You are viewing the fourth of seven Maroon Wave message
Assembly Hall
I Assembly
Hall II Assembly
Hall III Assembly
Hall V
CURRENT Message Board WHS Alumni Web Site Search WHS Alumni Web Site:
(This page is quite lengthy; if you are searching for a particular message or for a person's name, try using the Edit function from your browser's tool bar, then select the Find function and type in the information you are seeking. )
See the NEW Message Board
Saturday, 24-Feb-01 20:28:46
No need to wait for March 5, to get this show on the road. I've set up our new message board HERE. Be sure to change your bookmarks. Please do NOT post any more messages here. All these messages will be
removed by March 5, 2001.
Donnie Skuja
Re: We want another Sensational Sixties Reunion
Saturday, 24-Feb-01 20:11:25
The classes of 62, 63 and 64 are having a reunion in June of 2001 which may limit the participation for another reunion for that group in 2002. Many folks do not enjoy going annually. |
More Yearbooks available on CD
Friday, 23-Feb-01 15:58:47
Talked with Bob Martin today and he reports that the following WHS yearbooks are now available on CD: 1922, 1925, 1929, 1932, 1947, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963 and 1964. To order one of these CDs, send $30 to Bob at: 200 Grist Mill Drive, Beckley, WV 25801 More information about the CDs can be found HERE. |
McDowell highway
Thursday, 22-Feb-01 08:31:05
For those of you that don't read the Bluefield or Beckley papers, and I know from the messages directed at me, that there are lots of you. It looks like the new highway is running hot and cold. Not a done deal. Those of you still living in WVA may want to contact the governor. |
class of 1965 reunion info
Wednesday, 21-Feb-01 07:12:41
Interested in WHS class of 65 high school reunion information |
Sensational 60's Reunion
Tuesday, 20-Feb-01 19:48:03
I hope we are all planing to have another reunion
Be your own Detective! (no pay, good pat on the back!)
Tuesday, 20-Feb-01 09:45:24
I wonder - how often do any of you check on the guest book or the missing person pages? And do you try to help those who post requests? I don't check it out as often as I should, but when I find one I possible can help I email them with possible links to pursue. I do hear back from them with a "thank you." What is so sad is the their requests are about 2 months old. It doesn't matter if they get 3 or 4 messages, some is better than none. All of us together make up a lot of "years and information." Between the bunch of us, someone is bound to come up with the right email, phone number or contact person. How about we make a promise to keep an "eye" on those pages and help our fellow classmates and neighbors. (someone may be looking for YOU!) |
1969 Class Reunion
Monday, 19-Feb-01 22:02:39
The Welch High School Reunion Committee is making
Time To Reflect?
Monday, 19-Feb-01 14:45:40
From time to time we see message threads on this site which make one wonder why anyone would even consider submitting such material. I often wonder if those who endorse these subjects take the time to consider the "good" this site was intended to represent. For those who may forget, I suggest you re-visit the home page of the WHS Alumni site and reaquaint yourselves with the spirit and the intent of those who unselfishly provided this forum for us to experience a common sense of shared pride in our hometown of Welch, WV and McDowell County Public Schools. Throughout the brief history of this site, we've suffered through (thankfully) few readings of several indignities expressed toward former classmates who have been admonished and otherwise treated unfairly and with disdain -- most notably the recent unfortunate attacks on the integrity of a former WHS grad and Viet Nam veteran come to mind. It bothers me to see people victimized on a site which was intended to bring each of us fond memories and the happiness of a shared past. So, for what it's worth, I respectfully suggest that each of us give serious consideration to the meaning and to the effect(s) on others of the material we post to this site. We have the good fortune of knowing that the site's Webmaster is very conscious of and sensitive to the information and material we share on this website. We should have no less confidence in ourselves to appreciate the sensitivity of how our words and messages may impact others who share this site. Not to forget that everyone's right to free expression is guaranteed,
I offer only that we think about the effects of that free expression on
others for whom we care and with whom we share a common bond of an upbringing
in that little town of Welch.
The Maitland Smiths
Monday, 19-Feb-01 10:58:00
Thanks to all of you who responded to my request for the addresses of
David Bowlick and Kenny Crabtree. Been too busy to answer my e-mail. Not
lucky enough to retire yet.
