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You are viewing the third of seven Maroon Wave message boards.
Assembly Hall
I Assembly
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Message Board WHS
Alumni Web Site
Search WHS Alumni Web Site:
(This page is quite lengthy;
if you are searching for a particular message or for a person's name, try
using the Edit function from your browser's tool bar, then select the Find
function and type in the information you are seeking. )
Mar 19-2000 to Jun 9-2000
Donna Whittaker Testerman Welch High Class of 1975
Friday 9-Jun-2000 09:02:57
Donna Whittaker Testerman Welch High Class of 1975 passed away on Tuesday
June 6th. Her Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Saturday at
Craven-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell. (Information from Bluefield Daily
Vanessa Robertson
Search Engine & Message Board Format
Thursday 8-Jun-2000 18:31:27
This search engine is one of the most complicated things I've ever
pursued; however I will not let it get the best of me. The current status
is that you should be able to click on the Search buttons and find just
about anything about anybody that is listed somewhere on the WHS Alumni
Web Site. That's the good news. The bad news is that I can't seem to get
the links posted correctly at the top of this message board page and IT'S
Donnie Skuja
Re: Search Engine & Message Board Format
Friday 9-Jun-2000 07:24:39
I tried the search the other day. Should have said something then.
"It is wonderful!" I was amazed on how well it worked no matter what you
type in.... Donnie this is the greatest thing next to "actually finding
your lost friend and giving them a hug!" YEAH! YOU DID GOOOOOOD!!!
Did search engine eat the Missing Persons page?
Friday 9-Jun-2000 10:02:46
No, the Missing
Persons page is still there. It took me forever to find it last night
so I thought you all would appreciate a link somewhere anywhere to access
it. There is also a link to it on the main WHS Alumni Web Site page and
the Other Links page. I'm still working on fixing those confounded links
at the top of the message board page.
Re: Did search engine eat the Missing Persons page?
Friday 9-Jun-2000 18:19:11
You have done a great job Ma and we all appreciate you more and more
each day... you just want perfection! But I did get on one page and couldn't
get back to the Alumni page...hey what the heck! I just went to my Favorites
box and dialed up again! ha
Living here.
Thursday 8-Jun-2000 17:58:04
I have been around the world but the place I call home is here. I love
McDowell County and the people here. You have the right to feel the way
you do. I'm proud to have grown up here and I'm especially happy to remain.
I teach fourth grade and I love my job. I have loved dealing with these
McDowell County children for nearly thirty years. Please e-mail me with
your comments about WV and why you feel the way you do. I'd be happy to
hear from you pro or con. Roger
Roger Harrison
Re: Living here.
Friday 9-Jun-2000 09:55:28
I agree with you 100%! It really gripes me to hear people put down
West Virginia in general and McDowell County in particular. If it were
not for the education we all received in McDowell County schools where
would most of us be now? I would love to move back home. I've lived in
Virginia for 21 years and would move back in a minute if there were any
jobs. There are no people in the world like McDowell Countians and there
really is "no place like home".
Diane Turner Clemins
Re: Living here.
Friday 9-Jun-2000 15:04:33
Roger I still consider Welch and McDowell County "home" and am grateful
to you and all the others who have stayed and tried to carry on. I too
feel like I got a great education in McDowell County schools and am thankful
for all the caring teachers I had. I still enjoy hearing from people back
home although I don't get back as often as I would like. Ed and I always
enjoy seeing and hearing from our family and friends back there. You're
the best!
Linda Parsons
Tuesday 6-Jun-2000 18:00:51
Hello Just read your message I lost so many e-mail addresses please
do send an e-mail back to me just hope you remember me my picture is in
the 1954 On the Hill book. I live in Va Beach VA anyone close by?
Again look forward to replys.
Magdalene Kennett
Greetings from Alabama.
Tuesday 6-Jun-2000 16:15:28
A little history of myself.Retired from United States Air Force with
22 years of service on August 1980. Married for 40 years. Currently I am
medically retired. My wife and I have two daughters. I have a BSBA degree
in Business Administration. MY oldest daughter has a degree in Information
systems. My youngest daughter has as PHD in Mechnical Engineering.
Lonnie Akers Class of 58
Cindy Reese Sams Needs to Hear From Friends
Monday 5-Jun-2000 17:12:06
We have received word that Cindy Reese Sams who grew up in Havaco and
attended WHS in the mid-60s is dying of brain cancer. She could really
use some phone calls and mail to help her spirits. You can contact Cindy
Cindy "Reese" Sams
1412 Bronx
Kalamazoo Michigan 49001
or email Cindy at
Cindy's husband will make sure she gets any email you send to this
Re: Cindy Reese Sams Needs to Hear From Friends
Monday 5-Jun-2000 19:29:12
For those of you who don't remember Cindy - she was the cutie who used
to be so allergic to posion ivy that she used to catch it if the wind blew
just right! Every spring there was Cindy all covered in pink medicine or
white shoe polish being itchy and miserable! Yes Cindy we certainly remember
that cute little curly hair girl covered in posion ivy! Here is hoping
that you will be feeling much better after reading this and remembering
all those "itchy" days!
Rhea Romans
Re: Re: Cindy Reese Sams Needs to Hear From Friends
Monday 5-Jun-2000 23:44:51
I'm not sure Cindy or her husband are accessing the message board so
perhaps we should also send our thoughts and prayers to her via email and/or
snail mail. Sorry I did not make that clear before.
Re: Re: Cindy Reese Sams Needs to Hear From Friends
Thursday 8-Jun-2000 17:38:32
Cindy I know we wrote but our system has been down and
now school is about out and I'm not guaranteeing that I will stay in touch
but its been great. To a wonderful gal from House 7 Havaco Bottom from
the guy who lived in House 3 I wish you all the best and keep in touch.Roger
Roger Harrison
Re: Cindy Reese Sams Needs to Hear From Friends
Wednesday 7-Jun-2000 23:33:05
I remember you Cindy. I came to stay with Rhea Romans 1964 - 1965.
Cindy Gods Speed.
William (Bill) Taylor
Search Engine for Guest Book
Monday 5-Jun-2000 17:05:48
We finally have a search engine for the guest book AND it works! Just
enter the name (or year(s) of attendance at WHS) of the person you are
looking for and you will get a list of guest book pages where the name/year(s)
is mentioned. One easy way to view the search results is to right click
the entry you want to see and select Open in New Window. Then you can close
that window and you will be back at the search results page. If there are
more search results just select the next one you want to view (using Open
New Window). There is a link back to the guest book at the top of the search
results page
I'm trying to get this set up so the search will include all the old
guest book entries. Keep your fingers crossed on that one. I'll also get
something similar set up for the message board SOON.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Search Engine for Guest Book
Monday 5-Jun-2000 19:32:05
Thank you Ma for thinking of the Search Engine! It works it works!
I tried it out late last night - or early this morning...depending what
part of the US you are in or what other Country. WHEW! What a time saving
tool - Thanks again!
Cherene DuBois
Search Engine for Guest Book - Update
Tuesday 6-Jun-2000 12:37:42
Sorry I forgot to say that you have to enter the name or year you are
looking for in the search block at the top of the guest book page.
NOTE: These searches now include all the previous guest books all the
message boards and the In Memoriam page. I'll be adding a search form to
all of those pages in a few days.
D Skuja
WHS Class of '65 - Happy 35th Anniversary!
Sunday 4-Jun-2000 12:47:46
I still can't believe we graduated from WHS 35 years ago tomorrow.
It was great to see some of you at the Sensational Sixties Reunion last
year. I have enjoyed receiving emails from some of you this year. It would
be neat to hear from everyone from the Class of '65 to see how you are
doing. If you are out there in cyberspace please sign in. Reading all these
messages is the next best thing to a reunion. Hope to hear from a lot of
Linda Parsons
Re: WHS Class of '65 - Happy 35th Anniversary!
Sunday 4-Jun-2000 20:19:16
Thanks Linda for reminding us of that "long ago" day...I will alert
Scott Robinson and Roger McKinney since they are within a stone's throw
of where I live... It was an exciting time - but yet a very sad day when
we walked down that "hill" for the last time to venture out into the world
and make our "fortunes" which were made mostly through "hit and miss"...
some of hit most of us missed...but that is okay too. We are all still
family and no matter what role has been given to us - there is always our
WHS classmates who are there to stand by each and every one of us - in
the good times and the bad times...and that is what counts more than anything
else in life. As our Mother's used to tell us - Make new friends but keep
the old the new are "Silver" - but the old ones are "GOLD"... Love to all
of you and please always know that I think of you everyday - the good times
the bad times the funny times the sad times...and that I am here for you
when you need a friend...By the way does anyone else remember how HOT those
robes were on Graduation night! WHEW! (Or was I having hot flashes before
my time!?)
Rhea Romans
Re: Re: WHS Class of '65 - Happy 35th Anniversary!
Monday 5-Jun-2000 07:23:00
35 YEARS! Hello to all the WHS Graduating Class of 1965! Can you believe
that much time has gone by? Seems like only yesterday we were in those
hot robes grabbing for our diplomas and waiting for our lives to begin.
Good thing life really begins at 40.....
Sandy Parsons Bailey
Re: Re: Re: WHS Class of '65 - Happy 35th Anniversary!
Monday 5-Jun-2000 08:15:21
Hello to old friends from Welch High class of 65. I have been in Huntsville
AL (home of Homer Hickam) for fifteen and a half years working for Intergraph
Corp. I'll be going to the Y2K Hatfield-McCoy reunion
in Pikeville KY next weekend (June 11). Does anyone have a flak jacket
and helmet that I can borrow? ;^)
Jim (a.k.a. Jimmy) McCoy
Re: Re: WHS Class of '65 - Happy 35th Anniversary!
Friday 9-Jun-2000 00:55:20
Well guys I hate to tell you this but we didn't graudate on June 5th
- it was June 3rd! hahaha See what OLD AGE does! I was talking to Brenda
Dunn McCormick and she reminded me - now how does SHE remember - she and
Bill were married on Friday June 4 1965! The day after graduation! hahahaha
Now that is really a good way of keeping your dates straight! Forget that
Wedding Anniversary and just see what happens! What's a day or two either
way - well at our age...the wrong way and someone might miss out!
See Some Grade School Photos of WHS Class of '65 HERE
Tuesday 6-Jun-2000 17:43:13
Wednesday 7-Jun-2000 18:20:16
For any '65 grads who went to grade school "On The Hill" you'll enjoy
taking a look at these photos. If you're not in them We're sure there are
tons of folks you know....who are! We're sharing the goodness of those
younger more innocent years On The Hill......Remember?
Photo Bug
Wednesday 7-Jun-2000 20:45:21
Karol and Bobby - thank you so much for the wonderful pictures. Although
I was a Superior-Maitland kid I still recognized a lot of the Class of
'65. You haven't changed a bit!
Linda Parsons
Wednesday 7-Jun-2000 21:42:09
Hi to everyone Thank you Rhea for reminding me of this anniversary.
I was out of town went to fabulous Las Vegas to visit my son (didn't win
that Mercedes) but had a good time. Talk to y'all later Dee
Delores (Fairbanks) Murdoch
Re: WHS Class of '65 - Happy 35th Anniversary!
Tuesday 13-Jun-2000 09:16:48
To anyone who knows the email or snailmail for Bridget McCoy. I was
totally in love with her from the Welch record hop on Sat. morning. I was
from Caretta and attended Big Creek High School.
Robert Shoun
Here 'Tis
Tuesday 13-Jun-2000 11:56:28
Bridgett McCoy Email:
Woops! Corrected Email Address for Bridgett
Tuesday 13-Jun-2000 12:03:44
Woops I misspelled name on above email address for Bridgett McCoy.
Her correct email address (as sourced from the WHS search engine at top
of this page)is:
ebay posting about Bernice Lee Morris WHS '38
Saturday 3-Jun-2000 15:33:55
A friend sent me a copy of this posting on the Rootsweb McDowell Digest.
