Maroon Wave Assembly Hall II
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Search WHS Alumni Web Site:
(This page is quite lengthy; if you are searching for a particular message or for a person's name, try using the Edit function from your browser's tool bar, then select the Find function and type in the information you are seeking.)
Aug 1-99 to Dec-31-99
(Related reponses to these posts are not available.)
Happy New Year
Friday, 31-Dec-1999 21:28:02
I haven't checked the website in a while. Just thought I would see who has checked in lately. I have been married to the former Becky Tyree of Anawalt for 18 years. We have three daughters, Destiny, age 15 , and Jessica and Becky Jo, twins, age 12. I have gone back to school and will graduate in May 2000 with a BS in computer science. Would like to hear from old classmates. Again, Happy New Year to all. |
Thursday, 30-Dec-1999 02:51:09
Since I am going to be taking it easy and spending New Year's out on a farm, in an old farm house with NO central heat or air, it even has a quilting loom that drops from the ceiling in the "parlor", NO COMPUTER, relaxing and enjoying the great outdoors, riding horses, deer hunting, (actually just watching that part),freezing or sweating - depending on what Texas gets for weather in deep East Texas...I want to take this opportunity to say to each and everyone of you HAPPY NEW YEAR. Please be careful over the holiday and sign back in so that we all know you all are okay. Again - HAVE A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! No Computer?... I don't even think that house has electricity! HELP!!!!!!! But it does have indoor plumbing...I think (hope). SEE YOU IN 2000! |
Guest Book Background
Thursday, 30-Dec-1999 00:59:17
I heard Santa was off vacationing in Hawaii, so I removed him and the reindeer from our guest book page. However, that soft mix of background colors is really nice, so I left it as is. If any of you have suggestions or ideas for another background scheme on either the message board or guest book pages, please let me know. |
Wednesday, 29-Dec-1999 22:52:08
I am very sad today because on Dec. 24, l999, I lost my beloved sister, Jenny. Jenny was a very special person to all of my sisters and me. She was also very special to all of her former students and, in fact, to all who knew her because to know her was to LOVE her! Jenny was l3 years older than I and she was my sisters Nancy, Margaret, Catherine, and my St. Nicholas at Christmastime and thruout the entire year. We were born during the depression years, and Jenny always came home heavily laden with all kinds of Christmas goodies. We would run down the stairsteps to see what Santa had brought, and Jenny, having just arrived from out-of-town, would be standing by the fireplace warming her behind and exclaiming, "ho, ho, ho, MERRY CHRISTMAS." We would quickly run back upstairs yelling, "Jenny's here; Jenny's here." Folks, this was like 5 a.m., but nevertheless, everyone in the entire household would arise, however sleepily, to greet our "St Nicholas." Our precious Jenny passed away on Christmas Eve. How ironic! She shall indeed be sorely missed, but somehow I KNOW she is with the other saints. I loved her dearly. Perhaps many of you do not know Jenny or me, and I know that some of you do, but I am now in the grieving process, so it does make me feel better discussing this with you. Thanks for reading this message. May you all have a very special new year and do read about Jenny on the memorial page. Thanks. Ruth(ie) Highberger Clark (Sister was Virginia Elizabeth (Jenny) Highberger Pendleton) |
Wednesday, 29-Dec-1999 15:01:14
Just read where Jack Garner states that "October Sky" takes the number SEVEN spot on his list of the year's best. "'October Sky': Most Top 10-list and Oscar hopefuls are released late in the year to be fresh in the memory of critics and Academy voters. This movie, though, is the best of the films from the earlier part of 1999, an uplifting story of a West Virginia coal miner's son who aspires to be part of America's space progam." (copied from news release by Garnett News Service) |
Updates to Web Pages -- Includes New WHS photos from the early 1900s
Monday, 27-Dec-1999 17:59:43
We've added an entire new page of photos featuring the students, faculty and activities at WHS during it's first years of existence. Thanks to Elizabeth (Haynes) Lovett, WHS '41, these photos can be viewed HERE. Note that the photo of the Carswell Kids taken at the July 1999 Sensational Sixties reunion has been added to Those Carswell Kids web page. Also, two new RA music links were added to the Real Audio web page and the In Memoriam page has been updated. |
Sunday, 26-Dec-1999 12:37:20
Sunday, 26-Dec-1999 12:16:51
Donnie Butch Muncy passed away this morning at the Hospital in Winston-Salem,NC. He was the husband of Margaret, the brother of Brenda McPeak,late Buford
Muncy and Starr Koger
Mary Virginia |
Camp Thomas E. Lightfoot
Saturday, 25-Dec-1999 21:07:46
Would like to hear form former campers and some of the experience they had at camp Thomas E. Lightfoot. Was there this year with my wife, brother and his wife,and 2 grandchildern. The old place has with stood time a lot better than we have. It looks as if it was last year that we were there. All is well except the totum poles. They are looking in bad shape at the councle circle."OH CHEIF". The tribe points ledger is still above the door in the mess hall. Was amazed at the condition of the cabins. Sure would like to have a camp Thomas E. Lightfoot get together some day. That would be something! What do you remember? Lets hear from you. Harold |
Merry Christmas
Saturday, 25-Dec-1999 19:05:25
Well, here it is Christmas evening. The presents have all been opened, the food put away, and I feel like a stuffed turkey must feel! I was privileged enough to have both my children and my TWO grandchildren with me. (Our son married on Dec 4 and his wife has a delightful 4 year old daughter, Destiny, and we welcomed her into our family with open arms) I was a very smart "grandmudder" - I bought TWO of everything! Same color, same size, etc... NO FIGHTS! It was so much fun watching them open those presents and our 19 year old was sitting right in the middle of them helping! She suddenly remembered when it was her opening all those gifts and being so excited and she just really dug in and enjoyed being a little kid again for a few minutes. That is what is so wonderful - being able to shed that outer layer and let the kid in your come out if only for a few minutes... By the way, I was also priviledged to be the one to get to tell the story of Jesus Birthday and why Santa brings us presents.. luckily I didn't have to get up and bake a birthday cake for Jesus as I did when I told my son and daughter the story. We all had pie instead! I so hope everyone's Christmas was as blessed as ours was this year and that you all had a very, very Merry Christmas - and thanks Donnie and Ski for the Santa Claus on the website! HO HO HO |
Raymond Muncy
Saturday, 25-Dec-1999 17:43:25
Raymond had 2 major stokes this morning(Christmas Day). The Drs. think that he will not pull out of this. We thank all of you for keeping him in your prayers. Please keep his wife in your prayers also. We should know what is going to happen by sunday morning. |
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Saturday, 25-Dec-1999 12:54:28
Merry Christmas everyone! from Ray, Stacy, Christopher, and Sarah Kiser--and also from Helen Kiser visiting with us in Corpus Christi. And a joyous New Year! Go Maroon Waves! |
Holiday Greetings!
Friday, 24-Dec-1999 23:56:54
Merry Christmas to all of you who visit the WHS Alumni Web pages, and especially to those who simply must visit the message board every single day! (Count yourself among many!) I am grateful to have found so many long-lost friends this past year; I cherish you and all the new friends I've made through this web site. Remember the movie, E.T.? Well, like in the movie, with this web site AND a PC of course, "phone home" anytime. Have a peaceful and fulfilling holiday season. |
A Christmas Wish.
Friday, 24-Dec-1999 23:16:08
In Christ all, I wish each and everyone of you a very Blessed Nativity.. May God's Love surround you and your loved ones and may He be with those traveling.. It is this time of the year, I have a great longing for days gone by. Memories of past celebrations of Christ's Birth with family and friends. Well, all my family has long since been gone and many of my friends, but they are still very much with because when ever I close my eyes this time of the year, I can see them all. Though it has been many many years since I have been home in Carswell Hollow, shopped in Welch and went up on the mountain where I used to go as a child to watch it snow and smell the smoke coming from the houses below in the Hollow, but such are the memories that sustain us all as we look back and remember those Good O'days. Good O'days where mom would be making the Nativity Feast, dad would be resting on the couch and I was snug in the thought that was right and well with my tiny speck of the World.. Now I look into the eyes of my grandson with Great Hopes that he too can rest snug in the same thoughts I had at his age where my most charished memories were formed. May God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit keep us all as we look back into the Past seeking hope for in the future. Michael the Sinner |
October Sky "assists" in Discovery Launch!
Wednesday, 22-Dec-1999 14:42:12
A note received from Homer Hickam: I thought you might like to read a message directly from space. Steve Smith is MS1 (Mission Specialist 1) who's aboard Discovery right now to fix the Hubble Space Telescope. I met him last year and we got to be friends. Obviously, the film October Sky has had a very positive impact on him and his crew. He's also given Rocket Boys out to just about everybody he knows, I guess. Enjoy the message and be sure to say a little prayer for our team up there, working hard for us. Homer Dear Homer - Greetings from the shuttle Discovery. We are working hard
but having fun.
Hometown on line
Tuesday, 21-Dec-1999 20:41:27
Here's a url you may want to check out and perhaps get something started for a Welch WV web page. Click here: Hometown America
Keep The Volume UP on those Speakers!
Tuesday, 21-Dec-1999 16:28:20
Don't want you all to miss our Christmas messages so be sure your sound speakers are on when you click onto the Message Board. If you missed the greeting, turn on your speakers and go back to the main Message Board page. If you are still not hearing it, reload or refresh the page. The message will change every few days during the Holidays. |
Merry Christmas to Maroon Waves Everywhere
Tuesday, 21-Dec-1999 15:56:59
"I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams" For all you homesick Maroon Waves out there, close your eyes and picture Christmas in McDowell County 20, 30, 40, or even 50 years ago....."ain't it beautiful"? |
Happy Holidays
Tuesday, 21-Dec-1999 07:23:14
Happy Holidays! Happy New Year 2000....may it be the best year ever. God Bless! Sandy Bailey |
Happy Holiday
Monday, 20-Dec-1999 13:26:46
Wishing every one A very Joyous and Happy Christmas and a Great Year 2000, may all our PCs still work on January 1st,and be just as much trouble as before. Tommy C. |
welch high school
Sunday, 19-Dec-1999 17:10:44
hi name is kelly kipfinger.lived in kimball when i was little. have a sister name joan kipfinger brothers jackie lee and donnie. joan is married to a charlie johnson and lives in kingsport tn.if anyone is trying to contact any of them you can e-mail me at and will relay message to them. |
MORE photos of WHS/BCHS Rendevous at Sea!
Sunday, 19-Dec-1999 00:57:06 |
Barbara Dawson
Friday, 17-Dec-1999 19:43:18
Trying to locate Barbara Dawson, Am a Gary graduate. Lost touch with her when I went into service. Would like to know how, and where she is. Thanks |
Thursday, 16-Dec-1999 01:00:43
Buena, I am Ann Tucker- Rosch. You graduated with June Tucker, my sister. Your brother Roger was in my class of 57 I think. You have my address E-mail and here is June's I'm sure she would love to hear from you. PJT2735@Aol.Com Our next reunion will be in Oct of 2001 -Lord willing and the creeks don't rise, as used to be said in Wva.Let me know something. It's late and I can't think. I really do love this website It's sooooo nice to hear about friends we knew. |
Name that store!
