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Jun 23-2000 to Sep 19-2000
Cindy Reese Sams Passed Away Tuesday 19-Sep-2000 13:02:01 9-19-2000
I received an e-mail from Roger Harrison that Cindy passed away about a week ago in Michigan. There was a message posted on the board not too long ago that she was sick with brain cancer. Just thought I would let everyone know.
My deepest sympathy for Woody (brother) Darrell Reese and family.Bill Taylor
Re: Cindy Reese Sams Passed Away Wednesday 20-Sep-2000 14:23:53 What year did Cindy Reese graduate?
Re: Re: Cindy Reese Sams Passed Away Class of 1966 or 67??? Wednesday 20-Sep-2000 21:57:54
More NEW Stuff--Myrtle Beach mini reunion pix Monday 18-Sep-2000 20:30:30 Some folks from the '62 & '64 WHS classes have been nice enough to share with us photos from their mini reunion at Myrtle Beach this summer. Check HERE to see how much fun they had.
Donnie Skuja
Re: More NEW Stuff--Myrtle Beach mini reunion pix Tuesday 19-Sep-2000 10:15:03 What great pictures! Looks like everyone had a lot of fun.
Re: More NEW Stuff--Myrtle Beach mini reunion pix Tuesday 19-Sep-2000 11:37:39 Wonderful pictures..............Great to see ol' Steve "Night Train" Bland from Asco after all these years.........He still looks like a "Night Train"! Fondly remembering when he toted that ol' pigskin on Friday nights then had to hitchhike back to Davy! All the pictures were wonderful.........Thanks Sandy & Elanore for sharing them with us! P.S. Will Alan Jenkins EVER AGE?
Re: Re: More NEW Stuff--Myrtle Beach mini reunion pix Tuesday 19-Sep-2000 12:29:54 Yep I still have this "vision" of Steve "Night Train" Bland and Ansel "no front teeth" Baily standing out in front of the old Pure Oil Station (corner of lower McDowell & Wyoming Streets) hitchiking back to Asco holler after football practices and Friday night games! That was before big ol' Steve was (somehow) able to afford to buy that PINK and white '55(?) Ford with the see-through green glass top! (Am I the only one who remembers that....or am I just imaginin' it....or perhaps hallucinating?) Regardless glad to see ol' Steve and others in these pictures........after all these years! You all look great!
Re: More NEW Stuff--Myrtle Beach mini reunion pix Wednesday 20-Sep-2000 16:02:45 We talked to Steve Bland on the phone last night--he doesn't have a computer yet but one is in the future---and read the messages posted with this entry referring to him...he was amazed that anyone remembered those things about him "after 40 years" as he put it. So whoever "you" are thanks for the memories. The pages look great Donnie as I've said....and THANK YOU AGAIN for taking the time and effort!!
Re: Re: More NEW Stuff--Myrtle Beach mini reunion pix Wednesday 20-Sep-2000 16:33:50 Hey Sandy (and Elanore): This is Bob Greene (aka Rj's3b-w) That's another long story we'll blame on Rhea Jean; but since "the cat's out of the bag" I'm the one with the "memories" of Steve Bland posted above. You see Steve and my older sister Brenda "went together" while at WHS. Brenda graduated in '63. So being the "nosey" little brother at the time......I knew everything (well maybe not "everything") about those two! Steve was a great guy then....just as I'm certain he is now. He was my WHS football hero at the time. And our "Mom" always thought Steve was "the berries"! (That's a good thing). Anyway after nearly "40 years" my memory (especially of Welch) is about the only thing I have left :) ! But I'll always have fond memories of good ol' Steve Bland. Now I only have to hope my dear sister doesn't read these postings. She'll be "totally" embarrassed! Again thanks for sharing the Myrtle Beach pictures. I/we obviously enjoyed them! And say "Hey" to Steve for me! BG
WHS Alumni Cruise - Update Sunday 17-Sep-2000 15:54:46 OK all you procrastinators out there you are in luck. We now have enough cabins booked for the 5/21=25/2001 cruise to ensure the $448-$517 rates for an indefinite period of time. The travel agent informed me he'd continue to accept your reservations using these rates until Royal Caribbean tells him otherwise. A big BIG thanks goes to those who signed up early. If you are looking for a roommate for the cruise please let me know. Also I'll be posting some cruise tips on the WHS Cruise Page in a few weeks. And one last thing: Please please please share this information with your friends especially those who don't have email/internet access. I simply do not have the funds to try to notify by mail all the former WHS students for whom I do have mailing addresses.
McDowell County 2001 Calendar Wednesday 13-Sep-2000 19:05:13 I don't have a copy yet to share with you but a little bird tells me the McArts 2001 Calendar is now for sale. It is titled "Our World According to Jarosz." Each month features renditions of various areas of the county by WHS alumnus George Jarvis. Also included are "writings or small stories" by local residents such as Martha Moore Jean Battlo Fred Bailey Nicole Bales Tom Hatcher and Kenneth Roberts and stories from the Welch Daily News. In addition the calendar has pictures of some local sites; e.g. the WW II Memorial Welch High School and the Kimball War Memorial. These calendars are being sold at the Landmark Mini mall in Bluefield Flowers by Reba & the Chris Ann in Welch the Lunchbox in Roderfield the 52 Market in Iaeger Gianato's Grocery in Kimball and the Country Corner in Coalwood. As soon as I have a phone number and/or address I'll let you know how you can place a mail order for the calendar. If the 2001 version is as nice as The McDowell County 2000 calendar was (& I hear that it is even better) you will definitely want to get a copy for yourself.
How to Get Your Own Copy NOW Friday 15-Sep-2000 23:52:24 Thanks to my little brother Ronnie Collins I now have a copy of the new calendar and it IS nice. Among the various local scenes presented by artist George Jarvis are his renditions of both Welch & Big Creek High Schools. A copy of the calendar's front page can be seen HERE along with information for ordering a copy by mail.
Where In The World Is Our Rhea Jean Romans Worsham? Wednesday 13-Sep-2000 10:13:25 Dear Rhear.........Where are you? Now that you're 53 and old and all that I'm figurin' somebody needs to check up on you every once in awhile to make sure you're okay! Are you sailing the Mediterranean on one of them old folks' cruises? Or are you on one of them there bus tours to Vermont with your elderly friends to see the leaves change color? Where are you??? If you're too arthritic to type out a message just have someone help you push the letters "O" and "K". That way we'll all know you're just that! We sure do miss ya Rhear!
Re: Where In The World Is Our Rhea Jean Romans Worsham? Wednesday 13-Sep-2000 12:38:08 Yep we miss you Rhea Jean! Sorry to hear that you have that arthritis. You didn't look all that old at the reunion (well maybe a little bit). But time has a way of catching up with us as you obviously must know. Being that I'm younger than you (a lot of us are you know) at least I've got an idea of what I'm probably having to look forward to when I get that age. Here's hoping you are doing alright despite your frailties. Are you still in Houston? Are you still able to drive? We can't plan the next "Sensational Sixties" reunion without you. Even though it might put a few "wrinkles" in our plans we still want you to be on the Committee! Please let all of us younger friends and classmates hear from you! Again we miss you! P.S. Don't take this posting too seriously. We know how you fret! Love ya RJRW!
Re: Re: Where In The World Is Our Rhea Jean Romans Worsham? Wednesday 13-Sep-2000 22:22:51 OK! I am here! Geesh can't newly single girl have a little fun!? I had two choices - guess which one I took! It wasn't signing on the internet either! My joints are fine - I can assure you that I am still spry and flexible... have just come from working out at the gym... and am sporting a size 10 again - the same size I wore the day I left WHS! YES!!! So see I am "OK" guys and I promise to be on the committee for our next BIG Reunion if I am needed... and yes I am going on that Cruise - if I can remember to call and make my reservation. Hey I said my body was okay - didn't say a thing about my mind! (CRS!) As usual I LOVE you ALL and THANKS for CARING!
Re: Where In The World Is Our Rhea Jean Romans Worsham? Sunday 17-Sep-2000 18:46:14 Rhea sent me a message about the heat The hens were being feed crushed ice to keep them from laying hard boil eggs. She cooked the shrimp in the swimming pool. Dried jeans in 5 minutes out-side. The only thing keeping them going was the air conditioning which runs 24 hours a day and 60 minutes an hour. She is surviving.
More New Stuff - 50s Reunion Photos Tuesday 12-Sep-2000 18:01:16 Glenna Christian Pack our Cookin' in a Coal Camp author was kind enough to send us her pictures from the WHS Golden Anniversary Reunion held this past June. You can see them HERE. Missing are the reunion photos of the 1949 and 1951 classes so if you have one or know somebody who does please get in touch with me.
Class of 65 Tuesday 12-Sep-2000 07:42:16 The last that I heard about Linda Muscatello she was living in Lakewood Ohio outside of Cleveland. Betty Ann Premo is still in the Welch area. Mary Lou Brown is in Bluefield W. Va. She was living with her Mother and teaching school a couple of years ago but her health was not good at that time so I don't know about now. Susan Haynes lives in Parkersburg W.Va. as does her brother and his family. Bobby Hymes lives in Florida with his wife and family. He was at the 60's reunion last summer and is doing really well.
Class of 65 Where are they now?? Saturday 30-Sep-2000 15:22:18 Complete listing needed
70 reunion pictures Tuesday 12-Sep-2000 06:58:43 Hello there ALL Classmates. First I would like to say that I Will be praying for Mark Day and his family. To loose your children is a loss that is almost unbearable. I will be thinking of you Mark and your family. I know the Lord gives us the strength to handle what comes our way. He will be there for you all too. I would also like to say a big THANK YOU to Donnie Collins for the 70 reunion pictures. IF you havent had a chance to look GO DO IT NOW. They are located under the updates section. There are some people we need identified so please send the name to Donnie . THANK YOU DONNIE AGAIN. This web page has grown so much. IT is a treasure beyond belief. We all on the committee try really hard to please everyone and make sure that all classmates are contacted and notified. IF anyone has missed anything PLEASE it is not our intention to do that. LEt us know so we can do better at the next reunion. BY all respsonses everyone had a good time and it was a good time to get back old friendships. BY the WAY Cheryl and Mark HOW are things going. Keep me posted. I enjoy getting the reunion together. I think WHS was a time in our life that made more impressions on our life than we admit. IT was a special time. So if I can help in any way to make these reunions a memeorable time for all PLEASE dont hestitate to let me know your opinions. My only desire is to get all of us classmates together have a good time by all and give us a chance to keep in touch with each other. WELL I guess that is about all. THANKS FOR EVERYONES HELP WITH THE REUNION AND THANKS TO ALL WHO ATTENEDED.
Class of '65 Monday 11-Sep-2000 18:51:14 Does anyone know where any of the following members of the class of '65 are now? Susan Roncaglione Sandy Fleck Linda Muscatello Bruce Martin Betty Ann Premo Elizabeth Moore Eddie Hughes Mary Lou Brown Susan Haynes Bobby Hymes.
How About Something NEW? Saturday 9-Sep-2000 20:49:34 Hope ya'll like the new background for the message board. It reminds me of the lovely WV mountains in their fall splendor. There ARE some new pictures for you to see. I just finished posting photos from the Classes of the 70s Reunion held earlier this summer. AND Coming To Your WHS WEB Site Soon: pictures from the 49-50-51 Reunion the Myrtle Beach reunion the cookout at Ronnie Collins' and a few surprises. Don't ya'll forget about the cruise. I know May of next year seems like a long way off but if you even think there is a remote possibility you might want to go please make your reservation NOW. If we don't get enough people to sign up by the end of next week the cruise lines will not be able to hold the cabins for us at the quoted rate. Keep in mind that your reservation deposit is FULLY refundable up until March 10 2001. If any of you are looking for a roommate for the cruise get in touch with me. NO I've already got a roomie but a few others have inquired about finding somebody to bunk with for this trip.
Re: How About Something NEW? Sunday 10-Sep-2000 08:45:30 GREAT JOB!!! LOL Looking at old friends and classmates makes me pretty good.. Donnie Turner Ernie Gattuso Dave Fabinsky and Johnny Walker.. LOL. Doesn't make me feel so bad about weighing 300+ pounds.. This does my heart good to see them all together.. Sure wish I could have made it..
By the way the girls still look as beautiful as I remember them. Mike Zuchick (Zilch)
Re: How About Something NEW? Sunday 10-Sep-2000 19:49:16 DJ: The new backround is most impressive with its reminders of Autumn back home.
Re: How About Something NEW? Monday 11-Sep-2000 12:24:13 Hey DJ: You're new "background" for the Message Board looks exactly like the "foo-foo" wallpaper I just stripped from our downstairs bathroom! For what it's worth my wife loved it! The leaves do remind me of "home"........but it's still a little too "foo foo" for me. Listen whatever you do on this site I'll/we'll always appreciate! You do great work..........I just hope you use an outside contractor for the wallpaper in your home! Love ya DJ (you know that!)
Re: Re: How About Something NEW? Monday 11-Sep-2000 12:35:16 Oops! That's Your......not You're (Connie Linkous taught me better than that!)
Re: How About Something NEW? Wednesday 13-Sep-2000 16:05:38 Donnie I like the background but like the way you've changed the "viewing" capabilities of the message board even more. It makes is much easier. Thanks for all of your hard work. You do an excellent job.
HELLOOOOOOOOO! WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?? Thursday 7-Sep-2000 18:53:49
Re: HELLOOOOOOOOO! WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?? Friday 8-Sep-2000 06:36:15 I was just wondering the same thing. At least we know there are two of us!
Re: Re: HELLOOOOOOOOO! WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?? Friday 8-Sep-2000 14:28:16 Wow this is spooky. What's going on?
Re: Re: HELLOOOOOOOOO! WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?? Friday 8-Sep-2000 15:25:15 I thank maybe they're all out yonder at the groundbreakin' for the Coalfields Expressway! I shore miss em when they don't write nothin.
