of the most bizarre. Remember when the guys (the big ones, not the skinny ones like me) used to turn Coach Orrison's Simca around in the upper-level parking lot? I'll never forget my trip to All-Area Band in Bluefield with "Marvelous" Marvin Smallwood and Fred Barnes. I think our band was the only one in the state that would only let you go once, so more kids would have the opportunity. I'm sure Mr. Lassak took some criticism for that, but I always thought he had everyone's best interest in mind. He did give me a hard time the year I decided to be a manager on the football team and had to miss being in the band. We had a good time, though, with "Preacher" Parsons, Tom Compton, and the rest. I didn't think that team could have had their season without Preacher. Of course, it was an experience with Wayne Hicks always yelling, "come on, you hamburger". And Coach Mosco with his little Parodi, always chewed, never smoked. On the home page, there's a comment about people's dreams and aspirations. One of those mentioned is my 2nd cousin, Dino Ramella. He did, in fact pursue a successful career in journalism and lives in Northern California - the Reading area, I believe. Maybe he'll log on some day and fill you all in. By the time my group "came of age", Franklin Dairy had moved to lower McDowell Street, but I do remember the original near the Pocahontas Theatre. And for all it's glory, we'll never, ever forget the parking building, proudly displaying the sign "The First Municipally Owned Parking Building in the United States". Welch had many proud moments and owed a lot of them to Sam Solins, for who else could have gotten such speakers for Veterans Day as Lyndon Johnson and many of the top politicians and military brass in the country. Speaking of the Pocahontas, how many of you won free tickets from Sam Sidote on WELC on the "Question of the Morning"? The more we reminisce, the more memories will be evoked. We may never be able to go home again, but in our minds eye, we can see old friends, relive the experiences of our youth and help keep a perspective on the future. |
Wednesday, 17-Mar-1999 17:42:19 writes: i just found this site thanks to my sis (maria) up in maryland. it is nice to know that some of you folks from havaco are still alive and kicking. reha romans, you created a lot of crushes in all of us coal dirt encrusted havaco boys. i was also very much in love with your cousin debby. allen stroupe, i havent seen you since flea and i drove down to va beach. 1973, i think it was. its nice to know you guys are still out there. i live outside front royal, va. ralph waller and his brother bobby live near me. i see ralph (lan-o) about once a month. darrell reece works in stevens city (not far from here) he lives in wardensville, wv. i go to church with jerry dillon from premier mtn(class of 63). iwas under the impression that the seventys reunion would be every five years. let me know what is happening. i have some sad news . we lost our son, bobby last september. he was the little blond guy that we needed the sitter for at the last reunion. it has been a horrible time for us. your thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated. warm memories and lots of love joe longo class of 72 |
looking for old friends
Sunday, 14-Mar-1999 11:16:10 writes: the message board is great. it is wonderful to remember when times were
much simpler. i lived in davy beside the school. my older sisters were
eleanor, francis,peggy,alice and marianna. all graduates of whs. triva
question - who remembers
(No subject)
Saturday, 13-Mar-1999 13:34:29 writes: I graduated from Welch High School with the class of 1975 (early). My classmates were the class of 1976. I would like to hear from any old classmates. I did get the e-mail address of someone I was in the band with and was so glad to get back in touch after all these years.My younger brother told me about this website and I think it is great. |
Friday, 12-Mar-1999 14:57:25 writes: My heavy heart has now been renewed and I feel like singing again, but don't I think there are words to Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. (You don't want to hear me sing anyway.) This is my last invitation. Some 300 hundred entries ago there were several invitations made from class of '69 to join us in a 60's reunion in August. Since then I have read and re-read you guys saying "when is the next reunion; is there going to be a reunion; let's get the 60's together; be sure to let me know when the next reunion will be." Oh, you read it to. OK, I am letting you know, (for the 4th time) what are you going to do about it? Time is ticking away and on August 13 and 14 I'll be in Welch, roaming the streets (trying to figure out just where the heck was Carman's café, remember the little hole in the wall beside Witten's Floral Shop or some where in there) taking a stroll "ON THE HILL" and missing you. The floor's open, DJ is hired, and I need a partner (my husband has two left feet) -- are you coming? Contact Mary Spano Clark at -- Or Connie Ellis Williams at Speak now or forever hold your horses. EVERYONE OF YOU are welcome, I am going to the 40's Reunion in July, I may see some of you there, look me up, I'll be with the prettiest Mom there, (my Mom of course). |
Make New Wave Friends
Thursday, 11-Mar-1999 19:04:56 writes: The messages on this forum are wonderful. I agree we all have the same upbringing in a wonderful secluded place deep in the mountains of McDowell county. Our culture is rare due to the great pride our teachers instilled in us.It did not matter if we were the have or have nots when we walked off the hill of that precious school for the last time we never left feeling defeated. There was a lot of us and some of our classmates we barely knew maybe because as young teens we have our special friends. But as adults would it be great if we can drop a line and ask " how are you and what are you doing now"? to a classmate you barely knew. I bet most of us would be surprised how that shy student in the back of the class is doing and gosh how pleased they would be just to know you care if they come to the next reunion. COME ON MAROON WAVES ! let us embrace and unite all our classmates. I bet we find some really neat friends that we just never took the time to get to know them. A Proud Maroon Wave |
Thursday, 11-Mar-1999 17:46:31 writes: Irregardless of the age, maturity (or lack of), education, etc., etc., some people never change. No matter how hard you try, you can't ever go back "home" again so forget the grudges! Stop trying to re-establish the "clicks". GO FORWARD! There's no need to compete -- no matter what school we attended or to which organizations we did (or did not) belong. Some of us don't want to relive those days of being high school outcasts because of where we lived or who we weren't. We're adults -- not immature school kids! We all share the common bond of having come from the same area, being
of the same basic culture and having been taught the same
There's a low of excitement being expressed over the opportunity to find old friends and establish new friendships. A lot of work has gone into this site. Don't forget its intended purpose. It only takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel. Let's get back on the right track and not allow that to happen. WV PRIDE
Class of 53
Thursday, 11-Mar-1999 12:56:03 writes: I have heard from so many people from McDowell County but nothing from the class of 53. Surely, someone has a computer. Does anyone know anything about the class of 53? Anybody, anywhere, write. |
Whew! What's Happened?