Wednesday, 15-Dec-1999 17:13:47
How many stores can you remember? Can you start from the Dodge dealership and Swope's office - on both sides of the street - and name each of the stores down to the bus terminal? Franklin's moved twice that I remember. Most of them were the same from the 40's to the 60's. Rhonda |
Our Town
Wednesday, 15-Dec-1999 17:11:17
The Christmas stories have tickled my funny bone and made me cry. I can't tell a story about being in a coal camp but living in North Welch was just the same. I won't bore you with the story of how I learned the difference between Santa and my Daddy. -- Men don't forget to change your "shoes" with the suit!-- I didn't go to a company store to window shop, it was down town all the way. And if you listen real close you can hear the cars going by in the slushy snow while standing outside of Murphy's. Gosh, I can remember looking up to see the snow falling and the buildings looking so tall and grand and warm. How that little town wrapped its arms around us and kept us safe. Oh how happy, free and full of life we were as we walked down the streets, no matter where we were off to. Didn't the car horns sound louder between the buildings on McDowell Street? ---- Those grand old buildings and echoes from the car horns and the bands playing so proudly when turning onto McDowell Street will soon be a figment of our imagination. I went home last week and here is what I found. – The buildings that housed the King Drug store down to the Odd Fellows building are now gone, torn down. On "that corner" is where they will build the "new movie theater!" But that is not all – I was so shocked as we drove through town once more. Starting from the old "Diamond Shoe store to the corner" (alley next to Penny's) is all being torn down. The only thing that is left on that block is the old Mountaineer Restaurant. I didn't find out why this section is being torn down, maybe some of our alumni who still live there can tell us what is to become of that section of town. (I pray it is not another parking lot.) I thank the good Lord for my wonderful, exciting childhood memories. The simplest things we took for granted as a child have become "golden memories" that we cherish the most. When you pop popcorn, or buy donuts, order french fries and walk into a mall, how often do you think of our little "New York?" We tell stories of gratitude of the love we have for our parents, teachers, and all who have influenced us in our lives. But the real love is of our town. How it cradled us when we were cold, lost and hungry, taught us bravery when we were scared, gave us pride when we were called WV names, let us explore the world on the outside all in the name of "WELCH, WV!" Santa can't top that! |
Wednesday, 15-Dec-1999 16:37:20
Tuesday, 14-Dec-1999 17:44:41
Thanks Donnie you are a most wonderful and thoughtful person and I so appreciate your always thinking of others... Rj |
Nightengale 4-H Club of Big Sandy
Tuesday, 14-Dec-1999 14:12:43
We are looking for members of the Nightengale 4-H Club of Big Sandy. We would like to get together next summer and honor our leader, Myrtle Amburn, for all her hard work over the years. If you were a member or know a member, please get in touch with me. |
Jackie Odham Obituary
Monday, 13-Dec-1999 13:10:08
Looking for anyone that has Jackie's obituary. We were the best of friends and I would like to get him on the obituary list. I am sure there are other friend's of his out there that would like to know about him. E-mail me or send it in. Thanks ----------Harold |
Sunday, 12-Dec-1999 23:30:02
Looking for the people that remember me at Hemphill-Caples and WHS-1955-56 Please contact me. |
In Our Hearts
Sunday, 12-Dec-1999 16:51:19
I read this poem today and thought of all the family, friends and classmates we have lost this past year. We thought of you with love today,
Saturday, 11-Dec-1999 23:53:22
Folks our Donnie has done it again! Take a look at the wall paper she has put on the Guest Book site! Thanks Ma'! You are just too much! |
Stevie Lou joins Heavenly Angel Choir as accompanist
Saturday, 11-Dec-1999 16:36:23
Memorial Service will be held 1PM Wednesday, December 15 at Westview Memorial Park, Hwy 76, Laurens SC. Pat, her husband states, "She still lives as she lives in my heart"
God saw her getting tired when a cure was not to be. So He closed His arms around her and whispered--come to Me. You didn't deserve what you went through and so He gave you rest. God's Garden must be beautiful, He only takes the best And now she is sleeping so peacefully and free from pain. We could not wish her back--to suffer that again.. God saw her getting tired when a cure was not to be.
Thanks to Bobby Mitchell
Saturday, 11-Dec-1999 09:45:21
Thank you for the phone call and turning me on to this website. I have had many folks contact me and assisted me in finding Bonnie Boyd and another friend mailed me to tall me about Ronnie which is what I asked for in my original post. Bobby, had you not told me about the site, I would not have made these contacts. THANKS!!! If anyone of you out there know what ever happened to Tommy Hurley, would love to hear from you. I feel the Class of 63 should have their own reunion or pair up with 64 and go for it since so many of us were not notified of the reunion that happened this summer. Bobby, thanks for being such a true old friend and sending me to the site. |
Stevie Lou
Friday, 10-Dec-1999 15:23:19
Just received a message from Pat Terrell (Stevie Lou's husband). Stevie Lou was hospitalized Monday, December 6th. She is very weak and has to be lifted from bed to chair. She could not be taken care of at home. Stevie's mother, husband, and husband's parents are taking turns staying with her to feed her and be sure she takes her medicine. Her address is: St. Francis Hospital
They need our support and prayers. |
Friday, 10-Dec-1999 12:22:29
I can remember all the excitment of the holidays and all the decorations "downtown" Welch! The Christmas parades - especially the one in Kimball where I had snow going into my majorette boots and good old Mr. Grogran letting us thaw out in front of his "potbellied" stove in his hardware store. And, yes, Karol, I remember Mr. Lassak being Santa and SANTA yelling at you to GUIDE RIGHT when we were on that last line in the band... What folks don't realize is what instrument you were trying to haul around! hahaha As a child I can remember there was always a special feeling of mystery in the air... then the tree arrived! Fresh and of course always leaning to one side with a sparse side to deal with. Stringing popcorn, cranberries, and making those color paper chains in elementary school - Mother kept them all! The bubbling lights and the lights that were little figurines - now all of those things are coming back but they just aren't as pretty as the ones I can remember... I still have some of the lights and have made ornaments out of them since they no longer work. ANGEL HAIR - UGH!!! Remember that stuff! I can and I remember Mother gripping about it - but still, there it was, every year! ha The silver icicles falling all over the floor, ornaments falling and breaking, the smells of Mother's holiday baking... YUMMMMMMmmmm! NUTS! Chestnuts, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, etc... Brazil Nuts were my favorite but that wasn't what we called them! hahaha Creme drops and peppermint candies! Candy canes on the tree... Christmas morning getting up to open presents only to find that my sister had beat me to it and opened mine too! hahaha Oh, well, they still worked - for the most part... I remember getting my first pair of skates that strapped onto my shoes and I'll bet Jerry and Wilma Farris can remember seeing me skate down that sidewalk in Capels, jumping over those places where the cement blocks were out. I remember a doll that was as tall as I was and she had eyes that closed and teeth that I immediately pushed out! I still have my Terry Lee doll. I can also remember getting a doll for Christmas when I was 13 and it being handed to me in front of all my friends! Thanks again Jackie.. haha Hey, what are siblings for but to make you feel like killing them on the most holy of days! When my son was three years old I tried to think of the answer to his question - Why do we have Christmas - in terms he would understand. So I dug out The Christmas Story and we sat in front of the little Nativity Scene and learned about the wonderous birth of Jesus - but, he couldn't connect Jesus' birth and Santa Claus - I sat and thought for a few minutes and finally came up with an answer so I told him that Jesus was so well loved that he always receives many gifts for his birthday and that he loves us all so very much that he shares those gifts with us. The only way he could get them to us was to get Santa Claus and his Elves to deliver them each year! That way we get to celebrate Jesus birthday with him! It worked and when his sister turned three he reminded me that I had to tell her about Jesus' birthday party! So this year he gets to tell his three year old son and his 4 year old step-daughter that very same Christmas story. Memories and traditions are truly made of things such as this...MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL and a VERY WONDEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! |
Friday, 10-Dec-1999 11:51:33
The snow background is a nice touch!! Especially like the picture of snow in a coal camp, even if it is Logan county. I can remember Bartley (my home) looking like that many a winter when I was a kid. Thanks, Donnie, for the nostalgic look back!! |
Hear from l963 class
Friday, 03-Dec-1999 22:40:41
I would like to hear from friends from the classes of l961, l962, and l963. I married Carl Urps in l965. we still live in Davy Wv. we are the parents of two daughters and one son
New EMail Address
Friday, 03-Dec-1999 10:46:09
We are back home in Florida and my new website is Hoping to hear from all WHS 53 Grads. Happy Holidays. |
BobbyGreene--WHERE IS HE???
Friday, 03-Dec-1999 01:44:45
REah, I have heard from BOB. So thought I"d let you know where he is. Ann TUCKer -Rosch I'm At What a swell young man!!! I hope this helps you.. |
NEED Your Help and Input
Thursday, 02-Dec-1999 01:27:54
We need something NEW to put on the web pages for the holidays. I'm searching and finding a few graphics but nothing seems to be just right for us. If you find a graphic which you think would enhance our WHS web pages for the Holidays, please send it to me. AND, Hello Young Lovers Where Ever You Are: we are working on a web
page featuring all you folks
Some new stuff and updates
Tuesday, 30-Nov-1999 23:07:16
*Thanks to Jim & Linda Brown, we have included an email contact on the Gift Ideas page for ordering the WHS T-shirts. *Page 5 of snapshots from the Sensational Sixties Reunion are now online. (Thanks, Rhea.) *And, you probably read the earlier message about the link to the Kimball War Memorial. This is a nice web page; hope you will stop by to see it. |
Raymond Muncy
Tuesday, 30-Nov-1999 21:25:34
Dear Friends: Thanks for all the prayers that you all have been saying. Please keep praying for Raymond. We are hoping that he can be home for Christmas. He can come home and wait for a heart transplant. The Lord has blessed our family and we are so thankful. If you would like to write anything to Raymond just Email them to me and I will print it out and take it to him. Sheri Muncy Jennings |
Up-Date Stevie Lou
Tuesday, 30-Nov-1999 21:09:30
Pat Terrell (Stevie Lou;s husband) wrote that she has had low hemoglobin for about the last six weeks. Three weeks ago they began giving her a shot which was to have helped boost the bone marrow into making blood faster. It hasn't seemed to help. She was constantly having flu like symptoms and seemed to get weaker by the day. This past week she had her chemo on Wednesday (11/24)) instead of Thanksgiving. Her hemoglobin was lower than ever and the doctor ordered her to have a transfusion of two units of blood. She got them on Friday (11/26) and today (11/28) she is stronger than she was. She is able to walk unaided on level ground although still needs help her with stairs. |
Looking for Douglas/Ray Cline, Asco or Davy
Tuesday, 30-Nov-1999 16:34:37
We are trying to obtain information on a Douglas and/or Ray Cline who lived in the Davy/Asco area and probably attended WHS in the early 1960s. He is my husband's father but we have not heard from him for many years. We would just like to hear from somebody who might have known him who could tell us what he was like and, of course, if anybody can help us locate him, that would be appreciated. He was married to Shelia Wells of Asco Hollow. His sisters were Francis, Maryanna, Eleanor, Alice and Peggy Cline. His cousin is Carl Wayne Urps who owns Urps Junk Yard in Davy. You can email us at Thank you very much. |
Help Restore Kimball War Memorial Building
Monday, 29-Nov-1999 14:07:17
HELP PRESERVE THE KIMBALL WAR MEMORIAL There will be a link soon from this WHS site. Please visit. This site is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Kimball War Memorial Building. This structure not only honored veterans, but functioned for decades as an important social and cultural center. It's listed on the National Register of Historic places. Simone McKay Thomas |
Where in the World is Bobby Greene???
