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Jan 7-2000 to Mar 19-2000
Re: Skating challenge
Sunday 19-Mar-2000 18:56:03
In Christ Carol
A Skating Challenge.. Smile. I tried skating in 1988 at a Skating Rink
in Hollywood Md.. As I struggled to make one lap around the rink I realized
I was no longer 18. Smile The next day just after one lap I hurt
in places I never realized I had and haven't put on a pair of Skates since..
I pray all is well with you and your loved ones. Michael the Sinner
Michael Zuchick III
Re: Re: Skating challenge
Sunday 19-Mar-2000 23:33:54
Mike that's wimpy! Get out there and take back those muscles! I know
you can do it!
Skating challenge (What muscles?)
Monday 20-Mar-2000 17:35:09
In Christ Carolyn
I pray all is well with you and your Loved Ones.
ROFL Are you talking about those muscles I once had that I had
forgotten about that make their themselves know when I try to do things
to prove I am no longer 18? Michael the Sinner
Mike Zuchick
Re: Re: Skating challenge
Monday 20-Mar-2000 07:56:35
The last time I skated must have been 25 years ago. I was doing pretty
well until a little kid fell down in front of me. Not knowing what to do
I jumped over him nearly lost my balance and fell. I went right then and
took the skates off. I'm too old for that now.
Jerry Farris
Re: Re: Re: Skating challenge
Monday 20-Mar-2000 10:45:24
I haven't roller skated in 25 years. I didn't do too bad then. But
about 26 years ago I went to the ice rink with my kids. We have a lake
in Evergreen Co. and when it freezes over we can skate on it. So I went
to rent some skates and they were out of figure skates and I wore a pair
of brown hockey skates. The only way I could stand up was to just stand
still. My ankles turned over and I just couldn't balance. So I haven't
been on either for a while. Even 25 years ago I had forgotten how to cross
my feet when I went around a curve. My kid sure had fun so I guess that's
all that counts.
Fran Summey
Re: Re: Re: Re: Skating challenge
Sunday 26-Mar-2000 16:52:41
I remember the skating rink in Norwood (Kimball). Great place. Never
could skate that fantastic. Couldn't get the hang of crossing my feet going
around those curves. My sister was very graceful and a wonderful skater.
I was always jealous! A few years ago I did go ice skating at Rockefeller
Center in NYC. Did o.k. Had great fun. For me just being able to stand
up on ice skates and moving was a complete success. It always looks so
easy on television.
Lois Barber and Connie Nave
Friday 17-Mar-2000 23:49:24
Does anyone know anything about these two. They graduated in 1960.
Lois Hornbarger and Connie Kelly are the married names I have but I have
no clue where they are. I am still trying to locate the missing for our
reunion this year. Thanks
Phyllis Isaacs
Tell me some stories
Friday 17-Mar-2000 20:05:23
I'm researching a book on West Virginia about the small towns and backroads.
If you have a story to tell me about growing up in coal country please
send me an email. Thanks very much.
Mary Reed
Friday 17-Mar-2000 09:29:27
Here's wishing all your pots are full of wedded bliss (if not gold)
on this and St. Patrick's Days for years to come!
Friday 17-Mar-2000 17:24:27
Thanks (Rj)B3+W= ____. Only you would have remembered to splash this
all over the Web page...ha Yep we did the old Irish type of wedding - Began
with the wedding invitations -even had an Irish priest - O'Grady... then
made sure we kept with the theme and had shamrocks a pot o'gold and those
funny little trolls dancing on our wedding cake! We also had a special
keg of "GREEN" beer at the reception for those who wanted to keep in with
the "Irish" mood! hahaha - and everyone wore green! It sure was fun - until
the next morning when we all had heavy heads and dry mouths...Thanks for
Friday 17-Mar-2000 19:23:54
Rhea and George: Best Wishes for a very very Irish anniversary!!! (My
mom was very Irish. Her name was Annis O'Neal!!!!) Try not to drink much
of that green beer. My husband thinks it's delicious!! Sincerely ruth
ruth O'NEAL highberger clark
3/17/2000 !!!!!
Monday 20-Mar-2000 22:04:47
Thursday 23-Mar-2000 08:12:02
Better late than never! Happy Anniversary Rhea and George.
Sandy Bailey
Michael Hanson
Thursday 16-Mar-2000 23:48:44
Susan Carlson Hi I am Mike's cousin saw him in June 1999 for a family
wedding. He is a cardiologist in NC also works in Nuclear Medicine. He
lives in Durham NC. Richard passed away his father Lewis also passed away.
Margaret his mom still lives in Twin Branch. Hi to Donnie Collins remember
me from Joy's wedding.
Delores Fairbanks Murdoch
Don Smith and Bob Stockner
Thursday 16-Mar-2000 17:15:44
Can you believe that Bob and Don ('44) are not computer wise. But I
stay in touch with them and if anyone wants their snail mail address I
have it.
Tom Morgan
Class of '43 or '44
Thursday 16-Mar-2000 17:10:58
I sure would like to hear from anyone in the near vicinity of the Class
of 43 or the Class of 44 if any of you guys are out there on the internet.
We are getting a bit thin but some of us are still kicking. Let me hear
from you. I will answer to anyone addressing me at the email address mentioned.
Tom Morgan
Carol French (Lee) (?)
Thursday 16-Mar-2000 17:07:29
Whatever happened to Carol French who lived on Summers Street in Welch
and graduated with the summer group in 1943? At one time she was married
to Jack Lee and later to someone else. Anyone know her whereabouts?
Tom Morgan
Bernard Kaufman
Thursday 16-Mar-2000 17:04:33
Whatever happened to Bernard Kaufmann a friend of mine in about 1942
or 43 a WHS. Bernard was from Kimball and someone said he became a lawyer
in NY City. Anyone know?
Tom Morgan
Bath Time
Monday 13-Mar-2000 20:06:50
I don't normally do this but wanted to share with you a really cute
web site one I think all of you will enjoy. Check out Bath
Time to see if you can relate. Thanks to Rhea for sending me this web
Donnie Skuja
Re: Bath Time
Tuesday 4-Apr-2000 19:38:15
Donnie! Really enjoy your web site. Bath Time sure brought back the
memories which I have tried to forget many times. For those that have never
tried it they should do it just once for an experience they will never
Gene Honaker BCHS "54
Monday 13-Mar-2000 18:13:37
TO any CLASSMATE that has not received a letter The information below
will inform you of the plans. Please write me email me or telephone me
and let us know if you have not received a letter. WE are sending letters
out March 20th 2000. Please print this and check the following information
as to your intentions. NITE EVENT HOW MANY ATTENDING
Friday Nite Tour of School adults and child
Armory Social adults and child
Saturday Nite Dinner Adults
Dance Adults
Dance will be a live band with TNT
Sunday AM Memorial Service Adults and Children
THE COST per person is $50.00 or $100.00 a couple. NO charge for children
at Friday or Sundays Event. Make checks payable to the Welch High School
70's reunion. Please return this ASAP to Sherry Belcher 1011 Stewart Street
Welch WV 24801......Please fill out the following:
Maiden NAme:
Telephone Number:
E-Mail Address:
The year you graduated or your class year:
Spouse's Name:
OR GUest Name:
How many children:
Your Occupation:
The weekend will begin with a tour of the Old Welch High School from
6 to 7 PM and a Social at the Armory from 7 to 9 PM. Saturday Evening will
begin at 5 Pm with the class pictures and a social at Mt View High School.
The dinner will begin at 7 Pm and then From 10 PM to 3 Pm we will enjoy
dancing to a live band.
Sunday Morning will begin at 11 AM at the Old Welch MAroon Wave stadium
when we will honor the deceased classmates and teachers. We need the money
sent to us by MAy 15th.
We will be waiting to hear from you. Hope you can attend. The last
reunion if you attended you k
Friday 7-Apr-2000 19:09:26
Graduated from WHS in '74. Send me information about the reunion.
Mark Walrod
10344 College Square Dr.
Columbia MD 21044
Mark Walrod
Guestbook Problems
Monday 13-Mar-2000 14:03:18
Hey Donnie Yes I too am having problems getting into the guestbook.
Have been having problems for several days. Hope it can soon be opened
again! Susie
Susie Hornbuckle Gentry
Re: Guestbook Problems
Monday 13-Mar-2000 15:31:12
Looks like both guest books (the main one and the one for the Sixties
students) are up and working fine today. If any of you continue to have
problems with them let me know. The company hosting these guest book sites
are pretty good at looking into problems as soon as they are reported.
It simply took me a few days to realize there was a problem! Sorry.
D Skuja
Re:Otis Linkous III
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 23:11:22
Just interested to know if the Otis Linkous III wedding announcement
in our High Point NC paper is the son of our Otis Linkous (class of '6l)
Joan Grego Lockhart
Re: Re:Otis Linkous III
Monday 13-Mar-2000 01:36:29
Joan talked to Mary Lou and that is their son Otis IV getting married
in Sept.
Rhea Romans
Guest Book problems?
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 22:59:42
Am I the only one having problems accessing the guestbook? I've tried
all day to no avail BUT nobody has emailed me or posted a message here
saying they are having problems. I've sent an email to the guestbook servicing
site so if you too are having problems just bear with us. Thanks
D Skuja
Re: Guest Book problems?
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 23:47:22
I can't get into it either Ma' - just felt you would take care of the
problem as always...
yo' honeychile
Re: Guest Book problems?
Monday 13-Mar-2000 07:38:13
Hey DJ: I was getting the "Guest Book" yesterday Sun. 3/12 however
it has been a "slow load" for the past couple weeks. Maybe it's the volume
of entries on the Guest Book site that was making it take longer to load.
Today Mon. 3/13 I'm getting a message on the Guest Book page that Phaistos
is doing a "maintenance/update" on their system to improve service performance.
I'm confident you and they will take care of the problem.
William F. Shaw III ( Billy Shaw )
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 11:59:06
Just wondering if anyone out there has any infromation on what ever
happened to Billy Shaw class of 1950 or 51...
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 10:46:08
Hi! My sister Pat (WHS'58) got me re-interested in things concerning
Welch High .... I was a Maroon Wave-er through both years of Jr. High but
only through 10th grade WHS .... transferred to Narrows High (Va) for last
two years ... so technically am not a Welch High grad ... but still have
fond memories of times gone by ...After high school I worked for U.S. Patent
Office in D.C.; in 1967 when D.C. was taking a turn for the -- well it
was just different! - I flew off to work in Hawaii for the Bureau of Public
Roads for two years then for the Gas Company and then returned to D.C.
and the Patent Office in 1970 - I got married in 1972 - had daughter in
1974 (who is now working in San Fransicso) - settled into rural life in
Fauquier County Va. - that is me in a nutshell! -- not half as glamorous
as most of you posting here!
Congrats to all who are contributing to make this a wonderful web site
.... nice to know McDowell County people are not only survivors but thrive-ers!
Connie '61 shouldabeen
Hi From Theo Sinicrope Farmer
Saturday 11-Mar-2000 22:47:32
Hello Welch High School Classmates! Is anyone there from the Class
of '61? Let me hear from you!
Nickname: Teddi
Re: Hi From Theo Sinicrope Farmer
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 10:09:29
Hello Teddi I am not a graduate of the '61 class but I did graduate
in '66 with Rose Sinicrope. Is she your sister? If so where is she now
and does she have an e-mail address? Thanks Susie
Susie Hornbuckle Gentry
Re: Hi From Theo Sinicrope Farmer
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 13:42:32
Hi Theo! Glad to see you found the WHS Web Site. And yes there are
a few of us '61 alumni out here in cyberspace. I'd love to chat with you.
Do you have email? If so please write me back and I'll see if I can bring
you up to date on some of our classmates.
Don Juan "Donnie (Collins) Skuja,
Re: Re: Hi From Theo Sinicrope Farmer
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 22:54:39
Joan Grego Lockhart
Re: Hi From Theo Sinicrope Farmer
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 22:57:47
Sent my message a little too soon. Ha! It is good to here from you
on the school news line. I am still in NC and working in X-ray. Let
me hear from you.
Joan Grego Lockhart
Re: Hi From Theo Sinicrope Farmer
Sunday 12-Mar-2000 23:51:11
Hi Theo my sister Jackie Romans asked me to say hello for her - she
doesn't surf the web as of yet... I have her address (as does Donnie) if
you would like to write to her.
Re: Hi From Theo Sinicrope Farmer
Monday 20-Mar-2000 21:35:47
Its been along time. I am living in North Ridgeville Ohio (Near Cleveland)
and semi-retired but working part-time for an Insurance Agent. Good to
see there are some 1961 graduates on here.
Swancie Moore Smith
Do You Remember????
Saturday 11-Mar-2000 10:59:38
DO YOU REMEMBER ...Being sent to the drugstore to test vacuum tubes
for the "television set".
When there were two types of sneakers for girls and boys (Keds &
PF Flyers) and the only time you wore them at school was for gym.
When it took five minutes for the TV to warm up.
When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there.
When a quarter was a decent allowance and another quarter a huge bonus.
When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny.
When girls neither dated nor kissed until late high school if then.
When your mom wore nylons that came in two pieces.
When all your male teachers wore neckties female teachers wore dresses
and had their hair done every day.
When you got your windshield cleaned oil checked and gas pumped without
asking ... for free every time. And you didn't pay for air. And you got
trading stamps to boot!
When laundry detergent had free glasses dishes or towels hidden inside
the box.
When any parent could discipline any kid or feed him or use him to
carry groceries and nobody not even the kid thought anything of it.
When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner
at a real restaurant with your parents.
When they threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed...and
When being sent to the Principal's office was nothing compared to the
fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home.
DO YOU REMEMBER???? I'll Never Forget!
Wallace Livingston where are you???
Saturday 11-Mar-2000 00:51:22
Does anyone know where Wallace is or what happen to him. We ran around
together when I stayed at my Grand parents house in caples in the mid-50s.
Sure would like to get in contact with him if he is still around. THANKS--Harold
Harold Mitchem
Re: Wallace Livingston where are you???