From: "Kyleen Gavin"
Sent: Friday June 02 2000 9:52 PM
Subject: [WVMCDOWE] Bernice Lee Morris
I frequently check the items on EBAY hoping to find some family heirloom.
This is not my family but it is someone's Thought I would post a heads
up in case she was your family member. I have no part in the listing of
this item. ITEM #347561515 - diploma of Bernice Lee Morris from Welch High
School. Graduated 1938.
Good Hunting !Kyleen Gavin Researching: KYLE
Donnie Skuja
Homer's new book "The Coalwood Way"
Friday 2-Jun-2000 22:41:12
I had the honor and pleasure of receiving an advance reading copy of
"The Coalwood Way" this past week. The final publication is still scheduled
for release in October but rest assured this is another well-told heartwarming
story. I laughed right out loud over some parts and as in "Rocket Boys
" shed a few tears from being reminded of how good it was "way back when
n McDowell County." It covers the same time period as "Rocket Boys " focusing
more on the personal lives of those same boys and their families and the
fate of Olga Coal Company's operations in Coalwood. "The Coalwood Way"
is another great tribute to the good people of McDowell County.
And GUESS WHAT? Homer had indicated he would try to mention some Welch
kids in his next book and by durn he did! Some of you have already been
notified about this and I'll try to reach the others before the book comes
Donnie Skuja
Re: Homer's new book "The Coalwood Way"
Wednesday 7-Jun-2000 07:57:02
It's a good thing you live in MD and I live in Southwest VA. This would
be the first time I would commit a crime. I'd be in your back door so fast
that you wouldn't know it until you missed your manuscript. I can hardly
wait until I can get "my" hands on one. Boo hoo crying in my coffee!!!
Does this look like jealously on black & white? Well if I had any luck
it would be no luck at all. (Are you coming home any time soon? I'll meet
you there with my reading glasses in my pocket...)
Re: Re: Homer's new book "The Coalwood Way"
Thursday 8-Jun-2000 12:15:40
My husband won't let me take the book out of the house -- not even
to show my Mom! You'll like having the final completely edited version
better anyway. I hope they keep the same pretty picture on the cover.
The "70's" Reunion.....
Friday 2-Jun-2000 14:30:03
In Christ all \
ue to my health I will not beable to attend the "70's" Reunion but
rest assured I will be with you all in Spirit.. Please remember me there
because I will be looking through my Yearbook and remembering all of you..
May God Bless you all. Michael the Sinner
Michael Zuchick III
charlotte gillespie-jeanette deskins-francis cline-geneieve walls
Thursday 1-Jun-2000 08:57:24
hi old friends. if you see this leave me a message. will give my email
address to you then
shirley hall
Re: charlotte gillespie-jeanette deskins-francis cline-geneieve
Saturday 3-Jun-2000 07:34:12
Shirley Dean Sizemore e-mailed me that you were on the web. Get in
touch. Would love to hear from you by way of e-mail.
Re: Re: charlotte gillespie-jeanette deskins-francis cline-geneieve
Friday 9-Jun-2000 18:05:50
Hi Shirley I lived in Davy saw your message. Also a distant relative.
I contacted Jeanette Deskins to let her know that you were trying to make
contact. I tried the E-mail that popped up but it wouldn't go through.
If you want further contact you have my mail address. Good luck in finding
the other friends.
Daune (Hall) McCulloch
Class of '52 Reunion
Thursday 1-Jun-2000 07:03:37
Just a reminder that the Class of '52 with some members of the Class
of '53 is having a reunion on the 23rd and 24th of June at the Ramada Inn
in Bluefield WV. For more information contact Richard Farthing 6 South
Farmer St. Richlands VA 24641 or Barry Shrout 232 Robanna Drive Seaford
VA 23696 (757) 898 4174.
Barry Shrout
Wednesday 31-May-2000 14:53:59
Hey all of you 1970's graduates who have not sent in your reunion information
and fee yet - it's not too late! You can still send in your forms and check
to attend on June 30 July 1 and July 2. If you did not receive the information
please Email me and give me your mailing address right away and I will
send you the forms immediately. We don't want anyone to miss out-it's gonna
be great!
Death of Harold Turner Carol Turner Collins' father
Wednesday 31-May-2000 11:19:42
Just a note to let you know that Harold Turner Father of Carol Turner
Collins - Class of 1975 - passed away after a long battle with cancer.
The wake was May 30 and the funeral May 31. Carol is a dear friend to many
of us and she has worked extremely hard on the 70's reunion while also
taking care of her father. Those of you who might like to send her a card
to let her know you are thinking of her can send it to: Carol Collins Quail
Valley Estates 124 Sparrow Street Princeton WV 24740. Thanks.
Cathy Jack
Re: Death of Harold Turner Carol Turner Collins' father
Wednesday 31-May-2000 23:15:31
For those of you who don't know Carol. She is Connie Collins' wife
- Don Juan Collins younger brother who graduated along with his twin -
Ronnie; in 1964. We all want to reach out to our former classmate and his
wife at this time and let them know that we are here for them. Our
Hearts are with you both...
Rhea Romans
Re: Death of Harold Turner Carol Turner Collins' father
Wednesday 14-Jun-2000 20:17:36
Dear Carol I was reading the message board when I found that
your dad had passed away. I wanted to let you know that I care and I will
be thinking of you. I am very sorry. If you need me I am here.
I would love to see you. Anita
Anita Gravely Cole
trouble with server
Wednesday 31-May-2000 01:56:36
i am having trouble with my server and computer cannot recive e mail
or send hope to have problem fixed soon???????
bobby bolen
Re: trouble with server
Wednesday 31-May-2000 21:43:21
If you have Outlook 2000 it could be a corrupted file! Good Luck with
that one! If you just can't get them through - go to enter
your normal email address and password. Your email will come up - it an
email that is too big is blocking your sending and receiving you can delete
it from there - I KNOW! This is solely from experience...txditzyblonde
whose is ALWAYS having email problems!
Tuesday 30-May-2000 19:22:16
If you haven't done so already you may want to take a look at the "Missing
Persons" page on this WHS website. Noticing that a lot of folks are using
the Message Board to try to find others it seems that the "Missing Persons"
page (which is very user-friendly) might be a better option for such searches.
That way everyone will know where to go to look for whomever; and it might
be a great place to find out if someone is even looking for YOU! Donnie
Skuja has done a great job of setting up this particular page in response
to WHS alumni requests. So it seems appropriate to give it a try and see
if it works. If anyone is looking for folks or thinks s/he might be the
object of someone's particular search this is definitely the place to go
and check. Wishing you "good luck" in your "search" endeavors!
Saturday 10-Jun-2000 10:44:01
I have lost Linda Counts' email address. Could someone who has it please
email me.Thanks
Friday 23-Jun-2000 14:50:10
I am searching for Betty Loudy (class of '62.) She lived in Roderfield.
After graduation she went into the Air Force. Was later stationed and married
I am also trying to make contact with Virginia Kelly who was a social
studies at WHS. She once lived on Virginia Avenue.
Rose Marie (Gorchick) Biester
WV Book Company
Monday 29-May-2000 23:31:01
I recently discovered an online book store some of you may want to
know about. It's The West Virginia Book Company
located in Charleston WV. They carry a large selection of WV-related books.
One of the novelists they feature is Lee Smith. If you haven't read any
of Lee Smith's books I highly recommend any one of them. They are sure
to dredge up some memories of growing up in the mountains and just might
put a few smiles on your face.
Donnie Skuja
Welch in Fiction
Thursday 1-Jun-2000 17:54:15
Donnie Skuja's recent mention of Appalachian writer Lee Smith put me
in mind of some connections between McDowell County and fiction.
Here's a grabber to get it started: Joanne Woodward played a movie
character who was native of Welch. The character was based on an actual
Welch woman.
But before I get to that: -- The aforementioned Lee Smith is a wonderful
writer who has caught the spirit humor and darkness of Appalachia. She
is from Grundy Va. and now lives in Chapel Hill N.C. according to an official
Web site on her work. You can get much information about her by clicking
on the following link:
In her short story collection "Me and My Baby View the Eclipse " Smith
sets one story in Welch. I'll leave it to you to figure out which one.
Now who is the best writer to come out of McDowell County? I have no
doubt. It's Denise Giardina whose "Storming Heaven" in 1987 and "The Unquiet
Earth" in 1992 are linked novels about the people of the Southern West
Virginia coalfields. The former book covers the early days of unionization;
the latter reaches into the 1970s and echoes the Buffalo Creek dam break
that took many lives. Giardina's work shows a great affection for working
people and their families and it is this belief in the worth of people
I believe that elevates her fiction.
You can learn quite a bit about Giardina through the following link: Now about
Joanne Woodward playing a fictional character from Welch. Here's how it
goes. The 1970 movie "WUSA " starred Paul Newman and his wife Woodward
who played a character named Geraldine. In the film Newman's character
says he's from Pennsylvania which in his view gives him a similarity of
experience with Geraldine. "Same hills " he says. Her react
TEE HEE HEE -- RHEA ROMANS WORSHAM IS 53 (or 58 -- Can't Remember!)!
Monday 29-May-2000 18:52:55
Happy Birthday Rhea Jean Romans Worsham (5/28/00)! It seems like only
yesterday you were just a roller-skatin' baton twirlin' WHS littl'n! I'm
a little confused on just how old you are. Not sure if it's your 53rd or
58th! Anway here's wishing you the happiest of birthdays and many more
to come. I just love sending these birthday greetings to OLDER folks!
The Rhear's best b-w!
rj's 3b-w
Re: TEE HEE HEE -- RHEA ROMANS WORSHAM IS 53 (or 58 -- Can't Remember!)!
Monday 29-May-2000 23:16:48
Well Rhea you were asking for some action on the message board. Looks
like you got it! You can't be 58 though that would make me the oldest person
Re: TEE HEE HEE -- RHEA ROMANS WORSHAM IS 53 (or 58 -- Can't Remember!)!
Tuesday 30-May-2000 00:41:23
Okay 3(b)+ W... I thought I was safe this year but I should have known
that you would hit me from the rhear when I least expected it! Yep I was
hoping that we would get some action on the WHS Message board but little
did I realize that I would be the "rhearend" (butt) of it! But alas dear
one October is just over the horizon. Soon to be upon us and I await it's
return with BAITED BREATH! NO I AM NOT 58 and you know it! I may look it
but I still have about ummmmmm that many more years before I have to claim
it..then again I may just start going backward in age... Thank You and
Thank You Ma for is friends like the two of you that keep
life interesting... and going and going and going... Glad to see that you
both had a SAFE holiday...Hugs and Kisses to my extended family...
Re: Re: TEE HEE HEE -- RHEA ROMANS WORSHAM IS 53 (or 58 -- Can't
Tuesday 30-May-2000 09:10:39
wait until you get to where if it does't hurt it doesn't work
Jerry Farris
Re: Re: Re: TEE HEE HEE -- RHEA ROMANS WORSHAM IS 53 (or 58 -- Can't
Tuesday 30-May-2000 15:09:26
Happy Birthday Rhea - we graduated the same year so I know you are
39 (FOREVER)!!! Have a great day.
Linda Parsons
-- Can't Remember!)!
Wednesday 31-May-2000 01:26:52
Actually I am only 35 - never have hit the big 39 yet! hahaha... You
better know it girl! I am never going to be OLD! Rightttttttttt...Thanks
and hugs and kisses to all of birthday cake was a praline ice
cream cake and it was YUMMY! (and guess where it landed after I ate it
- you got it - on my rhear!) Have the rest of you noticed that when you
hit that magic age everything ends up on your rhear!?... Thanks again for
remembering my big day (I think)...
Re: TEE HEE HEE -- RHEA ROMANS WORSHAM IS 53 (or 58 -- Can't Remember!)!
Wednesday 31-May-2000 09:33:12
Rhea.....Happy Happy Birthday and may you have many many many more
happy bd's! Does that make me almost 53 too? Guess it does (in December).