Thursday, 11-Mar-1999 12:38:11 writes: I just checked back in on the WHS "Message Board" and found a big, wet towel on it! All of a sudden, there's no "good" news like there was before. Instead, it's starting to resemble one of those "Chat Rooms" that make you want to take a shower after you leave! People, we can do better than this! Maybe GHS had the right idea by NOT having a "Message Board" -- just a Guest Book for individuals to sign-in, briefly remember their past; then, get on with their life. I wrote the "Embarrassed Wave Too" entry under the unfortunate "Traitors" heading. Of course I'm not going to sign my name to this, since what's more important is WHAT is said rather than WHO says it. Frankly, given what we've seen in some of these entries, our perception of some of these people would be better served had they NOTsigned what they wrote. Let's do this -- Let's get the "sour grapes" and "rotten apples" out of the preverbial BARREL, cut the sucker in-half, give half of it to Welch and the other half to Gary, let them put their respective halves in their own "museams" with a "plague" on it (as someone else suggested), AND BE DONE WITH IT! I'd much rather hear about Sam Muscatello's grandchildren, Ray Kiser's fond memories of Welch and the tributes from us to his Mother, plans for class reunions, the Blakely Field days, etc. than all this other stuff about which most of us could care less! Let's extend the courtesy deserved by the "good-spirited" ladies who put together this wonderful medium for the exchange of "positive" information about our "positive" past. They (and we) deserve no less! Now then, where's the GOOD news? Signed: "Embarrassed Wave Too"
Wednesday, 10-Mar-1999 19:33:50 writes: Part II. Boy can you mess up with just the slip of the finger. "That" is what we have done. Anyway I didn't finish - but I guess I am. I hope I have made my point. When you read the following message (part I), finish it by using your imagination as we did growing up in the most wonderful place that no one else can know but us. As we paint that picure in our minds and someday get to go back just think what a thrill, and NO ONE can ever take that away from you or me, and especially the pride from those that still live there - in my home town and yours. |
Wednesday, 10-Mar-1999 19:20:40 writes: Ok, truce!!! - and no more crossing over either. (I read all that.)
Enough said, lets get on with what this site was originally intended for.
Are we a Maroon Wave or not? Do we have orginallity or not? Can we go on
or not? Do you need a help with an idea? Here are some:
WHOA-A-A !!!!
Wednesday, 10-Mar-1999 15:59:44 writes: In my original message, "The Barrel's Going to
WHS Class of 1952
Wednesday, 10-Mar-1999 15:37:52 writes: The missing classmates from the Class of '52 are:
If anyone has the address of any of these classmates, please let me know. Thanks. |
Fill or Thrill?
Wednesday, 10-Mar-1999 08:32:55 writes: In her treatise on TRAITORS below, Rhea remembers the alma mater the way I do. We have a little side bet going with some other message board visitors. Do our hearts "fill" or "thrill" with gladness? The home page says "thrill." Can we get an official ruling? |
Wednesday, 10-Mar-1999 00:34:41 writes: HANG that TRAITOR from the highest tree - hang him once for you and hang him again for me! Hang him high, let him siwing as "ROLL OUT THE BARREL" we shall sing. Tear off his clothes, show his shame let it be known that this man is "lame" . To sell his soul to a coaldigger, surely not, that rotten _ _ _ _ _ _! Should those clothes be maroon and white burn those rags, light up the night! As he swings high in that tree and those clothes smolther along with dead leaves, the night will be calm as we quiltely sing, "WE HAIL MAROON AND WHITE, THE BANNER of WELCH HIGH, We're striving to excel and keep our standards high. As ever on through life we go, Our hearts with gladness fill, When looking back at that Benedict Arnold, as his soul goes straight to hell!!! |
The Barrel's Going to Enemy Territory
Tuesday, 09-Mar-1999 22:26:04 writes: I heard today, through one of my students, that
Senior Sigma Reunion
Tuesday, 09-Mar-1999 12:52:15 writes: Girls, Girls...............