Wednesday 17-May-2000 19:22:09
I was informed that Wallace passed away a few years ago. Was so sad
to hear the news! He had been living in Ohio. Thanks--Harold
Harold Mitchem
Saturday 11-Mar-2000 00:26:50
I did not attend Welch but I attended college with a girl named Tronnia
Lynne Fannin who listed her hometown as Welch West Va. Any info of this
Donations to Welch Middle School
Friday 10-Mar-2000 22:29:29
Just wondering if Mr. Sparks got any donations for the Wech Middle
School programs per his request on the site sometime back. Would be interested
in seeing how we did as alumni in making an attempt to support these worthwhile
Paulette Richardson Isherwood
Re: Donations to Welch Middle School
Saturday 11-Mar-2000 14:01:07
I too would be interested in hearing how well that request was received.
I sent in money for both our classes.....Joe Sparks if you're reading this
let us know!!
Elinor Turner Bright -'64/"Sandy"
Bright - '62
Re: Re: Donations to Welch Middle School
Thursday 23-Mar-2000 10:14:46
Elinor and Sandy: Your answer from John Sparks can be located in his
"Guest Book" entry of March 21st 2000. Surprisingly not a huge out-pouring
of contributions to the Welch Middle School fund drive; however John is
gracious enough in his posting to list those who did contribute.
Mary Virginia Grego- Muncy --Lyons Record
Friday 10-Mar-2000 01:07:13
Mary Virginia I just saw your name and I had to drop you a note and
tell you how much I really still enjoy the record He Was There All The
Time. It is so pretty. I also like the song Yesterday! I heard that the
youngest brother passed away. I sent Brenda a letter. The songs are all
so good. I listen to the record often and it thrills my soul. I hope you
are doing well.I haven't talked to Billie Ruth Brown and I must do that
soon. Love Ann Tucker Rosch
Ann Tucker-Rosch
Reunion for WHS Students Family & Friends--Survey Status
Friday 10-Mar-2000 00:04:21
In January I posted a message here asking for your input for a survey
on an all-out reunion for any & all of us who climbed The Hill. Thus
far over 50 of you have responded. To date it seems that everybody wants
to get together ASAP. There is a 50/50 split as to whether we should do
a cruise or something else. The 50% who want to do something else have
suggested convening at Pipestem (or some other area in southern WV) at
a resort (Bermuda on some Carribean island Hot Springs etc.)or in some
larger city on the east coast such as DC Atlanta Orlando etc.
The survey will run through March 31 2000 and I hope others of you
will provide some input. To take the survey click HERE.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Reunion for WHS Students Family & Friends--Survey Status
Friday 10-Mar-2000 18:37:58
I think it would be nice to have another reunion. It would be good
to have something in West Virginia. I would like to hear from some of the
people that I went to school with!
Skip Sizemore
Re: Reunion for WHS Students Family & Friends--Survey Status
Friday 24-Mar-2000 19:01:16
The survey runs through April 30 2000 not March 31 as I inadvertently
posted here. Sorry!
Donnie Ooooops!
Another Rocket Boys web site
Wednesday 8-Mar-2000 16:53:26
A BCHS alumni has brought to my attention another web site with information
on those famous Rocket Boys. It includes a Coalwood Chat Room among a lot
of other pages you might want to check out.
Click HERE to check
it out.
Hollywood Goes to Coalwood--New Rocket Boys Filming
Friday 10-Mar-2000 17:03:21
Check HERE
to read about Universal Studio's recent filming of a documentary featuring
the Rocket Boys. The documentary will be included in a special edition
DVD of October Sky to be released later this year.
Donnie Skuja
Wednesday 8-Mar-2000 15:39:53
To all of you 1970's graduates - The reunion committee met March 6
and we are really trying to get the ball rolling now. We have a great reunion
planned for June 30 July 1 and 2 2000 but many of you have not replied
to our letter we sent out. We have also had many many letters returned
and we have absolutely no idea where a lot of the graduates are now. PLEASE
help us! If you plan on attending Email me at or
call 304-436-4082 or send information to Cathy Jack 76 Maple Avenue Welch
WV 24801. There are also other names and addresses listed under the reunion
information on this web page. You can contact one of these people. If you
never got a letter by all means LET US KNOW and we will get the information
out to you. We are gonna have a fun social on Friday night and a dinner-dance
on Saturday night with a fabulous live band!! We are also planning a tour
of the school (probably Saturday morning) and a memorial service at Maroon
Wave Stadium on Sunday. We have about a hundred definite replies so far
but we know that many more of you have indicated that you would like to
attend. Please get your information to us as soon as possible. We must
rent buildings book caterer's and plan for decorations programs etc. We
are trying our best to keep costs down but like everywhere else prices
have risen since the last reunion in 1997. We are doing what we can though.
Don't miss out on a wonderful time this summer!!
1970'S Reunion Web Page Updated
Friday 10-Mar-2000 18:31:32
Updates to the 1970s reunion planned activities can be reviewed HERE.
Donnie Skuja
Address for Mary Lyons
Tuesday 7-Mar-2000 23:19:01
Some of you have asked for my moms mailing you go:
Mary Lyons
42 G Street SW
Washington DC 20024
Funeral was very nice. She will be back home in DC by 3/8. Again thanks
for all your prayers and kind words. She really loves talking to all of
you. Peace.
Greg Muncy
Chatter Box and Big Four Elementary
Tuesday 7-Mar-2000 21:01:35
Well I knew the class of 60 was getting ready to have its forty year
reunion but I could not believe that I was getting this old. But to my
suprise the other day on Oprah they were talking about the book "Gap Creek"
and they were discussing outhouses and wood fired cook stoves as if these
things were from another time and I thought thats me we had an outhouse
until I was in the fifth grade we bathed in a tin tub and heated the water
on a wood stove. This could be my life and they are discussing it as if
these things were from the "Olden Times". Lord where is my rocking chair.
I attended Big Four Elementary School the first four years of my schooling.
We had no running water at the school so we carried the water from home
put it in a crock that had a spout. Then when you wanted a drink we folded
that good old "Blue Horse" notebook paper into a cup to drink from. We
lined up and were walked to the "Chatter Box" down US 52 when we had the
money to get a "bought" lunch.
Louie Grabouski and Lucille Funkhouser ran the Chatter Box and a better
place to eat could not be found they always cooked on a wood stove as long
as the Chatter Box was open. If anyone has a picture of the Chatter Box
and of BigFour Elementary also the tunnel that the school was on top of
I would love to have a copy. I just finished the genealogy work on my family
and would love to have copies to put in the book. Lots of good memories.
This is really a good site and I have enjoyed reading all the entries
from everyone.
Patricia Richardson Bell
Re: Chatter Box
Wednesday 8-Mar-2000 15:33:32
I think many of us would appreciate having both photos especially one
of the Chatter Box. If somebody comes up with either one please let us
put it somewhere on the WHS web site. Thanks.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Chatter Box and Big Four Elementary
Thursday 9-Mar-2000 00:19:25
In Christ all
I can still remember those wonderful Cheese Burgers that Louie made..
I believe he would rather give away Lucille then the list of ingredents
he used to mix his special hamberger he used for the Cheese Burgers and
the Hambergers he sold.. I know he mixed dried bread and cheese not to
mention onions but wonder what else he put into the mixture.. I can remember
setting in the kitchen when I was a small tike because my mother God rest
her soul used to work for Louie but he always mixed his hamberger after
everyone went home.. The kitchen was a great place to set in the winter
but the summertime.. It was tough.
Anyone know Louies Secret List of Ingredents he used for his hamberger?
Michael the Sinner
Michael Zuchick III
Louie -- The Original "Hamburger Helper"
Thursday 9-Mar-2000 10:35:30
Hey Michael I've worked in and around restaurants in my "previous life"
and found interesting your posting regarding Louie at The Chatter Box.
I didn't know Louie but he must have been a great "restaurantuer"! I doubt
the dried bread he mixed into his hamburger in the evenings was added to
enhance the flavor of his burgers. I would wager that unless he was making
tons of meatloaf the dried bread and some of the cheese he was adding to
his ground meat in the evenings after the restaurant closed was "filler".
Imagine how a few loaves of dried bread could "stretch" several pounds
of ground meat thereby keeping his food costs low and improving his profit
margin. If that's the case Louie is to be commended for his creativity!
Since the Chatter Box was definitely "pre-soybean" era dried bread would
serve as a viable (and tasty)alternative to any other fillers. If that
was the case then my Chef's hat is off to ol' Louie! He probably didn't
know it at the time but he was a trendsetter along with being a very smart
businessman. Finally if this is the most important and interesting piece
of information ANYONE has read today then you've had a wonderful day!
RJ's 3b-w
Re: Louie -- The Original "Hamburger Helper"
Thursday 9-Mar-2000 21:18:58
In Christ all
I know he used it for a filler to make his meat stretch but I would
like to know what else he had to have used in his mix.. I ran the Hole-in-the-wall
for a couple years and tried many different mixtures to enhance the taste
of my burgers but though I have came close still not a match.. My mother
God rest her soul said that he added sausage with the bread and the cheese
but I don't know and guess no one ever will.. Another Great Mystery.
But regardless I have to admit he made the best hambergers I have ever
tasted. Michael the Sinner
Michael Zuchick
Re: Chatter Box and Big Four Elementary
Friday 10-Mar-2000 17:28:03
Patsy - you may not remember me but I think you are Mary and Harvey
Richardson's daughter. I am B.B.'s oldest daughter. We all think and talk
about the Chatter Box and going to Abe and Bessie's/Mary and Harvey's grocery
store. Ed has said a thousand times that if he had Louie's recipe he would
put Wendy's out of business! How is Boby (?spell) doing? I have not seen
Mary in years but understand she is still in Big Four. We saw Wayne's picture
with some of the reunion pictures. Boy how time has flown. It's nice to
have such great memories. Tell the family hello from the Harmans. Everyone
will be in Roanoke this weekend to celebrate Mother's 71st birthday.
Linda Harman Parsons
Re: Re: Chatter Box and Big Four Elementary
Saturday 11-Mar-2000 07:32:30
I've been reading this message board for months and thoroughly enjoying
it. I really have to join in on the subject of the Chatter Box. Those hamburgers
are legendary. I can remember going in the Chatter Box with my dad who
would rather have eaten one of Louie's hamburgers than a steak. Years later
when my dad would make hamburgers he would add to the meat patty bread
sometimes onions a little ketchup and horseradish. I think he may at times
have put in Worchestershire sauce and garlic powder? Not sure about that.
This is probably the closest to Louie's hamburgers that I have eaten. I
would love to see a picture of the Chatter Box.
Ann Rector Shupe
Re: Chatter Box and Big Four Elementary
Monday 27-Mar-2000 11:02:45
My MOM attended Bigfour grade school above the tunnel also on the hill.
Mary Mitchem was her name and she related that they carried their water
if you wanted any to drink. Water and lunches were shared so everyone had
something to eat and drink. Back then you were very luckey when you had
something to share. Times were tough back then. She said one thing that
was shared by all was the OUT HOUSE. One thing she always talked about
was the CHATER BOX. That was like giong out to one of the big restrants
in NEW YORK to them. She said you didn't have to chew the hambugers they
just melt in your mouth. Not very often did she get to go there But it
was a treat when she did. I rembember one time my DAD said he was taking
my MOM out to eat and we thought that was great. We ask where they were
going?--"To the CHATTER BOX" That was the COAL MINERS favorite place when
they could afford to go. When they could go It was a treat.
What memories of times gone by. Lets see if HISTORY repeats its self
in our future. Have enjoyed sharing my MOMs little story--Harold
Harold Mitchem
Re: Re: Chatter Box and Big Four Elementary
Tuesday 28-Mar-2000 17:55:20
Harold: There's something about that "shared Outhouse" you mentioned
and the Chatter Box that really rings a bell. Not sure what bell but it's
sure ringin'. Maybe it's just my imagination or an old memory.....don't
Tuesday 7-Mar-2000 17:51:51
Today is FAT TUESDAY - now I don't understand why today is called fat
when it will plainly be Wednesday that will be FAT! Tuesday we pig out
for the last time and on Wednesday ever ounce is there on our bodies from
all that food on Tuesday! Then we FAST until Easter and thank goodness
we get to pig out on Easter..or should that be "bunny" out or even "chicken
out"! Yes we get to eat those chocolate bunnies marshmallow eggs and PEEPS!
If we are really out to be piggies we fix the Easter ham Potato Salad etc..
- all being just like Mom's and for dessert - BANANA PUDDING! Oh yummmmmmmm!
What a great time of the year - FAT TUESDAY LEAN WEDNESDAY (Ash) and EASTER!
I still fix Easter baskets - and leave them on the fire place for those
who still want to be kiddos but don't want to admit it! I color eggs and
bring out all the goodies AFTER everyone has retired for the night. That
way they will be surprised that the "Easter Bunny" still bothers to stop
by our house!...
So where is your house...
Tuesday 7-Mar-2000 19:42:31 that I may come by and pick up my Easter basket as I still believe
in the Easter Bunny even after 63 years.
Re: So where is your house...
Wednesday 8-Mar-2000 11:27:49
Throw in a pot of Chicken 'n Dumplings and you will have another WHS
reunion at your house.-- I still look for my basket every year but my grandchildren
beat me to it. Can anyone remember the year we had a "Lavender" Easter?
It was in the early sixties. If the girls did not want to wear the color
lavender you could not find it in Welch!--- Lavender everywhere!!!
Wednesday 8-Mar-2000 14:04:15
Does anyone remember the live colored chicks in Murphy's basement at
Easter? Murphy's had to be the best store in Welch a little of everything
- records toys the smells of hot popcorn and hot roasted cashews and great
hot dogs (second only to Carmen's).
Wednesday 8-Mar-2000 14:48:07
Yes I do remember the colored easter chicks.
I had a blue one and can't remember how it died. My sister Liz had
a red one and it choked on a piece of Easter straw. My sister Helen had
a yellow one Its foot was crippled but it grew to be a big chicken. We
gave it to our grandmother to take to Roderfield up some hollow behind
the Roderfield Grade school. It finally disappeared my sister always said
it end up in a pot of dumplings.