That makes you older than me(ha). No wonder I feel so tired all the time.
Sandy Bailey
Re: Re: TEE HEE HEE -- RHEA ROMANS WORSHAM IS 53 (or 58 -- Can't
Wednesday 31-May-2000 21:45:48
Your age didn't ssem to bother you one bit when you were winning that
TWIST contest last year at the 60s Reunion! hahaha Thanks Sandy!
Pocahontas Coal Association Web Cast
Monday 29-May-2000 18:05:10
The 4/13/00 meeting of the Pocahontas Coal Association included presentations
by local high school students of their winning essays on coal. These presentations
including one by MVHS student Shannon Heata can be viewed online HERE.
Real Player or Windows Media is needed to view the web cast and links for
downloading are provided.
I thoroughly enjoyed hearing all of the essays and think many of you
will find them interesting.
Donnie Skuja
Monday 29-May-2000 15:16:06
Hi everyone. Have been looking for information on classmates from the
class of 1944. Not much out there. Anyone know if Peggy Grey is still alive?
Does anyone know Lenora Murphy's new address? This has been lots of fun.
Great website
Josephine Norris
Re: CLASS OF '44
Monday 14-Aug-2000 13:42:57
Hi; I was in the class of 44 @ WHS but I was drafted into the Air Force
in April 18th 0f 44. I enjoy very much viewing the guestbook of WHS gang
on the hill with much interest.After the war I finished my schooling and
ended up in the field of education and retired after 30 years.I was born
and raised in Twin Branch WVa Please say hello to all the old GANG ON THE
J. Howard Collins
Wanda B. Simons is now online!!!
Sunday 28-May-2000 19:28:00
It's great to be online!!! Would love hearing
Re: Wanda B. Simons is now online!!!
Tuesday 30-May-2000 15:16:48
Saw on the message board that you are now on line. So let me say hello
from an old Hemphill friend. Wanda if Pete has a email address send it
to me in a message. This is my email address I will
be waiting to here from you.
Pete Plymale
Re: Wanda B. Simons is now online!!!
Wednesday 31-May-2000 23:25:47
Hi Wanda Please send me an e-mail. I tried to send you one and
there is something wrong with these addresses. It won't send it and it
gives me a message saying your address is too long. I have tried both of
them:. Great to see you at out meeting.
Love, Phyllis
Phyllis Hyder Isaacs
Friday 26-May-2000 22:52:54
Just finished putting up my American Flag and a red white and blue
wreath on my front door to give Honor to all of those who have given their
lives so that I might have a better one. Here is hoping that each and everyone
of you have a FUN but SAFE MEMORIAL DAY weekend. By the way - Asprin is
better than Tylenol for that "left over" headache - Tylenol makes the liver
look like swiss cheese after a while and can be lethal!... OOPS there I
- I love each and everyone of you dearly...
Rhea Romans
Seaching for: Junior MITCHELL
Friday 26-May-2000 16:35:52
I am attempting to locate anyone who is familar with a man my mother
Carol Stringer (WHS Class of 55") was seeing in 1960-1961 known by friends
as Junior Mithcell real name possibly is Walter Mitchell. Mithcell is my
father and I am attempting to locate him possibly in Lynchburg Virginia
area. I would appreciate any correspondance thank you.
Jeff Driskill Sr.
phone: (847) 608-1975,Jeff Driskill Sr.,
Re: Seaching for: Junior MITCHELL
Monday 29-May-2000 07:17:02
Jeff Try the link below to search for your dad. If he is
listed in a phone book this link will pick him up.
Good luck, Oda Stout
Carol Sue STRINGER: Class of 55'
Friday 26-May-2000 16:25:19
I am searching for persons who have known my mother Carol Sue Stringer
(Driskill) who graduated in the Class of 55'. She lives in Chicago Illinois
now with three children including myself. I am specifically seeking anyone
who was close to her after graduation particularly around 1960-1961. Seeking
information about my father. I would appreciate any correspondance.
Jeff Driskill Sr.
phone: (847) 608-1975
Jeff Driskill Sr.
Re: Carol Sue STRINGER: Class of 55'
Friday 26-May-2000 20:10:58
Re: Carol Sue STRINGER: Class of 55'
Tuesday 30-May-2000 20:07:21
I have been searching for your mother. I graduated with her and our
class is having a reunion October 6th 7th and 8th. I would like to send
her information regarding the reunion. Would you please send me her address?
You can go to the "Reunion" site and check on details. In response to your
question I am sorry but I know nothing about your father.
Judith Hulme Beuchert
Lost & Found Page AND Some New Links
Tuesday 23-May-2000 21:11:19
It's not exactly what I think you all had in mind but you do now have
a page where you can list MISSING
PERSONS. I'll get the appropriate links added to the rest of the site
in a few days. Note that our Other
Links of Interest page now includes a link to David Goad's (Rhonda
Lane's honey) Coalwood Memories
web site. Of particular interest on this site is the changing picture album.
Be sure to take a little time to watch the graphics change; pretty cool
And finally thanks to "Rachel's" earlier entry on the message board
we have listed the High School
Alumni on our Student
Locators web page. I was able to help at least one of our alumni listed
there find the WHS Alumni Web Site. Perhaps you too will find somebody
you knew in high school listed there.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Lost & Found Page
Wednesday 24-May-2000 21:22:53
The link to make an entry on the Missing Persons page is now working
correctly. Sorry about any confusion; I simply typed in the wrong thing
for the link!
Donnie Skuja
welch west virginia graduates 1954
Tuesday 23-May-2000 10:07:35
would enjoy hearing from anyone from the davy area
shirley hall
Re: welch west virginia graduates 1954
Tuesday 23-May-2000 20:01:04
IN 52
Re: welch west virginia graduates 1954
Tuesday 23-May-2000 21:13:34
Hi Shirley It's been many years since those dances at Davy Jr.
High with Miss Shoemate. Remember??? drop me an Email at
Re: welch west virginia graduates 1954
Sunday 25-Jun-2000 20:42:22
Shirley, Remember me? I remember your beautiful red hair and big brown
eyes. I miss everyone. Drop me a line. I live in Uniontown Ohio (outside
of Akron). Several people have been in touch. Jeanette
Jeanette Deskins
email addy Gwen (Martin) Lucian
Sunday 21-May-2000 10:29:23
Gwen your email got deleted (oops) before I had added it address to
my address book rsvp
Sorry 'bout that
Another Way To Find Your Classmates
Thursday 18-May-2000 20:04:32
Hi. I hope you don't mind me posting here I didn't go to Welch High
School but my parents did and all my aunts and uncles. I was at
looking for my old classmates and saw that some people from the welch area
have registered there.
They don't have a Welch High listing but the listings for Mt. View
go back to 1955 so far they only list the years that someone has registered
in. I was assuming that these 'older' folks no offense! are really from
Welch High.
I thought you might want to check over there and tell those folks about
this site and maybe register yourselves.
I really enjoyed looking over your site I found some pictures of my
aunts and uncles. I've never seen their high school picures so that was
a lot of fun:)
Thanks hope you have a nice day:)
Re: Another Way To Find Your Classmates
Saturday 20-May-2000 16:10:48
Thanks for sharing that site with us. You are correct WHS did close
in 1978 and there are several of us "older folks" listed with Mount View
High School at; only a few whose names I've seen on
our WHS Alumni guest book or message board. I'd tried previously to get
WHS listed on this site but they apparently can't/won't list schools which
no longer exist. I'm glad some of our WHS alumni were sharp enough to go
ahead and register. In addition to adding a link to
web site I'll attempt to email those WHS alumni already listed there to
ensure they know about the WHS Alumni Web Site.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Re: Another Way To Find Your Classmates
Saturday 20-May-2000 19:22:44
I just figured out why I did not recognize some of the names listed
here for the pre-1979 students. A few of them attended Gary High School
which merged with Welch High School to form Mount View High School. NOte
that Gary is not listed at either and probably for
the same reason Welch is not listed.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Another Way To Find Your Classmates
Tuesday 23-May-2000 20:05:36
Thursday 18-May-2000 16:11:34
Tuesday 16-May-2000 15:23:56
We have not heard from all of you where are you?? We have heard from
about 25 -1963 grads to date and we have invited 1962 and 1964 and have
not heard from any of you. If you are one of these folks or if you know
someone spread the word and contact us at Hope
to hear from you soon.
Golden Anniversary Reunion (49-50-51)
Tuesday 16-May-2000 10:18:46
Interested in playing Golf at our reunion next month. Any one has information
on who is in charge of Golf on Saturday would appreciate their phone number.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Hassel A. Blankenship
Death of Mr. Lassak
Monday 15-May-2000 20:33:49
I'm very sad to report that former WHS band instructor Joe Lassak passed
away on Saturday May 13 2000 in Westerville OH. Funeral arrangements will
be through Fanning Funeral Home in Welch. Visitation: Thursday May 18 6-8PM
with Rosary at 7:00PM Funeral Mass: St. Peter's Catholic Church 10:00 AM
Friday May 19 with burial at Monte Vista Cemetery Ceres WV (near the Mercer
County Mall).
Family address
Monday 15-May-2000 20:47:48
The only family address I have thus far is for Joseph "Skip" Lassak
which is: 780 S. Old 3-C Hwy. Sunbury Oh 43074
Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Monday 15-May-2000 22:31:47
The world has lost a truly great leader. This one man has changed so
many lives during his tenature as WHS band director. Yes he may have chewed
our rearends out but we probably needed it. I will forever remember the
sound of that window stick that he carried around to beat out the time
for those of us who had two left feet and no concept of 4/4 or 3/4 time...WE
DO NOW THOUGH! He may have been hard on us and stern in his mannerisms
but it was all out of love and caring what would become of us when we walked
off that "Hill" for the last time on graduation day... Thank You Mr. Lassak
for a lesson well learned.
Rhea Romans
Re: Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Tuesday 16-May-2000 09:21:33
Yep Rhear I too can still see "Mr. Lassak" in what's left of "my mind's
eye" still rolling around the band room on that rolling secretary's chair
he always used pounding out the beat of the music with that ol' window
stick.......stopping every once in a while to take a trumpet (especially
mine) or trombone from one of us to "tune it" as he rolled by. What an
"ear for music" and an "eye for talent" this wonderful gentleman possessed.
Having been ONE of those who always seemed to make Mr. Lassak look at the
floor squint and rub his bronzed hand through those 3 hairs on his equally
bronzed head I still always felt honored to be in his band......the biggest
LOUDEST and best band in that land we called "home". God rest his good
ol' soul. As a wonderful inspiration to probably thousands of us Mr. Joe
Lassak was (and remains) among the most wonderful people I've ever had
the privilege to know. Needless to say we'll all remember him with affection
and with our gratitude.
Bob Greene
Re: Mr. Lassak
Wednesday 17-May-2000 14:32:04
Thinking back (to the late 50's and early 60's) when the WHS marching
band was "the cream...if not the berries" I think Mr. Lassak had a special
purpose in how LOUD our band played. Not only were we precision drilled
in field fundamentals (such as "double to the rear with a slight hesitation
by the right flank triple to the left flank march!") Mr. Lassak had the
wisdom to know that VOLUME could mask a MULTITUDE of errors & missed
notes when we played! As one of those who missed more than his fair share
of notes I'm convinced that's why we were the absolute loudest band (and
best band) in those hills of Southern West Virginia! Thank goodness for
the "exceptional" musicians (Sam Rickman Tommy Harris etc.)who could play
the loudest and were OUTSTANDING and musically precise enough to "cover-up"
for the rest of us! From Summer Marching Band Camps at the old Maroon Wave
field to sweaty July and August afternoon rehearsals in the band room On
The Hill Joe Lassak "worked us with a purpose". And the discipline he instilled
I'm sure has served so many of us very well through these years! These
are among the wonderful memories I'm proud to share of one of the most
influential periods and persons in those "formative years" of my life.