To Bobbie Ingole Jackson
Tuesday, 09-Mar-1999 11:08:42 writes: Bobbie, The reply you sent to my message re: Does Anyone Know Where They Are? had no message, just your name. Please try again |
Former favorite place in Welch
Tuesday, 09-Mar-1999 08:50:41 writes: Hello Maroon Waver's. I am a Coaldigger but certainly no stranger to Welch. I've lived here on three seperate occasions. I married a girl from Hemphill (Eloise Lester class of 56'). We presently live in North Welch. I would love to hear some comments of your past favorite places in Welch. Mine was Blakley Field. All comments would bring back pleasant memories. Especially interested in the crew that retrieved foul balls behind the bleachers. Names, what did you do with the balls, fights, names of people who worked there. Anything connected to the complex. I wanted to chase those foul balls so bad it hurt, but my Dad told me I would get killed back there. So all I could do was just watch. Thank you in advance for sharing those good days. The day they did away with the field was a very sad time. Things just haven't been the same in Welch since. Butch Webb |
Hello to ole school friends
Monday, 08-Mar-1999 20:32:27 writes: Just took a stroll thru memory lane and what a delightful experience. I hope to hear from a lot of my ole home town friends & classmates. I've been living in Nashville, TN for over 22 years now, so have lost touch with many folks. However, I believe the lost link(s) has been reconnected via the WHS internet. Thanks to all who put this together. If I can help with the 70's reunion, let me know. Anxious to hear from ya'll. Class of '73 |
Searching for Friends
Monday, 08-Mar-1999 16:54:26 writes: Spoke with my sister and she says, "HELLO" to all of you and for you to be sure and write her. She was wondering if anyone knows where Beverly Vallo, and Tom Moore can be found. She sayd that Karen Van Fleet lives in La (or did) and wonders if she is still in that city. Also, does anyone remember Vee Hassen. Someone wanted to know the phone number of WOVE - well what ever happed to Paul Fortner the Dj? I know what happened to Larry Anderson whose father bought WOVE in the early 60's - he is now an Exec (thanks to good old Dad) and - he was a JUDGE at the Miss America pagent last a year or so ago!!! I also fell over when I heard the name and when he stood up - the guy hasn't changed. Jackie and I also were talking about Jim Ameche - who did his student
teaching as my 10th grade biology teacher (2nd Semester!) He told Jackie
that if it was the last thing he did he would flunk me for embarassing
him. I had to work overtime to stay ahead of that "F"! Mrs. Clark was our
original bio. teacher and thank goodness she knew that I was not a "F"
student! Ameche was just too good looking to be teaching the reproduction
system to Jackie Trail, Jerry Murphy, the rest of us "brats"! We were also
speaking of the Ramella guys... anyone?? I told her all about the website
and about "October Sky" - obivously Nevada is in the dark on that one!
It must be those retirement communities - they're over protective!(ha)
We even spoke of "DoDo" mabe and how tragic is was that it was he bleed
to death within 50 yards of a hospital! Also, has anyone kept up with David
Walker and Ruth Barnes? They were such a cute couple in highschool. Sue
Cardea and her brother Jerry?
WHS Trivia -- Late 50's Early 60's
Monday, 08-Mar-1999 11:37:13 writes: 1) What was the "dual-purpose" implement which replaced the class ring as the popular item to hang from the necklaces of WHS & GHS girls in the late 50's - early 60's? (Clue -- GHS's were nylon, contoured and metal tipped; WHS's were dull, flat-tipped and metal) 2) What was the name of the Tuba Player in the WHS marching band whose tuba was always the "target" of 20-30 water balloons tossed from the Court House steps when the WHS band marched past the original Post Office building during the annual Halloween parade? Errant throws were also known to "wipe-out" the last 2 rows of the WHS band! (Clue -- he wore a RAINCOAT in the parade his Senior year!) 3) What was the never-before and never-since seen audio accessory which Punky Foster had installed in the passenger side dashboard of his car? 4) Where in downtown Welch was the only INDOOR, heated, private swimming pool constructed which was supposed to be a "secret", yet where almost every "street-wise" Welch kid swam at least every other day without the knowledge of the very prominent owner? (Clue -- he was a public official) 5) What was the "unofficial" other name for "The Chatter Box"? 6) What was the common, colorful household item you could always see blowing in the leafless trees along the Tug River when the annual February flood waters would recede? SCORING: 0 CORRECT = You either were'nt yet born; too old to remember, or really don't care; yet, you're ready to join the chorus of many others in yelling "Get A Life!" to the author of this trivia quiz! 1 TO 2 CORRECT = You knew people who participated in at least 2 of the events or visited locations mentioned in the above questions. 3 TO 5 CORRECT = You personally participated in at least 3 of the events; were or dated a GHS or WHS football player; were in the band and knew Billy Woods; knew how to get into the lower level alley door of Mayor Swope's office; you loved listening to 45rpm records while driving the streets of Welch; your outhouse always had toilet paper (more when the Tug flooded!). |
Governor Underwood
Sunday, 07-Mar-1999 23:29:35 writes: I just returned from seeing October Sky--what a fabulous story--made even more so by the fact that Governor and Mrs. Underwood sat directly behind me! Thanks to this message board, I've found out that Sherry Compton's daughter
and mine are both sophomores at Wake Forest....It sure is a small world.
wasn.t ther some BYRDS in late 60's and early 70's
Sunday, 07-Mar-1999 16:59:19 writes: where are they now |
(No subject)
Sunday, 07-Mar-1999 16:43:43 writes: have no email address yet. seen your message on WHS page are you the Ed that was always smiling. also the one playing or practicing the violin with your mother one day that i was delivering the paper. live in newton N.C>still working. mailman. |
Where did that music come from????