Fran Summey
Re: Re: Re: FAT TUESDAY?...
Wednesday 8-Mar-2000 17:11:16
I too remember the dyed chicks from Murphy's. We used to get two or
three each Easter. Kept them in shoe boxes and set them on the cover of
the steam radiator in our apartment in downtown Welch. Murphy's even sold
small bags of "feed" for the chicks. We'd cover them with a dish towel
at night. I'll always remember all the "peeps" and "poops" in the AM. Mine
never lived too long past Easter.......With the radiator and all I think
they were "broasted" before "broasted" became fashionable!
Re: Re: Re: Re: FAT TUESDAY?...
Thursday 9-Mar-2000 01:15:31
Yep we always got some of those cute little chicks also - and we held
funerals for each and every one of them that didn't make it! Those that
did were kept until they were BIG AND FAT enough for the chicken &
dumplings pot...I liked the purple ones but the yellow ones are the chicks
that made it usually - no dye. Peeps and Poop were the thing during the
Easter holidays...and Mother yelling about the smell in her house. Clean
out that box - NOW! ha Those little guys were always stepping into their
water then into their food and back into their water...Messy but cute!
We once got Easter ducks and they were just about as healthy as the purple
chicks. When I had children of my own I vowed that I would never get them
the chicks - I lied... and they died... so I decided that a Easter Bunny
would be the thing. Bought a Himylan Dwarf - white with black ears black
spot on the nose and a black bunny tail! His name - Harley. Harley thought
he was a dog and would eat the dog's food - the dog thought he was a rabbit
and would run around with a carrot sticking out of his mouth! The rabbit
grew to be 3 pounds - 2 pounds heavier than the dog... so it was the hare
chasing the dog around the house! (I mean inside the house at that) Rabbits
are very clean and can be kept inside - you just have to keep their cage
clean and that is no big deal since you can teach them to let you know
when they want to go outdoors - just like a dog - in fact they are cleaner
than most dogs! We all still miss Harley...he is in Easter Bunny heaven...heart
attack! But back to those peeps and Murphy's - I used to love going to
Murphy's at anytime but the Holidays were always memories to be stored
forever and passed from generation to generation...
Susie Sledge Cole
Sunday 5-Mar-2000 20:08:54
Thought of you when I read Family Circus today.
I have the angel biscuit recipe (the one they used in Welch) you wanted.
I forgot to send it to you and now I have misplaced your e-mail address.
if you will sign on I will get it and send the recipe to you.
Freida Riley Teacher's Award
Sunday 5-Mar-2000 14:09:53
In case you missed it the following is a copy of a recent article posted
on the Bluefield Daily Telegraph web site:
Sunday 3/5/2000
Late teacher inspires students
By Charles Owens of the Daily Telegraph staff
WELCH -- While fighting a personal battle against Hodgkin's Disease
the late Freida J. Riley inspired her students at Big Creek High School
to seek and fulfill their dreams. Riley who died at 31 gained national
attention after encouraging the Rocket Boys of McDowell County to realize
their dream of rocketry. Today more than 30 years after her death a national
award honoring outstanding and inspirational teachers has been named in
honor of Riley. The first ever Freida J. Riley Teacher Award will be presented
to an outstanding teacher on May 4 which is International Space Day 2000
at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington. The winning teacher
will receive a $5 000 certificate a sculpture award and national recognition.
The award is sponsored by the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation
and is administered by the Partnership for America's Future a non-profit
educational organization. The Rocket Boys including leader Homer H. Hickam
are scheduled to attend the ceremony. Actress Laura Dern portrayed
Riley in the 1999 motion picture "October Sky." The purpose of the program
is to identify and reward an American teacher who overcame tremendous adversity
or made an enormous sacrifice in order to positively impact students said
Nick Frankovits a spokesman for the Partnership of America's Future in
Akron Ohio. "Freida J. Riley was the teacher who inspired the Rocket Boys
" Frankovits said. "She was a great inspiration to the Rocket Boys and
all of our students."
Mary Virginia Grego Muncy Lyons
Saturday 4-Mar-2000 07:15:51
Hello everyone. Mom wanted me to let all of you who had been praying
for her husband Bill Lyons that he went home to be with the Lord on Friday
March 3 2000 at his home. The arrangements will be on the BDTONLINE.COM
web site on Sunday. Thank you all for your prayers and concerns on be half
of mom and the family. God Bless you all. Greg Muncy Class of '77.
Greg Muncy
Valentine Web Page
Friday 3-Mar-2000 20:49:04
How about some of you living in Welch call JoAnn and Kit Lewis; Vic
and Judy Nystrom to send in material for the Valentine page. Both should
be included I know.
looking For
Friday 3-Mar-2000 20:02:32
Looking for Judy Michael Class of 1958
Sue Musick CLASS OF 1958
Re: looking For
Saturday 4-Mar-2000 17:26:11
Just tried sending Sue e-mail but it came back because the address
wasn't correct.
Constine Moore Jenkins
Re: looking For
Saturday 4-Mar-2000 17:32:31
Are you by any chance related to Ruby Fagan Musick? She graduated in
'55. I am looking for her address because our class is having a reunion
and I would like to get in touch with her. Thanks
Judith Hulme Beuchert
WHS Sweethearts Online (FINALLY)
Thursday 2-Mar-2000 20:27:14
It sure did take me long enough to get this web page set up but you're
gonna say it was worth the wait. You can see and read about our lovely
couples HERE.
Many thanks to those who participated in the creation of this web page.
I know there are a lot of other WHS couples out there and we'd enjoy hearing
from you too.
Donnie Skuja
Re: WHS Sweethearts Online (FINALLY)
Friday 3-Mar-2000 07:42:49
Good Job and well worth the wait. THANKS to all who shared their stories
and pictures. May you continue to enjoy life to its fullest - TOGETHER!
Re: WHS Sweethearts Online (FINALLY)
Friday 3-Mar-2000 10:02:10
DJ: What a terrific tribute to each of the featured couples! You're
right this page was well "worth the wait" the song "True Love
Waits"! It's great to see such a wonderful acknowledgement of enduring
relationships between 2 people. And to think all that "courting" began
"on the hill"! I've said it before Donnie you continue to amaze us with
your cyber talent. Thanks to you and to each of the couples for sharing
the joy! After all featured postings such as these are what make the site
all the more enjoyable for so many of us!
Re: Re: WHS Sweethearts Online (FINALLY)
Friday 3-Mar-2000 14:46:11
Great page. I loved seeing my sister and favorite brother in law included
on the page. I really do remember when I was VERY YOUNG hearing Elinor
talk about Sandy Bright all the time. She even did his French homework!
They really are a classic love story. And by the way I straightened Sandy
out once he got into the family!
Diane Turner Clemins
Re: Re: Re: WHS Sweethearts Online (FINALLY)
Friday 3-Mar-2000 17:38:55
Great page. Let's see some more pictures. How about it Bobby Greene.
Send in yours and your wife's "then and now" shots. We'd all like to see
our former classmate.
Re: WHS Sweethearts Online (FINALLY)
Tuesday 7-Mar-2000 18:12:21
Just a word of thanks to Donnie Skuja on the Sweetheart project. You
did a great job and Wanda and I are very appreciative of your efforts in
a project that you could have just skipped over. You are truly a real alumni.
Thanks again
Jack and Wanda
Jack & Wanda Farthing
More to Come -- I Hope!
Thursday 9-Mar-2000 02:22:50
The response to this particular web page has been great. And it includes
messages from folks who want their pictures added or who know of some other
couples who should be contacted to have their photos added. So if you are
so inclined get in touch with me because I see a second page of WHS Sweethearts
in the works already.
If anybody can tell me what years Margaret Lambert was at WHS I'd really
appreciate it. She was my childhood neighbor up on Coalwood Road but for
the life of me I don't have a clue as to when she was in school. She is
a bit younger than me and the stories I remember about her (like riding
the wagon over the hill into the bramble bushes and being scared out of
the woods by a "bear"--she's gonna kill me for this!) were when we were
all real little ones. There was a beaten path through the woods between
our house and the Lambert's. They were wonderful neighbors; really good
Donnie Skuja
Re: WHS Sweethearts Online (FINALLY)
Thursday 9-Mar-2000 09:03:02
Very nice Donnie! Hope many more will come forward. Thank you for all
you do to make this a wonderful site.
Warner & Brenda Laxton
Coach Merrill Gainer
Thursday 2-Mar-2000 11:10:52
Today's paper reports the death of Merrill Gainer 87 who was a resident
of Shepherdstown at the time of his death. Some of you will remember that
he was the very successful coach of Big Creek HS during the fifties and
went on to Beaver HS and Patrick Henry HS in Roanoke prior to his retirement.
He was sorta the Joe Paterno of his time in high school football circles
in the coalfields.
richard l. douglas
Re: Coach Merrill Gainer
Thursday 2-Mar-2000 23:33:06
I think he won 4 state championships at Bluefield in the 60s. I know
we beat him in 1963 at Welch when the Beavers alleged that we watered the
field down. We were undefeated that year with Smithberger Roberts etc.
We did not beat Bluefield again until 1976. Gainer also won a state title
in Roanoke for Patrick Henry.
Re: Coach Merrill Gainer
Thursday 9-Mar-2000 10:22:06
Merrill Gainer was of course the Big Creek coach identified in "Rocket
Boys" and "October Sky." He had incredibly great teams at Big Creek and
as Homer's book indicates should have had another state championship at
BCHS. He lifted football programs to legendary status everywhere he went.
I hope that prior to his death he realized that his name was broadcast
nationwide in movie theaters.
My father was a Big Creek grad and from my early childhood in the 50's
Dad was taking me over to War on Friday nights to watch Merrill Gainer's
teams. I think I was at least 7 or 8 before I even understood that Welch
had its own high school football team--to which I of course became quite
loyal. There were few WHS victories as huge as the 1963 win over Beaver.
Like Gainer's Big Creek team we got cheated out of a chance to play for
the state championship that year by a bizarre ranking system which downgraded
the quality of the WHS schedule and which was dominated by voters from
other parts of the state.
Ray Kiser
Re: Re: Coach Merrill Gainer
Thursday 9-Mar-2000 18:50:38
How very true Ray and I can tell you that while marching at the Strawberry
Fest in Buchannon we encountered the team that got the championship that
year - sitting there on a little knoll in their little letter sweaters
and BEANIE hats! I joke you not - I almost dropped my baton-I do know that
my mouth dropped and I started laughing for I knew -as did those who voted
for them - that the '63 WELCH HIGH SCHOOL Football team would have walked
right all over those wimps! Stomped all over them made minc meat out of
them etc ... you had to be there to appreciate their beanies - right Rj's
wondering where she may be
Thursday 2-Mar-2000 06:56:28
anyone from the welch area know where we can contact norma vermillion.
she was a 63 graduate from welch high school.
Re: wondering where she may be
Saturday 4-Mar-2000 17:35:44
Her sister April was teaching at Concord in l992. Her parents live
in Bluefield. But I don't know where Norma is.
class of 1956
Wednesday 1-Mar-2000 22:30:51
would the man that sent me a message about class of 56 please get in
touch with me again . some how your email got delated and cannot find it
. will answer you as soon as posible next time would like to hear from adress is 180 glenbrook.ct . napoleon. ohio zip 43545
Bobby N Bolen
Memorial service for Karen (Peachy) Smith
Tuesday 29-Feb-2000 23:53:22
There will be a memorial service for Karen (Peachy) Smith class of
'64 on Saturday March 4 '00 at 11:00 a.m. at Our Savior Lutheran Church
18th Street and 6th Avenue Vero Beach FL. Peachy died on Feb. 9 at her
home in Vero Beach. It is hoped that some classmates and friends can attend
her service who live in the area.
Pam Miller Rose (540)326-1335
Pam Miller Rose class of '64
Information on Michael Hanson Class of 1996?
Monday 28-Feb-2000 22:55:32
Anyone with information on Michael Hanson or Richard Hanson please
Email me. I am a childhood friend who lost touch with them many years ago.
They were brothers who lived in Twin Branch. Thanks for any help that might
be given
Susan Carlson
Re: Information on Michael Hanson Class of 1996?
Tuesday 29-Feb-2000 08:50:55
Mike is a cardiologist at Duke University Medical Center and I think
is teaching in the med school. He is married to the former Jane Roberts
of Kimball. They have 2 children a daughter and a son.
Re: Re: Information on Michael Hanson Class of 1996?
Tuesday 29-Feb-2000 19:09:55
I was told last summer at the reunion that Richard Hanson had died
a few years ago.
American Cancer Society effort in McDowell County
Sunday 27-Feb-2000 19:29:18
Wanted to bring to your attention the recent guest book posting by
Drema Potter. She provides information about an American Cancer Society
Relay For Life at the Mount View Football Stadium May 12th.
If you are so inclined contributions can be sent directly to American
Cancer Society C/O Sherry Ciccolini ( Community Specialist)307 Federal
Street 215-216 Law & Commerce BLDG. Bluefield WV 24701-3080. Specify
whether you want to sponser the Cancer Support Group--Think Pink Team or
if you'd rather buy luminaries in honor or in memory of a loved one. ACS
Bluefield phone number is (304)-327-8770. Your contribution will be credited
to the McDowell (County) Division.
Sunday 27-Feb-2000 15:00:38
YOUR E=MAIL WITH E=MAIL your name is donnie Skuja
i got a flash on the screen telling me there were to many charectors in
your e=mail and would not deliver it
please tell me what to do louise farris
e-mail sincerley
Class of '52 Reunion
Sunday 27-Feb-2000 08:40:43
The WHS Class of '52 will hold a reunion on June 23rd and 24th at the
Ramada Inn in Bluefield. Full details were published in the October newsletter
and will be repeated in the April newsletter. Some members of the Class
of '53 may be attending this reunion.