Sunday, 28-Nov-1999 09:14:28
Okay BBB W where are you hiding? Ma' and I are worried about you. I hope that you weren't mistaken for the Turkey - are you stuffed? That must be it. Someone has finally stuffed you - don't know where or how but that must be it! Surely you wouldn't just abandon ship - er the barnyard... |
Photo from Big Creek High School Alumni Cruise
Sunday, 28-Nov-1999 00:11:05
The group photo for this event can be viewed on the Internet HERE. I understand names will be added to this web page in the near future; in the meantime, see if you can identify the WHS grads in attendance. |
WHS Golden Anniversary Reunion (49,50 & 51 Classes)
Saturday, 27-Nov-1999 22:57:40
See the WHS Golden Anniversary Reunion web page. This web page, created and posted to the Internet by members of the WHS '49, '50, & '51 reunion committees, provides information about their June 16-18, 2000 reunion. EXCELLENT JOB. |
Update to 40s Photos Page
Thursday, 25-Nov-1999 22:46:04
We've added a few photos to the WHS 40s Classes Photo Page including a copy of the very first WHS May Court in 1945. |
Monday, 22-Nov-1999 23:16:33
I am so very thankful that I got to spend time with some of you this past summer. That God allowed us at least one more time to visit and talk about "old times" and WHS. I think of all of you each and everyday and wish that it were possible to say hello everyday - which I have almost done via the email system! I look forward to us having a WHS Cruise that includes ALL of the WHS alumni and even Mount View - Mother always taught us to "Make new friends, but keep the old, one was silver and the other was gold" - to me you are all Platinum! I look forward to being with you all once again -soon. In the meantime I will give thanks for having friends and classmates that can not and will not ever be replacable. And that even goes for "BBB W".... HAPPY THANKSGIVING! |
Let's give back to Welch/McDowell County
Monday, 22-Nov-1999 21:22:28
If there is anyone who has the time and inclination and is still living in the Welch area who might be availiable to co-ordinate it, I propose that those of us who are and have been fortunate and blessed and can afford to give something back to our home towns, Welch/Hemphill/Roderfield/Davy/Carswell, etc., and McDowell County that we muster and provide toys and clothing for Christmas for those less fortunate children that may be facing a sparse and or bleak Christmas. Every year for the past 10 or so years I have been able to gather some items, mostly clothing destined for church clothing lockers, salvation army, goodwill, and yard sales here in the Montgomery, AL area and make the trek to McDowell County and give those items to the local charity organizations that say they get the items to those less fortunate than I. I've never felt assured that these things got to those who need them. I know this sounds self serving but believe me it isn't, I just remember some lean times growing up and if we can even in some small way make a child smile and feel warm and loved it may get us an 'atta boy from the big guy and I know I need all those I can get. |
Who lowered the FLAG at WHS?
Monday, 22-Nov-1999 16:17:08
So many years ago today, top floor of WHS Mr. Lassak on his White charger brought us the devasting news of President Kennedy on his return to the Hill. I know it was difficult but I did tell the class the news. That room was silent for the rest of the class period. A room full of typing students looked out over Welch. When we saw Cecil Hull lower the flag at the Memorial Buidling, one young man in that classroom asked permission to go and lower the school flag. I have wondered for several years who that student was. If you read this let me know. I know where you were sitting and can see a face but the name escapes me. |
Christmas Gift Ideas (or, as some of us say, IDs)
Sunday, 21-Nov-1999 18:45:52
You'll see a new link at the top of the message board to a web page set up to help you with your Christmas -- or any other -- gift shopping. We've tried to list all the information gathered over the past year about how/where to order Welch, McDowell County, WV-related items. Please let me know if you are aware of other gift ideas we should list here. An APB is out now for information on obtaining WHS tshirts and sweatshirts. Please contact me if you can help. |
Sunday, 21-Nov-1999 14:44:17
Sunday 11/21/99 I just spoke to Margaret,and she reported that Butch was doing so good
today. His liver count is better and his kidneys are better. He was sitting
in a chair. I reported to her that a lot of messages were on the WHS web
and I sent it to her daughter so she could share the messages with Butch
and Margaret. Margaret said he has a long way to go but one day at a time.
Thank you all
If any one would like to have this Butch's
Carswell Hollow
Sunday, 21-Nov-1999 10:46:30
Am looking for pictures of Carswell hollow. Looking for some of the old "Company Store & Grill". Looking for pictures of the mines,looking like you was going out of the hollow. Would like any pictures of the store and mines. The smoke stack is still there.--Thanks |
update Butch Muncy
Saturday, 20-Nov-1999 22:46:09
This is the latest update I have had, Raymond is breathing on his own,without a machine,he still has an artifical heart machine, his kidneys and liver are still not working good. He is still very much in need of our prayers and his condition is still very serious. He is in the same hospital, Please remember Margaret and the two girls in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks to every one for caring. We all thank the good Lord he is still with us and only God can give a Miracle. Mary Virginia Muncy Lyons |
Re: Ethel Kipfinger
Friday, 19-Nov-1999 22:49:06
Iam the a grandson of Ethel, I thank you for all the kind words about her. I loved looking at the Carswell Holler Pics My parents were Griff and Lillian Turpin |
Web Site News
Friday, 19-Nov-1999 14:02:34
A few months ago, the web host for our main WHS Alumni Web Site page changed their address. We were told that our viewers would not notice the change; however, I understand some of you are having now having trouble accessing that page. The correct/current URL is New on the web site are photos from the early 40s of students at Vivian
Grade School and Kimball Jr. High School compliments of Elizabeth Burton
Drees (WHS '53). They can be viewed HERE.
Please continue to submit any photos you wish to share with us.
From McDowell County to North Carolina?
Friday, 19-Nov-1999 12:53:22
You know in looking at all those who left Welch and the area around Welch who have ended up in North Carolina, we could just about celebrate West Virginia Day here in NC.. Mike aka the Zilch |
Dexter Dillion
Friday, 19-Nov-1999 01:19:33
Does anyone know anything about Dexter Dillion?? Please e-mail me. I heard something, but it was not confirmed. Thanks, Ann Tucker |
Carswell--Kimball--Year book
Friday, 19-Nov-1999 00:31:05
Anyone in their travels around flea markets & garage sales: I am looking for year books from Carswell-1945-thru-1951 and Kimball Jr.High -1951-thru-1954---Welch-1954-55 year. If you locate any of these and they can be bought,please let me know. I would be very grateful. Get me an address to where I could get in contact with whom ever owns them. E-Mail or call me at 1-419-457-3395.---------THANKS-------Harold |
Mrs. Ethel Kipfinger
Wednesday, 17-Nov-1999 10:48:06
Mrs. Ethel Kipfinger, 92 years old, went to be with the Lord on Tues., Nov. 16th. She is the mother of Katharine Kipfinger Eddy, class of 1961, and Ethel Kipfinger Musick, class of 1962. She was a very special and wonderful lady. |
Click to see Pictures
of 20-Year Reunion of WHS Class of '53
Tuesday, 16-Nov-1999 16:45:51 |
Tuesday, 16-Nov-1999 11:48:32 writes: Looking for the people that remember me at Hemphill-Caples and WHS-1955-56 Please contact me, |
Feeling Old? Only If You Remember "Paper Straws"!
Tuesday, 16-Nov-1999 10:46:03
True story: My wife and I were in the check-out line at the local grocery a few weekends ago. The "Sacker" as we know him asked the usual, "Paper or plastic?" I said, "Paper" and told him I guess we're old fashioned. He said, that's not old fashioned, it just means you probably recycle. I said, "No, we don't recycle, but we probably should. We just prefer paper bags." He then said, "My dad is REALLY 'old fashioned'. HE'S SO OLD HE REMEMBERS PAPER STRAWS!!" All I could do was laugh and (for the first time in decades) recall never knowing there was anything other than PAPER STRAWS for sipping Coke at The Flat Iron, Citizen's, Franklin's Dairy, Tic-Toc, Pochahontas, Sterling & WVA Drive-In, etc. So, if you ever wonder if you're "OLD", maybe the true test of age is whether you remember (as I did, but didn't admit it) PAPER -- not PLASTIC straws! Remember? |
Lost Friends for Havaco, Welch Area
Monday, 15-Nov-1999 17:42:28
Looking for old friends from Havaco, and friends I went to school with from Welch area. E-mail me at lets catch up on the years. Thanks
Contact OLD friend
Monday, 15-Nov-1999 17:18:53
Bob Martin (of Asco Holler)where are you? It's been 50yrs since we disassembled/reassembled those bicycles and ran that American Flyer train. Drop me an Email at |
Stevie Lou and Raymond
Monday, 15-Nov-1999 15:41:51
Does anyone have an update on Stevie Lou Robinson Terrell or Raymond Muncy? |
bow hunting/ gun hunting
Sunday, 14-Nov-1999 21:19:32
Would like to find a place to bowhunt and gun hunt. I have access to outstanding hunting in McDowell Co. but would like to hunt other areas, preferably Monroe Co. A farm would be nice. Use of 4-wheeler allowed. Will work or pay(Not rich) for privilege. Will share game. Past Hunter Safety Instructor. Responsible hunter and obey all game laws.Use no alcohol. Would like to bring son and/or two other hunters. All three hunters are responsible individuals. Will accept responsibility for all three. |
Sunday, 14-Nov-1999 09:08:08
I just found this web site and have enjoyed reading the message board posts. I would love to hear from old friends. After I left WHS, I attended WVU, worked for Union Carbide in Charleston and in the Chicago area. I moved from Chicago to Minneapolis, to Long Island, NY and for the last 10 years have been living in Dover, DE. |
Looking for old friends
Saturday, 13-Nov-1999 22:24:06
Looking for any old friends from Premier who attended WHS the year I was there (77-78)also anyone from Welch or Roderfield. |
Holidays Down Town!
Friday, 12-Nov-1999 16:02:54
I always get sentimental around this time of year. You know Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas... I have not seen a Veterans Day Parade in 11 years. It is hard to work around 10AM on those mornings. Yesterday was no different and I hoped that BDT online would print something about Welch's parade - they did. Heck, I had no idea that I would cry like a baby sitting in front of my PC just reading about what I missed. Concord College Marching Band was in the parade and were given the honor of playing the Star Spangled Banner. The article went on to tell about the most memorable time in 1963 when LBJ was there and approx. 10,000 people lined the streets. Mayor Martha Moore said, "You just cannot dampen the spirits of McDowell Countians on Nov. 11, of any year." WOW! This is the time of year as a child I dearly loved going to town. Those old decorations strung across the streets in zigzag formation were just beautiful to me. No matter where you parked you could hear the Salvation Army bell ringing in front of the Flat Iron. And it was so much fun to "window shop." The toys, beautiful clothes, and all the red and green decorations were enough to dream about for years. But I'll never forget how "down town smelled" during this particular time of year. We always remember it being colder way back then, and snow up to our knees. (how high is a 10 year olds knees from the ground? Ha.) So I can close my eyes and this is what I can smell. Carmen's hotdogs from his little "hole in the wall restaurant," down on the lower end of McDowell street. Or Murphy's' roasted nuts and Franklin's French fries. On Saturdays you could smell the pop corn at the theater and sometimes it would mix with diesel from the buses at the depot. (I always got car sick, I could smell gas 10 miles away and get nauseated, ha) But nothing can compare with wall to wall people going in and out of all the different stores. The kids and most men would lean on the parking meters waiting on their spouse or parents to emerge from the store they were in front of. Wasn't it fun to walk by Cox's and look at yourself as you sway in and around the three sided mirror? The two Thrifts' shops had the coolest style in town for the girls. And you can not leave out going in Murphy's to the record shop in the back. Mrs. Prichard would play the latest hits for you while getting warm. How thrilled I was when Mommy got a parking place in front of Murphy's! Oh the simple things in life. If only the kids of today's generation could remotely imagine those wonderful walks, smells, or little shops! Can you imagine turning your child loose in a big town, (or a mall) now without supervision at a young age like we were? This is what takes me back home. This safe, loving feeling that you get when you think of Veterans Day, football, movies or the skating rink and Murphy's, all rolled into one big Holiday! (and Mom and Dad) |
Today is the 30th Anniversary
Thursday, 11-Nov-1999 18:39:21
of the 1969 Welch-Gary game. In the words of Frank Marino it was "the greatest game he ever saw." We scored with about 30 seconds to play to win 38-36. I may not have the score right but I can still feel the bleachers shaking when we scored the last touchdown. Where did the years go? |
"Rival" Infiltration
Sunday, 07-Nov-1999 23:13:19
ok, gang, I'm leaving early in the a.m. (Monday) for the Big Creek High School Alumni "and Friends" annual cruise. Don't ya'll disown me for cavorting with the Owls; keep in mind this is a research venture for a future WHS Alumni (and friends,if you like) cruise. Be thinking about the possibilities and let me know if you are interested and what seas you'd like to sail. I'll be back to check the message board Friday. Many of us are looking forward to hearing about the Veteran's Day festivities in Welch, so please keep posting your messages about that and anything else you might want to talk about. I'll make sure everything is online by Friday night. |
Nov. 11th
Sunday, 07-Nov-1999 21:29:15
Rebecca Crockett reminded us to put that event on our calendar for this year. So it looks like you will have some company for Veteran's Day in Welch. See you then, Diane. Susan Simmons |
More Photos of Those Kids from Carswell Holler Online
Friday, 05-Nov-1999 18:20:57
Go to More of Those Kids from Carswell Holler to see photos from the late 40s and early 50s which Bob Wilson kindly shares with us. Thanks, Bob. And, thanks to Bob Martin for donating his graphics expertise to this web page. |
Kisers welcome new baby!