Saturday, 06-Mar-1999 21:58:18 writes: Alot of you have asked: "where did that music
Homer on TV early this AM
Saturday, 06-Mar-1999 16:37:16 writes: Did any of you see Homer Hickam on the late, late show with Tom Snyder early this AM. I taped it so I can play it for friends and tell them this talened man is from my area of West Viriginia. I am anxious to see October Sky when it is in Charleston, West Virginia. Take care and God Bless and I look forward to the forties reunion in July. |
Does Anyone Know Where They Are?
Saturday, 06-Mar-1999 14:05:59 writes: Does anyone know where the following people from Class of 70 might be? Burley Warf, Doug Smith, Wayne Meadows, Dickie Andes and Blair Vass, and from Class of 69 (I think) Nick Melnick? Me, Cathy Bright, and the above guys used to spend late afternoons sitting in Franklin's Dairy solving the problems of the world after they got out of Voc. School. We all really got to be good friends our Junior and Senior years. I don't think I've seen any of them since. Blair, Dickie and I used to ride in Blair's VW Beatle and "jump" the town side entrance to Summers Street everytime we had snow. We used that old VW like a snowmobile coming out of Edmore Hollow. None of these guys were at 70's reunion. If you know their whereabouts or email addresses, I'd love to know! |
Senior Sig Reunion
Saturday, 06-Mar-1999 08:37:29 writes: Please respond if interested as soon as possible.
Saturday, 06-Mar-1999 07:51:33 writes: Q. Does anybody remember how the Tic Toc Grill spelled the plural of
"lunch" on its sign outside?
Somebody needs to write a book of Welchisms. |
Coaldigger Website
Friday, 05-Mar-1999 13:36:38 writes: Has any gotten the Coaldigger Alumni Website to open? I can only get a black and red screen and just sits there! Hmmmmmm. Just another indication that the computer age isn't 100% - YET... Or maybe Gary being even further up a "holler" than Havaco has something to do with it! (Just kidding) I'm sure we all had "friends" from Gary High School at certain times of the year - excluding the week before and the month after all Gary/Welch football games and would love to be able to chat with them so if anyone has the secret to opening this site - I'm all E-Mail! |
Thursday, 04-Mar-1999 20:17:34 writes: Where are the 1950 and 1951 Graduates?
October Sky
Thursday, 04-Mar-1999 16:11:29 writes: Saw October Sky last night. Brought back a lot of memories. Hope everyone gets a chance to see it. It's a great movie. thanks H. Hickam. |
Thursday, 04-Mar-1999 08:18:13 writes: Does anybody know if the mileage distance sign that was at the city
limit just outside Southwood is still there? It said "Welch 0." That was
a classic! Also, has anybody ever seen a zero on a distance sign anywhere
else in the world?
Thursday, 04-Mar-1999 08:17:42 writes: While I still have a few connections in M.B. I
thanks for the web site
Thursday, 04-Mar-1999 06:43:36 writes: the page is great; it good to see how people are doing. i have been in eduacationfor 30+ years the last ten in administration. who would have believed that. my wife of 30 years is a counselor at our rival high school. drop me a line it would be great to hear from you. |
Wednesday, 03-Mar-1999 16:47:40 writes: Hands on your buzzers! Test your knowledge and skill! Do not leave any answers blank. Good Luck! 1. What was the last word shouted at the end of the cheer called “the
PICK THE 1970 MAY KING AND QUEEN: rules inside
Wednesday, 03-Mar-1999 15:23:58 writes: The messages below got me thinking. Thirty years is long enough without
a May King and Queen. Only two rules:
Rule 2: Nobody even remotely serious or cruelly in jest. For example: try Shibby Woebe and the Transister Sister After all, we deserve 'em! I coulda been a Homecoming King or a May Court lord.. |
Update on the Maitland Smiths
Tuesday, 02-Mar-1999 23:23:07 writes: I've only been aware of this web site for about 2 weeks but find myself eager to check it daily. I'm glad I made myself become computer literate in spite of feeling pretty dumb in the process. My brother, John (Smith), graduated in '57. He is a retired state policemen and now works for the WV Dept. of Employment. He lives in Ft. Ashby, WV, near Cumberland, Maryland. He is married to Marilyn and their only son, John, and his wife have Nicholas who is 2 years old. Jerry ('60)lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He and Deborah have 2 sons, Brian and Graham. Brian is a physician doing a psychiatric residency at UNC, Chapel Hill. He's getting married this summer. Graham is a graduate of the University of Michigan and hasn't decided his next move. Jerry is retired but very busy acting as a consultant. He has a PhD in virology and has focused on the development of new products (diagnostic tests, etc.) Danny ('67) married Linda Kay Camper and they live in Beckley as do
I and our mother. They have one son, Drew, who can often be read about
in the newspaper as he's a starter on the Woodrow Wilson basketball team
(state champs the past 2 years).