Barry Shrout
Wednesday 23-Feb-2000 23:52:45
It's Rodeo time in Houston and durning the Rodeo top acts are brought
in for "half time" entertainment. Some of them are "The Judds" Alan Jackson
LeeAnn Rimes Boyz 2 Men Endrique Ignaious (sp) his dad Julio was here when
he was on top of the charts Dixie Chicks etc... they even bring in some
oldies - Rod Stewart is here this year! "Hot Legs Maggie Lee etc..." You
can see these acts for the big cost of $10 - up... and I can tell you that
those $10 seats ain't bad. After the entertainment the real Rodeo begins...
and the Astrodome emptys... Not really not everyone goes to the Rodeo to
see guys ride the bulls and get bucked off and kicked in the head. I can
remember when Selena was the top draw of the Rodeo. I can also remember
going as a child... I got to see and meet Roy Rogers James Arness Gene
Autry Johnny Cash The Carter Family Loretta Lynn Charlie Pride Marty Robins
The Osmonds - who would not visit the club house because alcohol was being
served... sort of a let down... Dotty West. Tammy Wynett Olivia Newton
John and many many more - yeh I know I'm really dating myself - but remember
I said "When I was a little girl...!" The Rodeo makes money for scholarships
for the under priviledged. Also each night there is a calf scramble and
the kids get to keep the calf they catch. Then next year they bring it
back and enter it into the livestock championships - hoping to win BIG
BUCKS! The champion steer is auctioned off and let me tell you that these
business men here in Texas go after it with all they own! I can remember
one champion steer going for $790 000 - and that was before the committee
put a limit that the owner of the Champion would pocket. Now they have
a limit and the rest goes into a central scholarship fund... anyone can
apply - if they are in the FFA. Rodeo time is a real fun time here in Houston
- every one becomes a Cowboy or Cowgirl! Oh and Trail rides - with the
covered wagons lead up to
Thursday 24-Feb-2000 01:16:36
Yeppers there is big doing durning the Rodeo in Houston. The Dome is
almost as big as Welch.
Bill Taylor
Guest Book Out of Service
Wednesday 23-Feb-2000 21:28:54
I'm not sure what the problem is but the guest book is not working.
This has happened before and they usually get things fixed within 24-48
Donnie Skuja
Re: Guest Book Out of Service
Wednesday 1-Mar-2000 12:16:28
Ann Rice
Looking for former Eagle Scouts from McDowell County
Tuesday 22-Feb-2000 21:17:11
Many graduates of Welch High School are Eagle Scouts. As the Boy Scouts
of America turn 90 years old this year we are publishing an Eagle Scout
directory for southern West Virginia. We want to identify as many former
Eagle Scouts as possible. If you are an eagle Scout contact me so you may
be included in our directory.
Ed Evans
Re: Looking for former Eagle Scouts from McDowell County
Sunday 5-Mar-2000 18:26:23
My brother David a 1963 graduate of WHS was an Eagle Scout. I have
forgotten the year but we lived in Kimball at the time. Contact him through
the message board. He is in contact with this website almost daily and
probably will respond.
Beth Jones Walker
Steve or Patty Sabo
Tuesday 22-Feb-2000 01:51:29
Does anyone know how to get in touch with Steve or Patty Sabo. Steve
graduated in 1960 and Patty was younger I think. We are looking for Steve
for our reunion.
Phyllis Hyder Isaacs
Have the puter hackers got you yet?????
Sunday 20-Feb-2000 01:23:42
If you have been hacked as I have been you know how much trouble as
well as cost to reload your puter. I have a firewall program I bought to
stop the hackers. It works and works well there is not a week goes by that
someone has not tried to hack me. It disconnects and traces them back to
their ISP. I am not selling the program just sharing info so someone
else does not become a target for a hacker like I was. Here is the web
page go see for yourself
Happy putering Bill Taylor
Bill Taylor
October Sky VHS Release - and Extra Footage
Saturday 19-Feb-2000 23:21:15
October Sky was just released for sale on VHS on 2/15. I had pre-ordered
at for what I thought was a good price (11.97 + shipping)and received
it in the mail on 2/15. But in the Best Buy ad on Sunday it was only 7.99.
At least I didn't have to go out in the snow and rain to get it (I'm trying
to console myself). We watched it tonight. The same reaction as when I
saw it on the big screen. At the end there's about 10 minutes of bonus
footage with Homer (the real one) and the crew and stars talking about
why they didn't use Coalwood for the filming (there's not much of it left
AND the roads are too narrow and winding - I have no idea what they mean
by that!!!). Homer talks about what really happened and Jake Gyllenhaal
talks about relating to how he feels about Homer and his emotions in making
the movie. It's a real treat. If you don't have it you need to get it.
Re: October Sky VHS Release - and Extra Footage
Monday 21-Feb-2000 12:32:49
Good spotting Roy. I haven't seen the extra footage yet but I remember
the circumstances. I was watching the Chris Cooper scene where "Dad" threatens
Roy Lee's father. I was standing with the real Roy Lee at the time so it
was kind of a touchy moment since Roy Lee's dad was actually a very nice
man who had died several years before the Rocket Boys era. One of the other
boys did have an abusive father and his dad was transferred over to Roy
Lee for Hollywood reasons (i.e. for no apparent reason). During a break
in the takes I was called over to sit in a canvas chair and answer rapid-fire
questions. I have no idea what I said because mostly I wanted to get back
to watch Chris Cooper act. As for the narrow roads not much left of Coalwood
excuse that's partially true. McDowell County and Coalwood would have had
trouble supporting all those people and the big convoys of trucks required
for the film. But the real reason the movie didn't come to West Virginia
was the Tennessee Film Commission. They went after the film like lions
giving Joe Johnston the director everything he wanted when he wanted it.
By the way I'll be in Coalwood on March 9 for filming of a special segment
at Cape Coalwood that will go on the next Collector's Edition of the October
Sky DVD. Also just to let you know I completed the "equal" of Rocket Boys
and it's with the publisher now. They're very happy with it. Title is still
undecided but the working title is "A Coalwood Christmas." Some real Welch
High School students of the era appear in this book. Check out
for more information as it develops. The new book should be out in the
Homer Hickam
Re: Re: October Sky VHS Release - and Extra Footage
Monday 21-Feb-2000 13:47:15
C'mon Homer Now that you've whetted our appetites you've got to tell
us who the "real Welch High School students" are in the movie. I'll bet
between the thousands of us out here we'll know those lucky folks because
we probably went to school with them! It's great to see you back on the
site Homer!
Oxidizer (Rocket Fuel) Ozzie
Re: Re: Re: October Sky VHS Release - and Extra Footage
Monday 21-Feb-2000 14:20:57
Sorry Homer I meant to ask who from WHS is in the BOOK (not the movie...since
there isn't one yet).
Sorry not yet
Tuesday 22-Feb-2000 15:42:47
Hi Ozzie. I can't name the Welch kids yet. There's always the chance
a later edit might require me to take them out. Not likely at this stage
but you never know.
Re: Sorry not yet
Thursday 24-Feb-2000 15:40:03
I understand Homer we'll just buy the book. By the way we love your
work! You make us proud!
Ma's Back!
Saturday 19-Feb-2000 22:11:54
Watch out guys MA' is back! Yes our website keeper has returned - rather
her PC has finally been released from the PC ICU! I wonder how much Ski
paid those people to lock her PC up for a few weeks!?... Now that is a
novel idea in order to spend time with one's spouse - lock up their PC!
Some of us would end up in the PC detox tank I am sure...We missed you
Ma and welcome back to "la la" land...
Re: Ma's Back!
Sunday 20-Feb-2000 13:31:20
Hey maybe my sweetie DID pay those PC repair folks to keep me off-line
for a few weeks. Never thought of that one; it sounds sweet so I'll use
that excuse for being away for so long.
First to all of you who have not received responses to your emails
to me give me a few more days. I'm still catching up on them. If you don't
hear back from me in a week or so please email me again. Next my sincere
apologies to all those folks who submitted their photos for the Valentine's
Day page. All the graphics were stored on my PC hard drive so I could not
publish the page when planned. However we'll feature the photos on a Sweethearts
of WHS page SOON.
It is great to be back online again but so shocking and sad to read
about all the recent deaths of our classmates. Although he would never
allow me to give him credit Blake Shrout provided significant input to
the development of many of our WHS web site pages. I'll miss his constructive
views and suggestions for improving the web site.
I got to know Peachy Smith through the web site and will always treasure
getting to see her at the Sixties Reunion this past summer.
Thanks to the folks who were kind enough to share the death notices
with us on the message board and guest book pages. We will update the In
Memoriam web page as soon as possible.
Donnie/aka Ma
looking to find and talk to class of '66
Saturday 19-Feb-2000 19:47:13
Class of '66 I would like to hear from some of you!
Sue Hornbuckle Gentry
information on Class of '52 reunion
Saturday 19-Feb-2000 01:18:17
I would like some information regarding the Class of '52 reunion
Thursday 17-Feb-2000 22:17:19
Has anyone out there done anything exciting this winter? With all the
reunions on hold until the summer maybe someone visited another classmate
or had a great time doing something we would love to hear about. Any sky
divers out there or a great Safari story? Come on just because it is cold
outside here in the east we can still have the warmth of hearing what our
classmates have been doing in waiting for another "blast from the past"
Thursday 17-Feb-2000 17:47:41
Sunday March 5 2000
Brandon Community Center
502 E. Sadie Street
Brandon FL 33510
Open 10:30 am - 3:00 pm Lunch at 12 noon
Bring a picnic lunch and your friends
For directions or further info call
Savich (813) 689-3770
Curry (941) 729-7562
Donation: $3/adult or $5/ couple
Iris Harmon Bentley WHS 60
Thinking Out Loud!
Thursday 17-Feb-2000 13:28:40
What is going on is the question? Of which scenario: 1. Donnie's sick
computer 2. WHS melancholy winter blues or 3. lack of action going on -
on the web? HA
1. Donnie is trying to get her "puter doc" to work as fast as he can
but he keeps running into a problem of WHS hackers describing "this is
your life" with flashing neon signs. Hopefully he knows something we don't
and she will be up and running in no time at all....
2. These winter blues can be cured real quick if everyone tells a cute
story. We all need to laugh right now. Did you ever pretend you knew how
to skate? Then when you finally got brave enough to go on the floor you
had FOUR arms going in all directions and both feet were spread from on
side of the floor to the other. Yelp I kept on skating and knocked everyone
down in front and back of me to. It only took me all summer to learn how
stand on one side of the rink both legs on the same side. Forgive me if
it was you I knocked over I was only 8 at the time. (Kimball Skating Rink)
3. And that would take care of the "lack of action on the web."
Come on folks IT'S TIME TO SMILE not SMITE.
Re: Thinking Out Loud! - Skating Story
Saturday 19-Feb-2000 23:11:34
Skating stories can get scary (at least if you were the one involved).
I'll never forget the time I finally got up the nerve to ask my favorite
"little red-haired girl" (my tribute to Charles Shultz may he rest in peace)
to skate. It was at the rink on McDowell Street over the old Plymouth garage.
Anyway we had skated about 1/4 way around the rink when I somehow knocked
my skates together and literally flipped head-over-heels. She didn't fall
(and didn't stop either). I don't think I ever asked her to skate again
after that.
Roy Morgan
Re: Another Skating Story
Monday 21-Feb-2000 16:16:09
Who is the "little red haired girl?" (sorry folks its not me brown
and gray does not make red.) I skated on McDowell Street to. I was there
the time Jackie Greene sailed over the seats; he and my cousin Randy Lane
got caught up in their twist and turns somehow and both boys broke limbs.
Wow! I should have been hired as clean up crew the first time I skated
on a concrete floor I kept waiting on the bump bump going around the bend
and none was there. ha! So I usually landed on the floor wiping up the
dust and to everyones else's surprise they would usually helped me. HA!
I shudder thinking of getting on skates now... or climbing trees motor
cycles or carnival rides. Heights don't you know..... Anything higher than
3 feet off the ground to my 5'2" frame causes a panic attack. Did you ever
play "pocket book?" Who's gotta story? Rhonda
Whaaaaaaaaaat'a Up
Thursday 17-Feb-2000 10:47:37
Anybody know what the hell is going on here
Re: Whaaaaaaaaaat'a Up
Thursday 17-Feb-2000 12:14:10
All things considered I question the appropriateness of the above message.
As for "what's up?" this particular time and as it pertains to the
WHS Message Board it seems we should keep the memories of beloved former
WHS classmates and the integrity of this site foremost in our minds. I'm
certain the Webmaster (when she returns) and the majority of us out here
would expect no less.
Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaaat'a Up
Friday 18-Feb-2000 11:22:21
Lighten up
Death of KAREN (Peachy) SMITH
Wednesday 16-Feb-2000 20:27:44
Word has been received that the class of 1964 has lost one of it's
most beloved classmates. Karen "Peachy" Smith apparently passed away on
or near February 9 2000. Karen was alone at the time of her death which
saddens us all even more. We all love you and will miss you "Peachy"! God
speed for we know that you will be one of the cutest little Angels in heaven...
Re: Death of KAREN (Peachy) SMITH
Friday 18-Feb-2000 20:19:44
I was 8 when I moved next door to Peachy (Pie) Smith in 1964. We lived
on Maple Avenue near the high school and the churches. She use to run out
the door of her house full of energy look at me the rug rat playing in
the next yard and call me a little monster. She wasn't being mean. She
was just so cool. I always felt special that she took the time to notice
me and talk to me. I use to try plan my day to be out when Peachie would
leave. I'm sorry I didn't take the chance last year to let her know how
much her "little monster" meant to me. She was special.
Rebecca Crockett
Wednesday 16-Feb-2000 15:10:59
Sadly my Uncle Roy Blake (Blake) Shrout passed away February 11 2000
at INOVA FairOaks Hospital in Fairfax Virginia after a long illness. He
was 66 years old. He was a brother to Barry Shrout (Class of 1952) of Seaford
Virginia and Mrs. Bob (Carolyn) Jack (Class of 1954) of Welch. His parents
were the late Roy Blake and Beatrice Lentz Shrout of Welch. He graduated
from Welch High School in 1951. He is survived by his wife of 41 years
Wren and four children-Roy Blake III Richard Sherry and Marilyn. Also three
grandchildren and one step-grandchild.