Re: Re: HELLOOOOOOOOO! WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?? Friday 8-Sep-2000 17:33:11 Actually there are now 3 of us I guess. Nobody knows who the first 2 are. Now they don't know who I am. Spooky isn't it.
Re: HELLOOOOOOOOO! WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?? Saturday 9-Sep-2000 12:34:19 I'm here.. I guess we are waiting for the Pictures from the Reunion this summer.. Mike
Re: Re: HELLOOOOOOOOO! WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?? Saturday 9-Sep-2000 14:01:52 How do we know who everybody is if you don't leave your name? Jerry Farris-57
Jerry Farris- 57
Re: Re: Re: HELLOOOOOOOOO! WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?? Monday 11-Sep-2000 18:10:06 That's the beauty of the mystery! No one knows... now there are??? But hey I'm here just waiting for someone to write about some great experience they suddenly remember from their time in "Heaven's Gate" - aka/WELCH HIGH SCHOOL! Or to write about some other experience they have had over the years. Come on guys - I know you have to had something great happen to you within this lifetime! SHARE IT!
Do You Remember? Tuesday 5-Sep-2000 18:19:40 Does anyone remember Fizzies that made colored drinks and Lik-M-Aid that came in little packages? Tasted like Kool Aid only sweeter and you put it in the palm of your hand and licked it (hence the name). They tasted more like the straws that had the powdered candy in them. They used to be bigger not like the ones they have now. It's like Tang even though you haven't had it for years you can still remember the taste.
Re: Do You Remember? Wednesday 6-Sep-2000 17:51:27 That stuff is still around as is POP ROCKS... UCK! How did we ever stand any of it! hahaha
Pray for Mark Day & his family (class of '74)! Friday 1-Sep-2000 15:51:33 Bruce & I just received word that 2 of Mark's children were killed in a car crash. He must be suffering unbearable pain. We need to pray that the Lord will sustain him at this tragic time!
Re: Update Friday 1-Sep-2000 16:41:08 We were just told that the children were boys aged 14 & 17. They were on their way to a sister's tennis match when a rain storm hit & they hydroplaned into another car head on.
Re: Pray for Mark Day & his family (class of '74)! Saturday 2-Sep-2000 12:41:39 + In the name of God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit One God. Amen.
Be mindful O Lord and remember Marks two sons who has fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection unto life eternal and also all those who have completed their lives in piety and faith; pardon all their transgressions both voluntary and involuntary whether in word or deed or thought.
Shelter him in a place of brightness a place of verdure a place of repose whence all sickness and sorrow and sighing have fled away and where sight of thy countenance rejoiceth all thy Saints from all ages.
Grant them thy Kingdom and pardon in thine ineffable and eternal blessings and the enjoyment of thine unending Life and grant those who loved her easement to deal with such a great lose.
For thou art the Resurrection and the Life and the Repose of thy departed servants O Christ our God and unto thee we ascribe glory together with thy Father who is everlasting and thine all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit: now and ever unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Re: Pray for Mark Day & his family (class of '74)! Saturday 9-Sep-2000 20:01:28 I didn't know the two boys or Mark but I know the Grandfather Paul Day. I appreciate the prayer by Mike and I join him expressing my sorrow for the entire family. God bless each and every one of you.
Re: Pray for Mark Day & his family (class of '74)! Monday 1-Jan-2001 13:31:14 I send my regrets I went to school with his brother. Frankie
Question about 70's Reunion Tuesday 29-Aug-2000 15:12:33 I ran into someone today that went to the 70's reunion & she asked me how I liked the pictures that the photographer took on Sat. night--I said "What pictures?". She received proofs & ordered pictures "a while ago". I haven't received anything--what's the deal--what do I need to do? Help! I also ordered one of the books. Has anyone received those ?Pat Morgan Sparks
Re: Question about 70's Reunion Tuesday 29-Aug-2000 16:05:27 I also received proofs of my individual picture. But I have not received any book yet. We can find out from Diane Hall who was in charge of that part of the 70's reunion.
Question about 70's Reunion Book? Book? What Book? Wednesday 30-Aug-2000 01:52:51 There was an Album of some sort made of the reunion?
Re: Question about 70's Reunion Book? Book? What Book? Thursday 31-Aug-2000 18:23:40 Mike I don't think anyone answered your question as to what kind of book. The photographer had an example of the kind he was going to make. It's a memory book. It has formal pictures taken of couples and/or individuals candid shots & it was supposed to have class pictures but he left before those were taken. Thanks to those with loud voices we gathered on & around a bench according to the year we graduated. Lots of people took pictures of each class & they may have been given to photographer. He was kind of meek & nobody heard him when he called for classes (we were busy talking with each other). I can remember Sherry in a loud voice telling each class to get together. I don't remember who else did. But it was funny the way we all pulled together & did it without the photographer! The only other thing that we may have missed is a total group shot of everyone there. I noticed a centerfold shot like that in the sample book. By the way quite a few of the people who came on Fri. night didn't come Sat. & vica versa. So the pictures won't tell the whole story.
Re: Question about 70's Reunion Tuesday 29-Aug-2000 19:50:47 Diane Hall was in charge of the pictures. If you had your picture taken then you should have received a proof. The book should be out in the next few weeks. Diane got the book to PROOFREAD and send back to the company and then they will print the books. IT looks very nice I saw it. YOu can contact me and i will forward your message to Diane if you would like. I hope I helped you.
Re: Question about 70's Reunion Wednesday 30-Aug-2000 09:43:00 When we received notice of the previous 70's reunion we were told that if we sent in our information (even though we could not attend)we would be advised as to how we could purchase one of the books. We received no further information. Same for this past reunion. Better communication may aid in better attendance for future reunions.
Re: Re: Question about 70's Reunion Thursday 31-Aug-2000 13:34:36 I agree. I would like copy of the book. How do we order????
Re: Re: Re: Question about 70's Reunion Saturday 9-Sep-2000 15:47:58 I promise you the reunion committee will get the information on how to order a 1970's 2000 reunion book on the message board as soon as we have it. In 1997 we put together our own book which was a TREMENDOUS job. Sherry should have a few more copies from then. Contact her about that one if you would like a copy. The 2000 reunion book is being printed by a professional company something that we most certainly should have done back in 1997. We have learned much during the past 2 reunions and we pledge that we will continue to have better communication to all graduates out there. Thanks for writing.
aubrey jackson whereabouts? Tuesday 29-Aug-2000 09:01:58 Class of 1974 aubrey jackson his father was a dentist in Welch. Aubrey was my room mate at Marshall in 74-75. Saw him last in 77 (still at Marshall). If anyone knows aubrey please e-mail me. I would appreciate it. thanks.joe shade
Reservation Date Extended Saturday 2-Sep-2000 20:50:20 Royal Caribbean has extended the date for our cruise reservations to 9/16/00. They will of course take reservations for this cruise after that date but cannot guarantee the rates previously quoted for this cruise. Again you need to make a $100 deposit to make a reservation but in case you need to change your plans the $100 is fully refundable up until March 10 2001. I am obtaining information about single cruise rates and will inform you about that in a few days.
REUNION!!! REUNION!! Friday 25-Aug-2000 19:32:29 We are planning a class reunion for the Spring of 2001 for 1963 graduates and have invited the classes of 62 and 64. If you have not responded let us hear from you. We have over 50 interested folks to date and we want MANY more. Please email me directly or the reunion mailbox at We look forward to seeing you and we will have a SUPER TIME!! Do not miss this big event.
Class 0f 68 Monday 21-Aug-2000 07:53:21 The cruise sounds great are any of you going . Also if anyone has an email for Sharon Bayles Marian or James Lowe send it my way or send them mine Thanks Libby
HELP! Members of needed Friday 18-Aug-2000 16:54:30 If you are a paying member of please contact me. I need your help. Thanks.
Re: HELP! Members of needed Thursday 24-Aug-2000 23:00:01 Donnie--I am a member of can I help. Just tell me what to do. THANKS --Harold
Re: HELP! Members of needed Thursday 31-Aug-2000 18:54:49 I AM A PAYING MEMBER OF CLASSMATES. HOW CAN I HELP YOU?
School Friends! Friday 18-Aug-2000 14:47:36 For those of you who are trying to find school friends from past years you might try A good free site!
I am anxious to see all of you 2001! Time is flying! I hopee you are coming! Wednesday 16-Aug-2000 21:16:15 This year has flown by. You will soon be hearing from Pat Friel with the Plans to get registered for the 2001 reunion. If you haven't sent your address (E-Mail) to Pat Friel do so soon.PFrielJohnson@Juno.comI'M hoping we can all Make it. Take care and have a great summer (remaining)!We have been so fortunate that we have not had any hurricanes tornadoes We had some small flooding. God is Good!! Love to all!!!!!
Re: I am anxious to see all of you 2001! Time is flying! I hopee you are coming! Thursday 17-Aug-2000 17:08:39 Isn't it wonderful that so many WHS grads are "back in touch"! It's so gratifying to know that there's such an interest in everyone getting together again after all these years. We can only attribute this shared interest in a "not so common" small town to the bonds revived by this web site. As one who has a special appreciation of "family and friends" I'm so grateful to DJ Skuja and others who have made this website such a great place for all of us to come together again. Whether we can attend the reunions or just "relive" the memories of Welch through this site there's that common bond of family and friendship that still keeps us "connected"! Let's keep the Welch hometown and WHS spirit alive..........and let's continue to share the joy of "those days gone by"!
Cruise for Former WHS Students Tuesday 15-Aug-2000 17:33:46 I'm in the process of sending out email messages about the cruise to everybody for whom I can locate an email address. I will (snail) mail a notice to everybody else for whom I have an address from the class of 1961. I encourage the various reunion committees to do the same for your school years. Information about the cruise will be posted on the web sites for the other McDowell County schools in a day or so. You are welcome to go ahead and notify any of your friends from the other McDowell County schools about it. Also remember that your other friends and family members are invited to participate. I plan to notify WELC Radio Station the Welch Daily News and the Bluefield Daily Telegraph. Notices will be posted on the various other Internet Alumni sites where WHS students have registered. Let me know if you can think of any other media we can use to distribute this information. If you live in an area where several former WHS students have relocated feel free to utilize your local media to inform folks about the cruise. You know I'll do my best to notify as many people as I can but it is up to you folks who frequent the web site to ensure that those who do not use email or the Internet are informed about this event. Also please do not assume that I have an email address for everybody who visits the web site. Once you register to go on the cruise you will receive further information about the available on shore tours and other fun you can have on this trip. And I'll be posting lots more information about it in the upcoming months.
Re: Cruise for Former WHS Students Tuesday 15-Aug-2000 22:13:56 Just to clarify: this cruise is open to anybody who attended WHS AND their friends (whether they attended WHS or not and whether they ever lived in WV or not) and family.
Re: Cruise for Former WHS Students Monday 21-Aug-2000 23:36:07 I've had a lot of inquiries about the cruise and wanted to share with you some information to address some of the questions you might have. First call your local AAA office or some other travel agency and obtain a (FREE) copy of Royal Caribbean's 2000-2001 Vacation Planner for the Caribbean Bahamas & Bermuda. Trust me you can stay on board the whole trip and find more to do than time will allow. On the other hand some of the shore cruises are quite enticing. For example I'm looking forward seeing the living coral reef in the glass-bottom boat tour in Key West. In the upcoming months I'll be posting more information about the shore tours available suggestions for what to pack (from the Cruise Queen herself) and things to keep in mind about getting from the airport to the ship terminal etc. In the meantime feel free to email me with any questions concerns or suggestions you have about this trip. Also our travel agent Clem Dietze is more than willing to answer your questions and help you with your air reservations as well as any other special travel arrangements you may need. Clem can be reached toll free at 888-290-3666.
Are you an old friend of mine? Monday 14-Aug-2000 21:22:51 I used to be friends with a girl named Billie Marie Walls. I was wondering if you could possible be the same one that lived close to Kimball and dated my brother. Would like to get in touch and learn whats been happening the last thirty some years.
Kathryn Hardin Sunday 13-Aug-2000 20:07:07 I would just like to let people know that Mrs. Hardin passed away on Thursday August 10 in Morgantown. She taught at Welch High for many years.
Re: Kathryn Hardin Monday 14-Aug-2000 21:48:51 I am saddened to hear that Ms. Hardin has passed. I have thought of her often. Those of us who had her for English well know what a wonderful teacher she was... Delores Jimmy Bobby; remember those 1000 words that 6 of us had to learn while in her class! Look at us now and the vocabulary we have...WOW! A pain back then but a pain well taken... Thank you Ms. Hardin - and God speed...
Re: Re: Kathryn Hardin Tuesday 15-Aug-2000 20:07:53 I lived next door to Kay and SD Hardin until I was eight. Kay was also my English teacher in tenth grade. I had to learn to call her Mrs. Hardin. I stopped by at the funeral home yesterday to see Kathy and Sampy. You have to be a Roselawner to understand that I left unhurt. God speed Kay.
Re: Kathryn Hardin Thursday 24-Aug-2000 07:30:27 Sampy Please contact me Joe Crockett
Re: Kathryn Hardin Friday 25-Aug-2000 04:43:36 I am very sorry to hear of Mrs. Hardin's passing. She was one of my "great" teachers and left quite an impression on me. I will always remember her. Goodbye Mrs. Hardin.
John Knea Friday 11-Aug-2000 20:10:17 Just noticed John Knea's name in the list of class of '51 deaths. Does anyone have more information? One of my best friends was his sister Norma who died about 3 years ago.