(No subject)
Monday, 19-Feb-01 10:06:40
its good to hear from old friends |
'63 Reunion
Saturday, 17-Feb-01 23:34:58
For any of you who haven't heard yet, the class of '63 is planning a
reunion in June of this year (I'll get the exact date from Linda Counts
Miller in another day or two). Linda Counts Miller and Eddie Blevins are
coordinating the reunion. They have very graciously invited the classes
of '62 and '64 to join them. Linda has asked me to handle the class of
'64 for her. I'll be sending out registration info to all those '64 graduates
that I have addresses for as soon as I get the exact dates (this will be
a two day affair) from Linda. She's kinda been bragging to me about all
the classmates she has from '62 who have expressed an interest in coming
so I hope all you '64s out there will once again consider joining in and
showing 'em why we're still the biggest and baddest class that ever came
off "the hill". If anyone from '64 hasn't received a letter from me by
March 15th and wish to get one, please call me at (304) 436-4900 and I'll
get one to you pronto.
Class of 53
Saturday, 17-Feb-01 15:00:19
Just wanted to let you know that Eddie Larese (formerly of Kimball) passed away Feb. 9th. You can read more in the "In Memoriam" section. Liz |
Williamson Paper
Friday, 16-Feb-01 05:19:49
The Williamson paper has a new look also.
Bluefield-Beckley papers
Thursday, 15-Feb-01 19:03:58
I signed up for email delivery of both of the papers but haven't received either. Has anyone received them? |
Burley Warf
Thursday, 15-Feb-01 10:21:34
Burley and I were very good friends in high school and, in my opinion, he's always been an honest, straight forward guy. He was a Marine sniper in Vietnam and as a matter of fact, his picture was in either Newsweek or Time magazine back in l971 or '72. Did "the wiz" ever stop to think that maybe Burley is starting to deal w/his war experiences by now being able to talk about them? I can't believe anyone would write to this website questioning someone's integrity like this person did Burley's. He's a good guy and a good friend. He was at last year's reunion and that was the first time I'd seen him in 20 years and is still the same sweet person he was in high school. Are we now going to start double checking with all the alumni about anything and everything we tell anyone about our lives? Give me a break! |
Mary Cunningham
Wednesday, 14-Feb-01 16:03:17
Recently was with Carolyn Jones Micale'59 for several days. She asked about you. If you or any alumni (who knows where you are) see this please answer and I will give your address to Carolyn |
1942 Graduate of Welch High
Wednesday, 14-Feb-01 16:00:24
I would love to hear from any person who graduated in the 1940's |
Beckley Paper
Wednesday, 14-Feb-01 05:18:22
The Beckley paper now has a new format like the Bluefield one. You can have it sent via email also. |
Free Virus Check for Your PC
Tuesday, 13-Feb-01 22:53:06
If you don't have an anti-virus program on your PC or if you simply want to run a second virus check, The Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC) provides a free online virus scan. This virus scan includes a check for the new worm named VBS.SST@mm (ANNAKOURNIKOVA.JPG.VBS)which is spreading rapidly through e-mail. Be sure to run a virus check to ensure that your PC is not infected. |
Donald "Corky" Miller '53
Tuesday, 13-Feb-01 16:19:31
Would anyone remember Donald Gene "Corky" Miller,class of 53? I was married to him for 21 years. He passed away in 1979. His two children would love to hear from anyone who knew their dad. Thanks. |
More Info
Tuesday, 13-Feb-01 16:08:13
In asking to hear from old friends I forget to mention that I would love to hear from anyone who knew my husband, Donald Gene "Corky" Miller, class of 53. He passed away in 1979. His two children would love to hear from someone who knew their dad. |
REUNION!!! Attention 1962, 1963 & 1964 Grads
Tuesday, 13-Feb-01 15:52:04
Our reunion plans are complete. The final package in being mailed now. Our mailing started last Thursday and will continue through this week and as we receive new addresses, we will mail a package. If you have not provided us with a mailing address and are interested in attending, please forward your mailing address. We have a comprehensive list for 63 and 64, however, our 62 list is short. We continue to search for classmates as we want to contact as many folks as we can. Look forward to seeing you in June!!!! If you know any addresses for folks in these classes, send them to us or get in touch with them and let them know about the reunion. Thanks. |
Dubbya is coming to Charleston on Feb. 14
Tuesday, 13-Feb-01 14:51:05
(No subject)
Tuesday, 13-Feb-01 14:02:44
Looking for high school friends
Tuesday, 13-Feb-01 13:50:18
Bluefield Paper
Tuesday, 13-Feb-01 05:00:01 |
More School Consolidation in the County?