Uncle Blake was a retired Army Colonel and served two tours of duty
in Vietnam as well as at Army bases in Europe Ethiopia Okinawa and the
U.S. He received a bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from WVU
and a Master's Degree in Communications from George Washington University.
He was awarded the Defense Superior Medal Bronze Star Medal and Meritorious
Service medal among many decorations.
Visitation was held on Tuesday Feb. 15 2000 at the Everly Funeral Home
10565 Main Street Fairfax VA 22030. Funeral services with full military
honors will be held on Tuesday February 22 2000 at 9:00 a. m. at Fort Myer
Chapel Arlington National Cemetery Arlington Virginia.
The family can be reached at 7514 Bull Run Drive Centreville Virginia
20121-2501. Phone is 703-830-3330.
We will miss him very much but our hearts have been touched by the
many loving and thoughtful cards and Emails that many of you have already
sent. Your kindness and thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated by all of
the family members. Thank you. . .
Cathy Jack Blake Shrout's niece
Saturday 18-Mar-2000 09:02:28
I was a very good friend of Blake in the early fifties and spend more
time at the Shrouts than anywhere else. I am very sorry to hear of his
passing. My regret is that I didn't get to see him later in life.
Otto (Happy) Keesling
Wednesday 16-Feb-2000 10:12:20
I want to apologize for the misspelling of Blake's last name. If there
should be a time for respect is should be the last respect we pay to one
of our departed friends and class mates.
Remainder of Class of l938
Wednesday 16-Feb-2000 06:08:30
Elizabeth Morris-Margaret Mounts-Julie Nigro-
Dorthy Noe-Jennie Recupero-Kathryn Roncella-
Helen Saloun-Teresa Santoro-Helen Sizemore-
Marjorie Shoun-Margaret Stacks-Mary Staples-
Minnie Stringer-Maxine Stubblefield-Jaunita
Taylor-Mildred Testerman-Lorraine Thomas-Irene
Tudor-Emily Vernon-Billie Warfe-Ann Wickline-
Bonnie Worrell- Virginia Highberger
Thanks to all who have helped me in any way.
John J. Bero
Tuesday 15-Feb-2000 19:31:47
How awful to hear about Peachy. I am so sad. She told me at the reunion
that she lived near to Betty Walden. Does anyone know how to get in touch
with Betty?
Julie(Judy Counts)
Re: Peachy
Thursday 17-Feb-2000 09:59:31
I wrote to Betty and Dick Walden last summer. The address i have is
122 College Street Elkins
26241-3943 However I didn't get a reply back but I didn't get the letter
back either. So good luck.
Frances Patsey Summey
Tuesday 15-Feb-2000 18:38:48
It has just been learned that our good friend and message board buddy
Blake Shrout passed away on February 11 2000. We will certainly miss Blake's
message board input and want to extend our condolences to his family and
close friends. Thank you Ruth Highburger Clark for telling of his passing...
Rhea Romans
Tuesday 15-Feb-2000 21:59:07
Blake Shrout was our leader---the class of l95l. We have indeed lost
a great leader. Class reunions will never be the same without him. You
see he was always there to greet all of his classmates with a big hug and
a smile. His friendliness and happiness just radiated from him at the reunions.
He loved his classmates; he loved Welch; he loved West Virginia. I have
been very sad since I learned of his death last Friday. Blake was a very
vital person and he shared that vitality with all of us around him and
if you go back and read his messages on the message board you can see how
powerful his words were and still are. I have lost a very dear friend.
I shall always treasure his friendship and his reunion committee work.
I have been told he worked on the "Golden Anniversary Reunion" up until
the last minute. He composed the last letter to his classmates which will
go out sometime this week. I shall miss you Old Soldier and when I feel
especially sad I shall remember the late great Gen. Douglas MacArthur quote:
"Old soldiers never die; they just fade away." I'd like to think that Blake
is not really dead. Perhaps if we think of him just "fading away " he'll
continue to be with us for a while longer. With great sincerity Ruth(ie)
Highberger Clark
Tuesday 15-Feb-2000 22:11:30
For some of you who did not know Blake he was a retired army colonel.
(a full colonel) I think I heard him correctly when he told me that he
had worked at the Pentagon for the last l5 years of his military career.
A Prayer Offered for Blake Strout
Tuesday 15-Feb-2000 23:02:58
In the name of God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Be mindful O Lord and remember Blake Strout who has fallen asleep in
the hope of resurrection unto life eternal and also all those who have
completed their lives in piety and faith;
pardon all their transgressions both voluntary and involuntary whether
in word or deed or though. Shelter him in a place of brightness a place
of verdure a place of repose whence all sickness and sorrow and sighing
have fled away and where sight of thy countenance rejoiceth all thy Saints
from all ages.
Grant him thy Kingdom and pardon in thine ineffable and eternal blessings
and the enjoyment of thine unending Life. For thou art the Resurrection
and the Life and the Repose of thy departed servants O Christ our God and
unto thee we ascribe glory together with thy Father who is everlasting
and thine all-holy
and good and life-giving Spirit: now and ever unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Michael the Sinner
Mike Zuchick III
Re: A Prayer Offered for Blake SHROUT
Wednesday 16-Feb-2000 00:03:55
Please be aware that the correct spelling of Blake's last name is:::SHROUT
NOT STROUT. Please excuse the typing error. Thanks.
I would like to hear from the Class of 77
Saturday 12-Feb-2000 23:42:11
I enjoyed looking at the website. I would like to hear from anyone
from the 76-77 class.
Roger Whittaker
Re: I would like to hear from the Class of 77
Monday 14-Feb-2000 22:26:39
So glad to once again here from someone from the class of "77----Hope
things are gong well for you. Will you be going to the reunion this summer?
We had a good time at the last reunion, Harriet,
Help almuni
Saturday 12-Feb-2000 19:42:14
Check the messages of John Bero and see if you can be of any help to
him in locating his classmates. Some of them might be your uncles and aunts
as well.
Class of l938 . Do you know any of them?
Friday 11-Feb-2000 08:28:23
Paul Pack-Edward Pennington-Andy Popp-Floyd Powell-Bill Prillman-Kenneth
Richardson-John Rush-Wilton Rush-Jack Roberts-William Sameth-Starling Sinnett-Alfred
Steller-Vance Stroupe-John Turnell-Richard Warner-Norman Williams-Walter
Yielding-Dorthy Goodson-Elizabeth Gordon-Robie Gravley-Tina Guella-Mildred
Hagy-Nina Hatmaker-Mildred Hendricks- Mary Jacovitch-Phyllis Jones- Elizabeth
Josephine-Phyllis Larkin-Evelyn Lewis- Bonnie Lockwood-Peggy McFarland-Dorthy
McKinney-Bernice Morris
John J. Bero
Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Thursday 10-Feb-2000 08:41:03
Where might our Webmaster be? I'm figgering she's either on another
cruise her computer has crashed or she's all wrapped up in her special
Valentine's Day promotion on the site. Needless to say we miss her! So
lets put out an APB to find DJ........wherever she might be! Can anyone
venture a guess as to where we might find her? If not just make up one!
Secret Admirer
Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Thursday 10-Feb-2000 09:51:13
I believe Donnie saw her shadow and is now hibernating for 6 weeks
until it warms up. Think about it she disappeared about the same time Puxatawney
Phil did!!!!
Re: Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Thursday 10-Feb-2000 22:25:42
Ma's computer has been in the ICU and she is just beside herself with
worry...or at least that was the last word I had a week or so ago - then
again she just may be on another cruise... One never knows what Ma is up
to next - not even her lil ole honeychile.
Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Thursday 10-Feb-2000 23:17:55
Perhaps our friend Donnie left the cold ice and snow back east and
is now enjoying the wonderful warm weather low humidity and clear blue
skys in Phoenix...or she just might be on that cruise enjoying a strong
drink while trying to dislodge a white mouse from her right hand...or she
might be a judge in the Miss USA contest...or a special guest on the David
Letterman show...or...
Re: Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Friday 11-Feb-2000 07:35:18
Or maybe she has headed to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. After all
she is a party animal!
Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Friday 11-Feb-2000 10:31:26
I'll bet Donnie's out "runnin'around" with poor John Bero trying to
help him find what's left of that Lost Class of 1938 he continues to look
for. I sure wish him luck with finding those folks.....I admire his perserverence!
Secret Admirer
Re: Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Monday 14-Feb-2000 10:39:59
Re: Re: Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Wednesday 16-Feb-2000 11:04:02
I called (yep on the old-fashioned telephone) Donnie last week to check
on her....figured if her 'puter was still down that Ski and the cat were
living hard lives. She had been in touch with folks at computer intensive
care and her machine was somewhat improved but still not well enough to
come home. She misses everybody but has re-learned a couple of old skills
i.e. cleaning house and reading books. She will be back online as soon
as possible.
Kay from BCHS
Re: Re: Re: Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Wednesday 16-Feb-2000 12:28:57
Thanks Kay.........We're still missin' our ol' DJ in the worst way!
We was guessin' she was somewhere maybe dryin' out in "computer rehab"!
Nice to hear she's finally cleanin' up her house. Must have been a real
mess to be takin' 2 weeks!
Re: Where Is Donnie Skuja????????
Sunday 20-Feb-2000 13:41:20
These messages are great! I love the valentine "poem."
Donnie Skuja -- Back at Last!
Where is Verna Mae Huff??
Tuesday 8-Feb-2000 21:25:26
We were the best of friends all through school. We lived a few houses
apart on Peerless Hill at Vivian. Every Saturday afternoon was spent at
the Kimball theater then to the 5 & 10 for a bag of cashews. We spent
every Saturday night at each other's house playing monopoly talking about
boys and trying to decide what we would be when we grew up. Then one day
her family moved away and I never heard from her again. I have thought
of her often through the years.
Does anyone know her whereabouts? Does anyone remember her? I would
love to get in touch with Verna Mae. Thanks for your help.
Elizabeth Burton Drees
More l938 WHS Graduates
Tuesday 8-Feb-2000 08:00:04
Class of l938. Louis Cavallo-Stelio Corte-Frank Chatfield-Robert Copeland-Junior
Crockett-William Crute-Freddie DeFelice-R. Moore Dodrill- Harley- Dunn-Elwin
Eddins-Howard Frost-Talmadge Goodman-Wanless Goodson-Joe Gray-James Hardee-Arnett
Hawks-Otis Hayden-Ralph Jackson-Joe Lopinsky-Robert Miles-Joe Nogosky-Mike
Nunchuck- Virginia Calle-Mary Capabianco-Helen Chapman-Ruth Clontz-Louise
Cook-Betty Garrett Cox-Oma Davidson Josephine Dompkey-Irene Fazio-Anna
Filisky-Louise Fizer-Linda Gattuso-Dorthy Gabroski-Opal Gilbert
John J. Bero
Getting in touch with classsmates
Monday 7-Feb-2000 22:17:16
Thanx to this bulletin board I have been able to contact a classsmate
I don't think I would otherwise have been able to contact. We have enjoyed
several e-mail conversations. What happened to the "class of 74"... They
do not seem to be on the computers..
Linda Lester
Re: Getting in touch with classsmates
Tuesday 14-Mar-2000 21:48:39
Hello Linda I didn't know you in Welch but I knew you briefly at Concord.
Please e-mail me at (that's thxL38). Looking forward
to hearing from you.
An old friend
Sunday 6-Feb-2000 21:26:35
I am looking for e-mail address for Connie Toshe from the class of
64 or any information about her her.....
Thomas Gray
Need more addresses for the Class of 70 Reunion
Sunday 6-Feb-2000 18:25:19
I still need addresses for the Class of 1970. If you have not received
a letter by now about the upcoming class reunion in 2000 it is probably
because we do not have your address or we have an incorrect one and your
letter has been returned. Please contact me with your address and I will
see to it that you receive a letter about the reunion. Thanks Mike Brown
my email address is
Michael F. Brown
Saturday 5-Feb-2000 21:48:45
Here it is 8 days before "V" day and we haven't had one heart warming
Valentine story...Come on all you WHS lovers and ex-lovers... surely you
can remember a certain "Valentine" in your life...
Class of l938
Saturday 5-Feb-2000 07:42:01
Maybe someone out there will recognize some of my friends that I graduated
with.Russel Arnold - Glenn Ashworth - Clement Bassett- Easter Bare - Domineck
Battlo- William Belchee - Robert Belhasen - Arthur Belton - Joe Berta -
Howard Bivens- Bill Bowles Kathleen Bean - Mildred Bean - Venus Belhasen
- Glenna Beverly - Mary Lee Brockman - Erma Buckman - Kathrine Butler
More to follow later. John Bero
John J. Bero
Citizen's Drug Store
Saturday 5-Feb-2000 07:18:41
My mother and step-father used to own Citizen's Drug Store while I
attended WHS and graduated in 1972. Just wondering if anyone may have photos
of the store from around that time. It was remodeled around 1970 and I
am looking for photos both before and after of the store and surrounding
area: the park bank side streets etc. Please let me know if any are available.
Re: Citizen's Drug Store
Saturday 5-Feb-2000 11:52:08
You may want to take a look at Donnie Skuja's Message Board posting
of Jan. 15th (below)entitled "More Welch Pictures On The Web" in which
she has some great post cards along with a link in her message to view
those post cards. One post card in particular has a great exterior photo
of Citizen's Drug the adjacent park and McDowell County National Bank.
The picture is of the corner of Bank Street & Wyoming Street. The photo/post
card had to be way before 1970.
Re: Re: Citizen's Drug Store
Monday 21-Feb-2000 14:58:39
Danny I will have my folks look at home. I may have some photos of
the inside particularly during the remodeling (it was done right after
I started working in May of '72). Nice to hear from an old coworker after
all these years.
jim wells
Death of Tom(Wymer)Freeman
Thursday 3-Feb-2000 18:17:34
Just received word that Tom Freeman known by the name Wymer when growing
up in Welch died in Marietta Georgia on 30 January 2000. I believe he was
in the class of '5o or '51 at Welch High School. He was the younger brother
of Larry Freeman class of '46.