See June 2000 WHS '52 & '53 Reunion Photos Thursday 10-Aug-2000 20:55:35
Saturday Aug 5th reunion at Ronnie Collins house Thursday 10-Aug-2000 14:52:33 Just a heartfelt note of thanks to Ronnie Collins for his wonderful West Virginia hospitality!! It had been a hundred years since I had seen some of the folks... :) As Ronnie said "who would have thought when we were attending WHS that a peek into the future would find us standing around discussing grandkids retirement etc...Doesn't time fly?! Hopefully someone will discover a way to revive the Record Hop(for a Saturday) which we all enjoyed at the Pocahontas Theater in Welch. It was great to re-visit my mountain home and reminisce with old and trusty friends. Thanks again to Ronnie and all who were involved in the planning process of the reunion!! I just this week received my new computer so my e-mail is activated...I enjoy hearing from old friends.phylenia and buddy french,phylenia snow french,
Re: Saturday Aug 5th reunion at Ronnie Collins house Tuesday 15-Aug-2000 15:40:56 Thanks to all who made the reunion possible. I have been away for a l-o-o-n-g time and it was so great to see everyone again. I appreciate Don Juan for thinking to ask me. It was a very nice day. Donnie I will send you the pix as soon as I find your address.
70's reunion pictures Thursday 10-Aug-2000 13:03:37 Are we ever going to get to see any pictures posted from the 70's reunion?
Re: 70's reunion pictures Thursday 10-Aug-2000 19:12:51 Whassa matter? Ye ole webmaster not working fast enough for you? Just kidding. I do understand how eager some of you must be to see these pictures. I have one set of photos from the 70s reunion to scan and am awaiting receipt of another bunch in the mail. Hope to have some of them if not all online for you all to see within a week or so.
Groundbreaking for Coalfields Expressway Thursday 10-Aug-2000 07:48:01 It's finally happened! Check out the Bluefield Daily Telegraph (today 8/10) for articles on the groundbreaking in Welch for the new highway. I know there are some out there (and they don't seem to be the ones that still live in McDowell County)that don't see this as a great thing for the county but I firmly believe it is one of the best things that could happen there. There are 2 quotes in the articles that really hit home - one man said "it's 60 years late" and Nick Rayhall said that development follows transportation - it always has and always will. Now it may take another generation to complete the highway and see some real benefits but I think the benefits will start well before the highways are completed. Good luck McDowell County!
Re: Groundbreaking for Coalfields Expressway Thursday 10-Aug-2000 21:06:25 I see good things in McDowell County's future. In 10 years I don't think you will be able to recognize most of it. Roads will change store fronts will change names new buildings will be going up the old torn down and the history of our time will be in memory books and web pages. I see us sitting around the table telling these wonderful stories to our grandchildren and we will hear them say "gosh I wished I lived way back then it must have been fun." HA! (My 6 year old grandaughter has already said that as we walked along on the sidewalks in town and in Coalwood.) Our children will be searching for pictures of our time just as we scramble to find them now to help keep our hearts young and memories sharp. We lived in a time when "Coal was the King." Now we will see something else takes it's place. I know in my heart that this is the beginning of "A New McDowell County." I pray I can live long enough to see it. I commend those back home fighting for this and it will be a hard struggle to finish it. But let us hope they see see a bigger future than we can imagine and the younger politicians never stop wanting for the people of McDowell County.
Re: Groundbreaking for Coalfields Expressway Friday 11-Aug-2000 00:31:33 In CHrist Roy O'but you err.. I am all too well of the benefit this new road will be to McDowell County. I left McDowell County in 1980 because I got tired of waiting on the Coal Mines to pick back up and foodstamps just didn't cut it.. Couldn't find anyother work in McDowell.. Tried to get on the Sherrifs Department but Harold Wolf was standing behind me while I was taking the test and a rumor began that he was helping me on the test.. Well he wasn't.. Tried to get on the Police Force in Welch once but the told me I was in debt too much.. Like many others who left the County I had to tend to my family. I returned to West Virginia around 1983-84 tried to find work again with no luck so I went to Bluefield State.. Got out of College and tried to find work and was told that I couldn't be hired because with my College Backgound in Computer Science I would not stay.. So in 88 I went to Southern Maryland and worked 1990 until I had to retire due to COPD and returned to West Virginia and tried to find a job again still no luck because the employers were afraid I would eventually be using the Medical Plan and was forced onto Social Security. I have not been able to find a job to take care of my family since I left the City Lunch in Welch.. Believe me I know what this new highway means to McDowell County and what it means to the parents who have worked hard to provide for their children and to educate them and then to have the heart ache from having them leave the state because they could not find work there to begin their lives.. Michael the Sinner
Re: Re: Groundbreaking for Coalfields Expressway Monday 14-Aug-2000 10:51:55 Michael Hopefully this will be the beginning of an opportunity for the area to depend on something other than it's abundant natural resources (it was raped once of it's timber and continues to be "stripped" of its coal profits) and depend on its human resources (I hate that phrase) and its natural beauty (sometimes buried under the coal dust and hidden by the narrow winding often not repaired highways).
Re: Re: Re: Groundbreaking for Coalfields Expressway Tuesday 29-Aug-2000 23:05:25 I left West Virginia in 1956 because I swore I would never go in the mines to make a living. I didn't think I was better than anyone else but the hand writing was on the wall. There was not a future in McDowell Co. All I saw was men working them selves to death for what??? They gave It back to the company store or drawed scrip and cashed it in town for cash at 80 cents on the dollar. I seen men walk up to the pay window and draw a empty pay envolope for 2 weeks work. Nothing but a circle of labor for a company that got rich off of poor people that could not afford to get out.I still have a lot of good friends that live and work in and around the coal fields. I see this KING COAL HIGHWAY and INTERSTATE 72/73 nothing but a blessing to the southern counties of West Virginia. I hope and forsee nothing but GOOD THINGS in the future for SOUTHERN WEST VIRGINIA once they get these roads in. They will have a way to get raw materials in and a finished product out and show the world what good labors and workers and leaders we have to offer the labor market. I know that the labors talent and know how is there all you need is the opportunity. I hope I live long enought to see all this to come about but who knows. As I travel the interstates comming home to McDowell Co. all you see is BUILDING & PROGRESS and I think its about time some of it comes to our home county. I hope what I have said does not fall on deaf ears or blind eyes. I honestly believe McDowell Co. is in for INDUSTERY like they never seen befor. Thanks for letting me take up so much of you time.
A-Men! Thursday 31-Aug-2000 12:20:34 A-Men! I second that emotion and hope I to will live long enough to see this. I would love to have the chance to say "World we told you so you just never gave us a chance." Even though the working conditions in the mines were hazardous and company policies were so sinister way back when it made us what we are today - hard working caring and determined to succeed!!! We have endured conquered and perfected the title "hard working people!"
Re: A-Men! Friday 1-Sep-2000 10:24:07 AMEN AGAIN - For the life of me I have never figured out why some have left that little spot in the world and act like they are so ashamed of where they come from. If any of us has become sucessful with whatever success means to each of us it is because of the hardship we have endured or watched as others had to struggle. I for one left with a great sense of pride in myself and would not settle for any thing less but the best I could be. I have to say I had it instilled in me at that little school ON THE HILL and at home where poor was not an issue. It was survival! I appreciate my culture and the sense of honor and fair play that most seem to have in those hills. Good hard working people they are and tough as nails. The pot of gold is still down in in those hills filled with coal dirt and the smell of pinto beans and corn bread. The corporate world is just about to find out for themselves what a work force is there I think. .
WHS Gathering at Ronnie Collins Tuesday 8-Aug-2000 15:06:32 What a nice party! My husband Bob a '53 graduate represented the oldest WHS class present. I was a member of the class of '57 until I moved away in '55. I was pleasantly surprised to see an "old friend" Ron Thompson. Bob and I were happy to see a "young friend" Elinor Turner Bright that we've known since she was a child. We both enjoyed meeting some new WHS friends. Thanks Ronnie for your hospitality and to all those who made the day so special. Bob and Anita Martin
Alumni Garthering at Ronnie Collins Monday 7-Aug-2000 20:22:36 What a great time we had on Sat at Ronnie's A Big thank you to all again for a Job well done Thanks Ronnie Donnie Carolyn Mike and Jimmy the food was great the cake was most popular thanks Rhonda and the conversation with new friends and some old long time friends was even greater Ronnie is quite the Host and Donnie is so right he loves Company and he does show you a good time the truck ride on Sunday is quite a story to be told The memories of just being up in the mountains were priceless Nice to see everyone again.
Former WHS Students Family & Friends Reunion Monday 7-Aug-2000 19:25:43 Several months ago your input was requested on an all-WHS students family & friends reunion. Your responses varied from a w/end get-together at Pipestem to meeting for 2 or 3 days on a Caribbean Island. Most of you suggested this event be planned for the Spring of 2001 and most of you wanted a cruise. Based on that response I have contacted a travel agent to make plans for a 4-night cruise out of Miami Florida beginning May 21 2001. (May 21 was selected to give us a good rate on the cost.) A flyer with more information about the cruise will be posted on this web site later this week. Personally I hope for many future all-WHS reunions. However most if not all of your other ideas for such an event may require a bit more planning than a cruise does. So those of you with these other ideas put your heads together and start planning for a 2002 all-WHS party. Remember "Build it and they will come."Donnie (Collins) Skuja
Re: Former WHS Students Family & Friends Reunion Tuesday 8-Aug-2000 11:03:55 Please say it isn't with Carnival or Premier lines. Also 2001 is the year for '56 reunion and Fab. 50s. Oh well guess there isn't a good time for everyone! Seriously reconsider before using Carnival or Premier.
Former WHS Students Family & Friends Reunion Friday 11-Aug-2000 23:00:06 The cruise is on Royal Caribbean's "Majesty of the Seas." I had hoped to have the flyer ready by now but looks like it won't be done until next week. In the meantime here's the scoop: 4-nights from Miami to Nassau CocoCay & Key West. Prices per person are $517 for outside cabins & $448 for inside. If you don't want to bother with dressing up for dinner in the main dining room note that Royal Caribbean offers optional cafe dining without all the formalities. You'll need to get a $100 deposit each to the travel agent to hold your cabin. The deposit is fully refundable until 3/10/2001. The agent Clem Dietze of Migrations Travel is accepting reservations now so if you want to go ahead and call the toll free # is 888-290-3666. I'll post the flyer and a reservation form (for those who want to mail one in) on the Internet next week. Please start notifying your friends about the cruise. Also former students of any of the other McDowell County schools (along with their family & friends) are also welcome to join us. There probably is no "perfect time" to plan such an event. Any chosen date will more than likely conflict with something somebody has already planned. However knowing about the cruise this far ahead of time will hopefully be of some help to folks when scheduling their upcoming vacations.
Norris Richards Principal Welch Elementary School Monday 7-Aug-2000 17:11:08 Mr. Richards passed away Saturday August 5th in Bristol Va. Service will be Thursday August 10th at Woodlawn Memorial Park Mausoleum; 11:00
Alumni Gathering at Ronnie Collins' Saturday 5-Aug-2000 17:45:21 We just got in from Ronnie's house....what a great afternoon we had!! There were at least 60-70 alumni in attendance and it was wonderful seeing everyone. Judy Christian Thomas and her husband were there---first time I'd seen Judy since 1989....lots and lots of 1964 friends and many many more from other classes. The food was great but the company was the best....THANKS RONNIE.....we all enjoyed the time we spent. You're a great host! (Bob & Anita Martin.....thank you both for being there....what a trip down memory lane!!)
Re: Alumni Gathering at Ronnie Collins' Sunday 6-Aug-2000 12:35:14 WOW what a great day we had. Good food lots of sun (thank goodness no rain -- some wished it had) sitting by the pool remembering the good old times with the most wonderful bunch of people a girl could ask for. I enjoy it all especially soaking up the past to help rekindle the sweet memories of what a great time we had as kids. "Thanks Ronnie for being such a gracious host." Lets do this again next year!!!
Re: Alumni Gathering at Ronnie Collins' Monday 7-Aug-2000 17:14:40 I ditto what Elinor & Rhonda have already said and extend a big thank you to Carolyn Lane Jimmy Phillips Mike Mosko and our chef John DeFelice for all the good eats. Oh yes and a thanks to all of those who brought those scrumptious desserts and side dishes. I hope we got a good picture of the decorations on Rhonda's cake. Attendees included students from the classes of 1953 through 1974. (I think the youngest WHS student there was from the class of 1974; somebody correct me if I'm wrong.) AS USUAL the class of 1964 was best represented. Those guys are real party animals. I think it's because their older brothers and sisters taught them so well. Unfortunately some of us older siblings have forgotten HOW or simply tire out too quickly! Jim & Linda Brown drove in all the way from northern Ohio with new WHS t-shirts. I'll try to get a shot of the new logo posted on the site. Jim still has a few of these t-shirts and you can email him at if you would like to order one. Some of us who took advantage of Ronnie's extended invitation stayed the night and got treated to a truck ride through the mountains the next day. That is another story one I'm glad I lived through to tell you for another posting. Ronnie probably will not post this himself but I can assure you that any of you are most welcome to stop by and see him any time you are in the area. He absolutely loves visiting with old friends. We'd enjoy hearing fom any of the rest of you who were at the party.
Re: Alumni Gathering at Ronnie Collins' Friday 29-Sep-2000 10:58:11 Hi everyone Just wanted to let you all know that we are planning another 50's-60's reunion for Iaeger High School on April 20-21st. We remember a lot of classmates and friends from Welch-Sandy and Elinor Bright Connie and Ronnie Collins Roddie Mabe Pam and Penny Money etc. Would like to invite anyone to come join us for a great time. Had a great response last time. please contact me or my sister Sandy if interested. Thanks Kay Howery Osborne
1972 CLASS RING Saturday 5-Aug-2000 06:08:38 I am still searching for a lead as to how I can replace my lost class ring. Does anyone know if it is possible to duplicate it as was? THANKS~
Here's wishing all the WHS alumni a swell time in Welch this weekend (Aug. 5) Wish I was there! Thursday 3-Aug-2000 10:02:55
Re: Here's wishing all the WHS alumni a swell time in Welch this weekend (Aug. 5) Wish I was there! Thursday 3-Aug-2000 18:38:16 Ditto for me. Sorry we could not make it. I will be thinking of you all and wishing I was there.