Monday, 12-Feb-01 19:07:27
close BCHS, Iaeger HS and Gary HS (I thought GHS kids already went to Mount View) and all kids will be bused to Welch (Mount View, I presume) HS beginning the Fall of 2003. Anybody know anything about this? |
House for Sale
Sunday, 11-Feb-01 12:59:06
Bluefield Daily Telegraph Online Edition back online
Saturday, 10-Feb-01 09:18:26
Anyone know Burley Warf?
Friday, 09-Feb-01 23:43:23
Alert to Juno Users
Friday, 09-Feb-01 20:17:28
Part of Juno's User Agreement states that they can: "download to your
computer one or more pieces of software (the "Computational Software")
designed to perform computations"
And that might lead you to wonder, "What happens if Juno's software
trashes my system?" That's spelled out in the rest of the amended terms
of service: The subscribers must perform these forced services at their
own risk and expense: You pay for the power consumed to run Juno's calculations;
you pay for the call (if needed)
If you wish to confirm this information, see Juno's web site: |
Class of 1953
Friday, 09-Feb-01 19:07:04
re the omigosh! message
Friday, 09-Feb-01 17:43:25
Retire to Welch
Thursday, 08-Feb-01 19:45:12
a hous there would love to sell to u.. I want one in Myrtle Beach..The location is great and just think u will have 73 going thru. |
Reunion contacts
Thursday, 08-Feb-01 15:23:20
Are we having a little trouble in deciding. Is this going to be volunteer or by draft? Elinor volunteered for '64 and wants a partner. Donnie is covering '61. That leaves '60, '62. '66, '67, '68, & '69. Don't quit on this! What about the 40's, 50's, and 70's. This would be a great addition to our web site and so much help in reunions, weather it is combined classes or a year at a time. I didn't say it was wrote in stone, but you could be chair for next reunion and then draft someone else. WHERE ARE YOU? Rg |
New Address and Phone Number
Monday, 05-Feb-01 09:46:59
Ed Morgan 10724 Pheasant Lane Clarksburg, Md. 20871 301 865 0322 |
Accessing Main WHS Alumni Web Site
Sunday, 04-Feb-01 16:41:59
Until I can decide where to move the main page, I have posted a website map HERE. I suggest you bookmark the website map page as your starting point for viewing the WHS Alumni Web Site pages. Depending on what, and if, I hear back from the host4u web host, I will decide whether to permanently move the WHS Alumni web pages stored there. The following web pages are involved: main WHS alumni web page, 70s reunion, Background on the website, Other Links, History of the Barrel, In Memoriam, and List of deceased classmates. You can temporarily access the main page HERE. However, I suggest not bookmarking this page as I am not sure the main page will remain at this location. I hope to find some free web space void of any advertising, but can't guarantee this will happen. |
UPDATE! More Yearbooks on CDs available
Saturday, 03-Feb-01 21:42:00
Bob also provided for the web site a very nice graphic in memory of the deceased of his class of 1953. It can be viewed HERE. |
Ahhhh! The Silence On The Message Board -- Refreshing, Don't You
Friday, 02-Feb-01 10:13:52
Welch/McDowell County Man (And Proud Of That!) |
WHS '76 Grad, Garnet Edwards Honored
Monday, 29-Jan-01 19:00:11
The article can be read HERE. |
Monday, 29-Jan-01 15:53:00
1956 & 1957 WHS Annuals now on CDs
Saturday, 27-Jan-01 21:23:27
200 Grist Mill Drive, Beckley, WV 25801 Other yearbooks Bob has available on CD include The Black Diamond 1922, 1925 and 1932 plus On the Hill 1947, 1952,1953, 1954, 1955 and 1964. More WHS yearbooks will be available on CDs in the future. |
Super Bowl
Saturday, 27-Jan-01 12:55:52
You heard it here first. Juno | message boards
Friday, 26-Jan-01 21:30:17
During the upgrade process, your high school's board will be taken offline.