Norm Farthing
Classmates of 1939
Thursday 3-Feb-2000 10:22:52
I am Penny Cooper and Melody Rice's mom. Most of the kids that have
signed the guest book are kids of my classmates in 1939 and 1940. I am
trying to find some of my classmates online. I have addresses but would
like to hear online first. I have Rodney Walker's email which is:
I would like for us to have a reunion again. There are not many of us left.
Melody Money Rice's email is is in Huntsville
AL. Please contact your moms and dads. I live in Florida now and my phone
is 352-253-4834.
Phyllis Tabor Money
Re: Classmates of 1939
Monday 10-Apr-2000 21:51:33
I Rodney Walker will be visiting my brother
Robert Gail Walker in Welch sometime during the week of April l7. Give
me a call at his home (304) 436 4877.
Anyone heard from Larry Zingale lately?
Rodney B. Walker
David Jones (WHS '60-'63) Guest Book Entry
Tuesday 1-Feb-2000 16:55:52
If you haven't been there yet you have to go to the "Guest Book" and
read DAVID JONES' entry of Jan. 31 2000 recalling Welch/WHS as he remembers
it. Of all the postings I've seen to date on "the site" this one TOTALLY
SUMS IT UP! Couldn't have said it better myself David......only wish we
could all say it as well!!!!!! This is definitely Message Board material......I
among others I'm sure have bookmarked the "message board" page while forgetting
to "check-in" very often to the "Guest Book" page. There's some great "stuff"
in the Guest Book postings........I encourage everyone to check them out!
Sometimes we're lucky enough to "find a diamond in the goat's b_tt"! I
just found one in David Jones' posting! Hope you enjoy his "reflections"
as much as I did!
Looking for Alice Raye Young Bonnie Young and Ellen Endicott
Tuesday 1-Feb-2000 16:26:10
Judith Hulme Beuchert
Tuesday 1-Feb-2000 11:55:31
Would love to hear friends from around Roderfield.
Delores Steele Hughes
Message for Susan Simmons
Monday 31-Jan-2000 23:02:19
Misplaced your email address please email me got something I would
like to talk to you about. Hassel
Hassel Blankenship
message to Joe Buenrostro
Sunday 30-Jan-2000 19:20:53
Saw your message that you were looking for Tony Chaos. He lives in
VA and his e-mail address is:
Friday 28-Jan-2000 22:36:47
While browsing through the sign-ins I came across Phyllis Roberts Cohoon.
She said she lived in Texas. She didn't leave an address or E-mail and
would like to just say HI to her if anybody has either of the two. Thanks.
She was from the Class of '55.
Daune Hall McCulloch
Saturday 29-Jan-2000 11:58:20
Mistylee60 aka/Phyllis Cohoon has remarried and moved to CANADA! She
emailed just before leaving and said it would be a few months before she
got it all back together and would be back on the internet. I will search
my emails for her new last name. I remember his first name as being Herb.
Remember they are still in that "honeymoon" stage - remember old doesn't
mean dead! ha She seemed to be very happy and excited at having a new companion
for her golden years.
Rhea Romans
Joint Reunion
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 18:40:00
I want to encourage all the Maroon Wave Alumni to say "yes" to having
a joint reunion. Having attended several of the BCHS joint reunions plus
being on the cruise this fall I can personally testify that it is a great
experience. While we all love our own classmates and enjoy spending time
with them they were not the only people we knew in high school. It makes
for a great time of fun and fellowship when people from other classes are
in attendance. At BCHS reunions held biannually at Pipestem State Park
in Mercer County the individual classes have separate class meetings for
a couple of hours on the first night of the reunion. Then we have combined
social times (especially dancing to the "great" music of the 50's &
60's) sports activities (a tennis tournament and a a golf tournament) a
sit-down banquet on Saturday night and a memorial breakfast on the last
morning. This gives us time to remember classmates who are no longer with
us plus one last opportunity to say goodbye (and do a LOT of hugging) before
we part for another two years.
Kay Barnette Reaser BCHS
Reunion for former WHS Students Family & Friends
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 14:31:48
This is a request for your input about a reunion for all former WHS
students their families and friends. I attended the Big Creek High School
Alumni & Friends reunion cruise this past fall and decided that was
a wonderful way to convene a large group of people. However a cruise may
not be what the majority would like so we're gonna take advantage of the
Internet to decide first how many might want to participate when they would
want to have this event and where. I've set up a questionnaire for you
to provide us with this information. It can be accessed HERE
Please tell all your friends about it and encourage them to put in
their 2 cents worth. You can post responses for your friends who do not
use the Internet. We'll accept input through 4/30/2000. Between now and
then we will periodically post the gist of the results on the WHS Alumni
Web Site.
NOTE: This is not intended to replace any other planned (or unplanned)
Thank you in advance for your participation and feedback.
P.S. There is a typo on the questionnaire and I can't fix it; please
consider the source and overlook it.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Reunion for former WHS Students Family & Friends
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 14:51:42
If you are unable to access this web site to complete the questionnaire
please have a friend do so for you or send your responses directly to me
and I'll post them. The questions are as follows:1. Right now we are looking
for your ideas on what we should do for the event and when we should have
it. So the first question is when should we have this reunion? We'll zero
in on month and day later:
Select one - Spring 2001 Summer 2001 Fall/Winter 2001 Spring 2002 Summer
2002 or Fall/Winter 2002
2. Would you be interested in making this a cruise affair? We're talking
3-5 days from some southeastern USA port? yes or no
3. If not please let us know what else you'd like to do?
4. If you could choose a location for this event where would it be?
5. Please submit any other comments you may have.
Email me at or write me at 741 West Watersville
Road Mount Airy MD 21771 with your responses ONLY if you can't get them
posted any other way. Be sure to indicate that you are unable to access
the web site to answer the questionnaire.
Welch High School
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 08:30:15
Anyone out there besides me that graduated in the class of 38? Would
like to hear from you.
John J. Bero
Re: Welch High School
Monday 31-Jan-2000 10:47:33
In Christ John
Not sure but my father and his brother and sisters were attending WHS
when WWII broke out..All were from Bottom Creek Hollow. John Zuchick, Steve
Zuchick, Mike Zuchick, Mary Zuchick, Julia Zuchick, Anna Zuchick.
If you have any pictures let me know..
Michael Zuchick III
New Sign-In
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 00:16:24
Nice browsing your web page. Great job. Would like to hear from anyone
who might remember me. Have lots of contact with fellow classmates since
working to keep our reunions going along with Connie Moore Jenkins &
Eloise Lester Webb. I hope to hear from others. Keep up the good work.
Daune (Hall) McCulloch (Class of '56)
Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 09:37:52
After all these many years who stands out as your favorite or most
memorable teacher and why? There must be hundreds of good stories and remembrances
out there.
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher (Eugene Chewning)
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 11:23:40
In Christ all
My Most Memorable teacher would have to be Mr. Chewning God rest his
soul. He taught Machine Shop at the Voc-School.. He was hard and set in
his ways but he taught me how to respect the Trades and what they mean
to any society. Though I never followed up the Machinist Trade except for
a very short time when I first began work the lessons Mr Chewning taugh
us (me) about Work Ethics Personal Limitations and Persistance is still
with me as I'm sure it is with all those who went through his class. Much
of what he taught did much for me in Computer Science in College..
Thank You Mr. Chewning
Michael Zuchick III
I had this French teacher in the 10th Grade.....
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 12:21:13
Mrs. Richardson as I recollect. The stories we could tell could fill
a book (and a penitentiary). I'll have to check the statute of limitations
and get back to you.
Jim Crockett
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 14:13:02
If I had all the stories accumulated about my Dad in a book people
would forget about Sonny Hickam and what happened in Big Creek. Dad was
loved by so many of his students and players that when I run upon men and
women alike they all tell stories on Dad.
I had him for math and physics and really got to know the man as a
teacher and not simply as my father or coach to so many. His old slouch
hat still hangs in my residence to remind me of him.
I hope he is still teaching and coaching his "knuckleheads" from the
pearly gates.
Tom Callaway
Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 14:43:17
VERNON CALLOWAY---In his classroom he had instructional wisdom discipline
respect empathy and seemingly unconditional love for all his students.
I shall always remember this GREAT person/teacher/counselor/coach. In short
he was a most memorable and great man!
Ruth(ie) Highberger Clark (Class of l951)
Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Sunday 13-Feb-2000 08:00:15
Mr. Callaway was definitely one of a kind and I'll never forget the
trapezoid problem. I was a bit of a blockhead in his class but thanks to
him I got A's in Calc and Physics in college. He was always in class with
me wherever I went and I think of him often.
Chuck Stone
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 17:14:06
I had many favorite teachers at WHS; however my all-time favorite was
Joe Lassak. He not only taught me the importance of music in life but he
was also a great friend.
Faye Tolley Milam
Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 20:20:08
I don't know how many of you had her but it was in the 4th grade. Her
name was Mrs. Crabtree. One of the sweetest teachers I ever had. Also Mrs.
Fergerson in 1st. grade. Coach Calloway was a trip in high school. He got
so mad one day he threw a book all the way across the room. If you did
your work no problem but if you didn't look out.
Jo Ann (Lane) McKinney
Re: Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 23:45:51
RE: VERNON CALLOWAY: Like I said " Coach Calloway had instructional
wisdom in the classroom; he either knew when to read a book or throw it!"
At least he didn't throw a roll of toliet paper like Scotty Hamilton did!
ha ha
Ruth Highberger Clark
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 20:36:12
Favorite? Had to be Mr. Jack. He never got exasperated with all the
antics of our Bookkeeping or Typing classes. He had to be the best all
around. Coolest? Had to be Ron Estep in my senior typing class. We were
his first "assignment" and he took it all in stride. Most memorable? Had
to be Miss Agee. According to her the windows in her classroom over the
gym were our "picture window to the world". I've seen her teach entire
classes with her coat and hat on because she became so caught up in teaching
that she forgot to take them off. There was NEVER a dull moment in her
Diane Turner Clemins
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 23:23:37
One of my favorite teachers was Elizabeth Kailing. She was my history
teacher. She was always interesting and well prepared. We used to try and
sidetrack her and talk about a current event rather than the lesson. She
used to say that history is the study of man; therefore any discussion
we had that day whether on the subject of history or some current event
she would still insist it was history. Looking back on her classes in the
early 50s I think she was smarter than us all.
Ray Hunt
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Wednesday 26-Jan-2000 23:51:59
WHS had some fantastic teachers. Three of them really stand out in
my memory; the late Zee Hassan taught me first year shorthand. Hard as
nails but when you left her class you knew shorthand! Margaret Ballard
McCoy sweetest lady who taught Am. History and a very dear friend to me;
Connie Linkous English teacher-one of the best ever! WHS teachers THE BEST!
Maxine Lester Stone
Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Sunday 13-Feb-2000 20:41:30
My favorite was Ms. Agee the Speech teacher. No one liked getting up
and giving speeches but I loved it and her delivery of the class was exceptional.
She was truly a gifted speaker and loved teaching the art to others. I
will always remember her beautiful gray hair and her very sophisticated
clothes. Thanks to her I am a great public speaker.
Linda Counts Miller
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 13:26:05
Coach Calloway was certainly unique. One day in class when no one could
answer his question he took a baseball out of his desk and for the rest
of the period we threw the ball back and forth (for a good 20 minutes).
Also Coach Romeo from Kimball Jr High was one of my favorites. He taught
us so much about sports. Mr Gray who chaperoned many of our band trips
was so much fun and took us lots of places we probably shouldn't have gone
to. We sure had a good time. We all loved him!
Elizabeth Burton Drees
Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Thursday 10-Feb-2000 18:08:00
At the time she was not my favorite teacher but through the years I
have thanked her numerous times for teaching me to guessed it
Mahala Toney. I remember her tapping our knuckles with a ruler if our fingers
were not "in correct position"! She also watched us to see if we were eating
potato chips (greasy) from the little snack counter in the hallway before
her class...that was a NO--NO!
Pat Serreno Beigel
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 18:24:40
This is a hard one....there were sooo many teachers at WHS that I really
liked and who taught us all so much. goes: Most Fun Teachers:
Mr. Jack and Coach Orrison....they always kept a sense of humor and had
great rapport with us. Most Memorable Teachers: Jeanette Bivens--so precise
so sweet such a great teacher. I will never forget her letting us have
"secret" Senior Sigma meetings in her room at lunch (when we really weren't
supposed to meet at school at all!) AND Connie Linkous--who can forget
"Name Frame" notebook paper Shaffer fountain pens and our vocabulary cards
not to mention Greek mythology!! AND LaNelle Agee--Speech class and Senior
English--such a perfectionist. Never will I forget her letting Janie Gale
bring in her Beatles album to play in remember how she loved
anything "English"....this was such a hoot for a bunch of 17 year olds!
I guess we all have many memories of all our teachers....and aren't we
Elinor Turner Bright -64
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 18:35:46
After teaching for 27 years I have realized how lucky I was to have
had the teachers I did. We had alot of great teachers at WHS but I will
mention two that stand out in my memory the strongest: When I first came
to Welch I was on my second go-around of 4th grade. I delivered the Welch
Daily News and Ms. Bruce arranged it so that I would deliver her paper
last. When I got to her house she would have a glass of milk and a plate
of Oreo cookies waiting and would have me sit down while she taught me
my ABC's and multiplication tables. Not many teachers would do that and
I was lucky to have her show an interest in me. The other is Miss Agee
- rotten as I was I can remember spitting tobacco juice in her potted plants
(without her catching me). She always taught on her tip-toes...and was
so full of energy and enthusiasm. She encouraged me to read and showed
alot of patience with me. These two ladies were both great teachers in
my book and I will never forget them.
Harold "Sandy" Bright
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Thursday 27-Jan-2000 21:29:45
Isn't it amazing how our perspective changes over the years?! We griped
and complained but now we look back with appreciation and gratefulness.
Most of my teachers are memorable to me not necessarily because of the
subject matter but due to the "life" lessons. How could I ever forget Mrs.
Walden Miss Agee Mrs. Linkous Mr. Gray or Mrs. Sledge just to name a few.
Not all of the memories are pleasant but they are all special.