Thank you Mr. Lassak! You'll forever be remembered for all you did for
so many of the students "On The Hill" and in our wonderful little community
of Welch West Virginia.
Third Chair Trumpet
Re: Re: Mr. Lassak
Thursday 18-May-2000 00:03:23
I was so sad to hear of the passing of Mr. Lassak. My heartfelt sympathy
to his family.
I had the blessed experience of knowing him from 1956-1961. He taught
me music and how to play the clarinet before I had the priviledge to march
as a majorette. I was so proud to be in that great WHS Band.My memories
of sitting in the band room struggling to learn a classical piece for our
annual spring concert to those rip roaring football games and riding on
the buses are treasures.I always loved and respected Mr.Lassak because
he gave all of us a chance to learn music as well as discipline and pride.
I remember how meticulous our uniforms were and the time it took to get
prepared for a performance. I know God is watching and protecting him like
he did us.I always knew he was counting heads when we were away from home
and he always saw to it that we got back safe. I recall how he always marched
beside us during parades and when I saw him out of the corner of my eye
I put my shoulders back further held my head higher and watched my line.He
was a father teacher and a dedicated leader.Thank you for being such a
major part of my formative years and I wish I had had the wisdom to tell
you when I had the chance.
Brenda Conn Norwood
Re: Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Tuesday 16-May-2000 16:05:03
Adding to Bob's concept of what Joe Lassak's job will be in Heaven...can't
you just hear him yelling at Grabriel about that flat note or St. Peter
being out of step or yelling at all the new Angels to guide right and get
in a straight line! Wonder if they will have a place with the yards marked
off to practice their field formations or be like the rest of us and just
use some old parking lot and pretend that those lines exist... but it is
for sure he will have some wonderful musicians awaiting his arrival! He
will be missed by many and talked about for the next hundred years as being
the most influential person in so many of our lives... Thanks "Joe Baby"!...Also
thanks to Skipper and Becky for taking care of him for the past few years
and for being so patient during those times when the "going got rough".
You two have earned stars in your crown and well be justly rewarded one
day for just being there and loving him. I want to personally thank you
for the sacrifices you made by opening your home to him and not sending
him to just any old nursing home to live out his days...I salute you for
Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Tuesday 16-May-2000 13:03:33
Thinking about Mr. Lassak's death made me wonder if he ever realized
just how many lives he touched shaped and molded. Did he have the same
endearing memories that he gave us? I will remember Mr. Lassak with a touch
of fear but mostly with admiration love and great respect. We have lost
the father of our band family and we are saddened.
Karol Radochio
Re: Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Tuesday 16-May-2000 17:05:35
My uncle "Joe" was really a wonderful man. Although I never had enough
nerve to be in his band I will never forget his enthusiasm for life. Skip
and Becky took wonderful care of him and we will all miss him.
Mary Friel Fanning (WHS '78)
Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Tuesday 16-May-2000 20:43:56
Mr. Lassak was a pioneer that paved the way for so many young kids
including me. The school gave us the instruments to use free and he gave
us the kind of freedom that could engulf our souls in the beat of a drum
and the pat of a gentle foot. He teachings were of strict discipline as
well as music. He gave us a vision for the finer things in life and helped
us find our own self worth with the spirit of music like no other can compare.
When you saw his arms go up and the tap of the drumstick or the pat of
his foot you knew you were entering another world. Music was his strength
and before long he made it yours! Whether you were in the band or clapping
your hands while listening to the music our high school spirit was baptized
over and over again each time we played. I am sure that even today the
band room still echoes with his voice and the music plays on. I loved him
dearly I will miss him.
Rhonda Lane Goad
Re: Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Tuesday 16-May-2000 22:52:50
I was deeply saddened when I heard of Mr. Lassak's passing. I always
knew that I wanted to be a teacher but when I encountered Mr. Joe Lassak
for the first time my career seemed to take shape. It was with the discipline
love kindness honesty and sincerity that Joe Lassak showed that was truly
an inspiration to not only myself but to all the kids. As a music teacher
now for almost 20 years I have always drawn upon the skills he taught us.
The thing that meant the most was the fact that he treated us like humans
instead of stupid kids. There was discipline tempered with love. The stories
expresses by the others who have left messages here echo my sentiments.
He was a fine human and I loved and respected him. Joe hope all you kids
have made you proud. To the Lassak Family--- My heart is with you. This
makes all those band stories so much more precious. You should never forget
the gifts given in life--- especially those of a man who gave his heart
and his soul to others.
Harriet Cooper Blake
Re: Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Monday 22-May-2000 08:57:27
Mr. Lassak was an institution at WHS and WJHS. Without him our band
program would have struggled. I always enjoyed his leadership and remember
how he was always warning us that it was a different world outside McDowell
County. One of my favorite memories of Joe Lassak was that he made a great
community Santa Claus. For several years he was the Santa in our Welch
Christmas parade. Even though there were tough burdens in his own life
he delighted in bringing joy to children all over the area. There was a
lot of Santa Claus in his own personality. God bless you Santa Joe!--Ray
Ray Kiser
Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Thursday 18-May-2000 09:46:11
This is indeed a sad day in the history of WHS. I grew up with Tommy
and knew Mr. Lassak when I was a kid. My first impressions of him were
made at St. Peter's Catholic Church where he was a very active member.
I'll never forget the Lassak family Mr. Lassak Skip Tom and Mary Marguerite
sitting in that front pew every week. They were a special family with special
intentions. My best early memories though were from the St. Theresa Society
Christmas Parties. Joe Lassak was undoubtedly the best Santa I ever saw
as a kid. Not only did he look good in the suit but he brought Santa to
life with that wonderful spirit and enthusiasm of his. What a wonderful
feeling it was when he called your name to get a present and you knew he
was the REAL Santa because he knew your name and just filled all of the
conceptions you had of Santa. Everytime I hear "Here Comes Santa Claus"
I see Joe Lassak busting through that right-rear door in the Appalachian
My experiences in the band we much like others have described but I
know I wouldn't have gotten half as much out of the band as I did if it
hadn't been for him. He WAS the Welch High School Band. We weren't allowed
to play just the "trio" of the popular college fight songs like everyone
else played we played the entire thing. Not many people even know there
are other parts to the "Notre Dame Fight Song" or "On Wisconsin". He always
reminded us of how well we did compared to the other bands that had adequate
practicing facilities. Although I tried to play high school sports my best
conditioning came from those marches from the old train station (now the
library) to the new train station and back again and again in the hot summer
sun. And he was always right there with us
Skip Tom Mary...thanks for sharing your Dad with us. I know your loss
is great but he's now reunited with his loved ones. Remember the song "If
There's A Rock and Rol
Re: Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Thursday 18-May-2000 10:20:30
As I sit here reading through these wonderful messages and crying my
heart out I feel so proud to have been a part of this GREAT BIG FAMILY
we knew as the WHS Marching Band. So many people didn't realize that our
band played the original St. Louis Blues Air Force Blue Washington &
Lee March etc... and now I know that playing the original long versions
of those songs were to prove to us that we could do ANYTHING we set our
minds to do! Mr. Lassak loved the military songs and that precision marching.
I can remember his telling about his experience at Pearl Harbor - yes he
was there. I can also remember being told that our band had been invited
to march in the ROSE BOWL parade - but there were no funds nor time enough
to raise them from the time Mr. Lassak was notified to the Parade Date
- but just knowing that WHS good enough to be invited was rewarding enough
to give us pride in our band and ourselves. Roy I can tell you that marching
all day in the sun on that hot asphalt and then back up to the top of the
hill at the end of the day did indeed get you in shape to play football
and any other sport. The WHS band invented aerobics! The double to the
rear with a slight hesitation etc...drill kept us on our toes. Brenda I
was lucky enough to get to say Thank You at my 20th Reunion - and lucky
enough to have One Last Dance - with Joe Lassak...
Re: Re: Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Thursday 18-May-2000 13:16:18
Isn't is amazing just what a profound impact one man could have on
so many lives? Mr. Lassak not only directed us he gave us a sense of direction.
He gave us the courage to look toward the future and all of its possibilities.
He bolstered our self esteem and empowered all of us to go out into the
world and be the best that we could be. He cared for and believed in us
Although I only saw him sporadically during the last 30 years
we always kept in touch at Christmas. When no card arrived this past Christmas
and knowing that he had been in ill health for some time I tried to prepare
myself for this day. As sad as his death makes me I am also happy that
he is in a kinder gentler place hopping from cloud to cloud as he continues
to direct us from above.
To Skip Tommy and Mary Marguerite thank you for sharing you dad with
us for so many years. To Becky and Skip thank you for taking such good
care of him. To Mr. long old friend. I will always love and
miss you.
Gayle Harless
Re: Re: Death of Mr. Lassak
Sunday 21-May-2000 23:10:45
I will never forget you Joe keep em in step until we get there.
Luther Marshall
Saturday 13-May-2000 16:14:00
Hey Don Juan Skuja with all these "looking fors" and "where they at
now" postings for people seeking to find other people why not add a page
just for "Lost & Found Folks"? Seems like everybody is looking for
everybody else and it doesn't look like they're having very much luck finding
them! Maybe they can find them better if they're just listed all together
on one page! Just a suggestion. And it'll help all these folks "hook-up"
in one place....once and for all. Here's hoping they do!
Saturday 13-May-2000 19:50:10
Good Idea. I have tried to help. This would also help with lost ones
for reunions. EL
Give me a bit more info...
Sunday 14-May-2000 23:43:10
I'm not sure I understand this request (for a lost and found page).
I think people are in fact finding some of the "lost" folks from these
postings. It's just that the "lost" folks are not sharing their whereabouts
with everybody else. I'd appreciate hearing from some of you who have posted
these missing persons requests. Have you been able to locate anybody this
way? And if so have the people later signed on at the guest book or on
this message board page?
Some people simply don't want their email and/or whereabouts posted
on these web pages but are willing share that information directly with
specific individuals. In other words I'm not sure what our success rate
would be for posting information found about the "lost" folks. HOWEVER
I never say never....I'd like to hear more from you all about this idea.
Don Juan Skuja
Re: Give me a bit more info...
Monday 15-May-2000 13:09:11
Hey DJ:
All you need is more work right? Maybe there's enough "pages" on the
site already; and if the Message Board works for "folks looking for folks"
then I'd say just leave it at that. I reckon I can understand that some
folks don't really want their whereabouts to be known 'specially those
maybe runnin' from the law their in-laws or the "revenuers"! Whew! We don't
wanna go THERE! Heck some of us can't even remember WHO we'd want to look
for anyway! I'd say the site is wonderful just like it is. You do great
work DJ! Just add me to the many others who have thanked you so much for
what you do on this site. You make it a real joy to visit! 'Course if anyone
is lookin' for me just tell 'em they'll have to go to the Rhear! (LOL)
Re: Re: Give me a bit more info...
Monday 15-May-2000 20:15:22
As usual the RHEAR is at the end of the line!
But agrees with 3(B)+W=... if they want us to find 'em they'll let
us know! I beg WHS alumni everyday to sign on and sign in to the Website
so that we can keep up with them - but I DON'T WANT TO HEAR NO YELLIN'
WHEN THEY MISS THE NEXT REUNION because we didn't know how to get in contact
with them! So come on guys when you take a look - sign on in and let us
know that you are there and still proud of being a MAROON WAVE!
3(B) + w =
Don't want to sign in
Monday 15-May-2000 20:39:29
And if you are not comfortable with sharing your whereabouts with the
world but would like to be sure you are informed of upcoming reunions please
try to contact one of your former classmates and let them know where you
are. Also check the WHS Reunions web page every now and then to see if
an upcoming reunion for your class has been announced.
Wanda Mullins
Thursday 11-May-2000 19:13:25
Anyone know the wherebouts of Wanda Mullins? She was from Blcher Mt.
Re: Wanda Mullins
Sunday 14-May-2000 22:14:01
Wanda Mullins was married to Jimmy Davis at one time. Why are you looking
for her? Email me back. Maudine (Hooker) Davis in Chicago.