All existing messages will be transferred to the new board
The new boards will function differently. Here are a few changes worth
This upgrade offers a number of benefits. Only paid members will be
able to post, so we expect to have fewer problems with inappropriate
Friday, 26-Jan-01 12:40:04
Former Mayor W.B.Swope
Thursday, 25-Jan-01 22:51:54
Discussion Topic: Real Justice
Thursday, 25-Jan-01 07:45:39
Wednesday, 24-Jan-01 19:45:28
"WHS Reunion". The bigger the better I think. We are all proud of our old school. Come on committee members get together and put on a "party" to come home for. If I wanted to invite only my best friends or a select few then I would ask them to dinner!! |
Wednesday, 24-Jan-01 12:10:24
Edmund Burke I shall say no more, finis. |
Okay folks, the election is over. Let's move on.
Wednesday, 24-Jan-01 06:09:01 |
new email address
Wednesday, 24-Jan-01 04:40:28 |
Politically Proud? Why all the Anonymous Comments
Tuesday, 23-Jan-01 23:50:50
Mike Mike Zuchick |
TO all Democrats Here & Yonder - We Are Republicans and Proud
of it.
Tuesday, 23-Jan-01 17:07:14
Hiccups! (Yes, that's right.......Hiccups!)
Monday, 22-Jan-01 17:58:57
Medicine Man |
Looking for Classmates and Need Help
Sunday, 21-Jan-01 12:59:45
Attention 1962, 1963 & 1964 Grads - Reunion !!!!!
Saturday, 20-Jan-01 21:16:17
Saturday, 20-Jan-01 18:57:17
Honesty Not Perfection
Friday, 19-Jan-01 14:40:16
We don't want perfect leaders. We just want honest leaders. Hey, is that too much to ask? |
David Bowlick
Wednesday, 17-Jan-01 22:26:36
where is everybody
Wednesday, 17-Jan-01 13:49:47
Now who has a sense of humor? |
(No subject)
Tuesday, 16-Jan-01 10:29:35
Saturday, 13-Jan-01 11:26:27
my family tree
Friday, 12-Jan-01 14:00:09 Just wanted to see if you were astute enough to know that innocuous was mispelled correctly, however, I am still not sure. If I had spelled it innocuus would you have known that it was spelled right in Latin? I think not. At any rate I like the word because it describes someone as being insipid. june |
Look at my family tree
Friday, 12-Jan-01 09:55:28
june1217 |
Emogene Shannon Francisco
Friday, 12-Jan-01 09:08:03
Paul Chapman |
Look at My Family Tree
Friday, 12-Jan-01 04:46:52
family members. Notice how much we favor each other. GWB
(No subject)
Thursday, 11-Jan-01 13:57:48
Philadelphia Inquirer Review of "The Coalwood Way"
Wednesday, 10-Jan-01 08:28:02
Class Reunion - l953
Tuesday, 09-Jan-01 09:24:33
list your email address!!!! Ann Zaccagnini's address: Shirley A. Zaccagnini
Phone: (H) 410-526-4904 (O) 410-247-8422 I have tragic news regarding Carmella and will
If you like, you can call me on (410) 321-0485
If anyone has Bob's address or that of Deano Farris, please send, both
are involved in a class
Many thnaks, Dan Zaccagnini |
REUNION - CLASSES OF 62, 63 & 64
Monday, 08-Jan-01 19:47:00
Address Change for Cruise Agent
Monday, 08-Jan-01 18:26:57
Monday, 08-Jan-01 08:37:43
"Queezy" |
Roommates needed for WHS cruise
Saturday, 06-Jan-01 20:42:39
"Whats My Name?"
Saturday, 06-Jan-01 13:05:37
The manager of a large office noticed a new man one day and told him to come into his office. "What's your name?" he asked the new guy. "John," the new guy replied.
The new guy sighed, "Darling.