Thursday, 04-Nov-1999 22:55:16
We celebrate the birth of our second child, Sarah Michelle, born 9:56 a.m, Wednesday, November 3, 1999, at Christus Spohn South in Corpus Christi. Her paternal grandmother Helen Kiser is here with us for the excitement of her arrival. Mother and baby are doing well. |
November 11th
Thursday, 04-Nov-1999 19:33:04
Next Thursday is the 81st anniversary of the armistice that ended WWI - the Great War. All of us were raised in a community that celebrated this holiday in grand style. We were the lucky ones. This was just not a day of no school. It was a day of parades, ballgames, and special memories. We knew the true meaning of Veterans' Day. I dare say that Welch and McDowell County has the record for celebrating November 11th. It's not the same now. We don't have the Gary / Welch game. We don't have the vice president or astronauts, but the spirit still remains. Let's hear some great Veterans' Day stories.
WHS 1952 Senior Class Photos Available Online
Tuesday, 02-Nov-1999 17:51:39
Bob Martin, WHS '53, has done yet another outstanding job of scanning and assisting with getting more of our senior class pictures online. Click HERE to see the WHS Class of 1952. Also, you may want to check the School News web site. This is another place on the Internet where you can look for former college and high school classmates. Be sure to register while you are there. |
Freida Riley Scholarship Announcement
Saturday, 23-Oct-1999 22:47:57
The Freida Riley scholarship fund at Concord College was officially announced by Homer Hickam at the college's annual alumni banquet last night (10/22/99). Former WHS and Concord alumnus Reggie Fallin was on hand to present a check from the WHS classes of the 60s to Homer for the scholarship fund. Reggie, who fathered the idea of a raffle for an autographed copy Rocket Boys to raise money for the scholarship fund, very kindly invited me and my husband to attend this event with him and his lovely daughter, Christy of San Francisco, CA. Homer's presentation was most entertaining and reminded many of us who grew up in McDowell County of how fortunate we are to have had such wonderful, caring teachers. AND, I finally got to meet Homer and get my own copy of Rocket Boys autographed by the man himself! Reggie, Reba, Rhonda, Mary, Robert, David, Carolyn, and all the other Welch folks we saw last night, it was great visiting with you all again. |
On the Road Again
Wednesday, 20-Oct-1999 23:10:00
Don't panic if you post a message here and it doesn't show up for a few days. I'll be in "travel status" for the next 10 days. I'll try to get online to update the message board while I'm gone. |
Old Navy Guys
Wednesday, 20-Oct-1999 13:09:32
Trying to locate three guys I went into the Navy with in Jan 1952. they are: Charles Cook, Neil Willis, and Carl Tolley. Would appreciate any information on these fellows. |
Charlie Atkins
Wednesday, 20-Oct-1999 13:04:59
I played football with Renzo Delconte and Charlie Atkins in 49/50. Would appreciate any information on these two gentlemen. |
See WHS '53 Seniors Online and Read About New Links
Monday, 18-Oct-1999 19:26:15
See photos of the WHS Senior Class of 1953 online HERE. Many thanks to Bob Martin, WHS '53, for the outstanding job of scanning the class pictures and especially for his help with setting up the web page. Folks, this guy is a computer guru; we're gonna have to put him on the WHS Web Site payroll! Also note that we've added links to a few new web sites. One can be found HERE.This is a link to WV Magazine suggested by Roy Morgan. The other, suggested by Bob Greene, is a link to yet another Real Audio site called Worlds Favorite Radio Station. This is an exceptional site for listening to music while you surf the web. They've got it all from 1916 to the 90s. |
Monday, 18-Oct-1999 01:48:48
OOPS, so sorry, I made a mistake... it is only 52nd, isn't it... Oh, well, whats a couple of years for such a hunk like our Bobby... Left WHS as a sophmore did you??? How was that school you had to go to - now what was the name... uhhh something like Boystown High (for hard to handle teens). Was that it??? Surely, our Bobby was an Angel growing up - look how sweet he is now... that he has matured - or is that grown old!!! It is amazing what those birthdays will do for us... But we love you any way - don't we Ma...! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BOY!!! |
Stevie Lou Robinson Terrell
Thursday, 14-Oct-1999 20:25:12
Just received the following message from Stevie Lou's husband. To friends and family: I have some bad news. Stevie went for her CT scan of the head on Tuesday and today we went to the doctor to find out the results. Her cancer has once again gone to the brain. The chemo that she has been taking has not stopped this new growth. The doctor has given her about one month to live. I know that you all have been praying for her and we both appreciate the prayers. Pat Her address is: e-mail "snail" mail 118 Woodlawn Drive
I'll be BACK!
Thursday, 14-Oct-1999 00:13:36
Gotta take a break. Please keep posting your messages. I'll review them all late Sunday when I get back from frolicking in the waves at Ocean City, MD. (Yes, the water is still warm.....the air temperature is NOT.) |
1960 Class Reunion - Help in Locating Classmates
Wednesday, 13-Oct-1999 00:24:52
We have located a few of the missing through this web site! Thanks for all your help. We still have lots to go. Please go to our 1960 Reunion Web Page to view the current list. We would appreciate any clue you might have even if it isn't an address. Thanks |
Info about 3-wheeled motorcycle owned by Superior Office Supply
Tuesday, 12-Oct-1999 22:18:41
Does anyone know what happened to the old 3 wheeled motorcycle that was owned by the Superior Office Supply Co.? At one time it was stored in the parking building across from the Flat Iron Drug Store. I used it to make deliveries while I was working for Superior during the 50's. Any information would be welcome. If it can be found,I would like to purchase it. Call me toll free at: 877-278-7749 John C. Summers Class of 55 8534 Escambia Ave Elberta AL 36530 |
Bruce Hale where are you?
Tuesday, 12-Oct-1999 20:41:30
Lost your phone number you gave me at the renuion. Let me hear from you. |
Veronica Munaretta(Zamberlin)
Tuesday, 12-Oct-1999 20:00:34
Hello everyone!!! I'm looking for my sister Veronica if any one has any info about her
let me know please! I have not seen or talked to her in 8 years! I'm sure
looking forward to finding her!
WHS Student "Corky" Dillon Recommended for Space Shuttle Duty
Tuesday, 12-Oct-1999 19:14:32
MVHS Webmaster was kind enough to share a local newspaper clipping with us on the recent recommendation of Lt. Colonel Harold "Corky" Dillon, USAF, for space shuttle duty. Dillon graduated from WHS in 1975. He is currently one of only nine fighter pilots in the Air Force who are also physicians. Lt. Colonel Dillon is an accomplished F-15E fighter pilot and served both in a medical capacity and as a pilot patrolling the no fly zones in southern Iraq. Major General Paul K. Carlton, Jr., USAF, who made the recommendation earlier this year, is highly complimentary of Corky's work ethics and leadership abilities stating, "A pilot-physician of this remarkable quality only comes along every generation or so....he is an ideal candidate for astronaut selection." Dillon is currently stationed in San Antonio, TX. |
'Tis The Season -- Halloween In Welch!
Tuesday, 12-Oct-1999 09:09:35
It's this crisp, October time of the year when I always remember those "early days" Halloweens in downtown Welch. It was one of those special times when those of us who lived downtown (and all around) saw Welch come alive with fun, excitement, civic pride and the anticipation of "What's going to happen this year?" Among the most vivid memories are...the ornate, painted scenes on the windows of all the downtown store fronts (especially Woody's Studio on McDowell St.); the thrill of being among the first to see all the new Halloween costumes in their individual boxes...and "false faces" (we never called them masks)as soon as they were displayed at G.C. Murphy's in early October; the arrival of "wax lips" and "vampire teeth" at Happy's Supermarket; the tons of white lights strung across the top level of the Municipal Parking Building...among the first signs of the eagerly awaited annual festivities and dances that always were the focal point of Welch's Halloween celebration; and, the wonderful sounds of the Welch High School Marching Band which we could hear from their first "roll-off" at the base of the hill at Virginia Avenue, down Elkhorn Street, up Wyoming Street, turning the corner at Mabe-Cartwright, on to McDowell Street and right up town to the Municipal Parking Building.... then, the thunder of the drums as the band marched up the ramps of the cavernous Parking Building to the top level where the majority of the town's fun-loving population was assembled! Those are childhood memories I'm sure many of us will cherish for a lifetime......and, what a great life it was for so many of us as kids in our hometown of Welch! Happy Halloween! |
Monday, 11-Oct-1999 00:46:01
Folks, I hate to do this, but we have ONE person in our midst who wants to use the message board to vent his/her frustrations. I've spent the last hour deleting his/her negative messages. We really wanted this to be a "free style" form of communication. Silly us, we did not think we'd be dealing with juvenile minds; after all, most of us are at least in our late 30s. So, since I'm having to review all the messages anyway and delete (hopefully before somebody's feelings are hurt) those that are uncalled for, I've had to change the message board format so that all entries will be reviewed before they are posted. If you want to remain anonymous and not submit an email address that's ok, but don't be saying mean things or it won't be posted. I'm sorry, but if we have a difference of what is "mean" and what is not, that's just TUFF. If you've got a bone to pick and want to publish it, pay for billboard space or pay for an ad in the local papers. The "code letters" of the person causing the problem have been annotated. Since he/she has committed no "crime" no action can be taken, but WE DO KNOW WHO YOU ARE...... |
Sunday, 10-Oct-1999 22:35:18
Find some of your long lost friends at this site. Check this high school site out too. There is no conpareson to the WHS site but mabe some of your friends don't know about both sites. Thanks Harold |
no subject
Saturday, 09-Oct-1999 12:54:36
When I signed the Guest Book, I neglected to mention that I would have been in the 1956 graduating class...I have just viewed the pix of all the class and it brought back so many names and faces that I had forgotten over the years...I have a feeling of nostalgia in the pit of my stomach, if that is the way I should say it, don't really know...I just know it makes me long for those carefree days of years past...The two names and faces I remember the best are Theresa Ann Snodgrass and Elda Boshain...We were best buddies for a time and I named my first daughter for Theresa Ann..That"s all I wanted to add.... |
WHS Class of '56 Third-Grade Picture Online
Friday, 08-Oct-1999 12:07:04 |
WHS Band
Tuesday, 05-Oct-1999 20:00:19
Okay gang. The band has been marking time for long enough. How about some more stories. |
Carter Coal Company
Monday, 04-Oct-1999 20:11:22
My Grandfather, Reacie Abbott, worked for Carter coal company in Coalwood in the mid 1930's but I can find no information on the company. Can anyone help me out? I have tons on Pocahontas but none on Carter. Thanks. |
Guest Book On Vacation -- AGAIN!