I've been divorced for more years than I can remember. I've worked at the V.A. hospital here in Beckley for over 20 years. I'm a nurse and am similar to a case manager. My son, Jimmy, is an attorney here in town. David lives in Charleston and works in the insurance industry. Neither seems eager to get married. I'm not sure what their girlfriends think about that. One of my best friends in the class of '58 was Norma Knea. She and her husband had retired to Florida and shortly thereafter she got sick (cancer of the pancreas)and died in 1997. She was a teacher and loved it. Our friend, Rhoda Parker Copley, and her husband, Don, also live in Florida and were able to support Norma during her illness. I hope this message hasn't put you to sleep. I never knew how to say anything in just a few words. I'm looking forward to learning more about all of you. This web site and "Rocket Boys/October Sky" have really put me in a McDowell Co. frame of mind. Linda Smith Stacy |
greatest game ever played
Saturday, 27-Feb-1999 22:00:50 writes: since i have the tape and hooks did not carry the ball every play -can u quess who ran the ball? YES I HAVE THE GAME ON VIDEO |
Memories: Football, Fires, and Drive-ins, 60's & 50's
Saturday, 27-Feb-1999 18:51:07 writes: FOOTBALL: Martha Johnston Manning's message about the greatest Welch-Gary
game, got me to thinking about the greatest Welch football team. In my
memory, there's no question the best was the 1963 squad, led by the class
of '64. I believe they were the only Welch team to go undefeated and untied--and
one of the few WHS squads to beat Bluefield in the days when the Beavers
seemed to run the show. That '63 group was rooked out of the state championship
by a system of voters and ratings, which punished them for not having enough
AAA teams on the schedule. The way they determined the state champion in
those years was a total scandal. Mayor Swope made up for it on Veterans'
Day, when Vice-President Johnson (only 11 days before the Kennedy assasination)
spoke at the Pocahontas Theater. Mayor Swope all but ignored the Vice-President,
while he waxed on and on about the glorious undefeated football team, which
as far as he was concerned was the best anywhere, and especially No. 1
in West Virginia. Jim Smithburger and Don Roberts were two of the seniors
who were named to the national All America team. Smithburger later played
on a national champion Notre Dame team. Roberts played center for Army.
Several others from '63-'64 got college scholarships as well. I still remember
one play--I think it was against Pineville--in which Smithburger dropped
deep to receive a punt. He raced toward one sideline, where the entire
Pineville team was moving in anxious pursuit. As Smithburger saw them cluster
in front of him, just yards away, he stopped hard, then turned on a backward
loop, outracing the entire Pineville squad across the field. Jimmy then
sped down the opposite sideline untouched into the endzone. Normally that
kind of move doesn't work, but Jimmy's speed and Pineville's mistakes combined
for a spectacular play. I haven't seen anything quite like it since. Does
anyone else remember this? Was it Pineville or Mullens? (Another great
memory from the class of '64 was their excellent production of Thornton
Wilder's "OUR TOWN." You guys were awesome.)
Where is '74???
Saturday, 27-Feb-1999 10:44:09 writes: Where are all the members of the Class of '74? I had some GREAT friends in that class and haven't seen or heard from or about many of them since graduation (although I graduated in '75). Someone let me know where they went to??? |
The Barrel
Saturday, 27-Feb-1999 08:09:30 writes: I read with interest the page about the history of the barrel. When I attended the reunion for the '70s in 1997, we were all wondering what had happened to it after the consolidation. Mr. Roberts, now superintendent, told us he though it was in the vault at the Board offices. I didn't know about a Welch-Gary Middle School barrel game, so I don't know if it's the same barrel or not. Any other info? |
October Sky Soundtrack
Saturday, 27-Feb-1999 00:25:54 writes: I enjoyed music in movie almost as much as the story. I'm sure everyone who listened to Randy's Record Shop on WLAC will enjoy the Soundtrack. Do yourself a favor and pick it up if you like some obscure as well as the more recognizable songs. I wonder if Homer had a hand in picking out music. John Spencer '58 |
The Greatest Welch-Gary Game
Friday, 26-Feb-1999 17:33:29 writes: Was there ever a better football game than the 1969 Welch-Gary game? Welch-38; Gary-36. Joanne's senior year. I was in 9th grade. I still have a miniature replica of the 1969 Barrel on my bookshelf. I wish I had a video of that game. I'd play it along with my 1999 Fiesta Bowl tape and UT-FLA 1998. I remember Bobby Lewis (12) played a whale of a game. Was Jerry Lambert (11) QB? If anybody remembers highlights/stars/key plays of the game, please share them with all or email me! I'm sure many of you will agree that was one of the greatest games in the storied rivalry. It was one of my fondest memories of Welch |
(No subject)
Friday, 26-Feb-1999 15:55:27 writes: One of my fondest memories of being in Welch was Mrs. Richardson's class where we learned une and urn in French. Our class would live for the moment when Mr. Richardson would come on the loudspeaker, bang the microphone on the desk a few times to get everyone's attention, and say, "Attention, attention. Jim Crockett come to the office, AND BRING YOUR BOOKS." The class would send up a loud cheer accompanied by claps and hoots. Jim, I'll meet you under the streetlight, and pop the top on one for me!" |
Looking for old friends
Friday, 26-Feb-1999 10:29:30 writes: I did not graduate from Welch High School but, graduated from Iaeger High School in 1967. We are having a reunion for the whole decade of the 60's on April 10 at the Holiday Inn in Bluefield and are looking for some of our old friends from Welch High School. Does anyone know what ever happened to Don Boyce? We think he graduated in 1964. |
So great to finally get news from Welch!