Maudine Davis
Re: Re: Wanda Mullins
Monday 26-Jun-2000 23:01:04
would she be any kin to Pete Mullins? Linda French
Linda French
where is Debbie Christianson
Thursday 11-May-2000 10:44:13
Does anyone know where she is thank you. MM
Mystery Man
Thank you all
Wednesday 10-May-2000 19:05:05
Thanks to all I have heard from and hope to hear from more. Have not
gotten back to those I have heard from have company til 23 May and will
get back to all after. I have been trying to find an Eleanor Sue Queen
can anyone help me? Magda
Magdalene Kennett Ferrell
Wednesday 10-May-2000 18:29:07
This coming Sunday is Mother's Day. We would appreciate your sharing
with us via our Message Board any stories you might have of a very Special
Mother and/or Mother's Day you have experienced. Grandmothers and Step
Mother stories are important to us also... Please feel free to share...Thanks
Wednesday 10-May-2000 11:09:02
Looking for Lawrence Phillip Smith graduated from Welch High School
in 1968. Mother was Ann Johns.
Debbie Waldron
Saturday 13-May-2000 19:47:27
Ann and Jimmy Johns live in Princeton WV and Naples in the winter.
His sisters are on the web and were at the '60's reunion last July. You
should hear from one of them. Keep trying.
Wednesday 24-May-2000 17:19:18
If anyone has any information on the address of
Luther Marshkk
looking for some friends
Monday 8-May-2000 14:18:26
I am looking for some friends back in welch area. I graduated WHS in
1957 and would sure love to hear from some body. I am now living in Columbia
stanley Hughes
Class of '56 Grade School Pictures AND some Postcards
Sunday 7-May-2000 15:55:02
Earl Jones, WHS '56 has updated his web page which features Grade
School Photos of some of the '56 graduates. He also has posted some
really nice Postcard
Views of Early Welch.
Great job Earl! Thanks for sharing with us.
Donnie Skuja
WHS Class of '57 Reunion Photos Posted
Saturday 6-May-2000 21:27:40
The 20-year and 1995 Class
of '57 reunion photos are now posted. My apologies to Faye Tolley Milam
who sent me these photos some time ago; it seemed to take me forever to
get around to posting them on the web. However I think you '57 seniors
will really like them. I tried something a little different with this web
page. Let me know what you think of the results. Also be sure to email
me or Faye if you can help identify some of these folks.
Donnie Skuja
Hello Class of 1955
Friday 5-May-2000 14:21:04
Would love to hear from classmates from the WHS class of 1955 or residents
of Twin Branch during that time.
Nelle Pollock Kost
Re: Welch High School Yearbooks
Friday 5-May-2000 17:38:27
looking for a 1965
Any 1973 yearbooks available?
Friday 5-May-2000 17:59:38
Looking for a 1973 WHS yearbook to buy or borrow for scanning.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Welch High School Yearbooks
Monday 15-May-2000 20:21:41
I am looking for a 1952 Year Book - my was destroyed in a fire. Also
would be interested in a 1949 - 1950 - 1951
Re: Re: Welch High School Yearbooks
Saturday 20-May-2000 22:57:15
Am looking for a Welch--1955 year book and Kimball Jr. High 1952-53-54--
Carswell Grade school 1945-51 Thanks
Harold Mitchem
Monday 1-May-2000 23:50:52
I would like this opportunity just to say "THANKS" to all who work
so hard to keep this web page going for all of us. They do a super good
job!! There is never enough thanks to go around for the people that think
about others. I enjoy reading about all the things that are going on even
if I don't know the people. I have made a lot of contacts with old friends
and I have made some new ones. Shareing Is what life Is all about and we
all lived and shared a life time of memories in the hills of good OLD WEST
VIRGINIA. I for one treasure the lessons that the hard life in the coal
camps tought me. I treasure every day and remember all the good times "ON
THE HILL". They were lessons to teach us what life was all about. Hope
every one enjoys this as much as I do. TO all involved I say "THANKS AND
A JOB WELL DONE"-----Harold
Harold Mitchem
Tuesday 2-May-2000 14:34:57
See there Ma' you ARE appreciated! What would the WHS alumni do without
you?... I too want to say THANKS! and let you know that you are a "perfect"
diamond in the rough! Just ask 3(b)+ w = !
Tuesday 2-May-2000 15:53:33
Yes I do greatly appreciate the positive reinforcement but this site
wouldn't be anything without all the wonderful input from you folks such
as pictures to post updates on events like the reunions the message board
entries information on new Welch/WV-related web sites etc. Just keep letting
me know what you want to see/hear on this site and I'll do my best to get
it for you.
Donnie Skuja
Tuesday 2-May-2000 16:27:44
I too wish to thank everyone who keeps this website going. I check
it often and have renewed old friendships and made new ones. It is always
good to hear news of the Welch area and to remember the good times "on
the hill". Keep up the good work.
Faye Tolley Milam
Still waiting for the Class of '77 to tell their stories
Monday 1-May-2000 20:15:36
May Day/May Pole Dance
Saturday 29-Apr-2000 00:42:08
I was talking with Delores (Fairbanks) Murdoch and remembering our
days at WHS. While in Jr High school we were sujected to having to dance
the May Pole for the May Court... Ms. Margaret McCoy was in charge of that
little act and she was a true task master! Perfection was her game! Is
there anyone else out there that can remember those days of the May Pole
Dance? I later "tap danced" to those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of summer with
Elizabeth we pretended to play tennis! Barbara Ward - music
teacher - was the brains behind that one - along with that umbrella act
that about 50 girls put on!... Then there was the "Hoot e' Nannie" group
that I sang with - the Tabor twins - Pat and Patty Nick Bowen and Betty
England...Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley! Then there was the song that
Pat and I had to hold a note forever - while the rest of the group sang
a line one by one and I think maybe they were slowing the beat down purposely!
hahaha Hey it was fun and I have memories to last a whole life time and
then some...but that May Pole Dance! WHEW!!!
70's Reunion-Memorial Service for Deceased Classmates (Names needed)
Friday 28-Apr-2000 12:02:57
A Memorial Service for Deceased Classmates will be held at Mt.View
Stadium (former Maroon Wave Stadium)in Welch on July 2 2000 at the conclusion
of the 70's reunion. Names of all the deceased classmates for the years
1970 to 1979 will be read and acknowledged.
If you know for sure of a deceased classmate please send those names
along with year of graduation or intended graduation to me or Diane Hall
soon so that the list can be compiled.
Family and friends of any deceased classmate will be allowed to attend
the Memorial Service in addition to any classmates attending the reunion.
This part of the reunion is open for the public to attend. We can not list
the names if we do not have them. Thanks for your cooperation.
Michael F. Brown
Jeannette Walls
Thursday 27-Apr-2000 23:51:54
I think the Jeannette Walls that went to WHS in the late 70's has a
gossip column now through msnbc I tried to find out but they will not forward
my e-mail. Does anyone know if this is true or not?
Chris Sturgell
Re: Jeannette Walls
Monday 1-May-2000 10:56:52
Chris Carmella called me and said she saw Jeanette on TV being
interviewed on one of the talk shows but I can't remember which one. Anyway
she has a book out about gossip in Hollywood. I will have to check with
Carmella again to get the name of it. This was a few months ago.
Cathy Jack
Re: Jeannette Walls
Tuesday 2-May-2000 15:39:39
I saw this site on MSN today:
Is the MSN column to which you were referring?
I tried sending an email using the address provided on that page. Will
let you know if I get a response.
Donnie SKuja
Re: Jeannette Walls
Wednesday 3-May-2000 14:50:40
I believe the Jeannette Walls (gossip columnist on MSNBC) is the same
Jeannette Barrett Walls who recently published the book ... "Dish: The
Inside Story On The World Of Gossip" which was released in hard cover March
2000. That same Jeannette Barrett Walls also published a paperback in January
1999 entitled "Nannie's Kitchen Keepsakes & Recipies". Might this be
the same Jeannette Walls from Welch? I'm inclined to believe the maiden
name of the Jeannette Walls in question might be "Barrett" since she includes
that in her pen name of her published books. Hope this helps(?)
Re: Jeannette Walls
Thursday 4-May-2000 06:34:43
I don't know Jeannette Walls but I got into a great search engine - I typed in her name and there were many many web sites.
I found one with a picture that might be of help. It's a long one but here
I couldn't find any information about her being from Welch but maybe someone
will recognize her from this picture.
Karol Radochio
Re: Re: Jeannette Walls
Thursday 4-May-2000 14:40:53
Yes that is Jeanette Walls from Welch. Carmella Belcher Browning (Class
of 1978) has seen her on TV several times and the last time she saw her
she was being interviewed about her book "Dish etc." I just couldn't think
of the name of it when I left a message before. Anyway she was from Grandview
Street in Welch. . Her maiden name is Walls. Her mother was a teacher here
and she had a brother and 2 sisters- Maureen and Lori. She seems to be
doing well these days. We can all be very proud of her!!
Cathy Jack
Re: Re: Jeannette Walls
Thursday 4-May-2000 14:42:08
That is the same Jeanette Walls from Welch. She graduated Class of
Re: Re: Re: Jeannette Walls
Thursday 18-May-2000 14:07:57
Rob and I spoke with Jeanette several years ago "BC" (before children)
and she sounded fantastic. She had gotten our number and just called out
of the blue one night. We must have talked until 4am. I think she was in
New York at that time. I was excited to see this and have sent her email
at the gossip address. Will let Class of 1978 know what I hear back. Mary
Mary Friel Fanning
Re: Jeannette Walls
Friday 19-May-2000 06:25:49
I heard via email from Jeanette last night. She is still living in
New York but currently in Seattle promoting her book. She would love to
hear from former WHS Classmates. Her email is
Mary Friel Fanning
Thursday 27-Apr-2000 01:51:00
Now what does one do when they fly to Hawaii to spend time walking
on the beach at sunset with that special "mysterious" man in one's life...
you get on MSN messenger and email your friends for hours! hahaha I felt
as though I was there too! I could see the sunset feel the mist from the
soft warm rain falling softly on my face and even taste the pineapple in
their drinks! So I put on my Moo Moo and enjoyed the chat! First it's a
cruise then a trip to Europe and now Hawaii - Carolyn more power to you
and your travels...and thanks for sharing your experiences with your!
Thursday 27-Apr-2000 18:19:02
WOW! Sounds like fun to me. Carolyn when you settle down long enough
to check the message board hope you will share some of your travel experiences
with us. You DO get around girl! Have fun.
Donnie Skuja
Saturday 29-Apr-2000 00:32:26
What a way to go! One flies to Hawaii to get away from their neighbors
and what happens - one is there in the same hotel as you are and you come
face to face! His name - Richard (John Boy) Thomas...from the Waltons!
How exciting! More than that - he sat down at the computer and we had a
"chat" on MSN Messenger! Is that "fat"! I was so excited that I couldn't
think of half the things I wanted to say...haha me at a loss for words!
But I did say the other half! Our Carolyn really knows how to vacation!
Web Page Updates
Wednesday 26-Apr-2000 22:49:42
The following minor changes have been made to the WHS web pages: Thanks
to Lloyd Dingus Class of '41 we
now have a name for the young lady featured at the top of the 40s
Pictures page . She is Helen Swim who was in the WHS class of '42 or
And Amy Sizemore helped us identify her Dad Jackie Sizemore and alumnus
Sandy Beverly in the Class
of 1969 Reunion photo.
Also note that the committee for the WHS
Class of 1960 reunion coming up this fall are meeting in Princeton
WV May 19-20.
I haven't lost the photos several of you were kind enough to send me
over the past few weeks. Just been a bit busy with other things but will
get them posted to the web very soon. The additional WHS Sweethearts page
is turning out very nicely.
Donnie Skuja
More updates
Thursday 27-Apr-2000 18:21:46
Just got a message from Joe Crockett identifying several others in
the 1969 reunion photo. Thanks Joe.