"Okay John, the next thing I want to tell you is . "
John Darling |
Welch Daily News
Thursday, 04-Jan-01 09:28:29
Thanks again. |
MTV is looking for people
Wednesday, 03-Jan-01 18:12:11
welch daily newspaper
Wednesday, 03-Jan-01 14:12:09
Thanks |
Updates to WHS Alumni Web Site
Tuesday, 02-Jan-01 01:06:09
A link to Wanda Bradley-Smith's West Virginia web pages has been added to our Other Links. There are lots of scenic WV pictures, along with some WV memories others want to share with the world. (Pretty good reading.) A few more snapshots from the Class of '60 reunion have been posted HERE. I've added a link to the Oldies Jukebox on several of the WHS Alumni
Web Site pages giving you the option of listening to the music only if
you want to. Currently, the jukebox plays about 9 songs; I'll be adding
more every week or so. These songs are from original recordings by the
real artists, but you need the RealPlayer program to hear them. You can
download a free copy of RealPlayer
Easy-to-understand help on downloading RealPlayer can be found HERE |
Looking for Betty Mabry
Monday, 01-Jan-01 09:08:53
Jess Stout |
Sunday, 31-Dec-00 18:38:19
Havaco and Roderfield
Saturday, 30-Dec-00 10:46:05
Rick Mabry
Thursday, 28-Dec-00 17:55:47
Back Home in Florida
Wednesday, 27-Dec-00 20:26:53
Holiday Greetings
Wednesday, 27-Dec-00 18:43:57
I love hearing from my class of '54 classmates
Pat Serreno Beigel - WHS class of '54 |
Happy New Year 2001
Tuesday, 26-Dec-00 09:17:34
Monday, 25-Dec-00 19:44:33
Christmas Message from Ye Merry Ole Webmistress
Sunday, 24-Dec-00 22:27:49 ![]() exciting accomplishment for me. If you don't have the RealPlayer program, you are missing out on some great Christmas music right now as you are reading this message. I strongly encourage you to download the free version of RealPlayer; it works quite well. Thanks to all of you who have emailed me with your thoughts and suggestions throughout the year. You have truly made this your site. While it is certainly not perfect, your many complimentary notes have been a constant source of encouragement. Wishing you happiness & joy
this Holiday Season.
Christmas Memories
Sunday, 24-Dec-00 22:05:55
Christmas In The Hills
Sunday, 24-Dec-00 20:29:37
Happy Welch Holiday Memories
Sunday, 24-Dec-00 15:20:56
Saturday, 23-Dec-00 16:47:59
Happy Holidays
Saturday, 23-Dec-00 15:51:27
We are so thankful for Donnie and the WHS website bringing us all together again after so many years. God Bless and keep you always. Liz & Family |
Merry Christmas
Saturday, 23-Dec-00 07:00:59
Gary |
Saturday, 23-Dec-00 00:31:36
Merry Christmas
Friday, 22-Dec-00 18:02:20
Let me hear from you! Maria |
Friday, 22-Dec-00 13:08:01
Friday, 22-Dec-00 08:29:47
Merry Christmas to All my Welch High buddies
Thursday, 21-Dec-00 13:12:29
Wednesday, 20-Dec-00 18:06:50
Merry Christmas! And Joyous Holiday Wishes to all WHS Grads
Wednesday, 20-Dec-00 09:05:48
Classes of '66 & '67 - Need Your Help
Tuesday, 19-Dec-00 17:38:32
Thanks so much. |
Another article by Phylenia Snow French
Monday, 18-Dec-00 22:19:19
Not too sure if I totally concur with Phylenia's thoughts in this one, but she certainly does present them well. |
Monday, 18-Dec-00 15:12:48
Premier Grade School 1946
Sunday, 17-Dec-00 20:00:07
Walter J. Lyons
Premier Grade School 1946
Sunday, 17-Dec-00 19:35:24 |
Sunday, 17-Dec-00 17:34:04
| email
Thursday, 14-Dec-00 12:57:05
After inquiring about the status yesterday, I now have a mailbox full of responses from people who graduated from high schools from here to Thailand wondering why in the world they got the message. And, to further complicate matters, I received similar emails today announcing reunions for several other schools. So, if you are a member don't be alarmed if you are receiving email related to alumni functions for schools you never heard of. |
A Chrismas Message.
Thursday, 14-Dec-00 01:45:00
I would like to wish all a very Merry Christmas and may God Bless and Keep each and everyone of you and your Loved Ones. Just keep in mind it is Christ's Nameday we celebrate... Happy Nameday Christ Child. I know it is rather early, but figured I had better do it while I can remember. Michael |
Presidential Election--WV blamed
Wednesday, 13-Dec-00 20:51:08
(No subject)
Tuesday, 12-Dec-00 12:13:34
WHS Annuals Now Available on CDs
Tuesday, 12-Dec-00 01:26:05
To place your order, email Bob
Each CD contains every page of each annual, including the advertisements. These pages are easy to view using programs that you probably already have on your PC if you use Windows 95 or higher. Viewing instructions are provided with each CD, including how to obtain viewing shareware if, by chance, it is not already on your PC. I've got a sample copy of the 1953 annual on CD and find it extremely
easy to use. The pictures and text are very clear and each
Bob plans to put the annuals for each WHS graduating class on CD. This
is a rather time-consuming process, so if your year is
A great, big THANK YOU to Bob (WHS '53) for providing this service. |
New ISP available for southern West Virginians
Monday, 11-Dec-00 21:03:54
I'm not sure what the competition is charging, but SunlitSurf's rates seem reasonable to me and I understand they are trying to extend their services into McDowell County. Also, anyone in McDowell County who has local access to or can call Bluefield-Princeton as a local call, can use SunlitSurf now. SunlitSurf hosts a new web site, Four Seasons Gateway which provides local news, weather & sports, community bulletin boards, and links to information on many local tourist sites, local restaurants, etc. |
Merry Christmas Donnie and Thank You!