Julie (Judy Counts) Zahorchak
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Friday 28-Jan-2000 09:23:42
Favorite teacher: can't say all I didn't have them ALL. But we ALL
had them at one time or the other from 1st grade to the last. Everyone
of them made a difference in our lives. Be it from their humor stern approach
or their philosophy of what life would be like for us if we tried our best.
You can not have good without the bad it all made a difference. I did have
one teacher who is burned in my memory forever. Mr. Lassak. I had him or
he was stuck with me every year beginning in the 4th grade including the
summers. I was so determined and believe me he was going to make sure my
time was not wasted. I eventually learned to love and respect him and knew
that his crusty exterior strong discipline demand for respect and attendance
was for my benefit. At that time I would have never thought how it would
prepare me for lots of things. (especially Motherhood for one ha) It was
the best experience I ever encountered and some of the best times of my
childhood was spent in that band room and on the field. It's funny how
we have a love/hate memory of those that so desperately tried to teach
us how to become respected socially fit adults in a new millenium they
only had visions of.
Rhonda Goad
Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Saturday 29-Jan-2000 12:32:31
It is so very hard to say that I had ONE favorite teacher at WHS...for
there were truly several. Mr. Lassak for the reasons that Rhonda has given
- and that he is now KIN to ME! (Bless his heart) Miss Agee for teaching
on her toes and stopping to listen to the birds sing - and never having
a "grouchy" bone in her body. (and for giving me her set of silver she
had for her marriage that didn't take place) Barbara Ward because she related
to the youth of our day and could she ever play a mean piano! Mrs Margret
McCoy for instilling the importance of American and WV History - and not
to chew gum in public into my mind! Mrs. Eva Clark who was a fantastic
Biology teacher who made us hunger for knowledge - and for letting that
hunk Jim Amici do his student teaching in my class... Mrs. Connie Linkous
for teaching the Canterbury Tales and having us learn the Ide's of March
in their native language... Mr. Jack for being so very patient when I whined!
Mr. Romeo for slapping the desk instead of my butt or hand when I forgot
my homework - and then grinning about it! Mr. Sinecrope (sp) for helping
me work through a mathmatics block - and that in turn caused me to work
in a field that had masses of calculations...ummmmm maybe I should rethink
that one...ha Mrs. Gray for recognizing that I could read and should be
in Miss Agee's class not hers. ha Actually for teaching sentence structure
that remains clearly in my brain today; and the present past future tense
until I wanted to scream! But they were a evil neccessity. I still cringe
when I hear one of today's youth use them incorrectly and without thought
I correct them automatically...yes she put us all on "auto correct". I
will never forget Mrs. Walden for calling for someone to come get me out
of the locker over the gym that I was locked up in and writing me an excuse
to get into class - yes you three guys KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Mrs. Sledge for
understanding why... Coach
Re: Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Sunday 30-Jan-2000 00:42:06
I think Rhea covered the thoughts of most of us pretty good. I think
we all owe all of our teachers a gold medal or two for what they put up
with from us. I think they enjoyed it almost as much as we did some times.
I know that some times we tryed their patience almost to no end.
I am sure today they would be as proud of most of us as we are proud of
having them as our teachers. Memories are something that we have forever
and most of them from WHS are something that we cherish all our lives.
From all the MEMORIES that I read about in this web pages I am PROUD to
be one of you. A WELCH HIGH STUDENT
My THANKS goes out to ALL who keeps this web pages going. You will
never know how much it means to us all. From all of us THANK YOU !!!!
Harold Mitchem
Re: Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Tuesday 8-Feb-2000 11:31:08
Favorite?? A short list would be (in no particular order and those
that I actually had) - Jeannette Bivens Connie Linkous Arkie Gray Terry
Lucas Kern Parker Betty Walden Slick Grogan Bob Gray Mary Tolliver Helen
Kiser JOe Orrison Coach Walden and Evelyn Tutwiler (special). I've been
teaching for 22+ years and whenever a student complains of the work I remind
them of a few of these. The saddest thing is that we cannot go back and
say these things to all of those on our lists.
Joe Crockett
Re: Favorite or Most Memorable Teacher
Tuesday 14-Mar-2000 22:49:51
I was really suprised not to see Dora Lee Jackson name in here. She
was the English teacher in Kimball Jr. High and some of the stories that
she could tell. Was a wonderful woman and a good teacher. I for one will
always remember her!
Carswell-Kimball YearBook
Monday 24-Jan-2000 16:09:09
Want to know --Does anyone Know of anyone having or know where I might
find a 1948 to 1951 Carswell--Kimball year book. I sure would like to find
one. If any one has any Idea or if you would happen to run across one for
sale give me a call (call collect) at 1-419-457-3395. THANK YOU FOR YOUR
TIME. I attended Carswell 1945-1951.
Kimball form 1951-1954--------------
Harold Mitchem
Do a good deed for free
Monday 24-Jan-2000 14:58:09
Dr Charles(Marshall/Doc)Chapman Class of '55 the grand fellow he is
and a credit to Welch HS sent the following message.
The web page above is a site which is about hunger. If you go to the
site they have a link on the left side for "contribute free food" go to
this and than click on the banner and free food will go out to various
places in the world. They have sponsors and they pay the cost. You can
hit it each day and it will go out. Pass this on to any one you choose
it may help alot of people. Thanks
Hey if it's free and does a good deed do the "right thing" go to the
site and click on contribute free food.
Tilford Marshall Class of '55
Re: Do a good deed for free
Monday 24-Jan-2000 15:38:48
If you are wondering about the validity of the hunger site please check
Re: Re: Do a good deed for free
Monday 24-Jan-2000 16:12:15
Thanks DSkuja for having the "smarts" to check out the validity of
the site I assumed coming from Doc Chapman it was on the up and up. I'll
follow your lead in the future re: freebies.
Tilford Marshall
Re: Re: Re: Do a good deed for free
Monday 24-Jan-2000 19:15:59
Hey Tilford.......I'm convinced......Nothing is "free"....whether in
the "real world" or especially on the internet. Isn't it nice to know we
have DJ to keep everthing in perspective? I continue to be amazed at the
number of scams and hoaxes out there. What's really sad is that they play
on the emotions of good-hearted people like yourself who want to do the
"right thing"...only to find us kicking ourselves for believing in the
overall good of humanity.........Believe me the overall good of humanity
(when it comes to the internet) went away a long time ago! Keep your kind
thought Tilford.....Don't give up on the rest of what's STILL GOOD out
there. We all appreciate that you cared enough to think of those in need
of that not so "free food". For those of us from our humble pasts in WV
we can relate to the importance of feeding the hungry....and to being hungry.
You're a good man Tilford.....with a good heart! We should all be as thoughtful
as you are!
RE: Do a good deed for free
Monday 24-Jan-2000 19:19:23
Sorry to sound so skeptical. Over the past few months we've all received
so many of those "forward this to 100 of your email friends and we'll save
the world" messages. I wanted to ensure folks this is NOT one of them.
In fact it's an awfully easy way to do a good deed and costs no more than
a few keystrokes and a minute or two of time.
new email address
Friday 21-Jan-2000 23:11:41
Class of 1971. Married 21 years. I have one daughter (Wendy Ciampanella
Watson) and one granddaughter (Britani Watson-8 yrs. old). I live in Columbia
SC. I would love to hear from old classmates. We come to WV atleast 1 or
2 times a year to see my parents and my sister. I miss the mountains the
snow the people. It is sad to look out and see no mountains. I am looking
forward to coming up for the 2000 reunion.
Linda Steele Langford
Thursday 20-Jan-2000 11:56:30
I never see any messages from the class of 1942. Is anyone still out
Robert Walls
Sunday 23-Jan-2000 19:22:18
I had two sisters graduated 40 and 41. Clara And Doris Burton. Maybe
you knew one or both of them. Clara is still living in Maryland and Doris
died in 1985.
Elizabeth Burton Drees
Iaeger website
Thursday 20-Jan-2000 07:59:00
Anyone know what happened on the Iaeger site that they closed their
message board down? They say something about language or whatever. Someone
must have been abusing it or threatening. Just curious.
Samuel Reeves
Re: Iaeger website
Thursday 20-Jan-2000 12:46:09
It only takes 1-2 people to mess something good up for every one else.
Now we all LOSE.
Re: Iaeger website
Friday 21-Jan-2000 13:42:15
Did anybody ever get the scoop on the Iaeger Alumni web site? Based
on the current information on their main page they (the webmasters and/or
IHS) apparently felt it serious enough to seek assistance from the McDowell
County Sheriff's Department. If anybody can shed some more light on this
issue please let us know particularly if it seems like something that could
ultimately happen to our WHS Alumni web site. Donnie
also curious
Re: Iaeger website
Sunday 23-Jan-2000 11:31:45
We have our web master to thank for not letting something like this
happen to our WHS website. Don Juan has spent many hours going over submittals
making sure that someone wasn't offended or abusive language wasn't being
used. We should all THANK her from the bottom of our hearts for keeping
WHS up and going! I for one thank her for saving my behind a few times
when my fingers got ahead of my brain...
Web Site Updates
Wednesday 19-Jan-2000 19:39:19
Added a copy of the WHS 1956 class at their 35th reunion in 1991. My
apologies for taking so long to get this posted. Bill Tolley sent it to
me months ago and it got "lost" somewhere on my PC for a while. You can
view it HERE
Also posted updates to the WHS
70s Reunion Page reflecting decisions made at the reunion committee
meeting earlier this month.
Donnie Skuja
Here's a few more Updates
Thursday 20-Jan-2000 22:37:22
Posted the group photo of the WHS
Class of 1969 at their 30th class reunion this past August. Added
the Coalfields
Expressway web site to our Links of Other Interest page.
We've received a few questions about the In Memoriam page and I'll
try to clarify a few things about it here. The list at the top is in alphabetical
order based on the last names as provided to us. Maiden names are not always
provided and may not be included. The write-ups are in date order with
the most recent death at the beginning.
Tuesday 18-Jan-2000 13:28:47
We are issuing a challenge to all graduates of our respective classes
- 1962 and 1964 - to donate the "amount" of our graduating year to help
fund extra-curricular activities at Welch Middle School. As teachers in
the county school system we are only too aware of the need for fund-raising
projects to help keep these programs afloat. The county BOE does all it
can to supplement extra-curricular activities...make no mistake...but there
are so many extras that are needed. During Sandy's coaching at Iaeger High
we had so many fund-raisers for Wrestling and Golf it would make your head
spin....same goes for my 2-year stint as Cheerleading coach. Sooooo think
about it.......if all of us join in this effort to help it WILL make a
difference. And yes I do feel like I get to give something back to the
memory of Welch High School....we must all feel that special way about
our Alma Mater or we wouldn't be on this webpage day and night!! Help keep
those "little" Waves ROLLING!!!!!!
Elinor Turner Bright & Sandy
Tuesday 18-Jan-2000 14:51:56
I challenge all graduates of 1957 to meet the challenge. If I may!!
Let me ask you a question. What kinda price can we put on education. Think
back when we were in school and the funds we had to work with and compare
them with today. I read and talk with a few of the people that graduated
from WELCH and they turned out pretty good.From a high school in southern
West Virginia out of the coal fields. I think WELCH TEACHERS turned out
some pretty smart and talented people. Lets try and give our followers
some of the FUN and enjoyment that we experienced during our time "ON THE
HILL". Those of you that can send what you can It's for a good cause.--Thanks
Harold Mitchem
Wednesday 19-Jan-2000 13:25:01
Count me in for the class of 1961 my check is on the way -- did not
graduate from WHS attended 9th & 10th grade then moved to Florida where
I graduated in '61. The kids at Welch Middle School deserve a chance to
have the best opportunities possible and for those of us that can help
I'm sure the teachers and students will be most appreciative of your generous
gifts whether it be $1 or $100. We WV folks never forget where we came
Sure appreciate those that have made this web site possible -- great
Dee (Santo) Qualls
Friday 21-Jan-2000 16:46:59
ron oliver
An opportunity to give a little back -- Copied from Recent Guest
Book Entry
Monday 17-Jan-2000 22:41:58
As WHS alumni we all know the importance of community spirit in making
school an enjoyable and beneficial experience for all students. Welch Middle
School carries on this tradition by involving as many students as possible
in a variety of activities. Through such programs as Making Positive Choices
incentive programs sports and cheerleading every child is given an opportunity
to participate. However due to the changing economic climate in Welch the
school finds that financial support is increasingly necessary to make sure
all students can enjoy these activities. A donation to these programs will
help insure this opportunity for all students. If you would like to support
our work please make a donation in an amount that represents your year
of graduation from WHS (for example $19.52 if you are a 1952 grad). Checks
should be made payable to Welch Middle School Boosters 225 Maple Avenue
Welch WV 24801. Thank you for remembering the school on the hill. The Faculty
and Staff of Welch Middle School.
Identifying Information
Tuesday 18-Jan-2000 12:44:11
This message appears on our guest book and it is from John Sparks on
behalf of the faculty and staff at Welch Middle School. John is a member
of the Welch Middle School faculty. His email address is
Donnie Skuja
Sunday 16-Jan-2000 23:44:19
Woody Hall(WHS '62)lives a short distance down the road from me and
called me tonight and told me about the web site. I've already received
an e-mail from Sandy Bright (WHS '62). Although I didn't graduate from
Welch High my heart never left and would love hearing from classmates.
Harry Ballard
Our Web Master
Saturday 15-Jan-2000 02:10:02
I want to thank you for the fantastic job that you are doing here for
the WHS Maroon Wave.
Bill Taylor
Re: Our Web Master
Saturday 15-Jan-2000 11:20:04
Hear hear!!! Donnie I cannot imagine being without the WHS webpage.
It is one of the bright spots of my day....everytime I click on I feel
like I'm "opening a present" never know who/what you might find
inside!! We have made contact with so many people we might never have found
without this site. Thanks for all your hard work and neat our
son would say: "you're the bomb".
Elinor Turner Bright
You're Welcome AND Here's NEW Web Page Stuff 4 U All
Sunday 16-Jan-2000 20:03:12
Thanks for the kinds words and support. I like working on the site
just as much as you all enjoy viewing it so believe me it's an even trade.