1969 Reunion Photo Update
Tuesday 2-May-2000 17:49:22
We've got all but one of the persons in this photo identified now.
(Thanks for your input Rhonda.) Let's see if we can put a name to this
face before the anniversary of this reunion!
Looking for someone from the Vaughn family of 1950s Roderfield
Saturday 22-Apr-2000 20:32:40
I lived in Roderfield from 1950 to 1959. Part of this time I lived
with the Vaughn family. There were 14 children and my best friend was Robert
Eugene Vaughn (shaver). The father was Jim and mother was Minnie. The children
were Paul Louie Thelma Lorraine Helen Donnie Jean Margaret Jo Jimmy Billy
Ronald Jerry Gary Robert and Betty. Any help will be appreciated. I think
most of them moved to Ohio. Thank you.
Samuel Franklin Reeves
class rings
Saturday 22-Apr-2000 11:26:01
If anyone knows what company made the class rings for 1960 please let
me know.
Re: class rings
Saturday 22-Apr-2000 12:36:22
It was Jostens who did the class rings. Their home web address is
Death of John Smith's Wife
Saturday 22-Apr-2000 06:51:05
On April 15 Marilyn "Mimi" Smith died after a 7 month illness. She
was diagnosed with liver cancer in September. She was married to my brother
John class of '57. I know John would be pleased to hear from old friends.
His address is: P.O. Box 587 Ft. Ashby WV 26719.
Linda Smith Stacy
Re: Death of John Smith's Wife
Sunday 30-Apr-2000 21:01:46
All my thoughts and prayers are with you John
Pat Donnelly Bradley
Friday 21-Apr-2000 17:27:39
The Easter Frog is on his way! Yep tomorrow night that old frog will
start his journey across the nation hiding colored eggs leaving behind
chocolate covered bunnies peeps jelly beans Pok E Mon gum peanut butter
eggs Sticky Sticky! Yummmmmm!!! Hey where did all the patent leather shoes
go!? Must be the "leather" part - don't kill the animals??? Easter has
certainly changed over the years... from Easter Bunny to Easter Frog! (just
kidding).. but traditions have really changed - if there are even any at
all. I remember waking up to find my Easter Basket of which the handle
promptly broke and I had to carry it in my arms... Then we got dressed
and took off for the Sunrise Services which were held in the middle of
the night as far as I was concerned! Then we returned home ate a wonderful
breakfast of chocolate whatevers...while Mom wasn't looking! Then it was
off to Easter Sunday Services Easter Egg hunts dinner on the "ground" (picnics)
etc .. ALL DAY! Each family became a unit within a unit for all families
spent the day at church - whatever church of their choice. I can still
see those long tables laid out with food - anything and everything one
could think of being on that table was there! Everyone cooked a full meal
and laid it out for any and all who attended. Isn't it odd that back then
we didn't get food poisoning from the food being "off temp" for hours at
a time?! Remember those dresses - all that stiff petticoat stuff that is
only used by the little girls who are in beauty pagents now days! Patent
leather shoes new hair dos - remember those home perms! (Toni and Tonettes)
I sported a "fro" years before they were the "in" do - and not by choice!
Sometimes our family would steal away from the church and take a ride to
East River Mt. for our very own picnic outing...those were the days before
parks and picnic was dinner on a blanket table cloth - or sit
on the car bumper! Easter Sunday evening was always
Looking for friends.
Friday 21-Apr-2000 14:24:36
I would love to hear from anyone who went to school with me in Roderfield
or Welch. Last year to attend Welch was 1961. I would have graduated in
Edna Frances Mabry Rouse
Re: Looking for friends.
Sunday 30-Apr-2000 21:42:45
Hi....I definitely went to Roderfield Elem. with you....remember me???
Many happy memories of days there and great memories of our years ON THE
HILL....where did you go in '6l?
Elinor Turner Bright
1975 Addresses NEEDED
Thursday 20-Apr-2000 07:56:57
Please let me know if anyone knows the addresses of the following 1975
classmates!!! Time is getting closer for the reunion!!! Please respond
Billy Barber
Lee Lafferty Jr.
Rodney Belle
Ronald Lobas
Danny Blankenship
Art "Ottie" Lowe
Bertha Breeden
Darrell McDaniels
Rosa Brewster
Edward McDaniels
David Burks
Willette Mosby
Lou Ann Cochran Burks
Debra Ann Mullins
Michael Coe
Doug Mullins
Maurice Conley
Otis Mullins
Cindy Crockett
Barbara Patterson
Blanche Deberry Moore
Ricky Rocchi
Thomas Dent
Zabatka Walder
Donna Gates
Lorelie Walls
Scott Glover
Sandra Webb
Lowell Green
Patricia Widner
Justina Hale Young
Patricia Williams Tate
Linda Hale Aguebar
Nancy Helm
Freddie Jackson
Barbara Justice Mullins
Cheryl Stepp Trull
Re: 1975 Addresses NEEDED
Friday 21-Apr-2000 10:53:05
Cheryl I sent Carol some addresses yesterday. They were the last ones
I had. I might be able to get a few others. How is everything going? I
will be in Roanoke for Easter. Just a weekend trip. I'm saving all of my
leave for the summer.
Vanessa Robertson
REUNION!!!! REUNION!!! 1962 1963 & 1964 GRADS- WHERE ARE YOU????
Wednesday 19-Apr-2000 14:23:08
Since many of us did not know about the reunion last year we want to
have a 1963 reunion and are inviting 1962 and 1964 to join us. We are looking
at fall fo 2000 or spring of 2001. If interested please send me a note
We will have a great time since we had a diverse fun group in our class.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!!!!
Linda Counts
Re: REUNION!!!! REUNION!!! 1962 1963 & 1964 GRADS- WHERE ARE
Tuesday 20-Jun-2000 11:49:17
Hey Linda Just wanted to send you my new mailing address for any upcoming
information on the Class of 63 reunion. George Bowlick
3740 Water Plant Road
Hillsville Virginia 24343
George Bowlick
Wednesday 19-Apr-2000 13:12:35
For those of you who are trying to find school friends from past years
you might try! ( A good
free site!
Tuesday 18-Apr-2000 19:07:04
We have many names we are unable to locate for the 70's reunion. If
you have not received information in the last two weeks to the reunion.
WE do not have your address. Please email me with your address or other
classmates addresses. We are in need of address for each year. The reunion
is planned for June 30 and jUly 1 and 2 2000. Fee is $50.00 a person with
alot of activities planned for the weekend. DOnt miss it !!!!There wont
be another one for five years.
Sherry Belcher
Monday 17-Apr-2000 20:57:58
Hello to anyone who remembers me. Went to Welch 1953 & 1954. In
'54 On the Hill. Moved to Hampton Roads area end of 54. Great memories
of a lot of people. Hope I will hear from someone. Did get a note from
Geneieve Walls nice surprise.
Magdalene Kennett
Monday 17-Apr-2000 09:19:54
Seeking information on the Atwell family
Sunday 16-Apr-2000 17:40:44
Hi everyone from beautiful West Virginia! I was born in Asco in the
50's. When I was an infant of about 6 months my mother left with me and
my elder brother. Later on I was adopted by a wonderful family from the
state of Washington. I grew up in Washington. I am now seeking anyone with
any info on the Ross and Bernette Atwell family of Asco. My birthfather
was Howard "Jack" Atwell. My mother was the eskimo lady that he met while
in the army in Alaska. I understand that Howard "Jack" was not a nice person
and that the family was of questionably moral character. Like they say
you can pick your friends but not who you are related to! "Jack" I understand
had a brother named John a sister named Florence Elizabeth and other siblings.
However I am not familiar with names. I've been able to find little about
the family and would appreciate anyone that could give me ANY info on the
family. I do know that Howard "Jack" was married to Janet thompson and
that he went to prison for murder of their toddler son. I know nothing
of Ross or Bernette and the rest of the family. So anyone with info I'd
appreciate it greatly. good or bad I don't care! You may e-mail me at
I was able to get to West Virginia last summer how beautiful!
Violet Ann Archer
Ans. to Norman Farthing
Saturday 15-Apr-2000 14:00:47
Hi to you also Norman: I had to come back to the msg. bd. for you didn't
give us your e.mail add. Justine and I didn't get to come to the class
reunion in '99. Busy I guess. We hope to be at the next one whenever? Our
Son lives is Palm Harbor and we visit two-three times a yr. Give us your
Phone-Add. Justines' sister Autholene lives in Dunedin. Have a nice summer.
Lloyd Dingus/Justine Kennett Dingus
Hello to '41 and '46 Graduates
Friday 14-Apr-2000 21:58:44
Hi to follow graduates: Justine and I now live in the Chesapeake Va.
area and are retired. Would love to hear more from the two classes!
Lloyd Dingus "4l--Justine Kennett Dingus--'46,
rosemary quattrochi barry
Friday 14-Apr-2000 21:24:14
Rosemary I tried to email you and they would not go so I'm not really
sure I have the right address. Could you send it to me again?
barbara mcmanus fisher
Re: rosemary quattrochi barry
Saturday 15-Apr-2000 18:51:38
Rosemary I live in Orlando and I am a friend of your Mom! Send me your
e-mail. Phillip is setting here right now.
Jarrell Lane
Thursday 13-Apr-2000 22:38:06
His mail was returned to us from a Newsport News address. We are looking
for him for the 1960 reunion. Any information will help. Thanks
Phyllis Hyder Isaacs
Re: Jarrell Lane
Friday 14-Apr-2000 20:01:27
Jarrell is my first cousin. I'll get his correct mailing address for
you soon as possible.
Rhonda Lane Goad
April Showers bring May Flowers!?
Wednesday 12-Apr-2000 07:49:43
Sitting here listening to the thunder watching the lightening and remembering
that old "cliche" that April shower brings May flowers - and just hoping
that the flowers will still be here after all this high wind! I do remember
the spring rains back home. How calming they could be. Listening to the
rain in the trees and knowing that the mountains would be turning all colors
from the different tree blossoms and vivid green later... Easter was on
it's way! Yep that old Easter Bunny had started his cross country hop with
those choc. covered eggs colored eggs and PEEPS! A sugar rush was high
on the list! So were the stomach aches! But hey a little stomach ache was
worth all that yummy candy! Jelly beans - I picked out all the black ones!
I still love them! But now I can just go out and buy a whole bag of those
licorice jelly beans - and I don't have to share if I don't wanna! I live
with a couple of "chocaholics" so I can forget getting a choc. covered
egg to myself! I can't manage to get a bowl of Count Chocla's or Cocoa
Peebles cereal so I can count on NOT getting anything that has chocolate
on it unless I eat it before I get home with it! Right now I won't worry
about those chocolate bunnies and eggs...I just want to enjoy the rain
hitting on the roof and the wind blowing through the trees and think about
the smell of "CLEAN" after those wonderful rainy spring days in the mountains
of West Virginia...
3(b)+w's rsquared
Re: April Showers bring May Flowers!?
Wednesday 12-Apr-2000 17:21:01
RJ..........Aren't we lucky that all we have to do is sit around and
listen to the rain fall the wind blow watch the trees turn and eat the
"Peeps"! You're such "a kick in the shorts"! At least you appreciate the
finer things in life.......and all those wonderful memories of our West
Virginia "home"! I think everyone should "stop and smell the dogwoods"
every once in awhile.......Like you and me!
RJ's bbb-w
Re: Re: April Showers bring May Flowers!?
Wednesday 12-Apr-2000 18:16:26
Lucky we are to have such memories of the rain and dogwoods during
Spring in the WV mountains. How about yards of green grass tulips and lillies.
A lot of people only knew of concrete smelly old buildings and bus exhaust
fumes in the big cities at this wonderful time of the year. All we had
to complain about was a little mud up the hollows and a little coal dirt
in the camps. It just made us a hardy bunch with memories that only we
can share with each other. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I wish I could have appreciated it a little more back then. Now it takes
this wonderful WHS web site to jolt the memory and I just love the good
feeling I get from it each time I check in. More memories please!