Thursday, 25-Feb-1999 23:23:13 writes: Talked with Rita (Ramella) Lawson today and told her what a super time I had reading messages last night. This is a wonderful way to get in touch with old friends! Rita, Larry Ramella, Billy Southard, Pam White and I get together regularly here in Fredericksburg, VA to remember "olden" times! |
Rocket Boys/October Sky
Thursday, 25-Feb-1999 12:54:30 writes: Please, if anyone needs a copy of "Rocket Boys"
Correcting Email Address
Thursday, 25-Feb-1999 12:24:35 writes: I love this site. Thanks again to all who have
If anyone knows of the whereabouts of my old friends, Johnny Nigro,
Deano Ferris, Russell and
I have 12 grandchildren, and unbelievably I am also a great grandpa,
I have 1 great grandson,
Thursday, 25-Feb-1999 11:49:31 writes: Don't forget to watch HOMER tonight on David Letterman's show! He also is scheduled to appear on the Crier
(No subject)
Thursday, 25-Feb-1999 10:36:19 writes: I look forward to reading the new messages every day. It would be helpful for some of us whose memories aren't as good as they used to be if you would mention the year you graduated from WHS. |
October Sky
Thursday, 25-Feb-1999 02:59:22 writes: After seeing the movie here in Florida, when everyone was leaving the theater, I asked, "Anyone else here from WV"? The woman in front of me turned and said, "Yes, I'm from Coalwood, and went to BCHS." Her name is Thetis Langlet (don't know maiden name). I told her of the upcoming WV reunion locally, and she plans to attend. So, now I have a new WV friend here in FL. Thanks, Homer! |
(No subject)
Wednesday, 24-Feb-1999 23:57:37 writes: like to hear from anyone who remember me i would of graduated in 1968 but i left welch in 1967 before my senior year. so please contact me if you remember me. |
70's Reunions classmates
Wednesday, 24-Feb-1999 21:05:27 writes: We need all the 70's classmates to send your addresses or mail them.
Even though you feel that we have them send them in anyway. We are planning
a 70's reunion for July 2000. We will be have other internet addresses
on here to contact at a later date. We need your address and any other
addresses of other classmates that you have. We also need to know the name
of deceased classmates if you no of any. MY address is 1285 Airport Road
Welch, Wv 24801 phone number 304-436-3623 or emaill at
or or
OCTOBER SKY / "Rocket Boys"
Wednesday, 24-Feb-1999 21:04:52 writes: Without a doubt, every West Virginian should
Senior Sigmas and Keyettes
Wednesday, 24-Feb-1999 20:57:44 writes: I was a member of the Senior Sigmas as a "little
Welch High School Class of 1969 Reunion
Wednesday, 24-Feb-1999 20:30:38 writes: Our committee has made plans for the weekend of Aug. 13 and 14. Friday
night's gathering will be at the McDowell County Library where you will
have a great view of the school "on the hill."
"The Rocket Boys" / "October Sky"
Wednesday, 24-Feb-1999 16:10:07 writes: Here's an update on "The Rocket Boys". I've been looking for the book since I saw the Sneak Preview of "October Sky". Couldn't find the book"The Rocket Boys" on the shelves. The book has since been republished/retitled as "October Sky"-- not "The Rocket Boys". C'mon've got to tell us these things! Great Movie....Great Book...Great tribute to the good people of McDowell County! |
October Sky
Wednesday, 24-Feb-1999 12:06:43 writes: I went to Bluefield on 2/21 to see a private showing for McDowell Countians of October Sky. The movie was fabulous and I can't think of a better way of seeing it than w/my sisters and mother. Even if the scenery was not actually in McDowell County, they did a good job with it. I felt like I had stepped back in time. We came across as being intelligent human beings. I live in Southside Virginia where I have had to battle comments and slurs against WV for the past 21 years. We should all thank Homer Hickam for letting the "outside world" know
that we aren't uneducated, barefoot, idiots with no running water or indoor
plumbing! EVERYONE who grew up in McDowell should read the book and see
the movie. When this one comes out on home video, I WILL own it!