I've been in a creative mood this weekend and totally revamped the
main page. Click HERE
to take a look-see and let me know what you think. You may need to refresh/reload
to see the latest verson of this page.
Hope you Internet newbies as well as those of us who've been online
for a while will take time to visit the Web
Teacher an excellent site to learn about using the Internet. Thanks
to Dee Qualls for recommending this site to me.
Donnie Skuja
One More Browsing Tip
Sunday 16-Jan-2000 21:05:25
I'm not sure why this happens but it happens to me with our guestbook
page and some other non-WHS pages on the web. I click on a link to go to
them and my browser just runs and runs but does not load the page. Often
I can hit the stop (or interrupt) button on the menu bar and the page will
then load. Sometimes after interrupting the transfer I have to hit reload
to get the web page to load. Hope this is some help to you who report having
trouble getting to the message board and/or guestbook pages.
Donnie Skuja
Re: You're Welcome AND Here's NEW Web Page Stuff 4 U All
Monday 17-Jan-2000 00:10:33
Well Ma' as usual you have out done yourself again! I really like that
new Alumni page - especially that Maroon Wave! How will you top this one!?...
I won't worry since I know that you will surely think of something... WOW!
Maroon Wave logo
Monday 17-Jan-2000 01:07:31
I am right proud of creating that Maroon Wave logo; even my husband
(not a WHS student) thinks it is pretty cool. Thanks to Anita Hylton Hogue
(WHS '58) my "graphics consultant " for getting the white "MAROON" letters
set up so you could read them. Anita is always willing to lend a hand with
the WHS web graphics and I sure do appreciate her input.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Maroon Wave logo
Tuesday 18-Jan-2000 23:25:40
Donnie I'm always willing to help anyway that I can on the web
you I'm a puter nut...still looking for more '58 photos to add to our site.
Hylton aka Neeterbug
Great To See The Mayor "Sited"
Monday 17-Jan-2000 07:07:40
Donnie you continue to amaze us with all your fine work and the great
additions revisions and updates to an already excellent site. It's also
nice to see Mayor Martha Moore on the Home Page...recognition well deserved
for her dedication and seemingly tireless efforts as Mayor of our "hometown".
I knew she had to be "Queen of Something" in her WHS days! Thanks again
Donnie for all you do to make this site so enjoyable for so many of us!
Bob Greene
Re: Great To See The Mayor "Sited"
Monday 17-Jan-2000 12:24:16
Not only was Martha the 1960 WHS Homecoming Queen she was Queen of
the May Court that year and selected as Most Popular and Best Looking in
the Senior Class Who's Who. However, recognizing Martha's modesty I restrained
from posting all that on the main page. As well as I remember most if not
all of those positions were selected by vote of the student body. Martha
continues to be a People's Choice; and we are very proud of her.
Donnie Skuja
More Welch Pictures on the Web!
Saturday 15-Jan-2000 00:39:44
Thanks to Brenda Lombardo Turner and Pat Damron for sharing their old
postcard photos of the Welch area. Click HERE
to see them.
Re: More Welch Pictures on the Web!
Sunday 16-Jan-2000 20:59:53
These pictures took my breathe!!!.......
I may have been born many years later after these pictures were taken
(trust me I was) but in my mind THIS is my Welch! The pictures of the Grace
Hospital and the corner of Bank and Wyoming St. are just awesome. I delivered
many Welch newspapers in Grace and how sweet the brick streets look. My
Mother took me one night down town to the little side street beside the
park and drug store to practice my driving skills using a clutch and to
parallel park. I'll never forget how we laughed and how on earth I kept
from hitting one of the parked cars on that street is still a mystery.
(I got my drivers without a hitch on one of the rare days when school was
called of because of snow but that is another story.) Thanks for sharing
and how in the heck can I get a post card like that or just a copy of the
picture to carry around. I would bragg just a little harder if that is
Re: Re: More Welch Pictures on the Web!
Sunday 16-Jan-2000 23:10:03
Don't everybody run over to the web site all at once but every now
and then I see WV/Welch postcards on auction at Sounds like you
usually have to purchase several cards at one time. You never know a postcard
of something really special might be among them. One of the older WHS photos
featured on this site was obtained at
Wonder how many of us were delivered into this world at the Grace Hospital?
Carolyn Sue Mowdy class of 1964 deceased 1981
Friday 14-Jan-2000 02:16:53
I found out that my mother graduated in 1964 from WHS.She died in 1981
from lymphoma. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who remembers her
or ran with her. I also would like to have some copies of anything from
the reunions that would have her mentioned in them. I will pay for whatever
I can get. If anyone would like to email me or need to get in touch with
me I am more than willing to answer.I want to thank all those who answered
my emails to them personally. I just took a chance that someone would know
her and remember. A special thank you to Rhea. And a special I LOVE YOU
Renee Craft
Re: Carolyn Sue Mowdy class of 1964 deceased 1981
Saturday 19-Feb-2000 19:24:10
Dear Renee I grew up with your Mom in Davy. We were friends and schoolmates
at Davy and Welch even though she was older than me (1 yr.). She was a
very sweet girl as I remember and I felt so badly when she got sick and
then passed away. We called her "Susie" just like she and other friends
called me. I remember when she gave her heart to the Lord. You can be very
proud of your Mom and the memories she left behind Renee! A friend rembering
a friend Susie Gentry.
Sue Hornbuckle Gentry
Re: Re: Carolyn Sue Mowdy class of 1964 deceased 1981
Monday 5-Jun-2000 21:33:16
Just wanted to thank everyone who let me remember the bits and pieces
of my moms life. I have recently moved to Charlottesville VA and have a
hard road ahead for me. But I seem to feel her presence with me all the
time and I only hope that I can gather the strength that I am going to
need from her.My mom was liked by many. Once again thanks to you all. Renee
Renee Craft
trying to find someone who graduated with my mother
Thursday 13-Jan-2000 10:17:16
I am looking for someone who would have graduated with my mother Carolyn
Sue Mowdy from Davy. I would love to hear from anyone who may have been
friends with her or just knew her. I would love to hear about some of the
times at school or just anything that you could tell me. I miss her terribly
and would appreciate any information. Thank You Renee Email me anytime
Renee Craft
Re: trying to find someone who graduated with my mother
Thursday 13-Jan-2000 23:12:52
Renee - I remember your Mother well. She was a real card! Fun of fun
- a jokester! Just full of life...always laughing and having a good time.
I know someone who may be able to help you.
Class of '77 and the band
Wednesday 12-Jan-2000 18:53:09
Just checking back in and hoping to hear from band people and those
rowdy people from the class of '77----- and any other WHS people with cool
stories to tell
Web Site Updates and administrative stuff
Wednesday 12-Jan-2000 01:57:46
First be sure to check the What's
New web page to read about how you can obtain John Spencer's
(WHS '58) new 2000 wall calendars and a new West Virginia web page we have
discovered. Second please remember to either set your browser preferences
to compare the web pages you are viewing to what it has saved on your PC
(so it will properly show you the updated version) or to select the reload/refresh
button from your browser menu bar when you view the WHS Web Site pages.
Based on messages I've received from several of you you are not seeing
the most current versions of some of the WHS web pages. I will do my best
to keep you informed on this message board and on the What's New page of
any significant changes but I haven't yet figured out how to make your
browser automatically show the most current web pages. If you have any
questions about this or know how we can prevent this problem please email
Donnie Skuja
Pocohontas Theater
Tuesday 11-Jan-2000 19:30:40
I was wondering how many people from Welch and the surrounding area
remember when Jackie Cooper the child movie star appeared in person on
stage at the Pocohontas Theater. It was in the early 30's. Buddy Rogers
invited me to play with him and Jackie on the hillside behind his house.
He was just like any other kid except he was a star. I got a free pass
to see him perform that evening. Many times I would help Raymond Walker
put up posters on telephone poles for that I got free passes also. Loved
the westerns at Temple.
John J. Bero
Re: Pocohontas Theater
Friday 14-Jan-2000 07:42:05
My dad fell in love with my mom at the Pocahontas Theater. He worked
in the projection booth after school and Mom who worked at the Dollar Store
for Myer Bell at the time modeled dresses and sang on the theater stage
at intermission. The dresses she wore were from Sam Bell's dress shop and
one it particular was blue. The song that Mom sang was Alice Blue Gown.
That and Always became their songs. They were married in 1936 and had nearly
59 wonderful years of marriage until Dad's death in 1995. The Pocahontas
Theater will always hold special memories for our family.
Karol Radochio
Re: Re: Pocohontas Theater
Friday 14-Jan-2000 08:43:43
That is the sweetest story I have heard in a long time. How appropriate
so close to Valentines Day. What wonderful memories that little town holds
for all of us. I am in love again with Welch of course! (But everyone knows
by now how much I love Welch without "the rest of the story!" HA)
Pocohontas Theater
Saturday 15-Jan-2000 02:04:40
OK Rhonda I am glad your cleared that statement.
A Blessing for the New Year and beyond.
Monday 10-Jan-2000 13:16:15
In the name of God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit One
God. Amen!
O'Lord my God I pray that all have a Blessed New Year. Father Grant
us all Great Charity Inner Peace and enduring Compassion for all You Creation..
Teach us to take each moment we have remaining with Prayers Unceasing
Humility and Spiritual Strength.
Help us to endure the Heart Aches in the coming days and even years
with Great Strength of Faith so that when we are in the midst of Loss Sickness
and Great Pain we may Praise You most Holy Name.
Grant us that with the tides of time we never lose the Hope of Life
in the Resurrection Love for one another and memory of things that important
to the Growth and Maturity of our Spiritual Selves as well as Family Friends
and Home.
Show us that with Faith we may obtain the Approachable Wealth of Life
Eternal the Undieing Love of Your Only Begotten Son and Peaceful Repose
that is Jesus Christ.
O'Heavenly Father come within us and forgive our Iniquities and Heal
our Infirmities and teach us to pray without ceasing the Prayer of the
Heart "O'Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner." with
every beat of our hearts and every breath we take..
Michael Zuchick III
Thank for reminding me Danny. Class of "72" Year Book Replacement
Monday 10-Jan-2000 12:58:32
In Christ all
Lost my "72" Yearbook almost 20 years ago with no idea as to how I
can replace it.. Anyone with and ideas? Of course I can never replace the
memories of the notes placed in it by dear friends but would like to have
it replaced so that I can look and remember the faces of my classmates
friends and yes, even old sweethearts.
Michael Zuchick III
Re: Thank for reminding me Danny. Class of "72" Year Book Replacement
Monday 10-Jan-2000 15:13:45
You might want to try this site to see if they can replace your lost
WHS yearbook:
There's also a Jostens site for questions. Perhaps they can tell you
how to access the Jostens archives for '72 high school yearbooks. This
is presuming that Jostens was still doing the WHS yearbooks in '72. It's
a "long shot" but still better than "no shot".
Here's the Jostens Q/A site:
Info. regarding Class of "72" Yearbooks
Monday 10-Jan-2000 15:55:35
In Christ
I will let you know what happens with Josten when and if they contact
me about the Yearbook.
Michael Zuchick III
Checking Back In
Saturday 8-Jan-2000 07:31:32
Checking back in again. Site is getting better all the time and have
been contacted by four former classmates from 1953. Has it been that long?????
Visited my in-laws in Gary last year and took a drive to Superior where
I spent the first 15 years. Took pictures of the vacant space where our
house used to be in Stringtown. Took pictures of the train tunnels and
the old route 52 and the creek. Many memories of times spent in the mountains
and walking up the side of the mountain to the airport. Remembering the
air show that the pilot went off the end of the runway everyone ran that
way and he came up the other side of the valley and fooled everyone. Thanks
for the memories.
Frank Reeves or Sammy Reeves or the old nickname of Pig...
Samual Franklin Reeves
Looking for High School Sweethearts
Saturday 8-Jan-2000 00:37:01
Valentine's Day is just around the corner (oh you men quit your groaning....)and
what better way for us former WHS students to celebrate than to recognize
those of you who attended WHS and found the love of your life there? A
few of you have already sent me some pictures to post on our Valentine's
Day web page but we'd love to have some more. So if you and your significant
other attended WHS let me hear from you. We are looking for photos to share
-- from then and/or now. And if you want to share your love story that's
ok too. Just click my name on this message and send me your story or ask
me about how to get your pictures posted.
Be sure your photos are included on the Valentine's Day page
Sunday 16-Jan-2000 20:09:54
I know there are more of you out there. Please any of you former WHS
sweethearts who ended up marrying each other send me your photos to be
posted on the Valentine's Day Page. Don't put it off another day. February
14 will be here before we know it.
Donnie Skuja
If you women don't quit bothering me ....
Monday 17-Jan-2000 11:33:42
You'd think after 30 years....
Jim Crockett
Re: If you women don't quit bothering me ....
Tuesday 25-Jan-2000 02:20:47
You'll be SORRY you didn't take this opportunity to WOW your honey
IF your honey was a WHS student. You could have your and her picture up
there on the web pages with a few lines from you telling everybody (and
her) how much you still care for her after all these years.
Seriously folks we've received several responses and I'm looking forward
to posting our Valentine page; it's gonna be loverly.
Donnie Skuja
Class of 54- e-mail me'
Friday 7-Jan-2000 21:13:36
I am new at this computer life but I will answer your E-mail. Jenny
Jenny walls justice
Re: Class of 54- e-mail me'
Monday 24-Jan-2000 09:55:20
Jenny I lost your Email address or I would have written before now.
Drop me a line and we can exchange notes. Dean
Dean Sizemore
Friday 7-Jan-2000 18:55:56
If anyone knows of a way to replace a lost WHS class ring please contact
me. It has bothered me to not have it for many years and I never knew a
way to replace it. Any and all information is appreciated.
Thank you
Danny Bohin Atlanta Ga.
Friday 7-Jan-2000 23:49:02
You might contact Bal Four - they did all the class rings way back
when... otherwise you can order one from any jewelry store and get the
WHS emblem on it... Call any high school and ask them who they use and
if it is Bal Four then get the address. I do know that there is one here
in Houston.
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