Re: Re: Re: April Showers bring May Flowers!?
Wednesday 12-Apr-2000 18:27:57
How about the birch trees? How many people do you know other than us
WV Mountaineers who had the privilege of "cutting their teeth" on those
fragrant birch twigs! Remember chewing on birch twigs we'd bring to elementary
school "On The Hill" and around McDowell County? Birch was "the poor man's
chewing gum"! Probably why some of don't have most of our teeth today!
Grin A good ol' piece of birch sounds real good about now...just
probably couldn't chew it!
RJ's bbb-w
Re: April Showers bring May Flowers!?
Wednesday 12-Apr-2000 22:39:47
How about Sassafras tea -- great on a cool morning! Or picking wild
berries for a homemade cobbler. Remember chinkapins? One of my favorite
memories is of our family walking through the mountains on a pleasant autumn
Sunday afternoon admiring the beautiful fall colors while "shopping" for
that perfect tree we wanted to adorn our house on Christmas. Once found
we marked it and Dad would return for it in December. Guess you might call
that the WV Layaway Plan! We were truly blessed to have such wonderful
Re: April Showers bring May Flowers!?
Thursday 13-Apr-2000 07:36:29
It was this time last year when we made our first trip back "home"
in nearly 40 years. Things were just starting to turn green and the colors
were popping out. As it would turn out the April showers started also and
we didn't get to do all we wanted but it brought back some happy childhood
Jerry & Wilma Farris
Re: April Showers bring May Flowers!?
Friday 14-Apr-2000 18:56:27
How about Easter in Welch. I remember the purple green blue and yellow
baby chicken in the bottom of Murphy's Department store. Looking at them
was a wonder for a kid. Easter Sunday and the new church outfit. Sunrise
Service on the by-pass and how cold it could be on Easter Sunday morning.
The beautiful Dogwood and Judas trees in bloom and the hope of spring after
a long winter. It is good to remember.
Libby Copley Lai
Carswell Kidds
Tuesday 11-Apr-2000 19:18:58
The pictures of the kids at the pool at King brought back many fond
memories as I learned to swim in that pool. I attended school at Carswell
Grade Kimball Jr. High and finished at Welch High School in the class of
1942. Thanks for all of the wonderful memories the Web page brings back
to me.
Gladys J. Epperly De Felice
Re: Carswell Kidds (From Bottom Creek to Carswell)
Tuesday 11-Apr-2000 22:40:20
In CHrist Though I didn't learn to swim at the Pool in King-Carswell
I did learn up in the hollow at a place we called Big Rock and at the dam
that was up at the the Powder Houses in Carswell..
Michael Zuchick III
Re: Re: Carswell Kidds (From Bottom Creek to Carswell)
Wednesday 26-Apr-2000 22:08:40
Re: Re: Carswell Kidds (From Bottom Creek to Carswell)
Saturday 29-Apr-2000 00:27:08
I would like to hear from any Carswell Kids. I am now staying at the
place that I grew up at. Its nice to be back home.
Winford [windy] Sturgell
Found Lois Barber Willma Franklin still looking for Bertha McNew
Saturday 8-Apr-2000 16:12:38
Wilma Franklin has passed away:(. Lois Barber is found. Still need
info on Bertha McNew for 1960 reunion. Thanks for all your help.
P. Hyder Isaacs
Gerald Christian James Cochran Walter Bennett
Saturday 8-Apr-2000 16:10:02
Looking for information on these 1960 grads for the reunion.
Phyllis Hyder Isaacs
Helen Gay Mabry and Helen Louise Mabry
Saturday 8-Apr-2000 16:05:33
These two girls graduated in 1960. We are looking for them for the
reunion. Does anyone have any information on them?
Phyllis Hyder Isaacs
Chatter Box
Saturday 8-Apr-2000 11:47:11
It was with much interest I read the posting about The Chatter Box
and the hamburgers served there. I also have some wonderful memories of
those delicious mouth watering burgers. Absolutely the best I have EVER
eaten. I know that garlic bread onion egg paprika salt pepper oregano and
other items were mixed in. There is a spice mixture sold here in Atlanta
in grocery stores called "Zeus" Greek Seasoning. If you can locate that
it helps add a flavor from days gone by of those delicious burgers...Not
exact but it comes close.
Danny Bohin
Re: Chatter Box
Saturday 15-Apr-2000 21:38:04
Danny--What brand name is the seasoning "Zeus" sold under. I have looked
all over around where I live--(Nothing)--- sure would like to try this
and see what it is like. Thanks --Harold
Harold Mitchem
Re: Chatter Box
Wednesday 19-Apr-2000 20:25:05
Tell me someone has the recipe please!!!! Living in Michigan now and
it has been a long time since I had a good hamburger.
Al Burks
Need Help For Film Project!
Saturday 8-Apr-2000 00:18:13
Hi! I received your site information from the BLUEFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH
web page…I am hoping for some advice/help from a local resident of the
Bluefield area…I have already contacted some “official” West Virginia agencies
but I have found that talking to local residents is many times more rewarding…I
am looking for a TOTALLY abandoned & uninhabited coal-mining town in
the Mercer/McDowell/Wyoming area for a dream/flashback film scene….Boarded-up
& overgrown would be perfect…Some remnants of the mine/tipple/housing
would be great no-matter how quasi-undistinguishable they might be…Accessibility
by 4x2 vehicles(summertime) would be nice but not essential…Your advice/suggestions/recommendations
& directions(!) would be greatly appreciated…Or if you know someone
to contact that would be great too…Thanks for your time and I am looking
forward to seeing some of your beautiful countryside…Paul Jiracek, Clearwater
Paul Jiracek
Re: Need Help For Film Project!
Saturday 29-Apr-2000 23:15:10
A person that would be a great help to you would be Dr. Stuart McGhee
at the Craft Memorial Library in Bluefield he is a specialist in this area
about the coalfields and old coal camps.In the top of the library there
is a large store of old pictures paperwork etc. from the old coal days.
chris sturgell
1962 1963 & 1964 Grads - WHERE ARE YOU NOW?
Friday 7-Apr-2000 15:27:46
The Class of 1963 wants a reunion and is inviting the classes of 1962
and 1964 to join us. We are shooting for a fall of 2000 or spring of 2001.
If you are interested please send me an email with your thoughts. Think
of all the fun we had at the record hop legion dances street dances next
to the Flat Iron and on top of the parking building football games and
the dances afterwards and many more wonderful memories. Hope you hear from
Linda Counts
Re: 1962 1963 & 1964 Grads - WHERE ARE YOU NOW?
Saturday 8-Apr-2000 08:48:17
Would love to come to a reunion for '62 '63'64. There weren't very
many of our class of '63 at the 60's reunion last summer but those of us
who were there had a great time!!! Julie (Judy Counts) Zahorchak
Information on a classmate
Thursday 6-Apr-2000 23:22:15
Since I can't find any of my 1939 classmates or even 1940 I thought
I would send a message to my daughters Penny Money Cooper and Melody Money
Rice's classmates.Karen Walls is looking for Melody. She is in Huntsville
AL her name is Melody Rice - email would love to hear
from you if you havn't contacted her yet. I live in Tavares FL near Penny
and I just love it. Melody and I email each other all the time. So far
I have only found one classmate from Welch Rodney Walker in Clearwater
FL.I guess we are the only old folks that have learned to use a computer
ha! Hi to everyone!!
Phyllis Tabor Money
Is Anybody Out There?
Thursday 6-Apr-2000 17:58:51
What happened? No messages for the past few days. Anybody out there
besides me? This is spooky.
Re: Is Anybody Out There?
Thursday 6-Apr-2000 21:52:42
It is warming up here in the east and everyone is basking in the sun
and loving the extra hour we have added on to our Spring days. It won't
be long before everyone will be visiting good old Welch High School. The
way this Web site has grown the city of Welch should take into consideration
into having tours set up to the old stomping grounds. Pull in some of the
tourist money. The old Sterling could share in some of the wind fall. I
love going back home!
Re: Re: Is Anybody Out There?
Friday 7-Apr-2000 11:43:30
Planning a trip to God's Country as I speak. If all goes well I'll
be in Welch this time next week. Can't wait to breathe that mountain air.
Sometimes work and life just plain gets in the way of "playing" on the
WHS website!
Diane Turner Clemins
Hey '53 WHS Grads/KJH/Vivian Grade School Grads
Monday 3-Apr-2000 12:22:31
Country Roads will be bringing me home this year from June 19 to June
25th. Hope some of us can get together catch up on all the news and tell
each other how much we "haven't" changed. Please email me if you will be
available so we can make some plans. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Liz "Tootsie Burton" Drees from Peerless Hill
Liz "Tootsie Burton" Drees
Sunday 2-Apr-2000 23:23:02
Does anyone know where Patty and Peggy Groseclose ('65) are these days
- their classmates and old friends want to get in touch with them.
Rhea Romans
Friday 7-Apr-2000 19:40:42
I got the addresses below from our 1995 class reunion memory book.
Maybe still the same...
Peggy Groseclose: 511 Manor Dr. Kingsport TN 37663
Patty Pendleton: 415 Claymore Dr. Kingsport TN 37660
Sandy Bailey
Saturday 1-Apr-2000 11:58:00
Recently I did a mass mailing and had several of the email address'
fail. If your email address has changed please sign the Guest Book again
so that we have your new one. If you know of anyone who has a new email
address please ask them to sign the Guest Book again or ask them if it
is okay to give it to Don Juan or put it here on the message board so that
we can keep our records updated for future Reunions etc ... We sure don't
want anyone to be left out of our future "happenings"... THANKS!
Saturday 1-Apr-2000 16:22:51
If your email address has changed since signing the current guest book
or since signing up at the Sensational
Sixties registration page you may email the change directly to me and
I will automatically update your entry.
Don Juan "Donnie"
Saturday 1-Apr-2000 22:22:27
Michael Zuchick III
Passing of Pola Noe
Friday 31-Mar-2000 12:51:51
I took the liberty of pasting this from the guest book as I suspect
some don't read the guest book but do read the message board. A lot of
us knew Pola and were very fond of her and are deeply saddened by her passing.
Comments: Pola Noe class of 57 died in her sleep at home Monday March
27th Pola Lee Bishop SALISBURY - Pola Lee Bishop 60 of Salisbury died Monday
March 27 2000 at her home. Born in Welch West Va. on April 3 1939 she was
the daughter of Robert Lee Noe of Parkersburg W. Va. and the late Alice
Virginia Mullins. Mrs. Bishop attended Bluefield State College Wor-Wic
Community College and was currently taking art classes at University of
Maryland Eastern Shore in Princess Anne. She was employed as a laboratory
technician for Medical Center Laboratory in Salisbury for 18 years and
Maryland Medical Laboratory for 12 years. She was a member and former deacon
of Wicomico Presbyterian Church. She was instrumental in the restoration
of the altar chairs. Through her research of the stained glass windows
she and others in the church were able to needlepoint the chair cushions
to match the stained glass. She was a member of Mary T. Jones Circle and
the Embroideries Guild. Her family said that her real joy in life was spending
time with her grandchildren to whom she was so dearly devoted. She loved
to take them to the beach. She also enjoyed needlepoint painting drawing
and was an avid gardener. Foremost family and friends will remember her
as a devout Christian. In addition to her father she is survived by her
husband of 41 years Richard I. Bishop of Salisbury; a daughter Betsy Bishop
Robinson of Salisbury; a son Richard Irwin Bishop Jr. of Fruitland; four
grandchildren Brittany Marie Bishop Jordan Lee Robinson Joshua Paul Robinson
and Hannah Elizabeth Robinson; a brother Ronald E. Noe of Kansas City Kan.;
and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held Thursday
at 11 a.m. at the Wico
Homer's latest
Friday 31-Mar-2000 12:22:23
My BCHS friend Kay Reaser just alerted me to a recent posting which
gives a synopsis of Homer's new book. Sounds like it's gonna be another
winner. Check it out HERE.