Re: Here's wishing all the WHS alumni a swell time in Welch this weekend (Aug. 5) Wish I was there! Friday 4-Aug-2000 16:49:29 Rhea where are you? - Our "welcome all" Welch High School party needs our maroon blooded cheerleader in Welch this weekend. A lot of fun to be going on.
Re: Re: Here's wishing all the WHS alumni a swell time in Welch this weekend (Aug. 5) Wish I was there! Friday 4-Aug-2000 22:37:07 Our Rhea does bleeds maroon and white. She is the life of any party. We do appreciate the cheering she does for any of us. Three cheers for our Rhea!!! HOLD IT. I thought it was a majorette...Where in the world is Rhea? Is she in Welch this weekend? We want to know.
2-8 cents off on Shell gasoline in Fairfax VA Tuesday 1-Aug-2000 17:00:38 If you live in or are traveling through Fairfax VA here's a little deal on your gas purchases. The station at 9956 Main Street (Near the intersection of Burke Station Rd. & Rt. 236 West) has 2 4 & 8 cents off coupons you can print from their web site at
I Don't Think The Above "Solicitation" Message Is Appropriate Here! Wednesday 2-Aug-2000 16:50:04
Besides Who In The Heck Would Have An Interest In Driving Through Fairfax VA? Probably Not Worth The "2 cents" Advertised! Wednesday 2-Aug-2000 16:52:50
Solicitation? Wednesday 2-Aug-2000 17:19:02 Are we sure this is a solicitation? Perhaps there is somebody from the Fairfax area reading the message board who would appreciate getting a discount on their gasoline purchase. I certainly would.
Re: Solicitation? Wednesday 2-Aug-2000 18:42:14 Doubt it! I'd bet the only difference between this solicitation and one from a Shell Station in Pulaski or even Berwind is that this dude found the site! Have to wonder how many folks out there are headed through Fairfax VA before the gas prices go back up that 2 cents!
Re: Re: Solicitation? Wednesday 2-Aug-2000 19:56:04 Gee if I put this bit of information on to share with classmates I'd be upset. Everyone has different interests. Personally I live in an area where gas is very high and I'd appreciate knowing where I could save a little. Lighten up you guys!
Re: Solicitation? Thursday 3-Aug-2000 15:23:53 This is a business ad plain and simple.It does not belong on our message board!!!! Our web master needs to remove it.
Re: Re: Solicitation -- Got Gas? Thursday 3-Aug-2000 16:05:53 See that's what I thought too! But someone (above) is convinced it's a traveling or vacationing WHS alumni trying to save us all some money should we ever consider travel through Fairfax VA (as if any of us plan to do so). I agree it's a Shell station looking for business and trying to take advantage of the marketing exposure from this site. That's my two-cents worth! Frankly this whole "exchange" gives me gas! At least you and I agree it's a marketing ploy! I'm sure DJ will "fix it" when she's back from Welch next week.
Re: Re: Re: Solicitation -- Got Gas? Thursday 3-Aug-2000 16:22:50 Wouldn't it be funny if it was DJ (the Webmaster) who was writing from her laptop about the gas coupons from the Shell station in Fairfax VA (possibly where she stopped for gas) while enroute from Maryland back to Welch. Perhaps it's DJ who's trying to save us that 2 cents! She's certainly nice enough to do that! However unlike the person who initially "advertised" the gas savings DJ is always real good to at least list her name when she posts an entry. Just a thought......but still think it's a marketing ploy!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Solicitation -- Got Gas? I DO Thursday 3-Aug-2000 16:24:46
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Solicitation -- Got Gas? I DO Thursday 3-Aug-2000 19:09:37 Off with their heads!!! By the way does anyone else notice that no one is signing their names (me included)!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Solicitation -- Got Gas? I DO Friday 4-Aug-2000 06:36:19SHALLOW PEOPLE DON'T ! GET A LIFE PEOPLE! THIS IS PITIFUL!
Just A Little Harmless Humor -- "No Harm - No Foul" Friday 4-Aug-2000 09:44:06
Eat More Beans! America needs the gas!! Tuesday 15-Aug-2000 18:26:42 Eat More Beans! America needs the gas!
Missing Persons" Page Is A "Hit" Folks! Monday 31-Jul-2000 16:26:06 If you haven't been there yet you might want to check-out the "Missing Persons" page on this WHS website. There are a lot of folks looking for a lot of folks..........possibly you! Then again you may know the whereabouts of folks these folks are tryin' to find! Sounds "folksy"; but if you folks are from Southern West Virginia you know "folksy" is good! Later........folks!
LInk to Missing Persons Page Tuesday 1-Aug-2000 00:09:36 Try as I might I cannot get the link to the Missing Persons page added to the top of this message board. I'll keep working on it. In the meantime you can get there by clicking HERE.
Find a cousin Sunday 30-Jul-2000 19:22:19 I would like to locate my cousin Genevieve Walls who graduated from Welch high school in 1954.
Find a friend Sunday 30-Jul-2000 18:25:22 My sister Iris and I attended Hemphill-Caples school. We moved Nov. 1950. I was a 7th grader and she was a 9th grader. Those were happy years for both of us and we would like to hear from anyone who remembers us. She would have been in the class of 1954 and I would have been in the class of 1956. We remember many of you. She would especially like to hear from Jean Rutledge and Christina Gonzalez if anyone could help her make the connection. We would like to reunite with any of you when you decide to get together. Does anyone know whatever happened to Carolyn June Hendricks? Thanks!! Judy
Memories of Welch Saturday 29-Jul-2000 17:13:05 My eyes first saw daylight on Vine Street in Welch and I grew up on Summers Street. I have read with pleasure many of the accounts of Welch in "the old days " and would like to add to them with memories of a local boy who is a little older then most of those who have written. - Not much older just a little. I have so many memories that to write of all of them would take up too much space here so here are just a few: Snake dance through town after a pep rally and bonfire on the hill's playground. The high school band practicing their marching out of uniform and descending the Hill and marching through town - that always drew me to the classroom window much to the teacher's consternation. Mayhew's Grocery French's Shoe Store and Baxter's Hardware between the bridge and the Pocahontas Theater. Franklin Dairy and further down McDowell Street between Johnny Davis' Jewelry Store and the Fire Station - The Sterling Grill - good food atmosphere and a pool room in the rear. Chris' Capitol Lunch Freeman's Barber Shop on Bank Street next to the alley - on the other side of the alley Andy Walker's small pool room. He was the father of Raymond and Gail - I liked him because he was a kind man and was a friend of my father's. I remember him giving me a bottle of pop when I believe that I wasn't more than four or five. The Pocahontas Theater where the annual Armistice Day parade ended and the theater stage from where patriotic speeches were made Bunny Lovett and wife patriots of the first order sitting on the stage and taking part in the program. The Pocahontas where old-time cowboy stars would sometimes make personal appearances. I remember my father taking me to see several - Hoot Gibson Tim McCoy Tex Ritter Bob Baker Ray "Crash" Corrigan Johnny Mack Brown. There were probably more but those are the ones that I can remember.
Re: Memories of Welch Saturday 29-Jul-2000 18:28:14 Your recollections of days gone by were appreciated. Charles was very pleased with you recalling his parents.
class of 1948 Friday 28-Jul-2000 17:52:58 I am looking for anyone who graduated with the Class of 1948 with my mother Frances Ruth Parker. She was only there for a couple of years but she graduated salutatorian.
Hobo Pies at Rochies Bakery across from the TIC-TOC Thursday 27-Jul-2000 16:33:49 Hey does anyone remember the Hobo Pies that were sold at Rochies (Sp??) Bakery that was across from the Tic-Toc Grill? I can remember them and miss them GREATLY.. ANyone know how to make them? Mike
All-WHS Party August 5 Thursday 27-Jul-2000 15:49:26 Wanted to remind everybody about the all-WHS party planned for August 5. It's still on and we are expecting folks from the classes of the 30s on through the 70s to attend. We are hoping to have a few WHS t-shirts there for sale. For any of you who need lodging accommodations here are a few places you can contact:
Welch: Count Gilu 304-436-3041
Roderfield: Spratt's Motel 304-436-2751
Pineville Road: Pocahontas Motel (sorry I don't have a phone # for them)
Keystone: (Bed & Breakfast) Cherry Key Inn 304-862-3243
Maybuery: (Bed & Breakfast) The Blair House 304-827-4402
Princeton: Johnson's 304-425-7591
Bluefield: Holiday Inn 304-325-6170
Bluefield: Ramada Inn 304-325-5421
Bluefield: Econo Lodge 304-327-8171
Bluefield: Highlander Motel 304-325-9131
Princeton: Days Inn 304-425-8100
Bluefield Va: Comfort Inn 540-326-3688
If anybody can add to/correct this list please do so.
Post Cards Tuesday 25-Jul-2000 22:01:44 The post cards are breath taking! Thanks everyone for sharing these beautiful memories. Of course they were taken a few years before my time but none-the-less I can still feel the excitement of the those times just by looking at the buildings and layout of the land. Can you imagine yourself back in those times and walking on the fancy streets - and they were fancy! Just being able to window shop and dream of Christmas was more than a little girl could ask for. But then remembering the smell bread or pastry somewhere around the corner that made you smile and roll your eyes at your parent(s) and wish you could go there. My children say they wish they had grown up in the 50's and 60's. I see these beautiful pictures and remember my own parents telling me their childhood memories and I wish I could have experienced the 40's.... HA! The postcard that really got my attention is the one with the play ground in front of the Court House.... WOW - what a city what a life our life our home.
Re: Post Cards Tuesday 25-Jul-2000 23:55:16 A playground in front of the Court House building. Who knew? Certainly not I. I don't even recall anybody talking about it. Is there anybody out there who remembers it being there? Rhonda I know what you mean about wanting to go back in time. The post cards make me want to go to the nearest antique clothing store clothe myself in a long dress button-up shoes and a great big frilly hat...oh yes and an umbrella to keep the sun off my tender skin...and take a summer stroll down those pretty streets of Welch in yesteryear.
Re: Post Cards Wednesday 26-Jul-2000 06:45:12 Welch will always be beautiful in our mind's eye.
I'm back on!! Monday 24-Jul-2000 19:18:03 Anyone out there that reads this see if you can get through to this e-mail address. Send pictures send money send your address.
70's reunion Monday 24-Jul-2000 18:42:42 This 70's reunion had a special meaning to me. Mark Walrod had contacted me 2 months prior to the reunion via e-mail and due to this web-site! He wondered if I remembered him! Of course I did!!! We both had a "crush" on each other in junior high school but never got together...was it shyness??? We were supposed to meet at the Pocahontas theater once but he stood me up!!! His "crush" never ended 26 yrs. after graduation (thank goodness). We communicated through e-mail until finally meeting in Roanoke...he lives in Maryland and I'm in Princeton. And yes Pat Morgan Sparks...he had definitely changed!! VMI and the army put some muscle on him (but still a cutie)!!! I don't know how he really was in junior high but what a gentleman he is now!!! Mark is a "light" in my life. I believe in fate...the timing for both of us was perfect. So we decided we'd attend the reunion together. Mark and I contacted Vicki Walrod and Karen Maus and told them about the reunion. We all came to Welch on Friday and "toured" the town. We looked at 70 annuals all the way to Welch and had a blast remembering "old times". Mark and Vicki were even able to "tour" their old home thanks to Rick Farmer. His parents Ray and Shirley reside there now. What fun for them! Friday night was fun...great to see everyone and see if we knew who was who...yes...thank goodness for name tags. Although those of us who attended 3 yrs. ago had some advantage over those who didn't...3 yrs. didn't change too many people...not many more gray hairs! Mark and I were finally able to go to our first "dance" on Sat. night during the reunion and we danced until 3 a.m. But believe me my feet and body felt all that movement for two days afterwards!!! We had a blast! Thanks to Sherry and Carol and everyone else involved in getting the reunion Mark and I will never forget. We've met each other's c
Re: 70's reunion Tuesday 25-Jul-2000 15:40:38 What a sweet story and thanks for sharing it with us. We've had a few other "romances" bloom from people finding each other (again) through this web site and/or reunions but not many are willing to tell us much about it. Please do keep us posted.Donnie (Collins) Skuja
Re: Re: 70's reunion Tuesday 25-Jul-2000 17:39:48 my message....meant we looked at the 70's annuals...NOT 70 annuals!!!!!
Re: 70's reunion Friday 4-Aug-2000 23:32:24 Great news on the romance. I thought I saw sparks there that night. Hey maybe you can send some of that romance this way! I love working on the reunion. Glad everyone had a good time. And glad a romance came baout too. Keep us posted of the roamnce.....Hope we see you at the 2005. I hope we have more classmates to help contact the classes that we didnt get to contact this time.Well take care and thanks for the information. Great NEWS!!!!!!
A Welch High Online Photo Album? Sunday 23-Jul-2000 16:15:15 In Christ All What would be envolved and would it be much problem to creat a Web Page for the Photos of those who attended WHS throughout the years.. I believe it can be done with snapshots maybe 25k/pic.. Anyone interested? Michael the Repentant
Mike Zuchick
'70's Reunion Sunday 23-Jul-2000 12:08:54 Bub & I regret that we were unable to attend this year's reunion. Really looking forward to seeing the pictures when they're posted on the web page! Finally got around to adding our photo to the WHS Sweethearts page too so if you're curious as to how much we've both changed....check us out there :-)Hope to keep hearing from all our friends and fellow classmates and will try very hard to attend the next reunion ('70 & '71)!