Monday, 11-Dec-00 08:38:15
Not Much Going on here!!!!!
Monday, 11-Dec-00 01:07:23
Are There "Hanging Chads" On This MB Page?
Thursday, 07-Dec-00 07:32:15
Bg |
Another gift idea
Wednesday, 06-Dec-00 13:53:17
The book is available at |
Let's give away another T-Shirt
Tuesday, 05-Dec-00 23:50:11
This is a sports question:
Background sound
Tuesday, 05-Dec-00 17:14:06
Tuesday, 05-Dec-00 12:22:32
Locating Members of the Bruno Family
Monday, 04-Dec-00 12:37:32
in l950, I went to work at No 14 Gary for U.S. Steel. Also employed there was a gentleman with the last name of Bruno. Mr. Bruno had several children and I knew two of them. One was married to a gentleman that managed the Franklin Dairy, an ice cream/milk shake store. His wife was one of the Bruno sisters. I also believe another one of the sisters transferred from Gary High to Welch High and was a few years behind me, her name was Carmella. I doubt that the parents are still living, but I
Many thanks and your assistance is deeply appre-
Dan "Danny" Zaccagnini |
Monday, 04-Dec-00 00:34:45
(No subject)
Sunday, 03-Dec-00 15:09:13
Phylenia Snow French article published in today's Charleston Gazette
Sunday, 03-Dec-00 14:54:29
Nice article, Phylenia. Congratulations! |
Tuesday, 28-Nov-00 20:04:44
What a neat website!!! Be sure to check it out, register, and take the "Baby Boomer Final Exam" has links to all 50 states, lists class reunions, etc. I definitely plan to re-visit this site. (According to them, a Baby Boomer is anyone born between 1946-1964.....both exceptional years since I was born in '46 and graduated in '64!!!!) Enjoy....... |
New Address
Tuesday, 28-Nov-00 02:04:07
Colonial Heights,Va. Phone 804-520-6745 Doing ok, getting settled in,with the help of all my sons and Daughter. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. Remember it is Christ Birthday. Hope to hear from my friends from Kimball and Welch. |
Directory from attendants of the Golden Ann. Reunion
Monday, 27-Nov-00 22:48:05
the reunion. I am a 1949 Grad and my addressis: 20 Morrison St. Morgantown, W.Va 265o5 PS or let me know where I could get the Directory Thanks so MUCH!!!! MARY JOAN |
Christmas Greetings
Monday, 27-Nov-00 18:42:07
new email address
Saturday, 25-Nov-00 22:23:44
Saturday, 25-Nov-00 09:14:47
FROM: Raised in Havaco. |
Mario Cardona's death notice in Welch paper
Friday, 24-Nov-00 20:58:38
More pictures posted to WHS Alumni Web Site
Thursday, 23-Nov-00 00:08:51 |
Harry Ratliff
Wednesday, 22-Nov-00 07:23:48
Holiday Gift Ideas
Monday, 20-Nov-00 23:42:25
Monday, 20-Nov-00 20:29:08
Davy, West Virginia web site
Sunday, 19-Nov-00 19:10:03
Well done, Richard. Congratulations! |
Sunday, 19-Nov-00 08:34:30
Would like to connect. |
T-Shirt Contest - Third Question
Thursday, 16-Nov-00 22:04:59
Here's one that may be easier to answer than Question #2: In what school year did Mr. Richardson retire from his duties as principal
of WHS?
Guest Book Message For You
Wednesday, 15-Nov-00 17:30:35
I'm I alone here. It's not a pleasant experience. |
Bottom Creek School pictures plus more new stuff.