Sunday, 03-Oct-1999 19:55:01
In response to the many messages I have received today about the guest book: No, it's not your computer and it's nothing you did....the guest book page is just not responding to any of us today. Seems this occurs periodically; unfortunately, no time is a good time for OUR guest book to be inaccessible. I'll see what I can do about it. |
Mini-Reunion in Winchester, VA on October 10
Saturday, 02-Oct-1999 17:22:18
For all the McDowell County folks in the northern Virginia, Maryland, D.C., northern WV, Pennsylvania, Delaware and surrounding areas (and any just passing through), listen up. We will meet at noon on Sunday, October 10, 1999, at the Cracker Barrel off I-81 in Winchester, VA. The full address is 200 Front Royal Pike, Wincester, VA 22602-7313 Phone # 540-722-3770. This Cracker Barrel is located at I-81 and Rt. 50/17. Tell all your Welch, WHS, and McDowell County friends about this mini reunion. We don't care when you graduated or whether or not you attended WHS, just show up, have lunch, and enjoy visiting with old friends. I'd appreciate it if you could let me know via email if you plan to attend. Cracker Barrel can do a better job of accommodating us if they have an idea of how many of us will be there. |
NEW -- 54 Senior Class & A Special Memory Page
Friday, 01-Oct-1999 13:58:13
The WHS Class of 1954 senior pictures are now online. As with any web page with lots of pictures, this one takes a few minutes to load. Special instructions for printing the page are provided. The page includes a link to a special dedication page for 2 former principals of WHS. ALSO, be sure to check out the link to Nita Clark Gratton's moving tribute to her mother, In Memory of Betty Lou Blankenship. |
40th Reunion for 1960s WHS Students
Thursday, 30-Sep-1999 00:46:08
Thanks to Phyllis Hyder Isaacs we now have a web page for the upcoming (10/13-15/2000) 40th reunion for the WHS class of 1960. The site includes a list of the persons for whom they need mailing addresses so please check it out and if you know the whereabouts of any of their "missing persons" please contact somebody on their reunion committee. |
Anyone with McDowell County Pictures for website
Thursday, 30-Sep-1999 00:32:20
Hello, I was so happy to find this message board! I am looking for some more pictures of Mcdowell county to put on WELC's web site. The response to the website has been wonderful. A lot of people who have left the area have found it to be very comforting to see the ones we do have, it eases the homesickness for them, but they are requesting more. You can visit the site at If you have any pictures you would like to share, please email me at Thanks |
Looking for Tommy Hurley
Wednesday, 29-Sep-1999 20:17:22
Where is Tommy Hurley? He moved to Welch from Bluefield in 62 or 63 and finished school with us at WHS. He lived on Stewart Street and was blonde. Would love to know where he is. |
Linda Counts
Wednesday, 29-Sep-1999 10:50:09
Patti's address (the only one I have is her business address) HealthSouth Rehabiliation Hospital 6900 Country Club Drive Huntington, WV 25705. |
Tuesday, 28-Sep-1999 20:22:43
Hey Bruce--lost your phone number that you gave me at the WHS reunion last summer.Let me have it again or your email address. |
Band Page - NO! WHOA! STOP!
Tuesday, 28-Sep-1999 20:09:37
Please ignore the person over there behind the curtain. It is only Donnie S. and her trusty scanner calling for more pictures. And, pay no attention to her assistants standing nearby. There you have Roy Morgan and his scanner, along with Rhonda and Rj also calling for more Band pictures. We don't need another fifty pictures which take forever to load and which tend to focus the viewer on a narrow time period of only a couple of years. No, it is those wonderful stories which you are now telling that really count. From the writers names I assume that most of those episodes took place in the 1960s. But, from the content, they could just as well have been in the 40s, 50s, or 70s! They all "sound" so familiar. First, we hereby stipulate that every girl who was a majorette for WHS was either drop dead gorgeous or terminally cute, and most were both. We can have Dick Douglas draw it up legally, and we'll all sign it, but we don't need more pictures to prove it. Second, the person who said that "one picture is worth a thousand words" was an unemployed photographer who had flunked English Composition. Can you imagine what would have happened if Miss Agee had asked for an essay on "How I spent my Summer" and someone had handed her two dozen photographs! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE handle it like the "Down Memory Lane Feature" which was done on the theaters. All of you write very well, so just expand on those postings you are already filing, and get someone to pull it all together. That earlier theater piece was excellent, and a new one on tales of the band has equal potential. Then, with the important work/fun done, if you still want to play with a photo annex (which loads on demand - not automatically) go for it! Thanks and Warm Regards,
October Sky Fall Festival
Tuesday, 28-Sep-1999 09:40:22
""HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Mark this date on your calendar--OCTOBER 2, 1999 "October Sky" Fall Festival at Cassell Park in Coalwood is a reality!!! It will start at 12 noon and end at 6:00 pm. Hay ride to Cape Coalwood - Bingo Cake walk - duck pond - food - rocket boys - games for all ages - chances on Homer Hickam's autographed "Rocket Boys" and "Back to the Moon" - 50/50 chances - flea market rental space - Live entertainment - Some rocket boys on hand to sign books and to launch rockets - and much much more. Come one come all and join the fun. Remember the date OCTOBER 2, 1999."" -- I copied this from BC guest book from Jennifer Phillips. Actually everything will start off with a parade at 11AM. It was stated in the Bluefield paper that Lorne Greene's widow was rumored to be there! I was also told that Cecil Surratt will be singing. All must remember him from the "Country Jambore" on Channel 6 each Saturday. At 6 p.m., event organizers will regroup at Cape Coalwood as the rocket boys launch again. "Homer sent an audio track from the movie," This will be played while the boys are launching rockets." Wow, what a day for Coalwood and McDowell County. Let's go home and join the fun. To all of you who still live at home - I'll see you there! |
Tuesday, 28-Sep-1999 09:10:56
For all who may be interested: Glenn Wesley Farthing died March 21 1999. He would have graduated with the class of 1954. Glenn Wesley Farthing |
Write a Message to me. Love to hear from you!
Tuesday, 28-Sep-1999 01:20:12
I am anxious to hear from people frome the Welch -Pineville Road, and North Welch Gang that rode the good ole'bus to Welch Hi every day. Remember our Driver - the greatest and the best Raymond Gullett.We have had a wonderful time at all the class reunions.We just went 92,95,and 98. If you haven't made there, you really should think about it for 2001. It's a fabulous time. I love you all!! |
Address for Ebbie Eanes
Sunday, 26-Sep-1999 20:38:02
The Welch phone book lists Ebbie's parents' address as 86 Frank Street, Welch, WV 24801 in case anyone is interested in sending him cards or letters. |
WV High School football games and McDowell County Heritage book
Sunday, 26-Sep-1999 16:43:12
Was browsing some of our Other Links pages and noted that the WELC radio site posts all the local high school football game scores by Saturday morning. Also, there is a message on the site about the MCDOWELL COUNTY HERITAGE BOOK SALE: The McDowell County Historical Society is currently taking orders for the second volume of the McDowell County Heritage Book 1858-1999. The pre-sale order price is $47.70 if picked up in McDowell County, $52.30 if mailed out of state and $55.00 if mailed in state. The book covers over 2000 World War II veterans, town history, schools, post office, photos of coal tipples and coal history and much more. For more information, you may send a check or money order to the McDowell County Historical Society, c/o Geneva Steele, H.C. 61, Box 37-B, Paynesville, WV 24873. For more information, e-mail Geneva Steele at Donnie Skuja |
Updates to WHS Web Pages
Saturday, 25-Sep-1999 20:32:54
Well, I just wasted 10 minutes trying to set up this message to tell you all about what's new on the WHS web pages. After trying to fix the wording so you could just Click and Go to anything new, my browser said, "hey, I've had enough!" and shut down. So, you're on your own. Just check out the What's New page at to make sure you're not missing anything. One cool new site we've linked to is Goldenseal magazine. Be sure to review some of the online articles -- some written by former WHS students. Also, note that the In Memoriam page has been updated. We still need information on the deaths of Willie Evans, Jerry Gordon, John Highberger, Bill Mikles, Carol Mills, Danny Pritchard and Richard Hanson. If you can provide complete information on their deaths, please send email to Also, don't miss the latest batch of random photos from the Sensational Sixties Reunion in July -- and, I think more are on their way. I'm really enjoying the rush of comments on the message board of late. Keep 'em coming. Thanks to all for your support and patience. |
Trust Fund Established for Herbert "Ebbie" Eanes,Jr.
Saturday, 25-Sep-1999 10:01:18
The 09/21/99 edition of the Welch Daily News had the following article concerning Ebbie. He's a former WHS student and was a drummer in a high school band. Many of you may remember him so I thought I'd pass this along. Ebbie Eanes, age 49, of Welch has been battling terminal renel-cell cancer for the past l8 months. The FDA has approved an experimental drug which Mr. Eanes is presently taking in a series of seven weekly treatments at Duke University Medical Center. The treatments are extremely expensive and are not covered by medical insurance. All monies doneated and collected will be solely used for medical expenes to cover the 5 remaining treatments. Ebbie is presently making his home with his parents, Ebbie and June Eanes, Sr. in Welch. Anyone wishing to donate may do so as the followoing address: Herbert "Ebbie" Eanes, Jr., POB 1089, Ameribank Trust Fund, Ameribank, Welch, WV 24801 ATTENTION: Mary Lou |
Check Out The New "GuestBook" Page
Thursday, 23-Sep-1999 20:53:06
Hey folks.......If you haven't been there recently, check out the NEW "Guestbook" page on this website. I think it's time for all of us to SIGN-IN AGAIN so everyone will know who's who/whom and where to find who/whomever!(Nope, I'm not a Big Creek OWL!) There are already some great new postings/entries on the New Guestbook page. Donnie Skuja has done an OUTSTANDING job of developing and keeping this site together. So, let's kinda start over with current/updated "Guestbook" postings and keep those Waves Rollin! AFTER YOU!! |
What about a band page?