New Pictures! Monday 24-Jul-2000 18:30:22 I'm partial to the grade school pictures and think you too will enjoy these new ones a lot. One is of the 2nd & 3rd grades at Premier in the 1946-47 school year. And the others are some of the WHS class of 1964 when they were at Welch Grade School. Oh we've also got some class of '64 reunion photos.
Re: New Pictures! Wednesday 26-Jul-2000 22:33:09 I have 2 cousins sitting in that photo - Phyllis Romans and Gene Nierman! By the way it is Lidford... she was my teacher in the 4th grade! I actually recognize a lot of the faces in that photo..
More Post Cards! Tuesday 25-Jul-2000 21:19:16 Thanks to Bob Spangler who attended WHS in the early 40s before moving to Virginia and Pat Damron WHS class of '72 we now have 2 additional pages of post cards depicting Welch and the surrounding area in the early 1900s.
More Pictures! Class of '45 Snap Shots Friday 28-Jul-2000 17:21:03 A great big thanks to Gwen Austin Brammer WHS '45 for sending us some of what I think are among the most delightful photos we have received. They are of students in her class and other friends growing up and having fun On the Hill and in the surrounding the area. If you think you are "too young" to enjoy these pictures think again. You will recognize some of these students as being your very own teachers and/or parents when you were On the Hill. Click HERE to see these photos.
What Great "High School Fun In The 40's" Photos! Saturday 29-Jul-2000 06:35:49
MYRTLE BEACH !!! Sunday 16-Jul-2000 18:06:08 On July 22nd we'll hit the Dixie Highway for our trip to Myrtle's another mini-reunion of Maroon Waves and spouses....this year's group includes: Us (of course) Jim Ed & Dianne Roberson Lanny & Dianne Oblinger Alan and Jane Jenkins Bobby & Judy Mitchell Russ & Betty Chaos Rice Steve & Pat Bland Dickie & Sue Widener. We're all sharing a beach house this trip and it promises to be a hoot! Drema Legato Abercrombie (who actually LIVES THERE!) is coming to visit us while we're there. If any Waves are going to be in the M/B area during July 22-29th get in touch with us HERE and let us know....we'd love to see you.
Re: MYRTLE BEACH !!! Monday 17-Jul-2000 15:42:41 Have a good time.....just as long as you have your pockets full of sand and sea shells you don't care if you see your "much younger" sister!!
Re: Re: MYRTLE BEACH !!! Tuesday 18-Jul-2000 07:30:59 Have a great time. We took a mini vacation just last weekend. Lots of sand. Watch out for the seaweed. It is very thick right now. If you happen to go past my house---on your way to or from-----let me know. Love ya chick and dude.
Bobby Jones (Class of 76) Friday 14-Jul-2000 10:57:19 Happy Birthday Bobby!
Re: Bobby Jones (Class of 76) Friday 14-Jul-2000 13:35:31 Happy Birthday Bobby! It's good to see someone SO MUCH YOUNGER than Rhea Jean Romans and Jimmy McCoy on this site having a birthday! Hopefully when you're all old and stuff at 53 like they are you'll have as much "spunk" and good humor as they do! Birthdays are good.........hope you have many more!
Re: ON JULY 10th JIMMY MCCOY WAS 53 - JUST LIKE ME! Thursday 13-Jul-2000 13:55:49 GEE BOTH OF YOU ARE OLD!!!!!
Re: Re: ON JULY 10th JIMMY MCCOY WAS 53 - JUST LIKE ME! Thursday 13-Jul-2000 15:03:54 Just so you know Rhear that wasn't me that said that! Although it's true! LOL
Re: ON JULY 10th JIMMY MCCOY WAS 53 - JUST LIKE ME! Thursday 13-Jul-2000 16:42:18 Almost older than dirt.
Re: Re: ON JULY 10th JIMMY MCCOY WAS 53 - JUST LIKE ME! Friday 14-Jul-2000 18:38:38 Yes and hopefully you all will age as I have - like a high priced wine that just gets better and better with old age...
Re: ON JULY 10th JIMMY MCCOY WAS 53 - JUST LIKE ME! Monday 17-Jul-2000 11:12:47 Happy Birthday Jimmy 53 ain't bad when you consider the alternative. Maybe we should have another reunion in Hawaii to celebrate unless of course you have another hurricane up your sleeve.Dee
Re: Re: ON JULY 10th JIMMY MCCOY WAS 53 - JUST LIKE ME! Monday 17-Jul-2000 12:10:15 Thanks Dee. In regard to hurricanes "Been there done that."
WHS Daily News Wednesday 12-Jul-2000 09:39:16 We may not be able to get the Welch Daily News on line but it looks like we have the next best thing - the Welch High School Daily News!
Re: WHS Daily News Wednesday 12-Jul-2000 12:25:32 Yep I've learned more from this WHS website about our little town in WV during the past couple years than I probably ever could have read in the WDN. I've been away from McDowell County for nearly 40 years; but I've never felt more "in touch" with Welch and former Welch grade school/jr. high school/high school classmates than I do now with this marvelous site. This website is definitely where it's "happenin"! I doubt the Welch Daily News could ever be this "newsy"! I'm presuming anyway that there still IS a Welch Daily News!? Yours in Welch and WHS spirit!
Re: Re: Congratulations Don Juan (Collins) Skuja! This Site Is All We Need To "Connect" to Welch and McDowell County!!!!!!!!! Saturday 15-Jul-2000 13:35:14 Hey Don Juan (Collins) Skuja! The above entry is such a wonderful tribute to you and all you've done to make this site so meaningful to so many! Nope we don't need the Welch Daily News long as we have the Welch High School Daily News(WHS Alumni Web Site) on-line with all it and the alumni have to offer. I'll take this site any day over the Welch Daily News.....if there still is a Welch Daily News!?! You do great work DJ........and we'll be forever grateful!Spirited Former Welch Schools Attendee ('52-'62)
Thanks! Sunday 16-Jul-2000 23:19:23 I certainly appreciate your kind words and am pleased you are enjoying the WHS Alumni Web Site.
Re: Re: Re: Congratulations Don Juan (Collins) Skuja! This Site Is All We Need To "Connect" to Welch and McDowell County!!!!!!!!! Sunday 23-Jul-2000 22:14:47 Dear Donnie Thank you so much for the great Website. I have known you since our young days in Welch and am so glad we have kept in touch and remained friends. I have always admired your intelligence and now you have put it to work for all of us. Through the website I have learned so much and reconnected with several former classmates. It has been so entertaining and informative. As you know I have lived in Atlanta for over 27 years but always get sentimental when remembering my youth and growing up in McDowell County. I have such fond memories of those years and using that website has brought back much I had forgotten. Plan to see you and everyone at the next reunion.
Re: Re: Re: Congratulations Don Juan (Collins) Skuja! This Site Is All We Need To "Connect" to Welch and McDowell County!!!!!!!!! Thursday 24-Aug-2000 10:06:22 I grew up in McDowell county and would love to see the Welch Daily News on the web. So many people believe it was terrible to live in such a poor state. I believe it made us stronger and more appreciative of the little things in life. I love where I come from and would like to be able to connect to my past easier. 1992 graduate Iaeger High School. Go Cubs
Re: Re: Re: Re: Congratulations Don Juan (Collins) Skuja! This Site Is All We Need To "Connect" to Welch and McDowell County!!!!!!!!! Sunday 27-Aug-2000 19:40:04 I was talking with one of the reporters at welch daily news and he said they are looking at putting it online in the coming months.
An Idea Sunday 9-Jul-2000 19:52:26 I was thinking today (that's dangerous for me! Ha!) about some of our classmates & problems they've encountered & thought--maybe we could have a "Prayer Request" link on our web site. I know at the reunion that a classmate was telling us about his child's open heart surgery a couple of weeks ago here in Morgantown--I wish I had known I might have been able to have done something to help! I'm positive that we have lots of Christian classmates that may be interested in this! It could be another way for us to help each other! I don't know the logistics & if it is possible--but I thought it could be another heading like "Message Board" & "Guest Book". Thanks for listening & I'll try to be quiet for a while! Ha! Pat Morgan Sparks
Re: An Idea Sunday 9-Jul-2000 22:00:58 A special WHS Prayer Request page is doable. What we need is one of you good souls out there to set one up and maintain it. It would be fairly easy to make it a part of the WHS Alumni Web Site. In the meantime all of you are encouraged to continue using this message board for your special prayer requests birth announcements wedding announcements and whatever else you want to share with the world of former WHS students.
Re: Re: An Idea Monday 10-Jul-2000 00:30:52 Well Ma' - I guess I best be telling the world about the new TEXAN in Houston! Totally native - both parents are Texans... and she made her appearence on June 27 10:37 PM - just a couple hours shy of her Granddad's birthday - early present... 8 pounds 4 oz 19 1/2 inches long - mostly leg... black hair about 3" long and her name is ALEXIS FAITH WORSHAM. Totally adores her Grandmudder...I got to hear her first cry via a my cell phone...and got to tell her that her Grandmudder loves her very much right then and there! She is home now and I have been spoiling her as often and as much as I sneak in before her Mother catches me! hahaha You might say a prayer for her Mother - who has a blood clot at the top of her left is being stubborn about disolving and the leg is still very swollen...,Rj,
Re: An Idea Monday 10-Jul-2000 18:07:18 With all due respect I'm of the opinion that prayer for ourselves and others is a most personal and private matter. Although I believe that prayer is powerful and worthy of our individual beliefs in that "higher power" that works in miraculous ways I think it is something that overwhelmingly transcends the WHS Message Board and the internet. As a Christian I seriously question the appropriatness of a prayer link on the internet. I think that left to our very own personal and religious convictions prayer is best left to our inner selves and something to consider sacred........not cybernatural. I'll forever appreciate the writer's apparent sincerity in suggesting a "prayer link"; however I personally don't see prayer as an appropriate item to share in such a public forum as this or other internet venues.
Re: Re: Oops forgot my name & email address on the above entry Monday 10-Jul-2000 18:22:33 I got so "wrapped up" in the subject matter I forgot to sign-in.
Re: An Idea Monday 10-Jul-2000 21:09:47 I believe in prayer anywhere and at any time and at any place. Jesus encouraged each of us to seek a private place for our prayers but he did not discourage public prayers except in the case of those individuals seeking some sort of personal recognition. Jesus talks about the power of prayer where two or three of us are gathered together. From the cross Jesus asked the Father to forgive those who mocked and crucified him; this was a public prayer. I have lost a number of people from my class of 1955 that I wished I had the opportunity to pray. I understand those who believes only in personal and private prayers. I certainly recognize their position. I believe however and public and private prayers and I believe thatit is appropriate in my car restaurants or on the internet. God bless this wonderful idea.
Re: Re: An Idea Tuesday 11-Jul-2000 08:45:27 Ray thanks for sharing your insight regarding this subject. Your comments and reasoning were compelling enough to convince me that the "idea" is probably a good one after all. Upon further reflection I think many of us would agree that prayer is always good.......regardless of the forum. Again I personally appreciate your thoughtful input and I'm sure others will as well.
Re: Re: Re: An Idea Wednesday 12-Jul-2000 20:20:56 Bob Thank you for your gracious and charitable response. Whether or not Pat's idea reaches fruition I would hope that messages such as the request made in behalf of Mary and Carmello Spano would continue to be posted on the message board. The true benefit of Pat's idea is that heaven could be bombbarded by our prayers with specific request for specific classmates on a daily basis if all such request were located on a separate site. We would then be witnesses to God's great love in His answers to prayer.
Re: Re: An Idea Tuesday 11-Jul-2000 11:16:05 Hey this is a great discussion! It made me remember something that happened about 7 yrs. ago when my father-in-law a retired Baptist minister was dying. Because he had to stay home he watched religious television programs almost all the time--his favorite was The 700 Club with Pat Robertson--I believe he had even sent money to them. My mother-in-law wrote in right before he died and requested prayer for her husband Boyd. She received a letter back saying they were sorry that they couldn't pray for him unless Boyd sent in the request! She just threw the letter away & never told him about it because she didn't want to disillusion him!
Re: Re: Re: An Idea Wednesday 12-Jul-2000 11:48:36 Pat you're right......good discussion......but since it is somewhat of a "touchy" subject maybe it's best we move on. Good to know there's good Christian folk out there interested enough in this subject to even comment. Thanks for your "idea"!
Re: Re: Re: An Idea Wednesday 12-Jul-2000 19:44:13 We need to remember in prayer Mary & Carmello Spano. Their father passed away July 8.
Death of Mary & Carmella Spano's Father Friday 14-Jul-2000 14:40:46 Just wanted to be sure folks see the prior message about Mary & Carmello's father's passing away on 7/8/00. Due to the subject matter (the Re: line) I was afraid it may be overlooked
One of us Married to a Celebrity! Saturday 8-Jul-2000 13:37:38 Hey guys & gals! Some of you might not know this but one of our 60's class members is married to Bob Denver: aka "Gilligan". I am proud to say that he has been a member of our family for 23 yrs. now. You may remember Dreama Peery--she was a cheerleader while at WHS--moved to Bluefield where she graduated--probably would have been with the class of'68--she's 6 yrs older than me so I imagine that would be right. Classic TV did an interview with her recently--if interested connect to: Look for Articles by Date - 6/20/00 -An Interview with Dreama Denver. You will also find 2 pictures of them--one at the White House with Buddy. I am very proud of her--she's a great optimistic person--even when she's dealt with serious problems--she & Bob have a severly handicapped 16 yr. old son & with their hard work he has been able to accomplish such every day things as walking! She also suffered the loss of her beloved brother due to AIDS & is quite an activist now. She is Bob's right hand & designed his website: which has won numerous awards. You will find her late at night handling fan mail & answering emails! Plus she designed the Professor's & Mary Ann's web sites. I think you will be impressed if you visit Bob's site! Any old friends out there can log on & tell her "Hi"! She & Bob moved to Princeton WV--I guess it's been about 10 yrs. now. As you know people from Welch are truly amazing! Ha! Thanks Pat Morgan Sparks
70's Reunion Friday 7-Jul-2000 19:51:35 I had a great time at the reunion it was great to see old friends. Thanks to the committee for all of their hard work. Since I am not in town I appreciate all of the time and hard work it took to insure that everyone had a good time. I was disappointed with the band that was the only low point for me. A DJ may be a better alternative for the next time. Thanks again for the great job and a great weekend.