Donnie Skuja
Re: Homer's latest
Monday 3-Apr-2000 09:01:38
Hi Donnie - Whew! Love those PR copy editors! It sounds like a romance/mystery
novel from that description but actually is still a memoir still a story
of the life we had back in the late 1950's in McDowell County. As mentioned
before this time I get to include a few WHS students in the book. It will
be Doubleday-Dell's lead non-fiction book this fall. We're already gearing
up a hectic book tour. The schedule's already pretty full but it's not
too late for bookstores to get in their requests. Just tell them to contact
the publisher. Check out the web site - - for my schedule
for the rest of the year. We're trying to stay a little close to home this
year (got another book to write for one thing). By the way Mark Gambill
WHS alumni sponsored me for a speech at his son's high school in Richmond
a few weeks back. We'll see him and wife Lou in Bermuda this summer (Young
President's Organization gathering - I'll give a speech there - will also
get some scuba diving in). Mark's a great guy and it was good to meet him
and his family.
Homer Hickam
Thursday 30-Mar-2000 15:08:20
Thursday 30-Mar-2000 15:49:17
Funny I had the same idea. Let's all invite Matt to come to Welch since
we all attended school there. Voting begins Friday morning.
Liz Burton Drees
Friday 31-Mar-2000 09:42:10
Website for Matt Lauer's travels
Log on to the Today Show. voting starts 4/1/00.
Friday 31-Mar-2000 13:23:34
Donnie and other Maroon Waves: I have "borrowed" your great idea and
posted a message on the BCHS Web page asking all Owls to send in their
votes for Matt Lauer to come to McDowell County. NBC and The Today Show
could give our home area another great boost if this works.
Kay Barnette Reaser
Looking for Eugene White or Joyce Chandler
Thursday 30-Mar-2000 01:27:45
If any one knows the where abouts of Eugene White or Joyce Chandler
class of 53 and 54 please contact me thank you
Curtis Shatley
Sloooow Guest Book
Tuesday 28-Mar-2000 22:30:35
Yes the guest book is getting slower and slower every day. I decreased
the number of entries per page to see if that will help the pages load
faster. I'm checking to see if there is something else I can do to decrease
the time it takes for this page to load. Maybe it's time to set up a new
Donnie Skuja
Documentary video on Southern WV Coalfields
Monday 27-Mar-2000 18:28:04
I received a very special Christmas gift this year a video set called
The Rock That Burns. It is an excellent documentary presented in four episodes
which tells the story of the Southern West Virginia coalfields from their
inception to the present day. I just learned that there are still a limited
number of these videos available for purchase. If you want further information
on them please click HERE
Donnie Skuja
Re: Documentary video on Southern WV Coalfields
Sunday 25-Jun-2000 23:56:38
Donnie attempted to click on (Here) but did not connect to Web Page
to be able to learn more about the Videos or what or how to order. Don't
know if they are still available. Am of Class '50. Thanks for any info
on this. Tim
Robert "Tim" Gilley
Attention: 1963 Graduates - Where are You?
Friday 24-Mar-2000 21:20:44
1963 Reunion?? Are you interested and would you attend? We are trying
to determine the number of folks interested. We are looking at possible
dates of the Fall of 2000 or Spring of 2001. This is the first of many
notifications. We are trying to get the interest level at this time. Think
of the fun we can have we were a super group. Looking forward to hearing
from all of my former classmates. Thanks.
Linda Counts
Re: Attention: 1963 Graduates - Where are You?
Sunday 26-Mar-2000 00:02:58
Think this would be great and I would be very interested in seeing
old friends. Please let me know more as things develop. Thanks !!
Paulette Richardson Isherwood
Re: Attention: 1963 Graduates - Where are You?
Monday 27-Mar-2000 06:32:01
would love to have a reunion. may i suggest charleston or the huntington
area. this area would offer easy access and plenty of accomediations to
meet everyones needs.
ron oliver
Re: Attention: 1963 Graduates - Where are You?
Thursday 30-Mar-2000 22:53:30
I would love to have a '63 reunion and it was a great year! Anything
I can do to help just let me know. Right now I am planning a wedding for
my daughter but it will five over. I have missed
all the previous reunions and woiuld love to see friends from high school.
Helen Sparks Cielakie
Re: Attention: 1963 Graduates - Where are You?
Friday 23-Jun-2000 10:03:18
Hey Linda
Just a bit of information about myself I an currently managing the
Kroger Store in Galax hope to retire in October of this year am hoping
to move back to Richlands I have recently remarried to a beautiful lady
named Karen who is graduate of Richlands High Class of '68 I have three
daughters from my first marriage and three grandchildren I also have a
stepson from my recent marriage. Sorry I didn't get to attend the last
reunion just too much going on in my personal life at the time hope to
hear from you soon and will plan on attending the next reunion. All my
best George
George E. Bowlick Jr
Friday 24-Mar-2000 19:04:05
How may of you remember Spring Break as we knew it in high school?
Yep it was usually around Easter and there were times that we spent the
Whole Spring Break cleaning out the basement where the floods had taken
their toll. If that wasn't on tap then SPRING CLEANING was! For my Mother
that meant scrubbing down the walls and preparing them for painting or
wall papering if there was wall paper already on them - we had to peel
the old paper off! Remember taking down those window blinds from ALL the
windows - but only after dusting each slat - and then scrubbing them down
in the bath tub or out in the back yard washing ALL the windows inside
and out! Washing ALL the bed linens - and ironing them before putting them
away or on the beds...and also the curtains on ALL the windows! Oh and
polishing the silver - Lord how I hated polishing the silver! We were always
HAPPY to get back to school so we could rest! By the time I was in College
- Spring Break was spent working at my job and taking care of my child...
I might get a day off and even sometime at the pool...but I still had that
child to care for... Today I helped my child get ready for SPRING BREAK!
Now I will admit that she did clean her room and bathroom and finished
her laundry that I had started last night before she took off for South
Padre Island for a week of sun bathing and partying! There is NO working
there is NO little child to take care of - except her little self! There
is only FUN to be had! Now where did we go wrong as youngsters...? I don't
understand... but then again isn't it wonderful that our children CAN take
a real SPRING BREAK and have some FUN!!! I just won't answer the phone
for a week and that way I won't know what's going on or going wrong or....Oh
Lord now look what I've done - gone and gotten myself parnoid! I will be
on my knees this whole week asking the Lord to please not let anything
bad happen and to please not let me have to drive to S. Pa
Monday 27-Mar-2000 17:46:01
Spring Break? What was that? All I remember is having Good Friday Saturday
and Easter Sunday off and I NEVER heard it called spring break just Easter
Diane Turner Clemins
Tuesday 28-Mar-2000 08:47:38
I just remember it being Easter. Usually still snowing but we'd dress-up
for Easter Sunday all new clothes shoes(those shiny ones) gloves hat etc.
We would hide easter eggs and hunt for them until we dropped. Spring break...I
must have missed that!
Sandy Bailey
Tuesday 28-Mar-2000 09:35:32
I don't remember a spring break either.
Jerry Farris
Tuesday 28-Mar-2000 10:01:58
We had a "spring break" in my mama's couch from me jumping on it too
much. I got a major whippin' which made that particular "spring break"
the only one I can remember in Welch! (lol)
Updates: In Memoriam Links Page & '69 Reunion Photo
Thursday 23-Mar-2000 20:57:54
The In Memoriam
web page has been updated with the most recent death notices we have received.
We have highlighted the top list of names with an asterisk (*) to identify
those names recently added. (I forgot who made this suggestion but thanks;
it should help make the viewing of this page a bit easier.)
Though not mentioned very frequently we have a web page listing places
on the Internet to help you Find
Former Classmates and Old Friends. A link to has been
added to that page. Thanks to the 1960 WHS Class Reunion Committee for
telling us about their success with that site
We also added some names to the faces of those attending the WHS
Class of 1969 Class Reunion last fall. If you can help identify
any of the others please let me know.
Where's All The Action On The WJS Message Board?
Wednesday 22-Mar-2000 15:00:07
Okay folks the ol' MB is starting to become "a yawner" just yearning
for new interesting and "newsy" stuff. I'm sure there are tons of interesting
tidbits of info. out there worthy of sharing. Actually some of the more
recent entries in the "Guest Book" pages are items probably better suited
for the Message Board since most people (I would think) go to the Message
Board first (if not exclusively). So let's "get it on" with some upbeat
interesting and fun stuff worthy of keepin' things rockin' and echoin'
from On The Hill tonight! Let's see those proud "banners fly" I know a
lot of us might be just a little old tired and whatever else......but this
site is definitely an elixer for what might be ailin' us! For many of us
it's a wonderful and perfectly safe "fix"! Most of us are just plain folks
who are easily impressed! So show us what you've got! (LOL)
Sorry Meant To Spell WHS.....Not WJS!
Wednesday 22-Mar-2000 15:06:18
I told ya we were somewhat "old and tired"! My arthritic fingers mistakenly
took me to WJS instead of WHS. Now you know why we need more humor on this
page to help keep us young!
Re: Where's All The Action On The WJS Message Board?
Thursday 23-Mar-2000 01:14:36
I too look forward to checking out the message board and guest book
each and every day (ok I'll admit I check more than once a day sometimes)to
see who has stopped by and what they have to say. It doesn't matter which
place you post leave as many messages as you like on the message board
or on the guest book. Just let us hear from you and that includes you folks
who stop by every day but haven't taken time to sign in know
who you are!
Donnie Skuja
Re: Re: Where's All The Action On The WJS Message Board?
Saturday 25-Mar-2000 22:42:34
I too have enjoyed thsi message board. Makes me think of days gone
by--- When Welch was a cool place to be. Come on folks--- get with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
class of 1956
Tuesday 21-Mar-2000 17:46:12
would like to hear from anyone that graduated in 1956 i have lost contact
from everyone . my mailing address is as followes bobby bolen . 180 glenbrook
.ct napoleon . ohio 43545
bobby bolen
Bertha McNew Wilma Franklin and Lois Barber
Sunday 19-Mar-2000 22:45:02
Hey we found Connie Nave! Now does anyone know anything about these
three 1960 grads. Any little bit of information can help.
Phyllis Isaacs
More Pictures!
Sunday 19-Mar-2000 21:27:18
Thanks to Michael Zuchick III you can now see even more photos from
years gone by of those Kids
from Carswell Holler. Thanks Mike!
Skating challenge
Saturday 18-Mar-2000 20:06:33
I went to my great nephew's skating birthday party today and actually
skated. I haven't skated in 20 years and couldn't believe how much I had
lost. The skates were really heavy and I used muscles in my legs I had
even forgotten I had. Wonder where my balance went? Anyway this is a challenge
to all of you who skated at Big Four to find a rink and put on a pair of
skates and see what you can do. The memories came flooding back for me.
Let us hear about your experience. Good luck!
Carolyn Norris Shoemaker
Re: Skating challenge
Saturday 18-Mar-2000 22:54:34
Carolyn--As I remember your brother Junior was a exceptionaly good
skater. I use to watch him skate at Kimball skateing rink and wonder how
anybody could skate that fast and turn around and jump without falling.
He was so graceful and smooth. At the end of the night everone had that
famous coal dirt mustache. I like to think them were the good old days.
Well so much for the early 50's. You shook my memory up a little. take
Harold Mitchem
Re: Re: Skating challenge
Sunday 19-Mar-2000 23:31:48
Harold how kind of you to mention Jr. He was indeed a terrific skater
and nothing made me prouder than for him to skate with me or do those impossible
turns and dips and twirls. Of course he was my idol--as most big brothers
are. Thank you for sharing your memory of him too. I sure do miss him.
Caroyn Shoemaker
Maroon Wave Assembly Hall III:
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I Assembly
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Hall V
Message Board WHS
Alumni Web Site