Thursday, 23-Sep-1999 19:02:47
What about a page for all those band people? If you are out there, I would like to hear from you. |
Help in finding WHS Alumni
Thursday, 23-Sep-1999 14:22:07
Love this web site -- perhaps I can help in locating alumni of WHS. Every newspaper has a site where they will list interesting web sites (ours is called Web Watch), have found many places this way. I found your site through then clickrf on WV and it will brought up this page then clicked on Bluefield Daily Telegraph ( and then clicked on Web Site of Local Interest and it gave a list of sites to go to, such as Schools/Reunions in WV, once there go to "Welch High School Alumni Web Site-For former students of Welch High School". I was trying to help a friend find a job and just happen to click on WV and got lost in cyberspace from there. I am going to pass the WHS web site to other members of my family who reside here in Florida and perhaps others can do the same and help locate WHS alumni. I attended WHS in my sophomore year (1959), was born and raised in McDowell County, have Florida sand in my shoes now but I still love those mountains and visit them when I can. My best friend was Patty Sabo (brother was Steve) at WHS, we kept in touch for years but lost touch with each other sometime in the 80's due to job transfers, etc. Patty and her brother Steve are in Florida somewhere. I signed your guest book so hopefully someone will find them and we can get together again (email me at Don't know if anyone remembers me at WHS, we lived on Stewart Street then Grandview St. next to Blakeley Field, I remember Mary Day and her sister Brenda, Butch Propst, to name a few in the neighborhood. We had some good times then, lots of good memories of Welch and my friends there. |
New Address--I'm back
Thursday, 23-Sep-1999 12:38:00
I've been without internet access for quite a few months. It will take me a while to catch up. Look forward to hearing from folk from the 1960 class. Blessings. Bill (former preacher)Phipps |
1954 Class reunion
Thursday, 23-Sep-1999 10:59:40
The reunion was held last weekend (9/17-19. I hope everyone has as much fun as I did! Thanks to Dick Douglas for underwriting the momentos and to Jackie Poe Lose and Beverly Pigg Chiporas for the maroon place mats, center pieces and awards. |
Welch Article
Friday, 17-Sep-1999 23:47:32
I just read an article in the September issue of ATV magazine about a trail system being built in Logan and McDowell counties. It is called the Hatfield/McCoy trail. The article deals primarily with riding ATVs in the mountains but does mention Welch and the possibilities of tourism and the jobs created when you increase the number of visitors to the area. I would just like to commend those involved in this project for getting something positive started. |
Friday, 17-Sep-1999 16:37:27
We now have a new guest book for Welch High School Alumni. I haven't even started updating the links, so click HERE to see it. Please let me know of any changes you think should be made to the new guest book or if you have suggestions for improvements. The new guest book service allows us to send all visitors an email message, so if you'd like to be on the mailing list (to learn of updates to the WHS web site, etc.) be sure to sign the new guest book. The previous guest book messages are still available online, but unless the servicing web hosts fixes something, you can't post new messages there. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it's all still free so don't holler too loud about my not doing something about the problem sooner. |
lost reunion
Friday, 17-Sep-1999 14:22:38
We are so sorry to have missed the 60"s reunion!!!! Next time please try harder to let more people know. Judy lives in Holiday, Fla at 3440 Trask Dr. 34691 and Evelyn is in Bristol, Va at 21668 Jade Woods Dr. 24202. This is Evelyn"s email address. We loved seeing the pictures and really appreciate the Website. |
Re: Hurricaine Floyd In Florida
Friday, 17-Sep-1999 08:29:52
To all concerned classmates, we in central Fla. were spared this time. Thanks for your concerns. |
Thursday, 16-Sep-1999 19:14:06
Just heard from Johnny Stafford and all is well with them They were spared this time but they did evacuate. |
Guest Book
Wednesday, 15-Sep-1999 13:47:35
There appears to be a problem with posting messages to the WHS guest book. We're trying to get it fixed ASAP. In the meantime, all the current messages have been saved. We may need to revert to some other guestbook service. If there are any you think suitable for our purposes, please let me know. |
Reunion pix
Tuesday, 14-Sep-1999 23:48:36
Has everyone received their pix from the reunion? I haven't received mine or the pix made of the "Carswell Kids." |
Wishes for Classmates in Florida
Tuesday, 14-Sep-1999 17:56:33
Many of our former WHS classmates now reside in eastern Florida -- Peachy Smith, John Stafford, Rod Mabe, to name a few. Let's all say special prayers (or have a few special thoughts, if that's your thing) for them and their families as they prepare for the onslaught of Hurricane Floyd. |
Looking for old Friends!
Monday, 13-Sep-1999 15:02:07
Am using my mother's E mail.And was :student on the Hill"Would like to find where Michael Swayne, Thomas Watts, Jodie Smith And Kim Wright are. They were in classes of 83-89.Any info will be appreciated! Great site !!My Mom will give me messages,! |
Dan Reeves
Monday, 13-Sep-1999 14:48:01
I was watching the Atlanta Falcons game yesterday and I had a flashback to my youth. Dan Reeves is their coach and I remember going to the Welch High All Sports banquet one year and he was the speaker. I'm pretty sure that he was playing for the Dallas Cowboys at the time. I know that he threw a touchdown pass against Green Bay in the famous Ice Bowl in Dec. of 1967. Does anybody remember this dinner and when it happened? It was probably 68 or 69. |
Shirley England
Sunday, 12-Sep-1999 23:56:06
Shirley where are you Let me hear from you |
Patty Stroupe Ratliff
Sunday, 12-Sep-1999 16:31:37
Just saw Patty Stroupe Ratliff ('62, I think) at a Health Fair she was working. She looked great and wished she had known about the Sixties Reunion. She would have attended but found out about it after-the-fact. She promised to send her own message to the Message Board. |
Keystone bank
Saturday, 11-Sep-1999 05:38:09
Bank transfers 'going extremely well' By Bill Archer of the Daily Telegraph staff NORTHFORK -- The long lines that appeared at all McDowell County Ameribank locations earlier in the week had pretty much faded Friday, as another milestone was reached in the ongoing saga of the collapse of First National Bank of Keystone. Welch-based Ameribank acquired 16,000 accounts worth $135 million from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on Sept. 3. During the first couple days following the acquisition, Ameribank addressed some major challenges inherent in dealing with an onslaught of new customers. But by Friday afternoon, that initial rush had diminished. "It's going extremely well now," Ameribank President Jim Sutton said. "Each day, the lines of customers seeking service have gotten shorter. We learned quickly and picked up our efficiency. By next Tuesday or Wednesday, we should have things back to normal." Sutton said one problem several customers have encountered was that FDIC left out several area zip codes in Ameribank's service area when they compiled the list of assets offered for sale. Thus, some customers from neighboring zip codes were omitted from the account transfer. "We don't want them to think we don't want their business," Sutton said. "At a time when we are backed up trying to serve the needs of several new customers, it's difficult to communicate that to people. We want their business, too." Sutton said Ameribank has "tried to make it convenient" for customers of the failed bank, and said at least for a while, his bank is still offering the same rates as FNB Keystone had offered. He speculated that "the real loss is substantial," and stated that he had heard that "the per capita loss [may be] one of the highest in the history of FDIC." However, he noted that the information changes rapidly -- "hourly" he said. "That figure can reduce as time goes by." FDIC spokesman David Barr said it is way too early for any speculation as to the size of the loss. "The only solid number we have right now is the $15 million figure we reported back last week," Barr said. "That's the only number we've released so far." Barr said he had no idea how long it will take to assess the loss in the brokered accounts. "Then I'll be able to give a complete report on the amount of uninsured deposits. I don't think we'll ever be able to tell if it's the largest loss in history." Sutton said the FDIC has been "terrific" to work with through the process of acquiring a portion of the failed bank's accounts. "They have been extremely professional. They could not have been better to work with. "We've adapted to the situation every day," Sutton said. "Each day, we've changed our methods. It's been a learning experience." By late Friday afternoon, several of the FDIC employees who had been on site since Sept. 1 were returning to their homes. FDIC spokesman Tom Blossom had previously said that a few FDIC employees will remain at the bank through the weekend, but they will be back up to strength again by Monday. |
New Sites to Check
Saturday, 11-Sep-1999 00:57:43
I just received 2 messages referring me to new web sites related to Welch/West Virginia. Both are just great and I hope the webmasters let us feature them as special links on our "other links of interest" page. In the meantime, please do go take a look. The first is an online WVSPN which features WV sports on the web. It's at The second, and more "home related" (to me anyway) is at which features the current Welch Key Club's attendance at the International Convention in Chicago. They had more students in attendance than any other school represented. Some of the graphics on this site may take a while to load, but be sure to wait. You probably went to school with some of these kids' parents, and it's wonderful to see them having the same kind of fun we did on school trips. |
A sad tale
Thursday, 09-Sep-1999 15:13:56
I was looking at the Charleston Gazette's website yesterday and saw that the FDIC had shut down the First National Bank of Keystone because of apparent fraud. The bank had 87 employees. Those will be difficult jobs to replace in McDowell Co. The shareholders' bank stock is now worthless. The depositors are insured by FDIC up to $100,000. However the FDIC said that they were surprised by how many local people had more than $100,000 in the bank. That money is probably gone now. One man had $212,000 in his IRA. How sad. |
Lost a roll of film at the 60's reunion
Wednesday, 08-Sep-1999 09:26:12
Hi all. Well, like the dip I sometimes am it appears I came back to DC after the reunion with one less roll of film than I should have. I believe I changed the film at the dance Saturday night and may have left it on the table (who knows). Anyhow, if you developed some film and don't recognize the pictures please let me know -- it may be mine. I'll be happy to cover the cost of developing the pics. |
1959-1961 WHS yearbooks
Sunday, 05-Sep-1999 23:39:28
Does anyone know how I might get access to the 1956-1961 editions of Welch High School yearbooks? Need especially 1961 for reasearch for book writing! Thanks Johnny F. Cannoy, Sr.
(No subject)
Sunday, 05-Sep-1999 01:07:34
Was in Welch High in 1948-50Would love to hear from any who remember. |
Looking for old friends
Friday, 03-Sep-1999 22:15:14
Hello folks been a long time. Hey you Collins boys remember me Spratt's grandson Pete and Wendell. Hi guys been years and years. I lived in Roderfield and left Welch High in 1967. Would love to hear from any of the old gang. So please email me. My sister was Ssandy Elkins she was a year behind me in school.I left Roderfield in 1968 to join the USN and have only been back to visit a few times. I live in Athens Georgia now so someone give me a hollar. Roll on Waves. |
Stevie Lou Robinson Terrell
Friday, 03-Sep-1999 19:57:15
Just had a phone call from Stevie Lou. It was a surprise and she sounded great. How wonderful to her her voice. For those of you who might want it her e-mail address is |
Free Internet Service
Friday, 03-Sep-1999 08:11:00
Use as your main ISP or as a backup for your current ISP. It's absolutely free. Go to: |
Class of 1975 Where are you???
Friday, 03-Sep-1999 07:40:38
Would love to hear from any 1975 classmates--write me at |
New Grandpa on the Block!