70's Reunion Friday 7-Jul-2000 19:28:05 I really had a great time at the reunion. It was good to see old friends from WHS. I wish we would have had a better turnout. I would like to thank the reunion committee for all their hard work. For the next reunion may I suggest that a DJ is hired instead of a live band which would save money and possibly could reduce the cost to attend. Plus there would be more diversity in the type of music. That's just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions. Can't wait for the next reunion. Keep in touch.
Your thoughts on the 70's reunion Friday 7-Jul-2000 06:21:15 Hey just would like to know what everyones opinion was on the reunion. I had a great time and enjoyied seeing everyone. Thank all of you for making the effort to come and remember the good ole days at WHS. Nice to see everyone is doing so well. Please keep in touch. . We will be having a update on the 70's link and pictures of the reunion and a list of who attended it will take a few weeks to get this together but we hope to have it on there in the next month. We are waiting for pictures to return People taking vacations and getting all the information together. ANyway glad you all attended. Hope more attend next time and Lets us know what you think. This is a great tool in keeping up with the classmates. We need your help SO stay in touch.
Re: Your thoughts on the 70's reunion Friday 7-Jul-2000 13:02:45 Had a great time at the 70's reunion. Everything was organized well good food and good music. Band breaks were a little too long. Also there was some confusion among us "old" people about the pictures. I received a card about the booklet the day AFTER I got home. Also where did the photographer go? The group picture is what I thought was most important. My only comment on future reunions is that the weekend of the 4th of July is not a good one for most people. Thanks for all the work ya'll did on this reunion.
Fabulous Fifties Reunion Thursday 6-Jul-2000 08:38:53 Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone knew the dates for the Fabulous 50's reunion schedule for October 2001. Thanks Wilma
The 70's Reunion Wednesday 5-Jul-2000 12:06:51 In Christ all Well can someone please let us know how the 70's Reunion went? Who was there? Highlights? Old Flames Ignited? Pictures.. We want Pictures.. Boy wish I was able to go.. Sure do miss you folks.
Re: The 70's Reunion Wednesday 5-Jul-2000 19:17:14 The 70's reunion was very nice and I think all those that put it together should be very proud of themselves. I wish to thank them very much. No old flames but some good friends good food good music. Everyone should try to go next time. I would have loved to see more of my former classmates. But it was very nice. Thank you all for putting "The 70's Reunion" together. "Sherry & Diane" I know you worked very hard and you deserve a pat on the back. Thanks for the memories and all. Linda Steele Langford Class of '71
Re: The 70's Reunion Thursday 6-Jul-2000 19:07:02 Hey Mike What year did you graduate? The reunion was so much fun! I think the class of '74 had the most people on Fri. night! Of course there were things to gossip about but we couldn't very well post it for everyone to see! Ha! To really get the inside scoop you needed to be there! I will say--I never knew Coach Nystrom had a sense of humor--boy does he ever! If I had false teeth they would have dropped out of my mouth after one joke he told on Sat. night. It was great to see Mr. Jack too--everybody loves him! It was also a smart idea to give us name tags both nights--some people I would have never guessed who they were--especially Mark Walrod--he doesn't look anything like he did in school--I think everyone in '74 would agree! It's great going back to each reunion because it's like seeing your extended family again. I think most of us feel genuine love for each other--some really really love each other! Ha! I would like to thank the reunion committee & whoever came up with the idea! My husband has said many times that he wishes his classmates would do a 70's reunion too! It is truly a great idea--it's the closest we can come to going back in time & "hanging" with our friends again--and with some of those we didn't know very well! Hey Mike if you're looking for some specific information you can email me at and I'll see if I know the answer! Looking forward to the next one! Pat Morgan Sparks
Re: Re: The 70's Reunion Friday 7-Jul-2000 06:15:52 Glad to hear everyone had a good time. We enjoyied putting it together I came back about five yars ago to WV and was talking with Cathy Jack and Fran Shaffron and was saying wouldnt it be nice to see the classmates we went to school with ffrom 72 to 78 and then we came up with the 70's reunion. And here we are. IT is hard work but worth it when people come and have a good time and remmeber the good ole days. Thanks for the kind words. WHS Class of 78 Sherry Cline BELcher
Get 'em Here. WHS T-shirts mugs & mouse pads. Monday 3-Jul-2000 20:07:11 Now available for ordering online: WHS T-shirts with maroon lettering mugs with the Maroon Wave logo featured on this message board and the main WHS Alumni Web Site page and mouse pads with a picture of Welch High School. The prices are reasonable and we can add more graphics for each item if you like. The online catalog and instructions for ordering can be viewed HERE.
Elizabeth Kailing Monday 3-Jul-2000 14:32:24 I wish to thank all the respondents for ALL of your help in this search. I HAVE FOUND HER!!!!!! You guys are great!!!:-)
Local death notices on WELC web site Saturday 1-Jul-2000 23:50:38 Maybe somebody else already mentioned this and I missed it. However I only recently noticed that <a href="">WELC Radio Station's</a> web site now includes local death notices. What a great service to provide especially for us out-of-towners. Thanks WELC Radio Station.
Recent Death Saturday 1-Jul-2000 21:24:51 Sorry to report to all who knew him that my brother-in-law Tim Isherwood died Thursday June 29th at his home in W. Palm Beach Fl. about 4 hours before he was due to fly in for the reunion being held for the 68 thru 78 classes. I will be posting his obituary on the site very soon. If anyone who knew him wants more info. they can email me. Paulette Richardson Isherwood
Re: Recent Death Monday 3-Jul-2000 20:45:34 Friday night at the 70's reunion a group of us were standing in the foyer & looking at the name tags on the table of those coming. We were excited to see Tim Isherwood's name tag. It has been 26 yrs. since I've seen him & we were saying how great it would be to see him! Little did we know he had died that morning! You can't imagine the shock & sadness everyone felt when we learned of his death on Saturday! Our thoughts & prayers are with his family in dealing with this terrible tragedy! I'm sure a lot of my classmates would agree with me--we would love to see a recent picture of him posted although I'll always picture him as a teenager in my mind's eye! Our deepest regrets Pat Morgan Sparks (class of '74)
Bill Booth Saturday 1-Jul-2000 19:20:27 Need Betty's address for a friend of hers amny years ago. Please send. thanks.
GUEST BOOK GRAPHICS Saturday 1-Jul-2000 07:41:57 All I can say is VISIT the GUEST BOOK! Those graphics are great...Ma' you just seem to be on a roll! It is very moving - so once the music begins to play be sure to have a box of tissues near. Thanks Ma' you are a gem - Bessie thanks you too!
Can't access guest book Wednesday 28-Jun-2000 22:14:04 Maybe the guest book folks don't like our 4th of July graphics! I'm getting a Service Error message when I try to access that site. Ya'll hang in there; I have emailed them requesting they fix the problem ASAP.
The Guest Book Is Back! And What a Patriotic Site It Is! Friday 30-Jun-2000 18:23:10 Thanks DJ for getting the G Book back on line. The patriotic music and graphics are outstanding! Happy 4th of July to everyone!
Rocket Boys Day Wednesday 28-Jun-2000 13:14:02 Homer and I had a wonderful day in Coalwood on Rocket Boys Day this past Saturday. We were almost loved to death. Thanks to all the Welch High alumni who turned up and their good wishes. Hope all will get over to Coalwood and see the shuttle model NASA sent on long-term loan. It is beautiful. We're going to try to get the publisher to allow Homer's new book - The Coalwood Way - to be sold in Coalwood on October Sky Festival Day on Oct. 7. National release date is not until Oct. 10. Btw Homer is answering questions all week at
Re: Rocket Boys Day Wednesday 28-Jun-2000 18:28:19 Linda thanks for alerting us to the possibility of "The Coalwood Way" being available at the October Sky Festival Day. And I can only imagine how great it is to come home and as a friend recently remarked "Be DA MAN."
Former WHS students don't forget that we have a few of "our own" featured in Homer's new book so mark your calendars and head over to Coalwood on October 7. Could be you'll be able to get your own autographed copy of another heart-warming story about the good folks of McDowell County. By all means check out the's Q/A sessions with Homer. You'll find some very interesting reading there.
Re: Rocket Boys Day Wednesday 28-Jun-2000 20:31:31 Linda is right - Homer was loved to a near heat stroke! It was hot just like those lazy hazy days of gone by that we remember so well. The lines were two by two and never ending to his autograph table all day long. People never left their spot and they endured a lot of sun to just say "do your remember me or I sure loved the book/movie or just thank you." Where ever Homer roamed he had was swarmed by people who just wanted to shake his hand. I never once saw Homer NOT smiling and hugging people. He is truly loved by us all and his mutual devotion to Coalwood and West Virginia and especially to the people is obvious. You don't want to miss out in October. You will meet a wonderful bunch of Rocket Boys have fun and just enjoy being home in the mountains. And again as Linda said the shuttle model is beautiful. Thanks Coalwood for a wonderful day!
Thank you Kemal Hazemy! Thursday 29-Jun-2000 21:45:34 Homer and I didn't know about Kemal Hazemy's role in getting the shuttle to Coalwood. We knew about Representative Nick Rahall who wrote a letter to Dan Goldin the NASA Administrator requesting assistance. Homer has written a note of thanks to Rep. Rahall. Now it's clear we also owe a big THANK YOU to Mr. Hazemy!
See pictures of the Space Shuttle HERE Wednesday 5-Jul-2000 15:00:29
Wait there's MORE. Wednesday 5-Jul-2000 15:34:58 David Ray Goad (our WHS alumnus Rhonda Lane's husband) has also posted some great photos from Rocket Boys' Day on his web site: Coalwood Memories.
Hey I think that lady is wearing MY Rocket Boys T-shirt. Looks just like mine anyway.
King Coal Highway Wednesday 28-Jun-2000 12:09:58 Along with the Coalfields Expressway to be built between Grundy VA and Beckley WV WVDOT has started moving toward construction of the "King Coal Highway" from Bluefield to Williamson. Their website is up and running with lots of information (except of course when actual construction will begin). Check it out:
This is the type of activity the area needs to get moving. The two highways intersect at the McDowell/Wyoming County line north of Welch. While we've heard of things like this in the past these projects seem to have progressed farther than anythingelse ever has.
Donnie would this be a good html to add to the "Links" page?
Re: King Coal Highway Wednesday 28-Jun-2000 15:15:27 Yes it would and we will (add to the Other Links page). Just for the fun of it (or perhaps for a good old-fashioned argument) I'd like to hear from some of you on your perception of what you think these new roads will mean to McDowell County. One person told me the roads should help in getting people out of the county to do their shopping. I'm not sure if that will help the county but it sure would be nice for the folks who live there.
Re: King Coal Highway Thursday 29-Jun-2000 09:10:00 I guess I don't understand exactly how this highway will benefit the economy for McDowell County. Like you say it will be good for the folks who live there to travel to other areas more easily for shopping doctors' appointments etc but what will it actually bring into the county?
Re: Re: King Coal Highway Monday 3-Jul-2000 09:42:08 What they will "bring" is what the region has needed all along - accessability. It's up to the folks that live there work there GOVERN there to promote the area and develop something for people (employers tourists etc.) to want to come there. There is a potential for new and different types of economic development with a traditionally hard-working workforce. When I was at Concord a classmate and I did some research on the impact of rebuilding the WV Turnpike to interstate standards and rebuilding US 460 to or near those standards. You can drive through that area and see a lot of development and growth since the late 1960's and early 1970's when they finally built those highways. It won't happen overnight but the new roads will be a positive - not just a "quicker way out". Other areas all around the country have taken remote areas such as this and created positive outcomes. It takes some dedicated leadership and a willingness to not completely depend on the politicians - history has shown they usually don't come through for McDowell County (just a bone every 4 years or so to get votes - remember the paving of Belcher Mt. road to the airport?) I think there are enough entrepreneurs out there with imaginations that can make those mountains come alive again only this time find a way for the big profits and benefits to "stay home" and not go the way of lumber and coal!
By the way how many of you know that Welch is getting a new Social Security office? It's supposed to be built on the old car lot next to Superior-Maitland School. It's already been put out for construction bid. I'm not aware of any plans to actually expand the staff but they need more space due to the increase in workload.
Re: Re: Re: King Coal Highway Monday 3-Jul-2000 13:23:51 Interesting comment. To what might we attribute theincrease in Social Security workloads in the county? And how does this increase impact if at all on the availability of a potential workforce for some outfit that might want to locate in the county to take advantage of the new highways?
Re: Re: Re: Re: King Coal Highway Monday 3-Jul-2000 15:18:57 Let's hope that those smart folks back in McDowell County will take advantage of the new highway by making it an Access Road to years of yor'... That they will realize that the skills their parents grand parents and great grandparents had and passed down are worth money in today's market. Rip that TAR off those bricks in downtown Welch put up lamp posts of up that old time "soda" fountain market your heritage - quilting spinning churning pottery painting etc ...Get all the artifacts that your friends and neighbors have stuck away in drawers and make a Coal Industry Museum... Open up Ye' Ole' Shoppes of yesteryear and make money! Go for the Gold! Use that Access Road as it should be - to bring money in not take it out!