Old friends
Wednesday, 24-Feb-1999 06:44:37 writes: Trying to locate Ray Burger and Harry Ballard.If anyone can help, give me a click. Thanks. |
October Sky
Tuesday, 23-Feb-1999 16:02:35 writes: The movie was wonderful. My tears flowed so fast I couldn't keep up so I just put my handkerchief across the bridge of my nose and let it pour. I heard comments like, "that don't look like Coalwood, or Welch, or, etc. Let's get this straight. It was not filmed in WV, nor Coalwood. The characteristic of most coal camps looked like that portrayed in the movie, Coalwood was the exception. This is all about a young man struggling against all odds to become a scientists. Coal is the heart of WV, and especially during those years it was so crucial for it's existence. This determined young man was daring to be different, and to do something no one knew anything about took an extreme amount courage. When something is different, human instinct tells us to pull away from it. The question was "how will a rocket scientist help us mine coal, or make it better?" When there was not an answer that made sense, it was considered "useless." We were taught that hard work and a decent living was all we needed to make a life for ourselves and that would in turn make us a good human being. While that is still a very important "principle of life" that must be taught, it is also just as important to tell our children that their dreams can become reality with just a little more work. Because of people like "Sonny Hickam" we are no longer made fun of and have the acceptance of our peers, and cheers from our parents, co-workers and society. And the most important message of all, the movie shows the rest of the world that West Virginian's will no longer to be looked down upon, or thought of as "poor, uneducated hillbillies". For that we must thank Sonny Hickam who had the courage to tell "our story." Because he dared to be different, and dared to write about it -- we can stand on our majestical mountains higher than ever before because people will take notice and listen, for they will know we are "one in a million". Thank you Homer Hickam!!!!! |
October Sky
Monday, 22-Feb-1999 09:44:24 writes: My wife and I saw October Sky on Friday night - it's opening. This is the first "opening night" movie we've attended in years. The build-up it has gotten on this site had me all pumped up to see it. The only thing I can say is that you folks have understated its qualities. The only way it could have been more enjoyable would have been to film it at home. When the movie ended, I wanted to stand and ask how many people from WV were in the theatre. There are a lot in the northern Delaware area. I heard comments on the way out such as "I haven't seen a movie like that in years". More people were wiping there eyes than were not. I made my mother (Carolina Agostine Morgan McPeake) promise to go see it with my step-father (Gerald McPeake). Both are WHS graduates, but I dare not give the wrong years. They would love to hear from you. Any friends or classmates can e-mail me and I will pass the messages on. In the area of reminiscing, besides our band rocking the auditorium during pep rally's, how many of you guys out there ever hitched a ride at the Pure station? When I first "thumbed" a ride there, I felt I had arrived because that was a sacred place. It was a special event when you needed a ride up Stewart Street and you got to the Pure station before anyone else. That was prime hitch-hiking!! Keep in touch and spread the news of this site! |
Sunday, 21-Feb-1999 19:03:51 writes: FYI, our very own and very talented resident photographer, JOHN SPENCER, has a nice collection of McDowell County photos available if anyone is interested. I'm sure John would be more than happy to give you information if you contact him @ JRS58WHS. As most of you know, John has been responsible for the photos taken at most, if not all, of the various WHS reunions and has done a wonderful job for us. THANKS, John! |
The oldest unanswered question
Sunday, 21-Feb-1999 16:38:40 writes: Ok. It's been 32 years. Who painted the gym? Inquiring minds |
Saturday, 20-Feb-1999 11:44:25 writes: Regarding my previous message. I mistakenly put
I know how to spell - I just can't type!
Friday, 19-Feb-1999 21:49:42 writes: I really did mean cruising and cruisin' no cursing!
16 years of schooling and still can't spell! Oh, well, life is full of it and I ain't perfect - yet... Rhea Romans Worsham |
Would Love to Hear From Classmates and Friends
Friday, 19-Feb-1999 21:45:57 writes: This is really a great page! Hello to all of you. I want to give you
my sister's (Jackie Romans) address. She does not surf the web but writes
a mean hand. Jackie's husband has MS and she is not well herself. [Jackie
& Bob Gallagher,
Arrrival of Third Grandchild
Friday, 19-Feb-1999 20:06:31 writes: Today, February l8, l999, I am celebrating the arrival of my third grandchild, Catherine Alexandra Miano (Alex) born to my son Anthony and his lovely wife Heather. If anyone is in and around Radford, Va. stop in and help us celebrate. Thanks. Tony |
Senior Sigs--Melodiers
Friday, 19-Feb-1999 16:07:37 writes: I was initiated in 1969 to the Sigs and I
Senir Sigs, Keyettes and Melodiers
Friday, 19-Feb-1999 10:18:26 writes: Anyone belonging to these organizations please respond. We are looking
for other lost members
Thursday, 18-Feb-1999 11:46:04 writes: Sherwood Bailey
WHS Class of 1952
Thursday, 18-Feb-1999 09:16:14 writes: Although we have current addresses for about 80% of the members of our class, we're still missing 20 to 25 addresses. If you are a member of the Class of '52 and are not receiving our newsletter, please e-mail me, or write to 232 Robanna Dr., Seaford, VA 23696. Our class has had three reunions (in '84, '92, and '97) and will have another in the summer of 2000. |
Letterman Appearance
Wednesday, 17-Feb-1999 20:57:08 writes: Several folks from WHS have written asking when my Letterman appearance will be. As of this moment, it's scheduled for Feb. 25. Jake Gyllenhaal, the young man who plays me in October Sky, is scheduled for Letterman on Feb. 18. Jake was a little under the weather yesterday after the southern premiere in Knoxville so I hope he gets on ok. He's a great actor and I hope everybody will tune in and cheer him on. I told him yesterday that he is, whether he knows it or not, now a West Virginian and, more importantly, a McDowell Countian. He is a great representative of our state (even though he's never been there). Of course, any schedule for any tv show is subject to change. I'm also supposed to be on the Crier Report (Fox) on Feb. 26. I don't know if that will hold or not. We'll see. I certainly appreciate the interest and the good wishes from all on the Maroon Wave side of my "family." |
Don Copley
Tuesday, 16-Feb-1999 18:45:30 writes: Hello Don,
Class of '55 launched into cyberspace!