Wednesday, 15-Nov-00 13:59:29
(Verla, since your move, I don't have your current email address and was, therefore, unable to personally notify you about the posting of these pictures. Please get in touch with me when you can.) Thanks to David Waldron, GHS '78, for adding a photo of WHS to his E-cards from the Free State site. Note that an additional snapshot has been added to the Class of '55 Reunion site. |
See the WHS Class of '60 October 2000 Reunion Pictures HERE.
Wednesday, 15-Nov-00 11:22:14 |
Sports Page
Tuesday, 14-Nov-00 10:20:00
Friday, 10-Nov-00 18:29:15
Marian MacCullough Montgomery
Tuesday, 07-Nov-00 22:00:54
Vote Bush-Cheney!!!!
Tuesday, 07-Nov-00 13:47:57
Memory Book for '70s Class Reunion
Sunday, 05-Nov-00 19:03:22
Y'all Ready for a Wet T-Shirt Contest?
Saturday, 04-Nov-00 14:32:53
So, be on the lookout for the first question which will be posted on this message board next week. Winner of the first T-shirt will be the first person to respond correctly to the posted question. IMPORTANT: In order to win, you must also enter your full name & email address when posting your response. Good luck & have fun!
See the 10/2000 Class of '55 Reunion Pictures HERE
Tuesday, 31-Oct-00 19:50:40 |
Nice Welch/McDowell County email post cards
Tuesday, 31-Oct-00 18:47:16
Thanks, David....excellent idea. |
looking for a friend
Tuesday, 31-Oct-00 16:00:54
Happy Birthday to Sammy Baker (class of '74) & Cheryl Stepp
Trull (class of '75) !
Tuesday, 31-Oct-00 09:01:55
Buy "The Coalwood Way" - Help Cape Coalwood Restoration Association
Monday, 30-Oct-00 21:35:41
Cape Coalwood Restoration Association (CCRA) has “The Coalwood Way”, Homer “Sonny” Hickam’s new book for sale. You may know this is the 2nd of a trilogy memoir by Homer. There is a possibility that a movie or TV Christmas special will be based on this book. The books we have are the first printing and if you buy them from us your book will be stamped with an original stamp indicating that you purchased the book from “Coalwood WV Home of the Rocket Boys”. The cost is $25 plus $3 shipping and handling. We do not have an unlimited amount of books so we won’t have them indefinitely. Act quickly by notifying me by e-mail or snail mail to: Guylinda Bailey HC 31 Box 99 Coalwood, WV 24801 We accept cash or good checks. Your purchase from us, CCRA, will help support our organization. We are striving among other things to act as a leader and catalyst for worth while projects in Coalwood and McDowell County. Also we sponsor the annual October Sky Fall Festival in Coalwood, and have improved and continue to work to maintain Cassell Park and the original launch site of “The Rocket Boys”. Hope to hear from you soon with your check and mailing address. Love goes out with this message, Guylinda Cox Bailey |
WANTED...Sharon Wilson
Sunday, 29-Oct-00 23:13:15
Sunday, 29-Oct-00 15:13:49
Record Hop Dancers
Saturday, 28-Oct-00 20:15:29
Linda Counts Miller |
Reunion!!! Looking for Classmates from Classes of 62, 63 & 64
Saturday, 28-Oct-00 20:08:45
The Political Scene
Friday, 27-Oct-00 23:35:06
Russ |
A Halloween Story!
Friday, 27-Oct-00 21:29:52
My favorite Halloween story is when my cousin and I talked our parents into letting us go to the sock hop at the American Legion after a football game. It was the weekend before Halloween. We were told that the kids were going to dress up!!! We came up with the idea to dress like two identical witches, but still look cool at the same time. (I thought we looked goooood, didn’t you Barbara? - yes, she is a Lane to!) THAT is when I met my husband. He is from Big Creek and crashed our sock hop. But he thought that Barbara and I were two “hookers” not witches. Now that is one of his favorite Halloween stories. Lets hear one of your favorite stories!!!
Rg |
Friday, 27-Oct-00 20:28:10
WHO ARE YOU? (OH NO! IT'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Friday, 27-Oct-00 20:09:45
60`s Record Hops...
Friday, 27-Oct-00 19:22:28
The Political Scene
Friday, 27-Oct-00 18:10:40
This is an exciting election year. How about a discussion on the election? Let's assume that someone out there is not sure who to vote for. (Gore
- Bush; Underwood - Wise; Humphrys - Capito) How about some input on why
to vote for someone rather than the usual talk that deals with why not
to vote for a candidate.
Let's hear it.