Wednesday, 01-Sep-1999 22:15:17
While at the Sensational 60s Reunion, basking in the sun at the Holiday Inn, Doug Blackburn received a very important page on Saturday afternoon - his Granddaughter had decided to make her grand entrance! So off Doug flew and arrived just in time to be in the delivery room when MISS VICTORIA ELIZABETH CHARLES, 19 inches long, weighing 7 pounds and 1 ounce, entered into the world on Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 8:15 AM! Congratulations Doug! If he doesn't answer your emails - he is just too involved with Victoria at this time so forgive him in advance. |
Looking for Dickie Stroup Quit school in 55
Wednesday, 01-Sep-1999 20:32:37
Hello I am looking for Richard or Dickie Stroup. I think he lived in Havaco and quit school to join the armed forces I cannot remember what branch. Does anyone have any information about him. I did hear he had come back to WVA but where I do not know. That has been many years. I am also looking for graduates of the class of 55. |
Phyllis Roberts Cooon
Wednesday, 01-Sep-1999 14:46:43
Phyllis Roberts is a missing member of the Class of 1955. Anyone knowing her whereabouts please contact: Pat Friel Johnson Email: OR Dean Sizemore Email: |
Wednesday, 01-Sep-1999 11:41:41
Where are we with our 40th (YK-2) reunion plans?? |
In Memoriam Page
Monday, 30-Aug-1999 14:46:51
The WHS In Memoriam page has been updated to include all the notices sent to through August 29, 1999. If you note any errors, please let us know; or if a death you previously reported is not listed, please re-send the information to Please, please include all pertinent information, such as date of death. This is a very sensitive subject and we do not want to offend anybody by posting incorrect information. Thank you. |
Monday, 30-Aug-1999 14:39:03
Monday, 30-Aug-1999 13:37:27
Nancy Jobe. I can't send to your e-mail add. All messages come back undelivered. send me another message with correct address. Fran |
More New stuff on WHS Web Sites
Monday, 30-Aug-1999 13:14:10
Just a reminder to check the Update Page to learn about new things added to the WHS Web Sites. In addition to the photos from the recent Sensational Sixties Reunion (hold on you '69 folks, yours are gonna be posted soon), we have added 2 photos of WHS from years past to the pictures pages, there's a lovely poem online about our dear school on the hill, there's a page featuring Home Spun Yarns, a book one of our former classmates published, and a WHS Alumni's review of Homer Hickam's recent release, "Back to the Moon," is now available online. |
Another "Homer" Movie?
Saturday, 28-Aug-1999 19:08:11
Received word today that Beacon Productions, the same folks who did Air Force One, have expressed an interest in filming Homer Hickam's last book release, "Back to the Moon." |
Faster Way to Read Messages
Saturday, 28-Aug-1999 08:04:04
Right click on the message, then click on "open in new window", then you can read or respond to message, click the window off and you are still on the message board. This will work on any message forum. |
Welch/McDowell County/Highways
Friday, 27-Aug-1999 15:51:48
A few reminders for the 1960s "Movers and Shakers": 1. It has often been said that the only thing worse than bad publicity is no publicity at all. If you are indeed poor it does little good to keep pointing out to others that you were not always poor. It is far better to work towards becoming well off again and then let the comments take care of themselves. Remember, bad publicity is what shakes dollars loose from Congress. You now have bad publicity - on a national scale - so use it. 2. Don't believe everything you read. I have been checking into the Coalfields Expressway Web site for a couple of months. That web page seems to be an advocacy site put together by the people in Pineville. The positions they take are mostly favorable to Wyoming County. For example, the alignment shown on that site for the King Coal Highway is so far North in the proposed corridor that towns such as Northfork and Kimball, etc., won't even rate exits, and the only way to get to Welch will be to get off the Interstate and take the Coalfields Expressway South for five or more miles! In other words, by running that Interstate along the County lines, all it means is that Wyoming County gets a third Interstate Highway and McDowell County is still left out in the cold. 3. As Mrs. Prickett (1st Grade), Mrs. Olinger (2nd Grade) and Mrs. Armour (3rd Grade), used to say, "Do your homework first." Find out who is in charge of the McDowell County efforts, what groups are representing Welch, and so on. Maybe all of the decisions have already been made - or maybe there is still time to influence the action. And, perhaps the biggest thing they need now is an effective Web site, and you people have certainly shown that you can accomplish that. 4. Stay in contact with your representatives. I have not been a West Virginia voter for more than twenty years, but just last year I wrote a long letter to Senator Robert Byrd thanking him for various things he had accomplished in the past. I don't anticipate ever asking him for a favor, but I believe it doesn't hurt to be on his computer lists. I hope some of you 1960s Movers and Shakers have been doing the same. And, keep it in perspective. Both your congressman (still Nick Rahall I believe) and Senator Byrd no doubt get a lot more campaign money from Beckley than Welch. So, asking them for favors based strictly on past donations and votes is simply going to move their positions closer to Wyoming. 5. Finally, take everything you hear in Welch with a grain of salt. Welch has had a very long history of maintaining opposition to change. Most recently it was a well orchestrated campaign against an interim nuclear storage facility which would have poured billions of dollars in highways, facilities, and high-tech jobs into McDowell County. Welch "won" that fight and so now they are going to get low-paying jobs with a federal prison and a large trash dump instead. I believe I would have taken my chances with the nuclear waste. Anyway, go get 'em Sixties - Carpe Diem. It's your turn to dance. Good luck. Blake, WHS-'51 |
WWW Link to New Highway
Thursday, 26-Aug-1999 07:56:51
There are things in the works that we may be able to help come to fruition that I think will be a big help to all of Southern West Virgina. Many of you may already be aware of the proposal to build the "Coalfields Expressway" and "King Coal Highway". Thanks to the WELC link Donnie made us aware of, I found the web site with "tons" of information: Check it out. It's unbelievable. The proposal would connect Beckley (I-77 & I-64) with Grundy, VA with an interstate quality highway running through Welch. The other highway connects Bluefield with Logan (and the Appalachian Corridor highway that connects Logan with Charleston). The two would intersect near the McDowell/Wyoming county line (top of the mountain on Rte. l6. I know there has been a lot of talk about things like this in the past, but this one has some financial appropriation already and is in the design faze. I believe a WHS Alumni Association, in conjunction with ALL the southern WV alumni could help lobby Congress and the state legislature to fund these projects. If Bob Byrd can get the FBI to move it's fingerprinting operation out of the DC area into northern WV, he should be able to finally do SOMETHING for the the folks in SOUTHERN WV that have supported him his entire career (he is from the Beckley area). Check out the web site and consider taking this project as the first action of an alumni assoc. and as individuals. We can write, FAX, e-mail and call the appropriate contacts to try to assure this project's success. Transportation is the #1 problem for that area - look how Princeton has flourished since U.S. 460 and I-77 were completed. |
Guest Book Page
Tuesday, 24-Aug-1999 23:13:05
If you have and use Real Player you might want to check out the new message at the top of the Guest Book page. |
Tuesday, 24-Aug-1999 23:12:47
I received email today and this is what they said, "It would be very challenging and rewarding to proudly give back something to our roots regardless of how big or small it may be. Lets remember, we must first take baby steps, fall on our face a few times, get a few bumps and bruises before we learn to walk." There seems to be a lot of ideas already going through your minds in ways we can help. So in a world of democracy, we must first have a show of hands that are willing to help work on the first step. We can concur the world in our minds, but real life is where the challenge lies unless everyone is working for that same goal. Lets not lose sight of what an association is all about. (i.e. education) Regardless if you live in the county or in CA, or TX, you have a voice, and a helping hand. I was told from the very start that a 60s reunion was not possible either, but.... |
What can be done to help McDowell Co.
Tuesday, 24-Aug-1999 21:32:47
Being the Children of McDowell County isn't it our responsibility to help bring McDowell County out of its slump? What can be done to accomplish such a task? Industry!!!! Who is willing to move back to McDowell County with the skills and abilities we have acquired to fill the void the large coal companies left in the 70's? How many of us are willing to suggest to the companies we work for to consider McDowell County for their next venture to expand their facilities? How many of us are willing to move back and establish some sort of industry to bring good paying jobs to McDowell County? Consider the resources other then coal: Hardwood, Wildlife and above all a very large work force with a very good work ethic and willing to work. McDowell County would be ideal for Furniture Manufacturing. What is needed? People willing to put their money, time and effort into building the Mills and the Factories to build the furniture. Next is aquiring the property to build.. Good luck because the Norfork and Southern has about all the land tied up in McDowell County. It is easy to say we are proud to have been raised in McDowell County, it is yet another thing to show our pride and rebuild what the Coal Industry has torn down. Michael Zuchick III
linda and guy stuphin cannot connect to e mail address
Tuesday, 24-Aug-1999 13:02:56
"Poor McDowell County"
Monday, 23-Aug-1999 21:41:07
Poor McDowell County goes back further than many of you can probably remember. I went back On The Hill, November, 1955 when Eddie Richardson called and said a business teacher was moving and he would like for me to finish the year for her. I stayed until Charles was transferred in 1966 and we moved from Welch. In a faculty meeting at the beginning of a school year a few years after 1955, Mr. Richard- son came into the meeting and said "You teachers have 'done a lot of learnin' this last year.' What he was referring to was the testing scores of the students of McDowell County. We had risen better than two grade levels in a year. Why? George Bryson, Supt. of schools refused to allow testing companies to test the students of McDowell County unless they tested every student in the county. Previously, they would come in and test only schools the testing agencies selected. That was basically the schools where the drop-out rate was extremely very high. Yes, this gave us a "black eye" and the scores were released nationally. For some reason our home town has been put down by the news media for many years. There are a few other teachers out there who will remember this faculty meeting in Room 12 of WHS. Organizing an association is the only way to help off-set the bad publicity we receiv Keep up your good work. |
McDowell County
Sunday, 22-Aug-1999 22:13:26
Tonight( Sunday,August 21) on ABC News,Welch and McDowell were portrayed to represent proverty in America. It is strange to see your hometown,that you had just visited, as the poorest of the poor. I think about the good friends who are staying there and trying to make things better. Martha Hurt is someone to praise. I really believe that each of us have a story to tell about growing up in McDowell county and like Homer we need to get it out to the public at large. We, who have moved away, owe it to the people,who chose to stay to say why, and to let others know of the dedicated teachers, nurses, and others that make a difference. Those hills made each of us have an extra edge, as Martha said in her address at the reunion. Let's use that edge to let others know about the personal strenghts of McDowell County. |
Classes 48, 49, 50 , 51 & 52
Thursday, 19-Aug-1999 18:23:33 writes: Would like to hear from classmates, WHS grads of the late 1940's and early 1950's. |
50,000th visitor to WHS Alumni Web Site
Thursday, 19-Aug-1999 01:24:36
Will it be YOU? Since we started keeping count in April 1999, we have had 49,361 visitors to the WHS Alumni Web Site as of 8/19/99. (Yes, some of you are repeat visitors, but that's ok.) We average 230 visitors per day. So, one of you will be the 50,000th visitor on Friday, August 20. Sorry, we have no way of knowing exactly who you are but will be able to ascertain what Internet Service Provider you are using. Results will be posted on Sunday August 29. Your interest and support in the web site is just unbelievable. Thank you, Donnie |
WHS c/o 69 Reunion
Wednesday, 18-Aug-1999 19:12:02
It's been several days since the reunion ended. I am shocked that there are no messages on the board. WHAT A GREAT TIME. Thanks to all of you who made it possible. You did a great job. I'm just a little sister of the c/o 69, but I'm glad you guys opened this event to everyone. It meant a lot to me to spent a weekend with all four of my siblings. I'm not playing favorites, but I think Joe did a great job. I also want to let Kenny Orr know that his memorial prayer was inspirational. Thanks. |
Welch High School E-Mail Site
Thursday, 12-Aug-1999 13:50:06
Just discovered the site. AWSOME. Will be visiting more in the future. Did not graduate with c/o 61 but am still WHS. Knew it all and quit school and joined Navy in October l960. Attended 15 yr class reunion of c/o 61. Thanks for the site and memories. Looking forward for more visits. |
You gotta hear the music!