Re: Re: Re: Re: King Coal Highway Thursday 6-Jul-2000 07:16:57 I'm not certain exactly to what to attribute the workload increase but my guess is that the workforce there IS aging (partly due to an increase in emmigration of the younger generations and more retirees) and a significant disability workload. The thing that has to happen is for more opportunities to be created for growth and development (see the message below for some suggestions) so the younger generations have some incentives to stay.
class of 55 yearbooks Monday 26-Jun-2000 22:56:28 looking for 55 year books 54 53
my husband grad in 55 from welch he was from davy he also had sisters Glenna Sue Kathy Garret and brother Bob. Bob and Kathy have passed on but would just love to hear from anyone who has some type of story about my loved one or family. Hope to be there in Oct.
Linda French
Linda French -- Message posted for '55 yearbooks Tuesday 11-Jul-2000 10:48:11 Reply e-mail address in subject posting not correct...reply message returned as 'user unknown'. Linda or anyone else who might know Linda's e-mail address please get in touch with me. Thanks!!
Bob M.
Class of 52 Reunion Monday 26-Jun-2000 13:00:11 Thank you Class of '52 for your invitation and hospitality to the Class of '53 on June 23/24th. It was great to see so many old friends again. We had a wonderful time and hope to join you again in the future.Liz and Ray Drees
War Library Burns -- Needs Books Monday 26-Jun-2000 12:26:49 I don't know the particulars but there was a terrible fire at the War Library. They have received some books from private sources and some are tattered and worn. They continue to accept and would really appreciate any books they can get. If you are interested in donating a book(s) the address is: War Public Library P.O.Box 68 War WV 24892. Francis Blankenship is the Librarian there and has been since it first opened. As one person from War said: "The gift of a book how great is that? Well I traveled all over the world met royalty and visited far away galaxies and never left War. Imagination is a true gift from God and through books you can share this gift with a couple of hundred 'hungry minds'."
Re: War Library Burns -- Needs Books Monday 26-Jun-2000 19:20:23 If I remember correctly it was arson by younsters and they were caught. That did not replace the books however.
More Information Thursday 29-Jun-2000 23:00:46 A few of you have asked for a bit more information on specifically what most needs to be replaced (e.g. dictionaries fiction non-fiction etc.) at the War Library. At this point I suggest you try to contact the library directly at 304-875-4618 (or 4622) to see if they have a special wish list.
Need HELP with Web Site Sunday 25-Jun-2000 20:57:12 If you use the Netscape browser please contact me. I am testing changes to some web pages and need to know if they are working ok on the Netscape browser. I have Netscape on my PC but it has been on the blink for a few days and I'm getting tired of fooling around with it. All I need is for somebody to check a few web sites and let me know whether they can see certain graphics and hear certain sounds. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Re: Need HELP with Web Site Tuesday 27-Jun-2000 00:03:10 I have an up to date 128 bit SE Netscape. Send me the links and I will check them for you.
Re: Re: Need HELP with Web Site Tuesday 27-Jun-2000 15:16:34 Thanks to all of you who volunteered to help we now have a spiffed up Guest Book page in honor of Independence Day 2000. Take a minute and check it out. After running into a multitude of problems the last time I tried to change the message board I feel safer with leaving it as is for now.
4th. of JULY Sunday 25-Jun-2000 08:49:17 How many of you remember having Fourth of July picnics? I can remember all the excitement of getting ready for the big day...those were the days when the 4th of July still meant celebrating our Freedom. The Constitution of the United States was taken for what it written for and not picked apart to fit the situation. For the big picnic ice cream and "pop" in all flavors was bought Mom baked "Yummies" all week made potato salad the night before and got up early on the morning of baked fresh rolls FRIED chicken made devil eggs cole slaw and heated up the green beans! Remember those big picnic baskets - and REAL plates! We actually ate off plates - not paper! WATERMELON - Lots of watermelon! We ate went swimming and played all day and evening then watched the Fire Works at the Starland that night! The Fire Works were the Grand Finale and that alone always made every 4th of July a day to remember - until next year...
Re: 4th. of JULY Monday 26-Jun-2000 08:08:15 YES !!!!! Them were the GOOD old days !!! And may we THANK all of our Armed Forces for the right to celebrate this FREEDOM day that we enjoy so much. Lets not forget all of those that gave their all so we can have this privilege of FREEDOM we have.
Re: 4th. of JULY Monday 26-Jun-2000 19:10:30 Hey Rhear........Really enjoyed reading your reflections on the 4th of July in the old hometown. Seems like one thing we all did well in those "wonder years" in Welch and McDowell County was celebrate the holidays (ALL the holidays)! If you think about it in retrospect our whole childhood back there was one big celebration! Among my favorites was that good ol' "pull my finger" 4th of July fireworks family parade....just all the relatives being together. Also just wonderin' is there anyone out there who DIDN'T have a favorite uncle or grandpa who always told you to "pull my finger"?!!!!!??? Remember??? LOL!
Re: Re: 4th. of JULY Monday 26-Jun-2000 19:28:06 You all are too young to know Welch did have a fourth of July parade. It started "On the Hill" went through town and all the way to Coney Island. There everything took place from the swimming pool (now city reservoir) Pavilion skating rink rides and picnic on the ground. Fire work after dark. It was a day long affair.Everyone went hom exhausted. Welch was not going to be left out. Thought you might be interested.
Re: Re: Re: 4th. of JULY Monday 26-Jun-2000 20:24:12 Please tell us more!!! We may have just been a tad too young to have known this special time in Welch but to hear of these wonderful days in that glorious little town would be greatly appreciated. Of course we have our own memories but yours sounds like a time we do need to know more about...
REUNION!!! REUNION!!! REUNION!!! Class of 63 Saturday 24-Jun-2000 07:45:40 Attention 1963 1962 and 1964 grads. Our reunion plans are moving along nicely and we are getting a good response rate. We have not heard from many of you and do not have addresses for you. If you are a member of one of these classes and are interested in attending a reunion in the spring of 2001 please send a note to or to me directly. Most of our responses have been from folks who did not know about the one last year me included so this one should be very exciting. We would love to hear from you. Spread the word to anyone you know from those classes. Thanks and hope to see you there.
70's REUNION NOT TO LATE TO ATTEND THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE Wednesday 21-Jun-2000 22:22:42 WE ARE having a 70's reunion on JUne 30 Friday night at the aromory meet there at 6 for a tour of the school and 7 to 9 for a social hour. THEN who knows what we will do after that. ON saturday during the day you can meet with old classmates and go to the sterling if you so desire. Saturday evening will be meeting around 5 at MT VIEW SCHOOL for pictures dinner will be around 7 and the dance will begin after 9. We are having a live band called TNT from Roanoke they are very good band. ON SUNDAY July 2nd we are having a memorial service at the football stadium remembering our deceased classmates. There will be classmates that will be singing and presenting a nice little program come all family and friends of the deceased classmates are welcome to attend this event. This is $50.00 a person please let us no if you m=plan to attend YOU can email Sherry BELcher at and find out the details and how to send in the money and what you need to do. The CLASSES of 1973 1976 1977 and 1979 Have not had representavies from those classes helping with the reunion. IF you did not receive anything it is because we sent out to people we had addresses for that atteneded the last reunion three years ago. SO if you are interested in attending it is not to late. CONTACT me and we can make the arrangements HOPE to see you there. WE will have a great time. ROLL OUT THE BARREL WE'LL HAVE A BARREL OF FUN>>>>OF come and remember the days with us.
6/30-7/2/00 Reunion for Classes of the '70s--UPDATE Wednesday 21-Jun-2000 21:52:00 If you are planning to attend the 70's reunion and have not yet sent in your registration fee PLEASE try to send it to one of the committee members as soon as possible. We must have an accurate count of the number of people who plan to be there to ensure that everybody gets fed. Recent updates to the itinerary for the reunion can be viewed at the WHS 70s Reunion web page.
Re: 6/30-7/2/00 Reunion for Classes of the '70s--UPDATE Monday 3-Jul-2000 10:59:33 The "Flipside" Band really enjoyed playing for the 70's reunion. Your hospitality was warm and we enjoyed meeting everyone..Sherry Belcher please contact ASAP 800 777-2583 Ext. 250..Thanks again for having us for your suscessful reunion...Corky Waugh High Point NC
Jeannette Deskins Tuesday 20-Jun-2000 12:38:31 Jeannette if you are on line send a message. I have tried to reach you at your e-mail address and so far the message is not reaching you.
Re: Jeannette Deskins Sunday 25-Jun-2000 19:59:30 Look's like I goofed up again. Still learning. Please get back to me if you receive this. I tried to send through AOL and that might have gone through. If not we will try another way.Jeanette
Cindy Reece Sams Tuesday 20-Jun-2000 06:30:44 Hi everyone from Welch and Havaco I sure have enjoyed all my e-mail.A special thanks 2 Rhea Romans and Jim Brown. My radiation treatments are going well but it is very tiring still keeping my sense of humor and appreciate all the good wishes prayers and cards. Its getting difficult to keep up on e-mail so I will try 2 post a MSG as often as i can. Luv my t-shirt Jim. Thanks to u and Lynn. Roger Harrison would u please tell my little bro I luv and miss him and for him 2 write me. Luv to all. Cindy Reece Sams.
Re: Cindy Reece Sams Tuesday 20-Jun-2000 16:47:02 My pleasure Cindy...when you are down and feeling like the "last rose of summer" just let all those fun times we used to have running around in Havaco bottom playing baseball in front of Jake Steven's house climbing trees throwing rocks at the boys wrecking on bicycles watching the "guys" skinny dipping in old Tug...(giggle) Oops - now they know that they weren't always ALONE and that all us girls know their short comings!..hahaha Remember those snowy winters - the only time Havaco was CLEAN! Sleding down the hill in front of my house or going across the bridge and sleding down the hill from the Elem. School to the river's edge... Riding those little coal cars parked over on the tracks at the mine playing tag and hide n go seek at night catching fire flies dodging bats jumping off the bridge into the sand below and all those shows the the gang (Jeanita Billy Jean Donna Jolene you and I) used to put on for the rest of the kids... remember Rock N Robin... ha Think of all those things and just see if you don't feel better..I always do. Good Luck Cindy and we are all praying for your total recovery. YOU GO GIRL!
appledum to Monday 19-Jun-2000 12:25:39 Would like to hear from you. I have wondered about you many times during the past years. I guess we all have had some good and some bad times. Do you ever go back to Roderfield? Those were not the days if you know what I mean.
Re: appledum to Friday 7-Jul-2000 12:08:25 I lived at Roderfield in the 50s was a friend of Robert Eugene Vaughn (Shaver) and remember a beautiful redhead he married and thought her name was Shirley Hall???? Any truth to this. Also have been trying to find Shaver. Found one of his sisters Delores (one blue eye and one green) but not him yet. thanks Pig Reeves
appledum to Monday 19-Jun-2000 12:21:41 Received your message. You are going to have a busy summer. Good luck.
appledum to daune Monday 19-Jun-2000 12:19:07 Daune I sent some of the information you were wondering about by e-mail. Let me know if you received it. We have had problems in this region with the computers.
Re: appledum to daune Monday 19-Jun-2000 21:59:18 Hi Shirley Thanks for letting me know you got my message. However I did not receive anything back from you. You can also try me at Right now I have two different E-mail addresses. Glad you made contact with your friend.
Check out "Links of Interest" Monday 19-Jun-2000 07:51:41 Hey guys just a note of interest to those who are not familiar with the links page. Donnie has linked so many web sights of interest for us WV hillybillies (and continues adding links). You must check them out. All are great and all are about our home town related to it or of West Virginia. You will find everything from other McDowell County alumni sights personal home pages news and sports to WV magazines. There may be something on there you never thought would have a web page. Try it - "you'll like it!" HA!
I also keep up with her "Update" page. Whats more fun than searching through our alumni sight and finding a surprise an old picture or especially a long lost friend. I sure don't want to miss it ANY of it. (I am not nosey just home sick!)
Homer Hickman Saturday 17-Jun-2000 20:27:50 Our local newscaster just announced that Coalwood will have a Missle. A real one from Nasa. Homer Hickman has secured a small missel and it will be sent to Coalwood.
Rocket Boys Day in Coalwood Saturday 17-Jun-2000 21:20:11 Join us at Coalwood on Saturday June 24 for the second annual "Rocket Boys Day!" The Governor of WV will be there as well as the Rocket Boys. See the Homer's web page and read all about this event as well as the one in October - "October Sky Fall Festival." Good fun good food and best of all celebrating a new beginning not just for Coalwood but for McDowell Co.
Re: Homer Hickman - er actually it's Hickam Sunday 18-Jun-2000 15:52:38 Hi Clove - Thanks for the note. Just had to correct the spelling of my name. We Hickams aren't the sensitive types - but we are kind of prickly on just that one thing. On the missile/rocket it's actually a model of the space shuttle that has represented NASA around the country for awhile. NASA has graciously agreed to let Coalwood have it for as long as Coalwood wants it. Although a model it's a BIG model. Can't wait to see it in the old town.
Re: Re: Homer Hickman - er actually it's Hickam Sunday 18-Jun-2000 17:26:03 Hi Homer We are so excited about the "Rocket Boys" Day in Coalwood June 24th. What a nice thing for you to do for your hometown & WV. I guess we have all dreamed of becoming famous and returning to WV to make our hometown equally famous but you have actually done it! You have been such an inspiration to all Mountaineers. We are so proud of our hometown hero. Although I was born in WV and graduated from WHS both my husband and I retired from Honeywell in Clearwater Fl and both worked on the Shuttle Program. As you know Honeywell designed and built the Main Engine Controller for the Shuttle. We plan to be in WV next week for a class reunion and look forward to meeting you. Best Wishes on your future endeavors. Liz & Ray Drees
Re: Homer Hickman Sunday 25-Jun-2000 18:57:55 Somebody who was there this w/end PLEASE post a message telling those of us who couldn't attend the Rocket Boys Festival all about it.