Tuesday, 16-Feb-1999 12:02:19 writes: Thanks to Bill Tolley's response to Larry Hylton's bulletin board request (see below), the WHS class of 1955 senior pictures are now posted at: |
Welch and October Sky
Monday, 15-Feb-1999 18:04:04 writes: I saw a sneak preview of October Sky and am about halfway through the book, Rocket Boys. Both are great. For those who were raised in coal camps and/or went to Welch High, the book and movie will bring back very fond memories. We led a wonderful life as kids growing up, and we are indebted to Homer Hicham for bringing it back to life in such a wonderful story. In the story, I must have been one of those notorious Welch boys, knowing the Coalwood Dantzler girls, Eleanor and Ginger, well and taking Ginger to the Welch senior prom. Jerry Smith, WHS class of 60 |
"October Sky"
Monday, 15-Feb-1999 15:49:50 writes: 2/15/99 Went to see "October Sky" as a "Sneak Preview" last night. What a great movie and tribute to Sonny Hickham, Coalwood, Big Creek H.S. and McDowell County! Being one of those "other kids from Welch", and seeing Homer ("Sonny") leave on that old Greyhound bus, I was immediately reminded of an encounter I had several years ago (while living/working in Boston, MA) with a VPI grad who was in his Doctoral studies at MIT. I told this guy I was born and raised in southern West Virginia. He then said, "You know, I've only seen three good things come out of West Virginia...1) Jerry West 2) Sam Huff, and 3) an EMPTY Greyhound bus!" I only wish I could run into that same guy again. I'd be quick to let him know that there are now at least 5 good things (knowing there are countless others) from WVA...not only the ones he mentioned, but also "October Sky" and this Webpage for Welch High Alumni! |
Lost Friend
Monday, 15-Feb-1999 10:03:02 writes: Does anyone know where Linda Hurt (class of 65) is? We were best friends in school and I would like to get in contact with her. |
Would like to hear
Sunday, 14-Feb-1999 21:27:05 writes: I did'nt graduate from dear ole Welch High. I still have some fond memories. It has been along time ago. However, I would like to hear from anyone who remembers. Thanks for the Web Page. |
1938 WHS Graduate
Thursday, 04-Feb-1999 17:40:35 writes: I am a 1938 graduate of Welch High School and would like to hear from anyone that was in (or near) my class. My mailing address is: John Bero
Betty L. Blankenship
Wednesday, 03-Feb-1999 21:54:57 writes: She graduated in 54' does anyone remember her? She lives in a Nursing home her in Virginia,would love to her from anyone that graduated with her or old boy friends. |
(No subject)
Tuesday, 02-Feb-1999 21:02:44 writes: Class of '62. Sister Sharon of '63. Live in Newton, NC. John Heenan Wilson |
l969 reunion
Saturday, 30-Jan-1999 11:01:43 writes: Reunion of 1969 will be weekend of Aug. 13 and 14th. Start making your
plans now. We need addresses. Letters will be out mid-Feb.
Mary, Connie, Richard, and Arba |
Rocket Boys / October Sky
Thursday, 28-Jan-1999 23:26:17 writes: I received today a very nice note from Donnie Skuja, letting me know about this board. It is very well done, or course, since it is for and by graduates of Welch High School. I appreciate the nice things Donnie has been saying about my book Rocket Boys and the movie October Sky. I was a Big Creek student but had friends who lived in Welch and attended Welch High. You were the very best and I always admired your school. Go Maroon Wave! |
1969 Class reunion
Thursday, 28-Jan-1999 22:13:28 writes: Plans have begun. Now we need addresses of our classmates. Please help
Mary Spano Clark
More on Rocket Boys/October Sky February 6
Thursday, 28-Jan-1999 17:02:08 writes: The web site Bonnie Boyd Tabor so kindly referred us to now includes comments from some people who have already seen the movie which are very encouraging. There is also a search listing the theaters in different States where the premier showing of October Sky will be on February 6. Unfortunately the only West Virginia theater listed is the Cinema 4 in Huntington. It appears the closest theater to McDowell County (listed as premiering the movie) is Tinseltown in Bristol, VA. |