Thursday, 12-Aug-1999 02:07:42
I found one of the coolest web sites. They play real records from the "old days." If you want to hear some good music on the web, check this out. CLICK HERE. |
Pete Chericozzi Class of 1961
Tuesday, 10-Aug-1999 21:59:17
Did anybody get Pete Chericozzi's address and/or phone number? He was at our Friday night 60s reunion thing at the old Appalachian Building. |
Web Sites Update
Tuesday, 10-Aug-1999 21:07:12
Well, folks I'm just about recuperated from that wild, Sensational Sixties Reunion and am trying to get this web site back in order. Sorry for the neglect over the past few weeks. We have updated the Sensational Sixties web site to provide information about ordering some lovely WHS T-shirts. No matter when you attended WHS, you will want one or two or more of these shirts. No years are imprinted on them. They are well-made Lee's brand shirts. Read about them HERE,. We also added a link to the Sensational Sixties page providing a copy of the article we sent to the Welch Daily News to report on the event and to express our appreciation for all the help the folks in Welch and McDowell County gave us to make the reunion so successful. Read all about it HERE. We are working on a web page to share some of the pictures taken at the 60s reunion. If you have any to share, please let me know. |
60s Reunion Opening Remarks
Monday, 09-Aug-1999 20:23:21
Had several requests for me to put my opening remarks on the Message Board. Thanks for your kind thoughts. Here they are: We started the decade of the 60s with a young 42-year-old (who visited Welch) taking the office of the presidency. We saw a good chance for change for the good. A couple of years later JFK was struck down and a decade of turbulance began. We started off with amazement...and we saw it draw to an end by sending men to the moon. It was a decade like no other in history. We saw: equal rights for all; a controversial war; stereo TV and radio; color TV; heart transplants; catalytic converters and gas shortages; the feminist movement and the sexual revolution; the Beatles and the British Invasion; don't trust anyone over 30 (or was that 80??); the Super Bowl; jet air travel, satellites; we learned to flick our Bics; we all had hair! Welch High School was a small part in the whole picture. What great childhoods we had. What a great environment to grow up in. What great educators we all shared. All in all, it was a very exciting time in history...hopefully we all have had some influence on modern society in our individual lives...We are not the movers and the shakers...the decision makers. Our past has prepared us for this job and let's hope we have made a significant mark in life. And, let's hope that we are not done yet!! And, now I have the privilege of introducing our guest speaker, Her Honor The Mayor of Welch, Martha Hurt Moore. |
60's Reunion Successful!
Monday, 09-Aug-1999 13:11:16
I am thrilled everyone had a wonderful time. If it had not been for my husband and Mary Faulds' husband we would have fallen apart a few times. HA -- I was ask to on knock on a few classroom doors, climb to the top of the gym, and play a tune for Mr. Lassak. So I knocked on a few doors (someone or something knocked back!) and hummed a few bars in low tone out by the old band room. But thank goodness the gym steps were inaccessible, I don't think I could have gone the extra mile in the heat and humidity. (I never promised comfortable temperatures, just a good time, HA!!!) Mary and I thank you very much for the thoughtful donation from the collection of George Jarvis' paintings. (Thanks Dickie) Thanks to "everyone" who worked to help bring this reunion together. Very special thanks to Victor Nystrom. Reuniting us with the barrel on Saturday was the highlight of the reunion. Even after all these years this is still the "heart of my school spirit." Who was lucky enough to get a picture, I would like to have a copy, lets talk. (I was to busy clapping and crying. HA!) And most of all because YOU were there made the reunion successful! I saw hugs and tear, and heard cheers and laughter, that is success in itself! Are you ready and willing to do it again in three years? |
WHS class of '39
Sunday, 08-Aug-1999 21:45:48
Would like to hear from anyone still around from the class of '39. |
"Lost in the 50's" Link
Saturday, 07-Aug-1999 23:07:34
For those of you who haven't, you really ought to click onto the "Lost in the 50's" link on this website. There are several sections worth checking out, but for sure you need to sign on the "Rock and Roll Call" page....for those of us who are the true "Baby Boomers", we've got alot to remember about the 50's, even though we graduated in the 60's!! Nancy and Barbara have done ALOT OF WORK....why not support them in this neat addition to the WHS website....I'll bet you'll come up with alot of memories about your life back then. Keep up the good work, girls!!! |
60s Reunion
Friday, 06-Aug-1999 21:40:11
What a terrific reunion. I enjoyed seeing everyone. Makes you really realize what's important in life and that you're longtime friends are among the best things you can ever have in this lifetime. My hats off, too, to the reunion organizers. What a great job you all did. Hope to stay in touch with everyone better over the coming years. |
(No subject)
Friday, 06-Aug-1999 17:13:54
Enjoyed out visit when we were there for the reunion. Nancy Dawson did not make the trip. We mailed the books to her today. We have been in touch with her. She is expecting them. |
Sensational Sixties
Thursday, 05-Aug-1999 19:08:35
Can't begin to tell you how wonderful it was to be at the reunion. It had been 36 years since I had seen most of you! How great it was to be remembered and to remember!! The special feeling of seeing "Welcome Home" on the sign at the Sterling, and being able to visit with all of you is something that will always have a special place in my heart. I hope we can do it again!! |
Sensational 60's Reunion
Thursday, 05-Aug-1999 10:29:45
I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to the Committee members for doing such a wonderful job on the reunion,I left Welch in 1966 to come to Va to live with my sister Priscilla Phillips Dean and her wonderful husband Billy,we had such fond memories of Welch the emotions were so deep on Sunday is we said our good byes to all our dear friends My husband a Va Boy also had a great time we will always hold the 60's reunion and all are school friends close to our hearts god bless all at the time they had two small children and they took my two brothers Ronnie dale and Roger and I to take care of after our Mother passed away they deserve much credit for doing such a wonderful job with us all,so coming back home was very emotional for us all |
Sensational Sixties Reunion
Wednesday, 04-Aug-1999 22:12:30
I can't tell you how very much we enjoyed the reunion last weekend. It was so good to see so many people that we haven't seen for many years. I wish this could be an annual affair. Our thanks to all those who worked so hard to put together such a nice event. Dante and Sherry Castrodale
60's reunion
Wednesday, 04-Aug-1999 21:32:21
Even though I graduated in l970, the major part of my years at WHS were in the 60's. Thanks for letting me be part of your reunion. I saw people that I remembered my sisters talking about and all of you still look great! My best friend, Donna Lockhart Hale, and her sister, Brenda Coulson attended and I had a ball with them. The coolest part was when my sister, Elinor Turner Bright and her husband, Sandy, won the Shag contest. I've listened to Sandy complain about his bad knees for years now and at long last, I have proof that he's been lying to me! Again, thanks for letting Donna and I share in the memories and the reunion. |
Updates to WHS Web Site - 40s Reunion Pictures
Wednesday, 04-Aug-1999 19:32:37
We are adding new pages and updating some others at the WHS web site and ask for your patience as we clean house. The latest update is a page with wonderful pictures of the WHS Forties classes enjoying their reunion in July. These pictures were taken by photographer, John Spencer WHS '58. Click HEREto see these pictures. To view information about the latest new pages added to the WHS web site and recent changes made to ongoing WHS web pages, click HERE. |
Thanks to all for the 60's memories!!!
Tuesday, 03-Aug-1999 23:03:18
Wow!!!!! What a wonderful time enjoying seeing everybody on Friday and Saturday. Hat's off to the organizers of the sensational sixties reunion and to all of you who dropped by my residence for a night of great comradery. May God bless of you. |
Sensational 60's Reunion
Tuesday, 03-Aug-1999 20:59:28
There are no words to express how much I enjoyed our 60's reunion. I knew it was going to be good, but I never expected it to be so PERFECT! Our Class of 64 have had 4 reunions and they have all been wonderful, but I realized after this weekend how much all the other classes played a part of my "On The Hill" memories. It was just wonderful. I, too, want to thank all of you guys, again, who put all of this together. It was great! There were so many people from the other years that I had not seen since high school --- 35 years! (That seems unbelievable) --- I think my family enjoyed it as much as I. My husband, Thom and my daughter, Wendy and son, Shane. The music was great! I miss dancing like that! It was so good seeing so many people. Drema, thanks for coming! Lynn, Sue, Pam, Peachy, Joan and Joyce. It was good seeing Vic and Judy Crawford Nystrom --- yes, Judy, I enjoyed cheering with you too!! (Glad I was still able!) Olen and Paula, Lanny and Diane, Bridget --- could go on and on. We talked about it all the way back to Florida (10 hours). What a weekend! |
Tuesday, 03-Aug-1999 15:20:18
60's reunion
Tuesday, 03-Aug-1999 12:32:54
It was such a joy to connect again with the people that meant so much to me so many years ago. I can't think of any way the weekend's events could have been improved upon (except maybe Friday night's humidity). I had, unfortunately, forgotten how beautiful the mountains are and how wonderful the people are "back home." I won't make that mistake again. Thanks again to everyone who worked so hard to make this weekend memorable. As my daughter would say, "It was awesome." |
60's Reunion
Tuesday, 03-Aug-1999 11:36:55
I can not remember having such a wonderful time.Thank you all for the time and work put into this. May God Bless everyone |
Sixties Registration Page
Monday, 02-Aug-1999 17:55:12
I just noted that the web pages with all the 60s students names on it will be inaccessible until the middle of August. I have a copy of all the names and information (as of 7/22/99). It is a very large file and would take forever to upload to one web site. However, if you must have information from it before the folks at The Phaistos Networks are done with their "improvements," email me or call me (410-549-7190). |
60's reunion
Monday, 02-Aug-1999 11:49:57
Sorry I Missed Saying Goodbye
Sunday, 01-Aug-1999 23:02:23
Jim and I got bad news from home (his sister passed away while the reunion was ongoing), and my brother called the hotel with the news. She was like a second mother to us, and we were just devastated. I want to thank the committee members for all the hard work you put into the planning of the reunion. I appreciate you with all my heart because I know it was done with a lot of love for all the WHS 60's grads. I want to take this opportunity to say how great it was to see you all, and I will never forget you and our days "ON THE HILL." I wish I could have said "so long" in person, but I know you will understand what Jim and I were going thru with such bad news. God bless you, and keep you always in His care. Much love,
Maxine Lester Stone |
60's Reunion
Sunday, 01-Aug-1999 17:29:15
Without a doubt, this weekend's Sensational 60's reunion was one of the highlights of our year, thus far. We had looked forward to it for so long, and we weren't disappointed, believe me! From the first minutes at the "meet-and-greet", we knew it was going to be special. How neat for me (Elinor) to have seen two of my '64 classmates first: Penny Money Cooper and Lloyd Asbury. That set the tone for the evening, as more and more of our class(es) arrived. Seeing Joan York for the first time since 1964 was wonderful---and seeing Joyce York Battlo and Janie Young Jackson for the first time in many, many years was fantastic, too. Sandy had similar experiences seeing old buddies he hadn't seen in ages....and for both of us, reacquainting with friends from classes other than our own was marvelous....the names of these people would fill the page. Our hats are off to the reunion committee for the fabulous job they did organizing this memorable event....we've been talking about it ever since we got in at 1:15 this morning! Hey---it must have been "baby" sister, Diane Turner Clemins, who graduated in 1970, came in from Charlotte Court House, VA (5 hours) just to attend this reunion, and she had a ball. If you weren't among us lucky ones who attended, you truly missed the time of your life. Again....Thank you, thank you, thank you Reunion Committee. You "done good"! (Rhea---don't let Ronnie give you too much grief....we really enjoyed being with you). May the Waves continue to Roll, 'til next time....................... |
'60's Reunion
Sunday, 01-Aug-1999 16:32:22
Those of you who did not attend the reunion the week-end of July 30 - 31 missed a blast. It was great seeing so many of you and inspite of it I did arrive home with all my ribs in place. Thanks for the wonderful reception you all gave us. Keep typing on the internet and you won't lose your skills. We enjoyed every minute of it. Charles and Elizabeth Lovett |