Re: Re: Homer Hickman Monday 26-Jun-2000 21:15:51 I was in town from NC and was able to attend part of the festival. The model that is on display is pretty big. It was supposed to be unveiled at 1:00--- The governor was supposed to be there. I had to leave to come home at 2:30--- the model was still covered up. I have no idea what time the action finally took place. Homer was there signing autographs. They also had the Miss Riley Rocket prop from the movie there. It was okay---
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Saturday 17-Jun-2000 18:22:43 For all of you Fathers out there - here is wishing you a wonderful and happy father's day and remember...Any man can be a Father but not all men can be a Dad. Dad is that special someone who is there to dry the tears and calm the fears through ALL the years... for every child whether natural adopted or stepchild - Love is the key.Again - Have a Wonderful and Happy Father's Day!
Welch Daily News Friday 16-Jun-2000 12:54:46 Wouldn't it be great if the Welch Daily News had an on-line site for the newspaper (like the Bluefield DT and others)? I'm presuming that such a site would likely impact the local Welch subscriptions/circulation if folks could read the Welch Daily News on the internet.
HOWEVER a more practical approach might be to have delayed postings of the Welch Daily News (5 10 15 days) after the actual publication date. For the thousands of us who haven't read a Welch Daily Newspaper in 35 or 40 years what difference would 5 10 15 or even 60 days make? Such a "delayed" posting of the paper on the internet would not impact the local daily circulation/subscriptions; and at the same time would get the word out to the world about Welch and McDowell County!
The WHS alumni website is ample testimony to the fact that so many of us still have an interest in Welch and McDowell County. It would seem to behoove the City of Welch and the Welch Daily News to publicize as much information about the city/county to further increase the awareness and interest of former residents of the community and others who have a sincere heart-felt attachment to that community.
Just something to think about.....It'd be interesting to see how many others consider this a good idea. Perhaps if enough of us are interested we could persuade the Welch Daily News to consider this idea. What do you think?
Re: Welch Daily News Friday 16-Jun-2000 13:54:07 I read the Bluefield paper online every day just to see any McDowell news. Would love to see something more close to home.
THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!!! C'MON WHS GRADS! LET'EM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! Saturday 17-Jun-2000 18:06:34 I think this is a great idea. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to read the Welch Daily News on the internet?! We often wonder what goes on in McDowell County and our little hometown of Welch. What better way to find out than to read (even an old edition) of the Welch Daily News!
Re: THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!!! C'MON WHS GRADS! LET'EM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! Saturday 17-Jun-2000 20:22:34 Something needs to be done. We were home and could not believe the office of WDN closes about noon. We could not transact any business with them. Good luck! !
Get the News Saturday 17-Jun-2000 21:08:08 I to read BDT online everyday. But WELC web page now has a news bullentin page. I check it out everyday also. John Sidote is trying his best to keep it up with short news of intest about Welch and the county. This is how I found out about the Starland being sold before someone told us on here online. They have a great page setup! Email John (webmaster) and sign his guestbook let the folks there know how much they are appreciated and how much you long to hear about what is going on at home. So until then we must do BDT online and WELC...
Re: Get the News Sunday 18-Jun-2000 12:41:43 Please give the complete web address for the WELC web you mentioned in your message. I tried and into some odd places and all I wanted was the WELC from back home..thanks.
Re: Re: Get the News Sunday 18-Jun-2000 13:31:22 There are different ways to get to this web site. You can go to the WHS Alumni Web Site and click on "Other Links of Interest". Another way is to type
Re: WDN online Wednesday 21-Jun-2000 16:55:03 I agree 100% that having the WDN online would be great for us out-of-towners. Like many of the rest of you I too have the BDT and WELC sites bookmarked and check them daily for any news from home. Mom saves for me the WDN and/or any articles in which she thinks I'd be interested but it would be great to be able to access the paper online. I wouldn't care if the online edition were out of date. What I see now is out of date; that certainly does not impede my interest. Let's all contact the WDN and let them know how we feel. Maybe we could include copies of all these related messages.
The address is: Welch Daily News
P.O.Box 569
WELCH WV 24801-0569
(304) 436-3144
Re: Welch Daily News Tuesday 27-Jun-2000 02:05:35 Just speaking as an individual: Not all newspapers have Web sites. Probably all offer mail subscriptions. If you want to know what's in the WDN subscribe.
Richard Ramella
Re: Re: Welch Daily News Wednesday 28-Jun-2000 20:14:46 Who'd want to pay $75 a year to subscribe to the Welch Daily News? When I left Welch my father wasn't even bringing home $75 a month. The news wasn't good then either. I'll continue to rely on the BDT WELC and this website to get all the news I need to know (if any) about Welch and McDowell County today.
Re: Re: Re: Welch Daily News Friday 30-Jun-2000 17:51:19 While I agree that WDN should be on-line their present employment situation is probably a bit more pressing. They are trying to find a Managing Editor and Sports Editor (unless they have already found candidates.) Also it could be the LAST thing on the mind of the OWNER of the paper. Let your voices be heard!!! In the meantime I too rely on BDTonline and WELC's webpage.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Welch Daily News Thursday 20-Jul-2000 19:50:07 It would be great if they would put WDN on web site. However I think most of the people we knew back in our youth have probably moved away or died and the town looks like a ghost town or did the last time I drove through. Very sad to see such a busy little town closing all of their stores restaurants etc. I am surprised WDN is still publishing.
Change email address Thursday 15-Jun-2000 10:57:08 Please change my email address from JGPlymale@Prodigy.Net to
Thank You Pete Plymale
Re: Change email address Thursday 15-Jun-2000 16:28:27 Hi Pete and Joann Got your new email address and will get it to Pete as soon as he gets back from Italy. Hope all is well with you. Take care and God bless you and yours. Wanda Bignotti Simons
IT'S PARTY TIME!!! -- for all former WHS students -- August 5 Tuesday 13-Jun-2000 21:57:42 There has been discussion among some WHS classmates about getting together this summer. A few brave classmates decided to provide the place and host the event.
You are invited to a get-together at Ronnie Collins' house in Premier at 1:00 p.m. on August 5th. There will be plenty of food drinks and some good old 50s 60s and 70s music and the best part is: IT WON'T COST YOU A THING. Just show up. Come early stay late and reminisce with some of your friends
All former WHS students are welcome to attend. There is plenty of room so call up some of your WHS classmates and tell them to meet you in Welch on August 5th.
Directions to Ronnie's house and more information will be provided at a later date. The group is also discussing an event for Friday night August 4th but plans have not yet been finalized.
If you need more information call Ronnie Collins at (304) 436-4900 Carolyn Lane at (606) 297-2411 Mike Mosko at (202) 565-1540 or Donnie Skuja at (410) 549-7190.
Once you have decided to join us call or e mail Ronnie ( Carolyn ( or Donnie ( so the group can make sure there is plenty of food and drinks for everyone.
Re: IT'S PARTY TIME!!! -- for all former WHS students -- August 5 Thursday 27-Jul-2000 06:54:41 Please let me know all of the particulars about the party for all Welch High School graduates. I hope that I can attend. I will have to find a place to stay.
Thanks for the info.
Looking for Former Classmates & Friends Tuesday 13-Jun-2000 14:40:58 Anyone knowing the where abouts of Eddie Hopson (First Name George)left for the Navy as a sophmore lived in Maitland while attending WHS; and Eddie Chris Hughes please contact me at my email or phone 281-463-3387...Friends are wanting to talk with you.
To Pat Friel Johnson Monday 12-Jun-2000 21:09:19 Hi Pat I recently received mail from you about the next 50's reunion but I can't find it. (must be true that the memory is the first thing to go)
I visited John this past weekend. I told him about hearing from you and he asked me to have you mail him the info you sent me. I was pleased that he expressed interest because he's living through dark days right now.
John doesn't have a computer at home. I'm trying to convince him to join the rest of us on the net. His address is: P.O. Box 587 Ft. Ashby WV 26719. His son John's e-mail address is He could pass along computer messages to his dad.
John received several sympathy cards from friends through this site and really appreciated them.
I know you sent a card for updating info. My address etc. are unchanged
Hi to all our WHS friends!
Geneieve and Jeanette Monday 12-Jun-2000 14:33:55 Ladies let me know what you have been doing. What are you doing for the summer? Get in touch.
ALUMNI LISTING Sunday 11-Jun-2000 22:01:50 On the last message I posted concerning the my E-mail address was wrong. The correct E-mail is Sorry for the typo.
Re: Looking For Sammy Wednesday 14-Jun-2000 08:38:37 Frankie Stamper brother of Jimmy Jo and Sammy lives in Roanoke. I can give you his address if you would like. Last I heard Jimmy Jo and Sammy both live in Florida.
Lost email Saturday 10-Jun-2000 10:30:53 I can't seem to reach Linda Counts with the email address I have. If you have it would you please email me. Thanks
Starland Theatre Friday 9-Jun-2000 21:25:36 The S.A.F.E. organization is beginning to work on the new Starland Heights housing. They are going to try and have an area that highlights the Starland Theatre and they are looking for pictures of the outside entrance by the road when it was just opened or near that time. The sign has to be torn down because it contains asbestos. Any memoribilia or stories that you may have would be appreciated. You can contact me by e-mail and I will pass the information on to S.A.F.E. You may contact Sharon Yates at (304)-436-8117.
Re: Starland Theatre Friday 9-Jun-2000 21:43:58 Sharon I am sure that a lot of us have stories about the Starland but not for publication - only for our diming memories! hahaha But my favorite time was always 4th of July night! The fireworks display was just wonderful - those fireworks that the management put off...others I don't know about. I waited anxiously each summer for that fateful night so I could see the sky light up and I can still see the American Flag at the end of the display. 4th of July always affirmed that we were American Patriotic and still FREE!
Re: Starland Theatre Friday 9-Jun-2000 22:57:45 Try entering Starland in the search block at the top of this page and you will probably get copies of a few Starland=related entries made here on the message board.
Re: Starland Theatre Saturday 10-Jun-2000 05:26:37 There's a picture of the entrance to Starland in the Movie Memories section.
Jerry Farris (WHS '57) Has The Starland Photo You're Seeking Saturday 10-Jun-2000 09:13:12 The great color photo of the Starland Drive-In entrance used on the Movie Memories page was scanned and submitted by Jerry Farris (WHS Class of '57). You might want to check with him via email. Just type in Farris in the new "search engine" above and you'll be able to find his email address.
Alumni Listings Friday 9-Jun-2000 18:21:23 I'm from the class of '56 and never quit trying to find missing classmates. I came across a web site called I found the new address of one of our classmates. There is one from 1955 being Edna Jackson. The listing right now only goes back to 1955 but you can sign in with any year. That just means that no one has registered from years before that. I hope this helps some of you in some way. Let me know if any of you are lucky.
Re: Alumni Listings Friday 9-Jun-2000 18:56:05 If you don't find the person you are looking for at WHS Links to Student Locators on the Internet for similar web sites. Happy hunting!
THE CRYING TREES Friday 9-Jun-2000 13:04:12 The Crying Trees is a poem I wrote about the cutting of the trees there in McDowell County. You can read it at
Rhea Did you ever get my page to open for you?
Jimmy You have fun at the Hatfield-McCoy reunion. My husband is from out west so had to take him on a tour of that area and also Matewan since he really liked that movie. We even climbed the mountain to go see the graveyard. Ouch! Do you think we should put Brady on the Missing Persons page? Later Dee
Re: THE CRYING TREES Monday 19-Jun-2000 11:14:25 The Hatfield-McCoy reunion was good. Of course I didn't find out everything about my ancestors that I wanted to know. The McCoys won the tug-of-war on Sunday. The McCoys were on the KY side of Tug Fork and the Hatfields were on the WV side. I wasn't there on Sunday but according to news reports the Hatfields were pulled into the Tug River. As hot as it was I don't know if they were the weaker team or the smarter team.
Re: Re: THE CRYING TREES Tuesday 20-Jun-2000 16:49:20 Don't tell me I am kin to you too!~
Re: Re: Re: THE CRYING TREES Wednesday 21-Jun-2000 08:19:23 I thought I liked you for some unexplainable reason. ;^)
Re: Re: Re: Re: THE CRYING TREES Saturday 24-Jun-2000 00:24:22 Where does Smith McCoy fit into your life Jim?
Smith McCoy Monday 26-Jun-2000 11:25:32 Smith was my dad's brother. My dad was John McCoy who had a used car lot (McCoy Motors). He moved the car lot from Roderfield to Welch near Welch Emergency Hospital. Smith's children were Walter and Phyllis Pennington who now live in Marion VA.
Jim McCoy
Re: Re: Re: THE CRYING TREES Thursday 22-Jun-2000 22:20:32 OK I won't tell you however do you remember Uncle.........heehee
Re: Re: THE CRYING TREES Thursday 22-Jun-2000 22:29:10 Jimmy Do you remember the Hatfields that lived there in Big Sandy? Wonder if they were part of that bunch.
Re: Re: Re: THE CRYING TREES Friday 23-Jun-2000 07:35:56 I remember that my sister Judy was friends with Sandy Hatfield. My great-great grandfather was Selkirk McCoy who lived in WV and was considered part of the Hatfield gang. He voted on the side of the Hatfields in the hog trial.
Jim McCoy
Re: Re: Re: Re: THE CRYING TREES Friday 23-Jun-2000 17:39:19 The hog started the whole feud didn't it? You need to do a message on the feud and see how many people fess up. I need to leave town again no rain since the weekend we're about 18 to 19 inches behind in rainfall never thought I'd be praying for a tropical depression.
Maroon Wave Assembly Hall III:
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